Пример #1
   * A loop driver for applying operations to all primary ClassNodes in our AST. Automatically skips
   * units that have already been processed through the current phase.
  public void applyToPrimaryClassNodes(PrimaryClassNodeOperation body)
      throws CompilationFailedException {
    // GRECLIPSE: start
    Iterator classNodes = getPrimaryClassNodes(body.needSortedInput()).iterator();
    // newcode
    List primaryClassNodes = getPrimaryClassNodes(body.needSortedInput());
    Iterator classNodes = primaryClassNodes.iterator();
    // end
    while (classNodes.hasNext()) {
      SourceUnit context = null;
      try {
        ClassNode classNode = (ClassNode) classNodes.next();
        context = classNode.getModule().getContext();
        // GRECLIPSE get to the bottom of this - why are operations running multiple times that
        // should only run once?
        if (context == null
            || context.phase < phase
            || (context.phase == phase && !context.phaseComplete)) {

          int offset = 1;
          Iterator<InnerClassNode> iterator = classNode.getInnerClasses();
          while (iterator.hasNext()) {
          body.call(context, new GeneratorContext(this.ast, offset), classNode);
      } catch (CompilationFailedException e) {
        // fall through, getErrorReporter().failIfErrors() will trigger
      } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        throw npe;
      } catch (GroovyBugError e) {
        changeBugText(e, context);
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // check the exception for a nested compilation exception
        ErrorCollector nestedCollector = null;
        for (Throwable next = e.getCause(); next != e && next != null; next = next.getCause()) {
          if (!(next instanceof MultipleCompilationErrorsException)) continue;
          MultipleCompilationErrorsException mcee = (MultipleCompilationErrorsException) next;
          nestedCollector = mcee.collector;

        if (nestedCollector != null) {
        } else {
          getErrorCollector().addError(new ExceptionMessage(e, configuration.getDebug(), this));

Пример #2
        public void call(SourceUnit source) throws CompilationFailedException {
          List<ClassNode> classes = source.ast.getClasses();
          for (ClassNode node : classes) {
            CompileUnit cu = node.getCompileUnit();
            for (Iterator iter = cu.iterateClassNodeToCompile(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
              String name = (String) iter.next();
              SourceUnit su = ast.getScriptSourceLocation(name);
              List<ClassNode> classesInSourceUnit = su.ast.getClasses();
              StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                  .append("Compilation incomplete: expected to find the class ")
                  .append(" in ")
              if (classesInSourceUnit.isEmpty()) {
                message.append(", but the file seems not to contain any classes");
              } else {
                message.append(", but the file contains the classes: ");
                boolean first = true;
                for (ClassNode cn : classesInSourceUnit) {
                  if (!first) {
                    message.append(", ");
                  } else {
                    first = false;

                  .addErrorAndContinue(new SimpleMessage(message.toString(), CompilationUnit.this));
Пример #3
  private List getPrimaryClassNodes(boolean sort) {
    if (sort == true) {
      List<ModuleNode> sortedModules = this.ast.getSortedModules();
      if (sortedModules != null) {
        return sortedModules;
    // FIXASC (groovychange) rewritten
    List unsorted = new ArrayList();
    Iterator modules = this.ast.getModules().iterator();
    while (modules.hasNext()) {
        ModuleNode module = (ModuleNode) modules.next();

        Iterator classNodes = module.getClasses().iterator();
        while (classNodes.hasNext()) {
            ClassNode classNode = (ClassNode) classNodes.next();
    // new
    List<ClassNode> unsorted = new ArrayList<ClassNode>();
    for (ModuleNode module : this.ast.getModules()) {
    // FIXASC (groovychange) end

    if (!sort) return unsorted;

    // GRECLIPSE: start: rewritten sort algorithm
            int[] indexClass = new int[unsorted.size()];
            int[] indexInterface = new int[unsorted.size()];
                int i = 0;
                for (Iterator<ClassNode> iter = unsorted.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
                    ClassNode element = iter.next();
                    if (element.isInterface()) {
                        indexInterface[i] = getSuperInterfaceCount(element);
                        indexClass[i] = -1;
                    } else {
                        indexClass[i] = getSuperClassCount(element);
                        indexInterface[i] = -1;

            List<ClassNode> sorted = getSorted(indexInterface, unsorted);
            sorted.addAll(getSorted(indexClass, unsorted));
    // newcode:
    // Sort them by how many types are in their hierarchy, but all interfaces first.
    // Algorithm:
    // Create a list of integers.  Each integer captures the index into the unsorted
    // list (bottom 16bits) and the count of how many types are in that types
    // hierarchy (top 16bits).  For classes the count is augmented by 2000 so that
    // when sorting the classes will come out after the interfaces.
    // This list of integers is sorted.  We then just go through it and for the
    // lower 16bits of each entry (0xffff) that is the index of the next value to
    // pull from the unsorted list and put into the sorted list.
    // Will break down if more than 2000 interfaces in the type hierarchy for an
    // individual type, or a project contains > 65535 files... but if you've got
    // that kind of setup, you have other problems...
    List<Integer> countIndexPairs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      int i = 0;
      for (Iterator iter = unsorted.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
        ClassNode node = (ClassNode) iter.next();
        if (node.isInterface()) {
          countIndexPairs.add((getSuperInterfaceCount(node) << 16) + i);
        } else {
          countIndexPairs.add(((getSuperClassCount(node) + 2000) << 16) + i);
    List sorted = new ArrayList();
    for (int i : countIndexPairs) {
      sorted.add(unsorted.get(i & 0xffff));
    // end
    return sorted;