Пример #1
   * Claim-tasks action.
   * @param redirector unused.
   * @param resolver unused.
   * @param objectModel Cocoon's object model.
   * @param source unused.
   * @param parameters unused.
   * @return null.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception passed through.
  public Map act(
      Redirector redirector,
      SourceResolver resolver,
      Map objectModel,
      String source,
      Parameters parameters)
      throws Exception {
    Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);

    // Or the user selected a checkbox full of workflow IDs
    String[] workflowIDs = request.getParameterValues("workflowID");
    if (workflowIDs != null) {
      for (String workflowID : workflowIDs) {
        BasicWorkflowItem workflowItem =
            basicWorkflowItemService.find(context, Integer.valueOf(workflowID));

        int state = workflowItem.getState();
        // Only unclaim tasks that are already claimed.
        if (state == BasicWorkflowServiceImpl.WFSTATE_STEP1POOL
            || state == BasicWorkflowServiceImpl.WFSTATE_STEP2POOL
            || state == BasicWorkflowServiceImpl.WFSTATE_STEP3POOL) {
          basicWorkflowService.claim(context, workflowItem, context.getCurrentUser());

    return null;
Пример #2
   * Obtains the submission info for the current submission process. If a submissionInfo object has
   * already been created for this HTTP request, it is re-used, otherwise it is created.
   * @param objectModel the cocoon Objectmodel
   * @param workspaceID the workspaceID of the submission info to obtain
   * @return a SubmissionInfo object
  public static SubmissionInfo obtainSubmissionInfo(Map objectModel, String workspaceID)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);

    // try loading subInfo from HTTP request
    SubmissionInfo subInfo = (SubmissionInfo) request.getAttribute(DSPACE_SUBMISSION_INFO);

    // get the submission represented by the WorkspaceID
    InProgressSubmission submission = findSubmission(context, workspaceID);

    // if no submission info, or wrong submission info, reload it!
    if ((subInfo == null && submission != null)
        || (subInfo != null
            && submission != null
            && subInfo.getSubmissionItem().getID() != submission.getID())) {
      try {
        final HttpServletRequest httpRequest =
            (HttpServletRequest) objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTTP_REQUEST_OBJECT);

        // load submission info
        subInfo = SubmissionInfo.load(httpRequest, submission);

        // Set the session ID
        context.setExtraLogInfo("session_id=" + request.getSession().getId());

        // Store the submissionInfo in the request
        request.setAttribute(DSPACE_SUBMISSION_INFO, subInfo);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SQLException("Error loading Submission Info: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } else if (subInfo == null && submission == null) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "Unable to load Submission Information, since WorkspaceID (ID:"
              + workspaceID
              + ") is not a valid in-process submission.");

    return subInfo;
Пример #3
   * Query DSpace for a list of all items / collections / or communities that match the given search
   * query.
  protected void performSearch() throws SQLException, IOException, UIException {
    if (queryResults != null) {

    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);
    String query = getQuery();
    DSpaceObject scope = getScope();
    int page = getParameterPage();

    queryArgs = new QueryArgs();
    try {
    } catch (SortException se) {


    if (page > 1) {
      queryArgs.setStart((Integer.valueOf(page) - 1) * queryArgs.getPageSize());
    } else {

    QueryResults qResults = null;
    if (scope instanceof Community) {
      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, queryArgs, (Community) scope);
    } else if (scope instanceof Collection) {
      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, queryArgs, (Collection) scope);
    } else {
      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, queryArgs);

    this.queryResults = qResults;
   * Get the results of the browse. If the results haven't been generated yet, then this will
   * perform the browse.
   * @return
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws UIException
  private BrowseInfo getBrowseInfo() throws SQLException, UIException {
    if (this.browseInfo != null) return this.browseInfo;

    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);

    // Get the parameters we will use for the browse
    // (this includes a browse scope)
    BrowseParams params = getUserParams();

    try {
      // Create a new browse engine, and perform the browse
      BrowseEngine be = new BrowseEngine(context);
      this.browseInfo = be.browse(params.scope);

      // figure out the setting for author list truncation
      if (params.etAl < 0) {
        // there is no limit, or the UI says to use the default
        int etAl = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("webui.browse.author-limit");
        if (etAl != 0) {

      } else if (params.etAl == 0) // 0 is the user setting for unlimited
        this.browseInfo.setEtAl(-1); // but -1 is the application
        // setting for unlimited
      } else
      // if the user has set a limit
    } catch (BrowseException bex) {
      throw new UIException("Unable to process browse", bex);

    return this.browseInfo;
  public Map act(
      Redirector redirector,
      SourceResolver resolver,
      Map objectModel,
      String source,
      Parameters parameters)
      throws Exception {
    Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);

    String requesterName = request.getParameter("requesterName");
    String requesterEmail = request.getParameter("requesterEmail");
    String allFiles = request.getParameter("allFiles");
    String message = request.getParameter("message");
    String bitstreamId = request.getParameter("bitstreamId");

