private void createModel() { EFactory factory = metamodelPackage.getEFactoryInstance(); netObject = factory.create(getNetClass()); place1Object = factory.create(getPlaceClass()); setName(place1Object, "place1"); setTokens(place1Object, 1); place2Object = factory.create(getPlaceClass()); setName(place2Object, "place2"); transitionObject = factory.create(getTransitionClass()); setIncoming(transitionObject, place1Object); setOutgoing(transitionObject, place2Object); EList<EObject> placesValue = new BasicEList<EObject>(); placesValue.add(place1Object); placesValue.add(place2Object); EReference placesReference = getPlacesReference(netObject.eClass()); netObject.eSet(placesReference, placesValue); EList<EObject> transitionsValue = new BasicEList<EObject>(); transitionsValue.add(transitionObject); EReference transitionsReference = getTransitionsReference(netObject.eClass()); netObject.eSet(transitionsReference, transitionsValue); }
private void createContainment( EObject eObject, EReference reference, JsonNode root, JsonNode node, Resource resource) { if (node.isArray()) { if (reference.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<EObject> values = (EList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(reference); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.getElements(); it.hasNext(); ) { JsonNode current =; EObject contained = createContainedObject(reference, root, current, resource); if (contained != null) values.add(contained); } } else if (node.getElements().hasNext()) { JsonNode current = node.getElements().next(); EObject contained = createContainedObject(reference, root, current, resource); if (contained != null) eObject.eSet(reference, contained); } } else { EObject contained = createContainedObject(reference, root, node, resource); if (reference.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<EObject> values = (EList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(reference); if (contained != null) values.add(contained); } else { if (contained != null) eObject.eSet(reference, contained); } } }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void setSourceRef( DataAssociation association, ItemAwareElement value, EObject container, EStructuralFeature containerFeature) { if (association.getSourceRef().size() == 0) { if (container != null) { if (containerFeature.isMany()) ((List) container.eGet(containerFeature)).add(value); else container.eSet(containerFeature, value); } if (value == null) association.getSourceRef().clear(); else association.getSourceRef().add(value); updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); } else { if (container != null) { if (containerFeature.isMany()) ((List) container.eGet(containerFeature)).add(value); else container.eSet(containerFeature, value); } updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); if (value == null) association.getSourceRef().clear(); else association.getSourceRef().set(0, value); updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); } if (association.getTargetRef() != null) { ItemAwareElement targetRef = association.getTargetRef(); if (value != null) targetRef.setItemSubjectRef(value.getItemSubjectRef()); else targetRef.setItemSubjectRef(null); updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private EObject createEntry(String key, JsonNode value) { EObject eObject = EcoreUtil.create(EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING_TO_STRING_MAP_ENTRY); eObject.eSet(EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING_TO_STRING_MAP_ENTRY__KEY, key); eObject.eSet(EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING_TO_STRING_MAP_ENTRY__VALUE, value.getValueAsText()); return eObject; }
/** Tests the >= operator. */ public void test_greaterThanOrEqual() { helper.setContext(thingType); try { // primitives assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 2")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 21")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 2.0")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "2 >= 21.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 2")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 21")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 2.0")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "2.0 >= 21.