public void createControlPoint(BlockCoord absCoord) { Location centerLoc = absCoord.getLocation(); /* Build the bedrock tower. */ // for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { Block b = centerLoc.getBlock(); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.FENCE); ItemManager.setData(b, 0); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), true); // } /* Build the control block. */ b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(0, 1, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.OBSIDIAN); sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), true); int townhallControlHitpoints; try { townhallControlHitpoints = CivSettings.getInteger(CivSettings.warConfig, "war.control_block_hitpoints_townhall"); } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); townhallControlHitpoints = 100; } BlockCoord coord = new BlockCoord(b); this.controlPoints.put(coord, new ControlPoint(coord, this, townhallControlHitpoints)); }
private Sign getSign(Location l) { if (l == null) return null; Material t = l.getBlock().getType(); return t == Material.SIGN || t == Material.SIGN_POST || t == Material.WALL_SIGN ? (Sign) l.getBlock().getState() : null; }
private int spoutableWaterHeight(Location location) { Location loc = location.clone(); if (loc.getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR && !BlockTools.isWaterBased(loc.getBlock())) { return -1; } int height = HEIGHT; if (Tools.isNight(loc.getWorld())) { height = (int) (Settings.NIGHT_FACTOR * HEIGHT) + 1; } for (int i = 0; i <= (height + 1); i++) { Location locToTest = loc.add(0, -1, 0); if (ProtectionManager.isRegionProtectedFromBending( this.player, BendingAbilities.WaterSpout, locToTest)) { return -1; } Block block = locToTest.getBlock(); if (block.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) { this.height = i + 1; continue; } if (BlockTools.isWaterBased(block)) { // Valid source ! return i + 1; } else { return -1; // Cannot waterspout } } return -2; // Can waterspout but too high }
public void spawnLootChest() { chest.getBlock().setType(Material.CHEST); ItemStack randomItem = getRandomItem(); Location l = chest.getBlock().getLocation(); double y = l.getY() - 1; Location lf = new Location(l.getWorld(), l.getBlockX(), y, l.getBlockZ()); Util.spawnFirework(lf); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {} Chest c = (Chest) chest.getBlock().getState(); Inventory inv = c.getBlockInventory(); Random r = new Random(); inv.setItem(r.nextInt(inv.getSize()), randomItem); if (lootItems > inv.getSize() - 2) { lootItems = inv.getSize() - 2; } for (int i = 0; i < lootItems; i++) { int slot = r.nextInt(inv.getSize()); if (isEmpty(inv, slot)) { inv.setItem(slot, randomItem); } else { i--; } } for (int i = 0; i < ingots; i++) { int slot = r.nextInt(inv.getSize()); ItemStack stack = inv.getItem(slot); if (isEmpty(inv, slot)) { inv.setItem(slot, new ItemStack(Material.IRON_INGOT)); } else if (stack.getType() == Material.IRON_INGOT) { inv.getItem(slot).setAmount(stack.getAmount() + 1); } else { i--; } } }
public boolean readBlocks(Location l1, World w) { try { FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("plugins/NerdLocker/blocks.lock"); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String delims = ","; String[] cords = strLine.split(delims); int x = Integer.parseInt(cords[0]); int y = Integer.parseInt(cords[1]); int z = Integer.parseInt(cords[2]); Location l = w.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getLocation(); if (l1.getBlock().getX() == l.getBlock().getX() && l1.getBlock().getY() == l.getBlock().getY() && l1.getBlock().getZ() == l.getBlock().getZ()) { return false; } } in.close(); br.close(); fstream.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error1: " + e.getMessage()); } return false; }
// RŽcupŽration du Relative et ajout du SignManager dans le Set public static boolean registerSign(Location locsign) { try { locsign.getBlock(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } // VŽrifie sur la locsign est un block if (!(locsign.getBlock().getState() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Sign)) return false; Block bs = locsign.getBlock(); org.bukkit.material.Sign signmat = (org.bukkit.material.Sign) bs.getState().getData(); Location relative = null; if (!signmat.isWallSign()) relative = bs.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation(); else if (signmat.getAttachedFace() == BlockFace.EAST) relative = bs.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST).getLocation(); else if (signmat.getAttachedFace() == BlockFace.WEST) relative = bs.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST).getLocation(); else if (signmat.getAttachedFace() == BlockFace.NORTH) relative = bs.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH).getLocation(); else if (signmat.getAttachedFace() == BlockFace.SOUTH) relative = bs.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH).getLocation(); SignManager sm = new SignManager(locsign, relative); sm.RefreshSign(); return true; }
private boolean spawnMob() { if (myConfig.getDisabledWorlds().contains(world)) return false; final int maxHeight = 10; int x = this.radius - (int) (Math.random() * this.radius * 2.0D); int z = this.radius - (int) (Math.random() * this.radius * 2.0D); long d = x * x + z * z; if (d >= radius * radius) { x *= radius / (2 * d); z *= radius / (2 * d); } Location l1 = new Location( Bukkit.getWorld(, this.m.getX() + x, this.m.getY(), this.m.getZ() + z); int p = l1.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR) ? -1 : 1; for (int h = 0; h < maxHeight; h++) { l1.setY(this.m.getY() + h * p); if ((!l1.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) && (l1.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.AIR))) { l1.setY(l1.getY() + 2.0D); return Mob.spawnEntity(this.mob, l1, this.m) != null; } } return false; }
public static void drop(Player p) { Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0, 0, 0); Random rand = new Random(); loc.setX(rand.nextInt(8000)); loc.setY(100); loc.setZ(rand.nextInt(8000)); loc.setY(Bukkit.getWorld("world").getHighestBlockAt(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockZ()).getY()); loc.getBlock().setType(Material.CHEST); Block bb = loc.getBlock(); bb.setType(Material.CHEST); Chest chest = (Chest) bb.getState(); Inventory inv = chest.getInventory(); for (ItemStack stack : items) { inv.addItem(stack); } Bukkit.broadcastMessage( ChatColor.RED + "A tornado has appeared in the world, and left valuble supplies!"); Bukkit.broadcastMessage( ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes( '&', "&7Coords: X: &c" + loc.getBlockX() + "&7 Y:&c " + loc.getBlockY() + "&7 Z: &c" + loc.getBlockZ())); }
public void sendToSpawn(Gamer gamer) { final Player p = gamer.getPlayer(); Location originalSpawn = p.getWorld().getSpawnLocation(); MainConfig main = HungergamesApi.getConfigManager().getMainConfig(); int spawnRadius = main.getSpawnRadius(); int spawnHeight = main.getSpawnHeight(); if (spawns.size() > 0) { if (spawnItel == null || !spawnItel.hasNext()) spawnItel = spawns.keySet().iterator(); originalSpawn =; spawnRadius = Math.max(1, spawns.get(originalSpawn)[0]); spawnHeight = Math.max(1, spawns.get(originalSpawn)[1]); } Location spawn = originalSpawn.clone(); int chances = 0; if (p.isInsideVehicle()) p.leaveVehicle(); p.eject(); while (chances < main.getTimesToCheckForValidSpawnPerPlayer()) { chances++; Location newLoc = new Location( p.getWorld(), spawn.getX() + returnChance(-spawnRadius, spawnRadius), spawn.getY() + new Random().nextInt(spawnHeight), spawn.getZ() + returnChance(-spawnRadius, spawnRadius)); if (nonSolid.contains(newLoc.getBlock().getTypeId()) && nonSolid.contains(newLoc.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getTypeId())) { while (newLoc.getBlockY() >= 1 && nonSolid.contains(newLoc.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getTypeId())) { newLoc = newLoc.add(0, -1, 0); } if (newLoc.getBlockY() <= 1) continue; spawn = newLoc; break; } } if (spawn.equals(originalSpawn)) { spawn = new Location( p.getWorld(), spawn.getX() + returnChance(-spawnRadius, spawnRadius), 0, spawn.getZ() + returnChance(-spawnRadius, spawnRadius)); spawn.setY(spawn.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(spawn)); if (gamer.isAlive() && spawn.getY() <= 1) { spawn.getBlock().setType(Material.GLASS); spawn.setY(spawn.getY() + 1); } } final Location destination = spawn.add(0.5, 0.1, 0.5); p.teleport(destination); Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( hg, new Runnable() { public void run() { p.teleport(destination); } }); }
public void cleanup() { for (Player player : { Location storedLoc =; if (storedLoc.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.TNT)) { storedLoc.getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); } } }
private Sign getSign(String loc) { Location l = SerializerUtil.getLocation(loc); if (l == null) return null; Material t = l.getBlock().getType(); return t == Material.SIGN || t == Material.SIGN_POST || t == Material.WALL_SIGN ? (Sign) l.getBlock().getState() : null; }
private Location getOtherDoorBlock(Location door) { BlockFace[] faces = new BlockFace[] {BlockFace.DOWN, BlockFace.UP}; for (BlockFace face : faces) { if (door.getBlock().getRelative(face).getType().equals(Material.AIR)) { return door.getBlock().getRelative(face).getLocation(); } } return null; }
public boolean revertblocks() { Vector direction = new Vector(0, -1, 0); location .getBlock() .setType(Material.AIR); // .clone().add(direction).getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); location.add(direction); if (blockIsBase(location.getBlock())) return false; return true; }
public static void resetHighlightRegion(Player player, NovaRegion region) { Location loc1 = region.getCorner(0).clone(); Location loc2 = region.getCorner(1).clone(); loc1.setY(player.getWorld().getHighestBlockAt(loc1.getBlockX(), loc1.getBlockZ()).getY() - 1); loc2.setY(player.getWorld().getHighestBlockAt(loc2.getBlockX(), loc2.getBlockZ()).getY() - 1); setCorner(player, loc1, loc1.getBlock().getType()); setCorner(player, loc2, loc2.getBlock().getType()); }
private void progress() { if (!hasEmptyWaterBottle()) { remove(); return; } if (player.isDead() || !player.isOnline()) { remove(); return; } if (player.getWorld() != location.getWorld()) { remove(); return; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() < time + interval) return; time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector direction = Methods.getDirection(location, player.getEyeLocation()).normalize(); location = location.clone().add(direction); if (location == null || block == null) { remove(); return; } if (location.getBlock().equals(block.getLocation().getBlock())) return; if (Methods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(player, "WaterManipulation", location)) { remove(); return; } if (location.distance(player.getEyeLocation()) > Methods.waterbendingNightAugment(range, player.getWorld())) { remove(); return; } if (location.distance(player.getEyeLocation()) <= 1.5) { fillBottle(); return; } Block newblock = location.getBlock(); if (Methods.isTransparentToEarthbending(player, newblock) && !newblock.isLiquid()) { block.revertBlock(); block = new TempBlock(newblock, Material.WATER, full); } else { remove(); return; } }
public boolean isEmpty(Location loc1, boolean liquidsNotSolid) { if (loc1.getBlock().isLiquid() && liquidsNotSolid) { return true; } else if (loc1.getBlock().isEmpty()) { return true; } else if (!isSolidBlock(loc1.getBlock())) { return true; } else { return false; } }
private Block findAir(Location l) { if (l.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType() != Material.AIR) { return l.getBlock(); } for (int i = 2; i < 7; i++) { if (l.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, i).getType() != Material.AIR) { return l.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, i - 1); } } return l.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, 3); }
public void build_trade_outpost_tower() throws CivException { /* Add trade good to town. */ /* this.good is set by the good's load function or by the onBuild function. */ TradeGood good = this.good; if (good == null) { throw new CivException("Couldn't find trade good at location:" + good); } /* Build the 'trade good tower' */ /* This is always set on post build using the post build sync task. */ if (tradeOutpostTower == null) { throw new CivException("Couldn't find trade outpost tower."); } Location centerLoc = tradeOutpostTower.getLocation(); /* Build the bedrock tower. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Block b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(0, i, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.BEDROCK); ItemManager.setData(b, 0); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), false); // CivGlobal.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), this); } /* