Пример #1
   * Attempts to resolve the function using the parameters of a function call.
   * @param args the arguments of a function call
   * @param point the name lookup context
   * @return the resolved or the original evaluation depending on whether function resolution
   *     succeeded or not
  public ICPPEvaluation resolveFunction(ICPPEvaluation[] args, IASTNode point) {
    // Set up the LookupData.
    LookupData data;
    ICPPFunction[] functions = null;
    if (fFunctionSet == null) {
      data = new LookupData(fName, null, point);
    } else {
      functions = fFunctionSet.getBindings();
      data =
          new LookupData(
              functions[0].getNameCharArray(), fFunctionSet.getTemplateArguments(), point);
      data.foundItems = functions;
    data.setFunctionArguments(false, args);
    if (fImpliedObjectType != null) data.setImpliedObjectType(fImpliedObjectType);

    try {
      // Perform ADL if appropriate.
      if (!fQualified
          && fImpliedObjectType == null
          && !data.hasTypeOrMemberFunctionOrVariableResult()) {

        Object[] foundItems = (Object[]) data.foundItems;
        if (foundItems != null && (functions == null || foundItems.length > functions.length)) {
          // ADL found additional functions.
          int start = functions == null ? 0 : functions.length;
          for (int i = start; i < foundItems.length; i++) {
            Object obj = foundItems[i];
            if (obj instanceof ICPPFunction) {
              functions = ArrayUtil.append(ICPPFunction.class, functions, (ICPPFunction) obj);
            } else if (obj instanceof ICPPClassType) {
              functions =
                      ClassTypeHelper.getConstructors((ICPPClassType) obj, point));

          // doKoenigLookup() may introduce duplicates into the result. These must be
          // eliminated to avoid resolveFunction() reporting an ambiguity. (Normally, when
          // lookup() and doKoenigLookup() are called on the same LookupData object, the
          // two functions coordinate using data stored in that object to eliminate
          // duplicates, but in this case lookup() was called before with a different
          // LookupData object and now we are only calling doKoenigLookup()).
          functions = ArrayUtil.removeDuplicates(functions);

      // Perform template instantiation and overload resolution.
      IBinding binding = CPPSemantics.resolveFunction(data, functions, true);
      if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction && !(binding instanceof ICPPUnknownBinding))
        return new EvalBinding(binding, null, getTemplateDefinition());
    } catch (DOMException e) {
    return this;
Пример #2
 /** Returns definitions of bindings referenced by implicit name at the given location. */
 private IName[] findImplicitTargets(
     IASTTranslationUnit ast, IASTNodeSelector nodeSelector, int offset, int length)
     throws CoreException {
   IName[] definitions = IName.EMPTY_ARRAY;
   IASTName firstName = nodeSelector.findEnclosingImplicitName(offset, length);
   if (firstName != null) {
     IASTImplicitNameOwner owner = (IASTImplicitNameOwner) firstName.getParent();
     for (IASTImplicitName name : owner.getImplicitNames()) {
       if (((ASTNode) name).getOffset() == ((ASTNode) firstName).getOffset()) {
         IBinding binding = name.resolveBinding(); // Guaranteed to resolve.
         IName[] declNames = findDeclNames(ast, NameKind.REFERENCE, binding);
         definitions = ArrayUtil.addAll(definitions, declNames);
   return ArrayUtil.trim(definitions);
Пример #3
  public IStatus runOnAST(ILanguage lang, IASTTranslationUnit ast) throws CoreException {
    if (ast == null) {
      return Status.OK_STATUS;
    int selectionStart = fTextSelection.getOffset();
    int selectionLength = fTextSelection.getLength();

    final IASTNodeSelector nodeSelector = ast.getNodeSelector(null);

    IASTName sourceName = nodeSelector.findEnclosingName(selectionStart, selectionLength);
    IName[] implicitTargets =
        findImplicitTargets(ast, nodeSelector, selectionStart, selectionLength);
    if (sourceName == null) {
      if (implicitTargets.length > 0) {
        if (navigateViaCElements(fTranslationUnit.getCProject(), fIndex, implicitTargets))
          return Status.OK_STATUS;
    } else {
      boolean found = false;
      final IASTNode parent = sourceName.getParent();
      if (parent instanceof IASTPreprocessorIncludeStatement) {
        openInclude(((IASTPreprocessorIncludeStatement) parent));
        return Status.OK_STATUS;
      NameKind kind = getNameKind(sourceName);
      IBinding b = sourceName.resolveBinding();
      IBinding[] bindings = new IBinding[] {b};
      if (b instanceof IProblemBinding) {
        IBinding[] candidateBindings = ((IProblemBinding) b).getCandidateBindings();
        if (candidateBindings.length != 0) {
          bindings = candidateBindings;
      } else if (kind == NameKind.DEFINITION && b instanceof IType) {
        // Don't navigate away from a type definition.
        // Select the name at the current location instead.
        return Status.OK_STATUS;
      IName[] targets = IName.EMPTY_ARRAY;
      String filename = ast.getFilePath();
      for (IBinding binding : bindings) {
        if (binding != null && !(binding instanceof IProblemBinding)) {
          IName[] names = findDeclNames(ast, kind, binding);
          for (final IName name : names) {
            if (name != null) {
              if (name instanceof IIndexName
                  && filename.equals(((IIndexName) name).getFileLocation().getFileName())) {
                // Exclude index names from the current file.
              } else if (areOverlappingNames(name, sourceName)) {
                // Exclude the current location.
              } else if (binding instanceof IParameter) {
                if (isInSameFunction(sourceName, name)) {
                  targets = ArrayUtil.append(targets, name);
              } else if (binding instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) {
                if (isInSameTemplate(sourceName, name)) {
                  targets = ArrayUtil.append(targets, name);
              } else {
                targets = ArrayUtil.append(targets, name);
      targets = ArrayUtil.trim(ArrayUtil.addAll(targets, implicitTargets));
      if (navigateViaCElements(fTranslationUnit.getCProject(), fIndex, targets)) {
        found = true;
      } else {
        // Leave old method as fallback for local variables, parameters and
        // everything else not covered by ICElementHandle.
        found = navigateOneLocation(targets);
      if (!found && !navigationFallBack(ast, sourceName, kind)) {
        fAction.reportSymbolLookupFailure(new String(sourceName.toCharArray()));
      return Status.OK_STATUS;