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "'b' >= 'a'")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "'b' >= 'b'")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "'a' >= 'b'")); // BigDecimal tests thing.eSet(ebdValue, new BigDecimal("1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 0.9")); thing.eSet(ebdValue, new BigDecimal("1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 0.9")); thing.eSet(ebdValue, new BigDecimal("1.1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1.0")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "bdValue >= 1.1")); // BigInteger tests thing.eSet(ebiValue, new BigInteger("1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "biValue >= 0.9")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "biValue >= 1")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "biValue >= 1.0")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Value> valuesList = (List<Value>) thing.eGet(evalues); valuesList.add(new Value("b")); valuesList.add(new Value("a")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "values->at(1) >= values->at(2)")); assertTrue(check(helper, thing, "values->at(1) >= values->at(1)")); assertFalse(check(helper, thing, "values->at(2) >= values->at(1)")); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Failed to parse or evaluate: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
/** * This basically calls a setter via EMF reflection to set a structural feature. * * <ul> * <li>If <code>value</code> is a {@link List} of elements, the feature <code>ref</code> must, * of course, also be a list. * <li>If <code>value</code> is a single element, then <code>ref</code> might have multiplicity * <code>1</code> or it might also be a list. In the latter case, <code>value</code> is * added to the list. * </ul> * * @param obj The object which holds the feature to set. * @param ref The feature which should be set. * @param value The value that should be set. * @return <code>true</code>, if the value could be set or <b>if it was already set</b>; <code> * false</code> otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean setStructuralFeature(EObject obj, EStructuralFeature ref, Object value) { if (!ref.isChangeable()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set a non-changeable reference: " + obj.eClass().getName() + "." + ref.getName()); } try { if (ref.isMany()) { final List<Object> list = (List<Object>) obj.eGet(ref); if (value instanceof List) { final List<Object> valueList = (List<Object>) value; for (final Object listValue : valueList) { if (!list.contains(listValue) && !list.add(listValue)) { return false; } } } else { if (!list.contains(value) && !list.add(value)) { return false; } } return true; } else { if (value instanceof List) { final List<Object> valueList = (List<Object>) value; if (valueList.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set a list of values to a non-many feature!"); } else if (valueList.size() == 1) { if (obj.eGet(ref) == null || !obj.eGet(ref).equals(valueList.get(0))) { obj.eSet(ref, valueList.get(0)); } } else { obj.eSet(ref, null); } } else { if (obj.eGet(ref) == null || !obj.eGet(ref).equals(value)) { obj.eSet(ref, value); } } return true; } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not set value (" + value + ") to: " + obj.eClass().getName() + "." + ref.getName() + " of object " + obj, e); } }
/** * @param copyObjs * @return 转换为粘贴对象 */ private Collection<Object> getPasteObjs(Collection<Object> copyObjs, EClass eclass) { List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature> map = new HashMap<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature>(); // 由第一个复制对象,找出复制对象和粘贴对象匹配的属性 Iterator<Object> it = copyObjs.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof EObject) { EObject copyObj = (EObject) obj; // 如果是同一个编辑器内进行粘贴,直接返回复制对象集合 if (copyObj.eClass().equals(eclass)) { return copyObjs; } // name一样,则表示属性匹配 for (EStructuralFeature copyFeature : copyObj.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (!exclude.contains(copyFeature)) { for (EStructuralFeature pasteFeature : eclass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (StringUtils.equals(copyFeature.getName(), pasteFeature.getName())) { map.put(copyFeature, pasteFeature); break; } } } } } } // 如果没有匹配的属性,则返回空集合 if (map.isEmpty()) { return objs; } for (Object obj : copyObjs) { EObject copyObj = (EObject) obj; EObject pasteObj = eclass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eclass); for (Entry<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature> entry : map.entrySet()) { EStructuralFeature copyFeature = entry.getKey(); EStructuralFeature pasteFeature = entry.getValue(); if (copyFeature instanceof EAttribute) { // 设置匹配属性值 pasteObj.eSet(pasteFeature, copyObj.eGet(copyFeature)); } else if (copyFeature instanceof EReference) { // 设置匹配子集 Collection<Object> tmp = (Collection<Object>) copyObj.eGet(copyFeature); if (tmp != null) { pasteObj.eSet( pasteFeature, getPasteObjs( EcoreUtil.copyAll(tmp), ((EReference) pasteFeature).getEReferenceType())); } } } objs.add(pasteObj); } return objs; }
public static void setSimplifiedNestedField( final EObject owner, final EReference firstLevelFeature, EAttribute simplifiedFeature, final Object newSimpleValue) { Object complexObject = owner.eGet(firstLevelFeature); if (complexObject == null) { complexObject = EcoreUtil.create((EClass) firstLevelFeature.getEType()); ((EObject) complexObject).eSet(simplifiedFeature, newSimpleValue); owner.eSet(firstLevelFeature, complexObject); } else { ((EObject) complexObject).eSet(simplifiedFeature, newSimpleValue); } }
protected EObject createInitialModel() { EClass eClass = ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getDocumentRoot(dsPackage); EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature("data"); EObject rootObject = dsFactory.create(eClass); rootObject.eSet(eStructuralFeature, EcoreUtil.create((EClass) eStructuralFeature.getEType())); return rootObject; }
public void testCustomRegular() throws CommitException { EObject obj = EcoreUtil.create(cls); obj.eSet(att, new CustomType(23, 42)); { CDOSession session = openSession(); session.getPackageRegistry().putEPackage(pkg); CDOTransaction tx = session.openTransaction(); CDOResource res = tx.createResource(getResourcePath("/test")); res.getContents().add(obj); tx.commit(); tx.close(); session.close(); } clearCache(getRepository().getRevisionManager()); { CDOSession session = openSession(); session.getPackageRegistry().putEPackage(pkg); CDOView v = session.openView(); CDOResource res = v.getResource(getResourcePath("/test")); EObject persistent = res.getContents().get(0); CustomType pCustom = (CustomType) persistent.eGet(att); assertEquals(23, pCustom.getA()); assertEquals(42, pCustom.getB()); v.close(); session.close(); } }
@Test public void getAddedAndRemoved() { final EObject obj00 = EcoreUtil.create(eClass0); final EObject obj1 = EcoreUtil.create(eClass1); final EObject obj01 = EcoreUtil.create(eClass0); final EObject obj02 = EcoreUtil.create(eClass0); final List<Notification> messages = new ArrayList<Notification>(); obj1.eAdapters() .add( new AdapterImpl() { @Override public void notifyChanged(Notification msg) { messages.add(msg); } }); // Add obj1.eSet(multiRef, Arrays.asList(new EObject[] {obj00, obj01})); EMFUtils.setOrAdd(obj1, multiRef, obj02); // Remove final List list = (List) obj1.eGet(multiRef); list.remove(obj00); list.removeAll(Arrays.asList(new EObject[] {obj01, obj02})); final List<EObject> addedObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>(); final List<EObject> removedObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>(); for (Notification msg : messages) { addedObjects.addAll(EMFUtils.getAddedObjects(msg, obj00.getClass())); removedObjects.addAll(EMFUtils.getRemovedObjects(msg, obj00.getClass())); } assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new EObject[] {obj00, obj01, obj02}), addedObjects); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new EObject[] {obj00, obj01, obj02}), removedObjects); }
/** * @see * org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.AbstractTransactionalCommand#doExecuteWithResult(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor, * org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable) * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @return * @throws ExecutionException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor arg0, IAdaptable arg1) throws ExecutionException { Object createdElement = elementAdapter.getAdapter(EObject.class); if (createdElement instanceof EObject) { EObject eObjectCreatedElement = (EObject) createdElement; for (IGraphicalEditPart parent : graphicalParent) { EObject eObjectSourceReference = parent.resolveSemanticElement(); AbstractContainerNodeDescriptor desc = GroupContainmentRegistry.getContainerDescriptor(parent); List<EReference> refs = desc.getReferenceFor(eObjectCreatedElement.eClass()); for (EReference ref : refs) { if (ref != null && ref.isMany()) { Collection<EObject> collection = (Collection<EObject>) eObjectSourceReference.eGet(ref); if (!collection.contains(eObjectCreatedElement)) { collection.add(eObjectCreatedElement); } } else if (ref != null && !ref.isMany()) { eObjectSourceReference.eSet(ref, eObjectCreatedElement); } } } } return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(); }
