@Override public ISORecord inspect(ISORecord record, Connection conn, SQLDialect dialect) throws MetadataInspectorException { ISORecord result = record; try { // create temporary sink for normalized XML ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLStreamWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(bos); writer = new NamespaceNormalizingXMLStreamWriter(writer, nsBindings); // create normalized copy XMLStreamReader reader = record.getAsXMLStream(); XMLAdapter.writeElement(writer, reader); reader.close(); writer.close(); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); XMLStreamReader xmlStream = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(is); result = new ISORecord(xmlStream); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error( "Namespace normalization failed. Proceeding with unnormalized record. Error: " + t.getMessage()); } return result; }
/** * makes a {@link Document} out of a {@link XMLStreamReader} * * @param xmlStreamReader the xmlStreamRader to convert * @return the xmlStreamRader as {@link Document} * @throws FactoryConfigurationError * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException */ public static Document getAsDocument(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader) throws XMLStreamException, FactoryConfigurationError, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { StreamBufferStore store = new StreamBufferStore(); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = null; try { xmlWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(store); xmlWriter.writeStartDocument(); XMLAdapter.writeElement(xmlWriter, xmlStreamReader); } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { try { xmlWriter.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { LOG.error("Unable to close xmlwriter."); } } } store.flush(); DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); parser.parse(new InputSource(store.getInputStream())); Document doc = parser.getDocument(); store.close(); return doc; }
void parse(String layerName, XMLAdapter adapter, List<SLDStyleType> styles) { File stylesDir = new File(workspace.getLocation(), "styles"); for (SLDStyleType sty : styles) { try { File file = new File(adapter.resolve(sty.getFile()).toURI()); String namedLayer = sty.getNamedLayer(); LOG.debug("Will read styles from SLD '{}', for named layer '{}'.", file, namedLayer); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Pair<File, URL>> legends = new HashMap<String, Pair<File, URL>>(); Map<String, Boolean> glgUrls = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); extractFromSld(sty, adapter, stylesDir, layerName, legends, glgUrls, map); if (file.getParentFile().equals(stylesDir)) { handleSldFromStyleStore(file, namedLayer, map, layerName, legends, glgUrls); } handleExternalSld(file, namedLayer, layerName, map, legends, glgUrls); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.trace("Stack trace", e); LOG.info( "Style file '{}' for layer '{}' could not be parsed: '{}'.", new Object[] {sty.getFile(), layerName, e.getLocalizedMessage()}); } } }
private void extractFromSld( SLDStyleType sty, XMLAdapter adapter, File stylesDir, String layerName, Map<String, Pair<File, URL>> legends, Map<String, Boolean> glgUrls, Map<String, String> map) throws Throwable { String name = null, lastName = null; for (JAXBElement<?> elem : sty.getNameAndUserStyleAndLegendConfigurationFile()) { if (elem.getName().getLocalPart().equals("Name")) { name = elem.getValue().toString(); } else if (elem.getName().getLocalPart().equals("LegendConfigurationFile")) { File legendFile = new File(adapter.resolve(elem.getValue().toString()).toURI()); Style style = findStyle(legendFile, stylesDir, layerName); if (style != null) { if (name != null) { style.setName(name); } registry.putLegend(layerName, style, false); } } else if (elem.getName().getLocalPart().equals("LegendGraphicFile")) { LegendGraphicFile lgf = (LegendGraphicFile) elem.getValue(); URL url = adapter.resolve(lgf.getValue()); if (url.toURI().getScheme().equals("file")) { File legend = new File(url.toURI()); legends.put(lastName, new Pair<File, URL>(legend, null)); } else { legends.put(lastName, new Pair<File, URL>(null, url)); } glgUrls.put(lastName, lgf.isOutputGetLegendGraphicUrl()); } else if (elem.getName().getLocalPart().equals("UserStyle")) { if (name == null) { name = elem.getValue().toString(); } LOG.debug( "Will load user style with name '{}', it will be known as '{}'.", elem.getValue(), name); map.put(elem.getValue().toString(), name); lastName = name; name = null; } } }
protected static Pair<Filter, ConstraintLanguage> parseConstraint( XMLAdapter adapter, OMElement omQueryElement) { Pair<Filter, ConstraintLanguage> pc = null; if (omQueryElement != null && new QName(CSWConstants.CSW_202_NS, "Constraint").equals(omQueryElement.getQName())) { Version versionConstraint = adapter.getRequiredNodeAsVersion(omQueryElement, new XPath("@version", nsContext)); OMElement filterEl = omQueryElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OGCNS, "Filter")); OMElement cqlTextEl = omQueryElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("", "CQLTEXT")); if ((filterEl != null) && (cqlTextEl == null)) { ConstraintLanguage constraintLanguage = ConstraintLanguage.FILTER; Filter constraint; try { // TODO remove usage of wrapper (necessary at the moment to work around problems // with AXIOM's XMLStreamReader xmlStream = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper(filterEl.getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching(), null); // skip START_DOCUMENT xmlStream.nextTag(); if (versionConstraint.equals(new Version(1, 1, 0))) { constraint = Filter110XMLDecoder.parse(xmlStream); } else if (versionConstraint.equals(new Version(1, 0, 0))) { constraint = Filter100XMLDecoder.parse(xmlStream); } else { String msg = Messages.get( "CSW_FILTER_VERSION_NOT_SPECIFIED", versionConstraint, Version.getVersionsString(new Version(1, 1, 0)), Version.getVersionsString(new Version(1, 0, 0))); LOG.info(msg); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(msg); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "FilterParsingException: There went something wrong while parsing the filter expression, so please check this!"; LOG.debug(msg); throw new XMLParsingException(adapter, filterEl, e.getMessage()); } pc = new Pair<Filter, CSWConstants.ConstraintLanguage>(constraint, constraintLanguage); } else if ((filterEl == null) && (cqlTextEl != null)) { String msg = Messages.get("CSW_UNSUPPORTED_CQL_FILTER"); LOG.info(msg); throw new NotImplementedError(msg); } else { String msg = Messages.get("CSW_MISSING_FILTER_OR_CQL"); LOG.debug(msg); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(msg); } } return pc; }
/** * @param datasource * @param adapter * @return a corresponding raster, null if files could not be fund */ public static AbstractRaster fromDatasource(RasterDataSource datasource, XMLAdapter adapter) { if (datasource != null) { String defCRS = datasource.getCrs(); CRS crs = null; if (defCRS != null) { crs = new CRS(defCRS); } RasterFileSetType directory = datasource.getRasterDirectory(); RasterFileType file = datasource.getRasterFile(); try { if (directory != null) { File rasterFiles = new File(adapter.resolve(directory.getValue()).getFile()); boolean recursive = directory.isRecursive() == null ? false : directory.isRecursive(); RasterIOOptions options = new RasterIOOptions(); if (crs != null) { options.add(RasterIOOptions.CRS, crs.getName()); } return buildTiledRaster(rasterFiles, directory.getFilePattern(), recursive, options); } if (file != null) { final File loc = new File(adapter.resolve(file.getValue()).getFile()); AbstractRaster raster = loadRasterFromFile(loc); raster.setCoordinateSystem(crs); return raster; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (directory != null) { LOG.warn( "Could not resolve the file {}, corresponding data will not be available.", directory.getValue()); } else { LOG.warn( "Could not resolve the file {}, corresponding data will not be available.", file.getValue()); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn( "Could not load the file {}, corresponding data will not be available.", file.getValue()); } } throw new NullPointerException("The configured raster datasource may not be null."); }
@Override public GeoCouchFeatureStore create(URL configURL) throws ResourceInitException { GeoCouchFeatureStore fs = null; try { GeoCouchFeatureStoreConfig config = (GeoCouchFeatureStoreConfig) JAXBUtils.unmarshall(CONFIG_JAXB_PACKAGE, CONFIG_SCHEMA, configURL, workspace); XMLAdapter resolver = new XMLAdapter(); resolver.setSystemId(configURL.toString()); String srs = config.getStorageCRS(); srs = srs.trim(); ICRS crs = CRSManager.getCRSRef(srs); String couchUrl = config.getGeoCouchUrl(); if (!couchUrl.endsWith("/")) { couchUrl += "/"; } List<String> configSchemas = config.getGMLSchema(); String[] schemas = new String[configSchemas.size()]; int i = -1; for (String s : configSchemas) { schemas[++i] = resolver.resolve(s).toString(); } GMLAppSchemaReader decoder = new GMLAppSchemaReader(null, null, schemas); AppSchema schema = decoder.extractAppSchema(); fs = new GeoCouchFeatureStore(crs, schema, couchUrl); } catch (Throwable e) { String msg = "Error in feature store configuration file '" + configURL + "': " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(msg); throw new ResourceInitException(msg, e); } return fs; }