    // No enclosing name, check if we're in an include statement
    IASTNode node = nodeSelector.findEnclosingNode(selectionStart, selectionLength);
    if (node instanceof IASTPreprocessorIncludeStatement) {
      openInclude((IASTPreprocessorIncludeStatement) node);
      return Status.OK_STATUS;
    } else if (node instanceof IASTPreprocessorFunctionStyleMacroDefinition) {
      IASTPreprocessorFunctionStyleMacroDefinition mdef =
          (IASTPreprocessorFunctionStyleMacroDefinition) node;
      for (IASTFunctionStyleMacroParameter par : mdef.getParameters()) {
        String parName = par.getParameter();
        if (parName.equals(fSelectedText)) {
          if (navigateToLocation(par.getFileLocation())) {
            return Status.OK_STATUS;
    if (!navigationFallBack(ast, null, NameKind.REFERENCE)) {
    return Status.OK_STATUS;
  public void draw(Composite composite) {
    // create the desired layout for this wizard page
    ICConfigurationDescription confdesc = getConfdesc();
    GridLayout theGridLayout = new GridLayout();
    theGridLayout.numColumns = this.ncol;

    GridData theGriddata;
    this.mAllBoardsFileNames = Helpers.getBoardsFiles();
    if (this.mAllBoardsFileNames == null) {
          new Status(
              "ArduinoHelpers.getBoardsFiles() returns null.\nThis should not happen.\nIt looks like the download of the boards failed.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    this.mAllBoardsFiles = new Boards[this.mAllBoardsFileNames.length];
    for (int currentBoardFile = 0;
        currentBoardFile < this.mAllBoardsFileNames.length;
        currentBoardFile++) {
      this.mAllBoardsFiles[currentBoardFile] =
          new Boards(new File(this.mAllBoardsFileNames[currentBoardFile]));

    switch (this.mAllBoardsFileNames.length) {
      case 0:
            new Status(
                IStatus.ERROR, Const.CORE_PLUGIN_ID, Messages.error_no_platform_files_found, null));
      case 1:
          // create a combo to select the boards
          createLabel(composite, this.ncol, "The boards.txt file you want to use"); // $NON-NLS-1$
          new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("Boards.txt file:"); // $NON-NLS-1$

    this.mControlBoardsTxtFile = new Combo(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
    theGriddata = new GridData();
    theGriddata.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
    theGriddata.horizontalSpan = (this.ncol - 1);

    createLine(composite, this.ncol);
    // -------

    // ------
    createLabel(composite, this.ncol, "Your Arduino board specifications"); // $NON-NLS-1$
    new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("Board:"); // $NON-NLS-1$
    this.mcontrolBoardName = new Combo(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
    theGriddata = new GridData();
    theGriddata.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
    theGriddata.horizontalSpan = (this.ncol - 1);

    // ----
    this.mControlUploadPort =
        new LabelCombo(
            composite, Messages.ui_port, this.ncol - 1, Const.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_COM_PORT, false);

        ArrayUtil.addAll(Activator.bonjourDiscovery.getList(), Common.listComPorts()));

    createLine(composite, this.ncol);

    String[] menuNames = new String[30];
    for (int curBoardsFile = 0; curBoardsFile < this.mAllBoardsFiles.length; curBoardsFile++) {
      ArrayUtil.addAll(menuNames, this.mAllBoardsFiles[curBoardsFile].getMenuNames());
    menuNames = ArrayUtil.removeDuplicates(menuNames);
    this.mBoardOptionCombos = new LabelCombo[menuNames.length];
    for (int currentOption = 0; currentOption < menuNames.length; currentOption++) {
      String menuName = menuNames[currentOption];
      this.mBoardOptionCombos[currentOption] =
          new LabelCombo(
              composite, menuName, this.ncol - 1, Const.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_START + menuName, true);

    // Create the control to alert parents of changes
    this.mFeedbackControl = new Text(composite, SWT.None);
    theGriddata = new GridData();
    theGriddata.horizontalSpan = 0;
    // End of special controls


    // enable the listeners
    childFieldListener controlUploadPortlistener = new childFieldListener();

    this.mcontrolBoardName.addListener(SWT.Modify, this.BoardModifyListener);
    this.mControlBoardsTxtFile.addListener(SWT.Modify, this.boardFileModifyListener);

    for (LabelCombo curLabelCombo : this.mBoardOptionCombos) {
      childFieldListener comboboxModifyListener = new childFieldListener();