    // User email from context
    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);
    EPerson loggedin = context.getCurrentUser();
    String eperson = null;
    if (loggedin != null) {
      eperson = loggedin.getEmail();

    // Check all data is there
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requesterName)
        || StringUtils.isEmpty(requesterEmail)
        || StringUtils.isEmpty(allFiles)
        || StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) {
      // Either the user did not fill out the form or this is the
      // first time they are visiting the page.
      Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
      map.put("bitstreamId", bitstreamId);

      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requesterEmail)) {
        map.put("requesterEmail", eperson);
      } else {
        map.put("requesterEmail", requesterEmail);
      map.put("requesterName", requesterName);
      map.put("allFiles", allFiles);
      map.put("message", message);
      return map;
    DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel);
    if (!(dso instanceof Item)) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid DspaceObject at ItemRequest.");

    Item item = (Item) dso;
    String title = "";
    Metadatum[] titleDC = item.getDC("title", null, Item.ANY);
    if (titleDC == null || titleDC.length == 0) {
      titleDC = item.getDC("title", Item.ANY, Item.ANY); // dc.title with qualifier term
    if (titleDC != null && titleDC.length > 0) {
      title = titleDC[0].value;

    RequestItemAuthor requestItemAuthor =
        new DSpace()
                RequestItemAuthorExtractor.class.getName(), RequestItemAuthorExtractor.class)
            .getRequestItemAuthor(context, item);

    RequestItem requestItem =
        new RequestItem(

    // All data is there, send the email
    Email email =
            I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(context.getCurrentLocale(), "request_item.author"));

            ? I18nUtil.getMessage("itemRequest.all")
            : Bitstream.find(context, Integer.parseInt(bitstreamId)).getName());
    email.addArgument(title); // request item title
    email.addArgument(message); // message
    email.addArgument(getLinkTokenEmail(context, requestItem));
    email.addArgument(requestItemAuthor.getFullName()); //   corresponding author name
    email.addArgument(requestItemAuthor.getEmail()); //   corresponding author email


    // Finished, allow to pass.
    return null;
   * Get the query parameters supplied to the browse.
   * @return
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws UIException
  private BrowseParams getUserParams() throws SQLException, UIException {
    if (this.userParams != null) return this.userParams;

    Context context = ContextUtil.obtainContext(objectModel);
    Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);

    BrowseParams params = new BrowseParams();

    params.month = request.getParameter(BrowseParams.MONTH);
    params.year = request.getParameter(BrowseParams.YEAR);
    params.etAl = RequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, BrowseParams.ETAL);

    params.scope = new BrowserScope(context);

    // Are we in a community or collection?
    DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel);
    if (dso instanceof Community) params.scope.setCommunity((Community) dso);
    if (dso instanceof Collection) params.scope.setCollection((Collection) dso);

    try {
      String type = request.getParameter(BrowseParams.TYPE);
      int sortBy = RequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, BrowseParams.SORT_BY);

      BrowseIndex bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(type);
      if (bi == null) {
        throw new BrowseException("There is no browse index of the type: " + type);

      // If we don't have a sort column
      if (sortBy == -1) {
        // Get the default one
        SortOption so = bi.getSortOption();
        if (so != null) {
          sortBy = so.getNumber();
      } else if (bi.isItemIndex() && !bi.isInternalIndex()) {
        // If a default sort option is specified by the index, but it isn't
        // the same as sort option requested, attempt to find an index that
        // is configured to use that sort by default
        // This is so that we can then highlight the correct option in the navigation
        SortOption bso = bi.getSortOption();
        SortOption so = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy);
        if (bso != null && bso != so) {
          BrowseIndex newBi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(so);
          if (newBi != null) {
            bi = newBi;
            type = bi.getName();


      params.scope.setJumpToItem(RequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, BrowseParams.JUMPTO_ITEM));
          RequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, BrowseParams.RESULTS_PER_PAGE));

      // Filtering to a value implies this is a second level browse
      if (params.scope.getFilterValue() != null) params.scope.setBrowseLevel(1);

      // if year and perhaps month have been selected, we translate these
      // into "startsWith"
      // if startsWith has already been defined then it is overwritten
      if (params.year != null && !"".equals(params.year) && !"-1".equals(params.year)) {
        String startsWith = params.year;
        if ((params.month != null) && !"-1".equals(params.month) && !"".equals(params.month)) {
          // subtract 1 from the month, so the match works
          // appropriately
          if ("ASC".equals(params.scope.getOrder())) {
            params.month = Integer.toString((Integer.parseInt(params.month) - 1));

          // They've selected a month as well
          if (params.month.length() == 1) {
            // Ensure double-digit month number
            params.month = "0" + params.month;

          startsWith = params.year + "-" + params.month;

    } catch (BrowseException bex) {
      throw new UIException("Unable to create browse parameters", bex);

    this.userParams = params;
    return params;