@Lock(LockType.WRITE) public void put(String id, EObject value) { if (store.get(id) == null) { EObject obj = getEObjectByID(id); store.put(id, obj); } EObject obj = store.get(id); EList<EAttribute> eAttributes = obj.eClass().getEAllAttributes(); for (EAttribute eAttribute : eAttributes) { obj.eSet(eAttribute, value.eGet(eAttribute)); store.remove(id); } if (validation.getFlag()) { Diagnostic d = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.validate(obj); if (d.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) throw new WebApplicationException(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } try { resourceLoader.getResource().save(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void updateAttrs( EClass eClass, EObject eParentObj, EObject eObj, EObject eRef, EObject eDef) { List<EAttribute> listMany = new LinkedList<EAttribute>(); List<EAttribute> list = new LinkedList<EAttribute>(); for (EAttribute eAttr : eClass.getEAllAttributes()) { if (eAttr.isMany()) { listMany.add(eAttr); } else { list.add(eAttr); } } for (EAttribute eAttr : listMany) { List<?> vList = (List<?>) eObj.eGet(eAttr); if (vList.size() == 0) { if (eRef != null && ((List<?>) eRef.eGet(eAttr)).size() > 0) { vList.addAll((List) eRef.eGet(eAttr)); } else if (eDef != null) { vList.addAll((List) eDef.eGet(eAttr)); } } } for (EAttribute eAttr : list) { Object val = eObj.eGet(eAttr); if (eAttr.isUnsettable()) { if (!eObj.eIsSet(eAttr)) { if (eRef != null && eRef.eIsSet(eAttr)) { eObj.eSet(eAttr, eRef.eGet(eAttr)); } else if (eDef != null && eDef.eIsSet(eAttr)) { eObj.eSet(eAttr, eDef.eGet(eAttr)); } } } else if (val == null) { if (eRef != null && eRef.eGet(eAttr) != null) { eObj.eSet(eAttr, eRef.eGet(eAttr)); } else if (eDef != null) { eObj.eSet(eAttr, eDef.eGet(eAttr)); } } } }
public void doIt(EObject obj) { EObject referringInstance = (instance instanceof DynamicObject && ((DynamicObject) instance).hasStaticInstance()) ? ((DynamicObject) instance).getStaticInstance() : instance; referringInstance.eSet(feature, obj); // System.out.println(" R: " + feature.getName()); }
public static void eSetOrAdd( EObject obj, EStructuralFeature feature, Object value, int newIndex) { if (feature.isMany() && value != null) { List featureList = ((List) obj.eGet(feature)); if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < featureList.size()) featureList.add(newIndex, value); else featureList.add(value); } else { obj.eSet(feature, value); } }
@Override public void load() { Object value = getElementText(node); if (feature instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute ea = (EAttribute) feature; value = EcoreUtil.createFromString(ea.getEAttributeType(), value.toString()); } modelObject.eSet(feature, value); }
public EObject GetObjectRoot(EObject param_obj) { EObject result = dslComponentFactoryImpl.eINSTANCE.create(param_obj.eClass()); EList<EAttribute> result_attr = result.eClass().getEAllAttributes(); for (EAttribute eAttribute : result_attr) { result.eSet(eAttribute, param_obj.eGet(eAttribute)); } return result; }
/** * Converts the value of an EReference with isMany==false, the value is converted to an EObject * and set in the correct feature in the eObject. * * @param modelObject the modelObject from which the value is retrieved. * @param eObject the eObject in which the value is set (after it has been converted) * @param eReference the eReference which is converted */ protected void convertSingleEReference( final ModelObject<?> modelObject, final EObject eObject, final EReference eReference) { // containment/container features are always set from the // containment side if (eReference.isContainer()) { return; } if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) { return; } final Object value = modelObject.eGet(eReference); if (value == null) { eObject.eSet(eReference, null); } else { final InternalEObject eValue = (InternalEObject) createTarget(value); eObject.eSet(eReference, eValue); } }
public static void replaceInContainer(final EObject search, final EObject replacement) { EObject container = search.eContainer(); EStructuralFeature f = search.eContainingFeature(); if (f.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<? super EObject> l = (EList<? super EObject>) container.eGet(f); l.set(l.indexOf(search), replacement); } else { container.eSet(f, replacement); } }
private void createProxyReference( EObject eObject, JsonNode root, JsonNode node, EReference reference, Resource resource) { EObject proxy = getOrCreateProxyReference(reference, root, node, resource); if (proxy != null && reference.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<EObject> values = (EList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(reference); values.add(proxy); } else if (proxy != null) { eObject.eSet(reference, proxy); } }
/** * Detach object from its container so that a child-stealing detection is avoided when attaching * to a new container. */ public static void resetContainer(@NonNull EObject eObject) { EStructuralFeature eContainingFeature = eObject.eContainingFeature(); if (eContainingFeature != null) { EObject eContainer = eObject.eContainer(); if (eContainer != null) { if (!eContainingFeature.isMany()) { eContainer.eSet(eContainingFeature, null); } else { Object objects = eContainer.eGet(eContainingFeature); if (objects instanceof List<?>) { ((List<?>) objects).remove(eObject); } } } } }
public void test_enumerationLiteralEquality_137546() { EObject ctx = fruitEFactory.create((EClass) fruitEPackage.getEClassifier(apple.getName())); helper.setContext(apple); EEnum ecolor = (EEnum) fruitEPackage.getEClassifier(color.getName()); ctx.eSet( ctx.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(fruit_color.getName()), ecolor.getEEnumLiteral(color_green.getName())); try { assertTrue(check(helper, ctx, "ocltest::Color::green = self.color")); assertTrue(check(helper, ctx, "self.color = ocltest::Color::green")); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Failed to parse or evaluate: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
/** * If the parameter is an EEnum, it is set to the first available literal which equalsIgnoreCase * matches newValue * * @param element * @param parameterName * @param newValue * @return The value the parameter was set to, in its proper case. * @throws UndefinedParameterException */ public static String setParameterStringCaseInsensitive( EPlanElement element, String parameterName, String newValue) throws UndefinedParameterException { EObject data = element.getData(); EStructuralFeature feature = getParameterFeature(data, parameterName); EClassifier type = feature.getEType(); if (type instanceof EEnum) { EEnum enumType = (EEnum) type; EEnumLiteral literalValue = getCaseInsensitiveValue(enumType, newValue); data.eSet(feature, literalValue); return literalValue == null ? null : literalValue.getLiteral(); } else { setParameterString(element, parameterName, newValue); return newValue; } }
private void createMapEntry(EObject container, EReference reference, JsonNode node) { if (reference.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<EObject> values = (EList<EObject>) container.eGet(reference); for (Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = node.getFields(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry<String, JsonNode> element =; values.add(createEntry(element.getKey(), element.getValue())); } } else { if (node.getFields().hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> element = node.getFields().next(); container.eSet(reference, createEntry(element.getKey(), element.getValue())); } } }
/** * Clones an eobject, with the option of performing a deep clone in which referenced eobjects are * also cloned. * * @param prototype The object to be cloned from. * @param factory The factory used to create the clone. * @param deepÊFlag indicating wether to perform a deep clone. * @return THe cloned object, with all properties the same to the original. */ public static EObject clone(EObject prototype, EFactory factory, boolean deep) { EObject clone = factory.create(prototype.eClass()); for (Iterator i = clone.eClass().getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature); Object value = prototype.eGet(feature); if (deep && value instanceof EObject) { EObject evalue = (EObject) value; // recursively call // TODO:handle cycles in reference graph value = clone(evalue, evalue.eClass().getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance(), deep); } clone.eSet(feature, value); } return clone; }
/** * Called to handle the copying of a cross reference; this adds values or sets a single value as * appropriate for the multiplicity while <b>NOT</b> omitting any bidirectional reference that * isn't in the copy map. * * @param eReference the reference to copy. * @param eObject the object from which to copy. * @param copyEObject the object to copy to. */ @Override protected void copyReference( final EReference eReference, final EObject eObject, final EObject copyEObject) { if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) { if (!eReference.isMany()) { Object referencedEObject = eObject.eGet(eReference, resolveProxies); if (referencedEObject != null) { Object copyReferencedEObject = get(referencedEObject); if (copyReferencedEObject == null) { if (useOriginalReferences) { // && eReference.getEOpposite() == null) copyEObject.eSet(getTarget(eReference), referencedEObject); } } } } } super.copyReference(eReference, eObject, copyEObject); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void setTargetRef( DataAssociation association, ItemAwareElement value, EObject container, EStructuralFeature containerFeature) { if (container != null) { if (containerFeature.isMany()) ((List) container.eGet(containerFeature)).add(value); else container.eSet(containerFeature, value); } updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); association.setTargetRef(value); if (!association.getSourceRef().isEmpty()) { ItemAwareElement sourceRef = association.getSourceRef().get(0); if (value != null) sourceRef.setItemSubjectRef(value.getItemSubjectRef()); else sourceRef.setItemSubjectRef(null); } updateConnectionIfNeeded(association, value); }
/** @return an new object which is instance of <code>factoryChildClass</code>. */ public EObject createFactoryChildObject() { String superType = ModelUtil.getSuperType(factoryChildClass); IProject project = (IProject) this.getPage().getEditor().getAdapter(IProject.class); String result = DialogUtil.openClassDialog( getSection().getShell(), project, superType, IJavaElementSearchConstants.CONSIDER_ALL_TYPES); if (result != null) { EObject component = FacesConfigFactory.eINSTANCE.create(factoryChildClass); // set the text content value. EStructuralFeature feature = factoryChildClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0); component.eSet(feature, result); return component; } return null; }
/** Tests the basic name accesses */ @Test public void test_container_navigation() throws InvocationTargetException { TestOCL ocl = createOCL(); initFruitPackage(ocl); MetamodelManagerInternal metamodelManager = ocl.getMetamodelManager(); IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver(); metamodelManager.addGlobalNamespace("fruit", fruitPackage); // // Simple model: aTree contains redApple // EObject redApple = fruitEFactory.create(apple); redApple.eSet(fruit_color, color_red); // EObject greenApple = fruitEFactory.create(apple); // greenApple.eSet(fruit_color, color_green); EObject aTree = fruitEFactory.create(tree); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> treeFruits = (List<Object>) aTree.eGet(tree_fruits); treeFruits.add(redApple); // Type pivotTree = metamodelManager.getASOfEcore(Type.class, tree); // ocl.assertQueryEquals(redApple, color_red, "let aFruit : fruit::Fruit = self in aFruit.color"); ocl.assertQueryEquals( aTree, idResolver.createOrderedSetOfEach(null, redApple), "let aTree : fruit::Tree = self in aTree.fruits"); ocl.assertQueryEquals(aTree, idResolver.createOrderedSetOfEach(null, redApple), "self.fruits"); ocl.assertQueryEquals(aTree, idResolver.createOrderedSetOfEach(null, redApple), "fruits"); ocl.assertQueryEquals(redApple, aTree, "self.oclContainer()"); ocl.assertQueryEquals(redApple, aTree, "self.Tree"); // // type/property ambiguity is resolved to type. // ocl.assertQueryEquals(redApple, pivotTree, "Tree"); // // type/property ambiguity is resolved to type. // ocl.assertQueryInvalid(redApple, "self.oclAsType(Tree)"); // ocl.assertQueryEquals(aTree, ValuesUtil.createOrderedSetValue(null, redApple), // "self.oclAsType(Tree).fruits"); ocl.dispose(); }