/** * @param datasource * @param adapter * @return a corresponding raster */ public static MultiResolutionRaster fromDatasource( MultiResolutionDataSource datasource, XMLAdapter adapter) { if (datasource != null) { String defCRS = datasource.getCrs(); CRS crs = null; if (defCRS != null) { crs = new CRS(defCRS); } MultiResolutionRaster mrr = new MultiResolutionRaster(); mrr.setCoordinateSystem(crs); for (Resolution resolution : datasource.getResolution()) { JAXBElement<? extends AbstractGeospatialDataSourceType> dsElement = resolution.getAbstractGeospatialDataSource(); RasterDataSource ds = (RasterDataSource) dsElement.getValue(); RasterFileSetType directory = ds.getRasterDirectory(); File resolutionDir; try { resolutionDir = new File(adapter.resolve(directory.getValue()).getFile()); RasterIOOptions options = new RasterIOOptions(); if (crs != null) { options.add(RasterIOOptions.CRS, crs.getName()); } AbstractRaster rasterLevel = buildTiledRaster( resolutionDir, directory.getFilePattern(), directory.isRecursive(), options); // double res = RasterBuilder.getPixelResolution( resolution.getRes(), resolutionDir ); mrr.addRaster(rasterLevel); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.warn( "Could not resolve the file {}, corresponding data will not be available.", directory.getValue()); } } return mrr; } throw new NullPointerException("The configured multi resolution datasource may not be null."); }
@Override public void process(ProcessletInputs in, ProcessletOutputs out, ProcessletExecutionInfo info) throws ProcessletException { try { // validate against allowed values in process definition file URL processDefinitionUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".xml"); // get validated data inputs or default values DataInputHandler dataInputHandler = new DataInputHandler(new File(processDefinitionUrl.toURI())); String srsName = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "srsName"); String filter = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "filter"); double x = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "x"); double y = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "y"); double z = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "z"); LOG.debug( String.format( "DataInputs: srsName: %s, poi: (%f, %f, %f), filter: %s", srsName, x, y, z, filter)); responseValues = new ResponseValues(); responseValues.clientSrsName = srsName; // transform non-AGEA coordinates to AGEA if (!srsName.equals("Mouse_AGEA_1.0")) { ABAServiceVO vo = getTransformPOI(srsName, x, y, z); if (vo.getTransformationXMLResponseString().startsWith("Error:")) { throw new OWSException( "Transformation Coordinates Error: ", vo.getTransformationXMLResponseString()); } x = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateX()); y = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateY()); z = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateZ()); } LOG.debug("X from Transformation Method: " + x); LOG.debug("Y from Transformation Method: " + y); LOG.debug("Z from Transformation Method: " + z); String srsFromClient = srsName; Point3d poiFromClient = new Point3d(x, y, z); // get plane; defaults to sagittal ImageSeriesPlane desiredPlane = filter.equals("maptype:coronal") ? ImageSeriesPlane.CORONAL : ImageSeriesPlane.SAGITTAL; // 1. get strong gene(s) at POI List<ABAGene> strongGenes = ABAUtil.retrieveStrongGenesAtAGEAPOI(x, y, z, NBR_STRONG_GENES); // make sure we have something if (strongGenes.size() == 0) { throw new OWSException( "No 'strong genes' found at " + "coordinates, hence no images to return.", ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (ABAGene gene : strongGenes) { buf.append(gene.getGenesymbol()).append(", "); } LOG.debug("Strong genes: {}", buf.toString()); } // 2. get image series'es for strong genes and desired plane List<ImageSeries> imageSerieses = new ArrayList<ImageSeries>(); for (ABAGene gene : strongGenes) { ImageSeries imageSeries = retrieveImagesSeriesForGene(gene.getGenesymbol(), desiredPlane); if (imageSeries != null) { imageSerieses.add(imageSeries); } } // make sure we have something if (imageSerieses.size() == 0) { throw new OWSException( "No image series found for 'strong " + "genes' and desired plane, hence no images to " + "return.", ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (ImageSeries is : imageSerieses) { buf.append(is.imageSeriesId).append(':'); buf.append(is.imageSeriesPlane).append(", "); } LOG.debug("Image Serieses id:plane: {}", buf.toString()); } Point3d poiForProximity = new Point3d(poiFromClient); // divide POI coords by 100 Point3d poi100 = new Point3d(); poi100.scale(0.01, poiForProximity); LOG.debug("POI for closest position (srs, xyz): {}, {}", srsFromClient, poi100.toString()); // 3. get ......... for each image series for (ImageSeries imageSeries : imageSerieses) { // begin to add values to image Image image = new Image(imageSeries.imageSeriesId); // get atlas map // find closest point, get other values including position // add more (atlas map) values to image getClosestPosition(imageSeries, poi100, image); LOG.debug("Position: {}", image.abaImagePosition); // get best image id in image series based on position // add more (image elements) values to image // match position to find image in series, get imageid // /image-series/images/image/position // /image-series/images/image/imageid retrieveImageForPosition(imageSeries.imageSeriesId, image.abaImagePosition, image); LOG.debug("Image id: {}", image.imageId); // zoom level not applicable // image.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; // assemble aba view image uri image.imageURI = assembleImageURI(image.downloadImagePath, HI_RES, MIME); image.thumbnailurl = assembleImageURI(image.downloadImagePath, THUMB, MIME); LOG.debug("Image URI: {}", image.imageURI.toString()); responseValues.images.add(image); } // for // ImagesResponseDocument 'is a' org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject // 'is a' org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource ImagesResponseDocument document = completeResponse(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { XmlOptions opt = (new XmlOptions()).setSavePrettyPrint(); opt.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(Utilities.SuggestedNamespaces()); opt.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); opt.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); opt.setUseDefaultNamespace(); LOG.debug("Xml:\n{}", document.xmlText(opt)); } // 4. Send it // get reader on document XMLStreamReader reader = document.newXMLStreamReader(); // get ComplexOutput object from ProcessletOutput... ComplexOutput complexOutput = (ComplexOutput) out.getParameter("Get2DImagesByPOIOutput"); LOG.debug("Setting complex output (requested=" + complexOutput.isRequested() + ")"); // ComplexOutput objects can be huge so stream it XMLStreamWriter writer = complexOutput.getXMLStreamWriter(); XMLAdapter.writeElement(writer, reader); // transform any exceptions into ProcessletException wrapping // OWSException } catch (MissingParameterException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (InvalidParameterValueException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (InvalidDataInputValueException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(e); // is already OWSException } catch (OWSException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(e); // is already OWSException } catch (Throwable e) { String message = "Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(message, e); throw new ProcessletException( new OWSException(message, e, ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE)); } }
/** * Copies an XML element (including all attributes and subnodes) from the given {@link * XMLStreamReader} to the given {@link XMLStreamWriter}. * * @param writer {@link XMLStreamWriter} that the xml is appended to * @param reader cursor must point at a <code>START_ELEMENT</code> event and points at the * corresponding <code>END_ELEMENT</code> event afterwards * @throws XMLStreamException */ public static void copy(XMLStreamWriter writer, XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { skipStartDocument(reader); XMLAdapter.writeElement(writer, reader); }
public static Query getQuery(OMElement omElement) { if (new QName(CSWConstants.CSW_202_NS, "Query").equals(omElement.getQName())) { XMLAdapter adapter = new XMLAdapter(omElement); SortProperty[] sortProps = null; Filter constraint = null; ReturnableElement elementSetName = null; String[] elementName = null; ConstraintLanguage constraintLanguage = null; List<OMElement> queryChildElements = adapter.getRequiredElements(omElement, new XPath("*", nsContext)); String typeQuery = adapter.getNodeAsString(omElement, new XPath("./@typeNames", nsContext), ""); if ("".equals(typeQuery)) { String msg = "ERROR in XML document: Required attribute \"typeNames\" in element \"Query\" is missing!"; throw new MissingParameterException(msg); } String[] queryTypeNamesString = StringUtils.split(typeQuery, " "); QName[] queryTypeNames = new QName[queryTypeNamesString.length]; int counterQName = 0; for (String s : queryTypeNamesString) { LOG.debug("Parsing typeName '" + s + "' of Query as QName. "); QName qname = adapter.parseQName(s, adapter.getRootElement()); queryTypeNames[counterQName++] = qname; } elementName = adapter.getNodesAsStrings(omElement, new XPath("./csw:ElementName", nsContext)); QName[] returnTypeNames = null; for (OMElement omQueryElement : queryChildElements) { // TODO mandatory exclusiveness between ElementSetName vs. ElementName not implemented yet if (new QName(CSWConstants.CSW_202_NS, "ElementSetName") .equals(omQueryElement.getQName())) { String elementSetNameString = omQueryElement.getText(); elementSetName = ReturnableElement.determineReturnableElement(elementSetNameString); // elementSetNameTypeNames = getNodesAsQNames( omQueryElement, new XPath( "@typeNames", // nsContext ) ); String typeElementSetName = adapter .getNodeAsString(omQueryElement, new XPath("./@typeNames", nsContext), "") .trim(); String[] elementSetNameTypeNamesString = StringUtils.split(typeElementSetName, " "); returnTypeNames = new QName[elementSetNameTypeNamesString.length]; for (int i = 0; i < elementSetNameTypeNamesString.length; i++) { returnTypeNames[i] = adapter.parseQName(elementSetNameTypeNamesString[i], omElement); } } Pair<Filter, ConstraintLanguage> parsedConstraint = parseConstraint(adapter, omQueryElement); if (parsedConstraint != null) { constraintLanguage = parsedConstraint.second; constraint = parsedConstraint.first; } if (new QName(OGCNS, "SortBy").equals(omQueryElement.getQName())) { List<OMElement> sortPropertyElements = adapter.getRequiredElements(omQueryElement, new XPath("ogc:SortProperty", nsContext)); sortProps = new SortProperty[sortPropertyElements.size()]; int counter = 0; for (OMElement sortPropertyEl : sortPropertyElements) { OMElement propNameEl = adapter.getRequiredElement( sortPropertyEl, new XPath("ogc:PropertyName", nsContext)); String sortOrder = adapter.getNodeAsString( sortPropertyEl, new XPath("ogc:SortOrder", nsContext), "ASC"); SortProperty sortProp = new SortProperty( new ValueReference( propNameEl.getText(), adapter.getNamespaceContext(propNameEl)), sortOrder.equals("ASC")); sortProps[counter++] = sortProp; } } } return new Query( elementSetName, elementName, constraint, constraintLanguage, sortProps, queryTypeNames, returnTypeNames); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("boxing") private static GetFeature parse110(Map<String, String> kvpParams) throws Exception { StandardPresentationParams presentationParams = parseStandardPresentationParameters110(kvpParams); ResolveParams resolveParams = parseStandardResolveParameters110(kvpParams); // optional: 'NAMESPACE' Map<String, String> nsBindings = extractNamespaceBindings110(kvpParams); if (nsBindings == null) { nsBindings = Collections.emptyMap(); } NamespaceBindings nsContext = new NamespaceBindings(); if (nsBindings != null) { for (String key : nsBindings.keySet()) { nsContext.addNamespace(key, nsBindings.get(key)); } } // optional: SRSNAME String srsName = kvpParams.get("SRSNAME"); ICRS srs = null; if (srsName != null) { srs = CRSManager.getCRSRef(srsName); } // optional: 'PROPERTYNAME' String propertyStr = kvpParams.get("PROPERTYNAME"); PropertyName[][] propertyNames = getPropertyNames(propertyStr, nsContext); // optional: SORTBY String sortbyStr = kvpParams.get("SORTBY"); SortProperty[] sortBy = getSortBy(sortbyStr, nsContext); // optional: FEATUREVERSION String featureVersion = kvpParams.get("FEATUREVERSION"); // mandatory: TYPENAME, but optional if FEATUREID is specified String typeStrList = kvpParams.get("TYPENAME"); TypeName[] typeNames = getTypeNames(typeStrList, nsBindings); // optional: FEATUREID String featureIdStr = kvpParams.get("FEATUREID"); String[] featureIds = null; if (featureIdStr != null) { featureIds = featureIdStr.split(","); } // optional: BBOX String bboxStr = kvpParams.get("BBOX"); // optional: FILTER String filterStr = kvpParams.get("FILTER"); // optional: 'PROPTRAVXLINKDEPTH' String propTravXlinkDepth = kvpParams.get("PROPTRAVXLINKDEPTH"); String[][] ptxDepthAr = null; if (propTravXlinkDepth != null) { ptxDepthAr = parseParamList(propTravXlinkDepth); } // optional: 'PROPTRAVXLINKEXPIRY' String propTravXlinkExpiry = kvpParams.get("PROPTRAVXLINKEXPIRY"); Integer[][] ptxExpAr = null; if (propTravXlinkExpiry != null) { ptxExpAr = parseParamListAsInts(propTravXlinkDepth); } propertyNames = getXLinkPropNames(propertyNames, ptxDepthAr, ptxExpAr); List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<Query>(); if ((featureIdStr != null && bboxStr != null) || (featureIdStr != null && filterStr != null) || (bboxStr != null && filterStr != null)) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The FEATUREID, BBOX and FILTER keywords are mutually exclusive!"); } if (featureIdStr != null) { if (typeStrList == null && propertyNames == null) { queries.add(new FeatureIdQuery(null, null, featureVersion, srs, null, sortBy, featureIds)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < featureIds.length; i++) { String[] fid = new String[] {featureIds[i]}; TypeName[] typeName = new TypeName[0]; if (typeStrList != null) { typeName = new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}; } PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null; if (propertyNames != null) { projectionClauses = propertyNames[i]; } queries.add( new FeatureIdQuery( null, typeName, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, sortBy, fid)); } } } else if (bboxStr != null) { if (typeNames == null) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The TYPENAME keyword is mandatory if BBOX is present!"); } String[] coordList = bboxStr.split(","); // NOTE: Contradiction between spec and CITE tests (for omitted crsUri) // - WFS 1.1.0 spec, 14.3.3: coordinates should be in WGS84 // - CITE tests, wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Basic-GetFeature-tc8.1: If no CRS reference is provided, a // service-defined // default value must be assumed. ICRS bboxCrs = null; if (coordList.length % 2 == 1) { bboxCrs = CRSManager.getCRSRef(coordList[coordList.length - 1]); } Envelope bbox = createEnvelope(bboxStr, bboxCrs); for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) { TypeName typeName = typeNames[i]; PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null; if (propertyNames != null) { projectionClauses = propertyNames[i]; } queries.add( new BBoxQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeName}, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, sortBy, bbox)); } } else if (filterStr != null || typeNames != null) { if (typeNames == null) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The FILTER element requires the TYPENAME element"); } int length = typeNames.length; String[] filters = getFilters(filterStr); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Filter filter = null; if (filters != null) { StringReader sr = new StringReader(filters[i]); XMLAdapter adapter = new XMLAdapter(sr); XMLStreamReaderWrapper streamWrapper = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper( adapter.getRootElement().getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching(), adapter.getSystemId()); try { streamWrapper.nextTag(); filter = Filter110XMLDecoder.parse(streamWrapper); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO raise exception } catch (XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO raise exception } } if (propertyNames != null) { queries.add( new FilterQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}, featureVersion, srs, propertyNames[i], sortBy, filter)); } else { queries.add( new FilterQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}, featureVersion, srs, null, sortBy, filter)); } } } return new GetFeature(VERSION_110, null, presentationParams, resolveParams, queries); }
@SuppressWarnings("boxing") private static GetFeature parse100(Map<String, String> kvpParams, Map<String, String> nsMap) throws Exception { NamespaceBindings nsContext = new NamespaceBindings(); if (nsMap != null) { for (String key : nsMap.keySet()) { nsContext.addNamespace(key, nsMap.get(key)); } } StandardPresentationParams presentationParams = parseStandardPresentationParameters100(kvpParams); // optional: 'PROPERTYNAME' String propertyStr = kvpParams.get("PROPERTYNAME"); PropertyName[][] propertyNames = getPropertyNames(propertyStr, nsContext); // optional: FEATUREVERSION String featureVersion = kvpParams.get("FEATUREVERSION"); // mandatory: TYPENAME, but optional if FEATUREID is specified String typeStrList = kvpParams.get("TYPENAME"); TypeName[] typeNames = getTypeNames100(typeStrList); // optional: FEATUREID String featureIdStr = kvpParams.get("FEATUREID"); String[] featureIds = null; if (featureIdStr != null) { featureIds = featureIdStr.split(","); } // optional: BBOX String bboxStr = kvpParams.get("BBOX"); // optional: FILTER String filterStr = kvpParams.get("FILTER"); // optional: SRSNAME (not specified in WFS 1.0.0, deegree extension) String srsName = kvpParams.get("SRSNAME"); ICRS srs = null; if (srsName != null) { srs = CRSManager.getCRSRef(srsName); } List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<Query>(); if ((featureIdStr != null && bboxStr != null) || (featureIdStr != null && filterStr != null) || (bboxStr != null && filterStr != null)) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The FEATUREID, BBOX and FILTER keywords are mutually exclusive!"); } if (featureIdStr != null) { if (typeStrList == null && propertyNames == null) { queries.add(new FeatureIdQuery(null, null, featureVersion, srs, null, null, featureIds)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < featureIds.length; i++) { String[] fids = new String[] {featureIds[i]}; TypeName[] typeName = new TypeName[0]; if (typeStrList != null) { typeName = new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}; } PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null; if (propertyNames != null) { if (propertyNames.length > 1) { projectionClauses = propertyNames[i]; } else { projectionClauses = propertyNames[0]; } } queries.add( new FeatureIdQuery( null, typeName, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, null, fids)); } } } else if (bboxStr != null) { if (typeNames == null) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The TYPENAME keyword is mandatory if BBOX is present!"); } String[] coordList = bboxStr.split(","); ICRS bboxCrs = null; if (coordList.length % 2 == 1) { bboxCrs = CRSManager.getCRSRef(coordList[coordList.length - 1]); } Envelope bbox = createEnvelope(bboxStr, bboxCrs); for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) { TypeName typeName = typeNames[i]; PropertyName[] projectionClauses = null; if (propertyNames != null) { projectionClauses = propertyNames[i]; } queries.add( new BBoxQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeName}, featureVersion, srs, projectionClauses, null, bbox)); } } else if (filterStr != null || typeNames != null) { if (typeNames == null) { // TODO make new exception throw new Exception("The FILTER element requires the TYPENAME element"); } int length = typeNames.length; String[] filters = getFilters(filterStr); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Filter filter = null; if (filters != null) { StringReader sr = new StringReader(filters[i]); XMLAdapter adapter = new XMLAdapter(sr); XMLStreamReaderWrapper streamWrapper = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper( adapter.getRootElement().getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching(), adapter.getSystemId()); try { streamWrapper.nextTag(); filter = Filter100XMLDecoder.parse(streamWrapper); } catch (XMLParsingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO raise exception } catch (XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO raise exception } } if (propertyNames != null) { queries.add( new FilterQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}, featureVersion, srs, propertyNames[i], null, filter)); } else { queries.add( new FilterQuery( null, new TypeName[] {typeNames[i]}, featureVersion, srs, null, null, filter)); } } } return new GetFeature(VERSION_100, null, presentationParams, null, queries); }
@Override public void process(ProcessletInputs in, ProcessletOutputs out, ProcessletExecutionInfo info) throws ProcessletException { try { WHSServiceVO vo = new WHSServiceVO(); URL processDefinitionUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".xml"); DataInputHandler dataInputHandler = new DataInputHandler(new File(processDefinitionUrl.toURI())); String srsName = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "srsName"); String x = String.valueOf(DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "x")); String y = String.valueOf(DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "y")); String z = String.valueOf(DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "z")); String tolerance = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "tolerance"); String filter = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "filter"); vo.setFromSRSCodeOne(srsName); vo.setFromSRSCode(srsName); // vo.setToSRSCodeOne(agea); // vo.setToSRSCode(agea); vo.setTolerance(tolerance); vo.setFilter(filter); if (vo.getFilter().toLowerCase().startsWith("filepath:")) { vo.setFilter(vo.getFilter().replaceAll("filePath:", "")); } LOG.debug("From SRS Code: {}", vo.getFromSRSCodeOne()); LOG.debug("Filter: {}", vo.getFilter()); // validate data inputs vo.setOriginalCoordinateX(x); vo.setOriginalCoordinateY(y); vo.setOriginalCoordinateZ(z); String transformedCoordinatesString = ""; if (vo.getFromSRSCode().equalsIgnoreCase("image")) { vo.setTransformedCoordinateX(vo.getOriginalCoordinateX()); vo.setTransformedCoordinateY(vo.getOriginalCoordinateY()); vo.setTransformedCoordinateZ(vo.getOriginalCoordinateZ()); } else if (vo.getFromSRSCode().equalsIgnoreCase(abaReference)) { vo.setTransformedCoordinateX(vo.getOriginalCoordinateX()); vo.setTransformedCoordinateY(vo.getOriginalCoordinateY()); vo.setTransformedCoordinateZ(vo.getOriginalCoordinateZ()); } else { // Call getTransformationChain method here... // ABAVoxel vo.setOriginalCoordinateX(";x=" + vo.getOriginalCoordinateX()); vo.setOriginalCoordinateY(";y=" + vo.getOriginalCoordinateY()); vo.setOriginalCoordinateZ(";z=" + vo.getOriginalCoordinateZ()); vo.setToSRSCode(abaReference); vo.setToSRSCodeOne(abaReference); // Construct GetTransformationChain URL //;outputSrsName=Mouse_ABAreference_1.0;filter=Cerebellum // Start - FIXME - Uncomment below two lines and comment the // other three lines // String hostName = uri.getHost(); // String portNumber = delimitor + uri.getPort(); String delimitor = config.getValue("incf.deploy.port.delimitor"); hostName = config.getValue("incf.deploy.host.name"); portNumber = config.getValue("incf.aba.port.number"); portNumber = delimitor + portNumber; // End - FIXME // central/atlas String servicePath = "/central/atlas?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=Execute&Identifier=GetTransformationChain&DataInputs=inputSrsName=" + vo.getFromSRSCode() + ";outputSrsName=" + vo.getToSRSCode() + ";filter=NONE"; String transformationChainURL = "http://" + hostName + portNumber + servicePath; XMLUtilities xmlUtilities = new XMLUtilities(); transformedCoordinatesString = xmlUtilities.coordinateTransformation( transformationChainURL, vo.getOriginalCoordinateX(), vo.getOriginalCoordinateY(), vo.getOriginalCoordinateZ()); // Start - exception handling if (transformedCoordinatesString.startsWith("Error:")) { throw new OWSException("Transformed Coordinates Error: ", transformedCoordinatesString); } // End - exception handling WHSUtil util = new WHSUtil(); String[] tempArray = util.getTabDelimNumbers(transformedCoordinatesString); vo.setTransformedCoordinateX(tempArray[0]); vo.setTransformedCoordinateY(tempArray[1]); vo.setTransformedCoordinateZ(tempArray[2]); } // End AnnotationResponseDocument document = completeResponse(vo); ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList(); // opt.setErrorListener(errorList); // boolean isValid = document.validate(opt); // If the XML isn't valid, loop through the listener's contents, // printing contained messages. /* if (!isValid) { for (int i = 0; i < errorList.size(); i++) { XmlError error = (XmlError) errorList.get(i); LOG.debug("\n"); LOG.debug("Message: {}" , error.getMessage() + "\n"); LOG.debug("Location of invalid XML: {}" , error.getCursorLocation().xmlText() + "\n"); } } */ ComplexOutput complexOutput = (ComplexOutput) out.getParameter("GetAnnotationsByPOIOutput"); // get reader on document; reader --> writer XMLStreamReader reader = document.newXMLStreamReader(); XMLStreamWriter writer = complexOutput.getXMLStreamWriter(); XMLAdapter.writeElement(writer, reader); } catch (MissingParameterException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (InvalidParameterValueException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (Throwable e) { String message = "Unexpected exception occured"; LOG.error(message, e); OWSException owsException = new OWSException(message, e, ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); throw new ProcessletException(owsException); } }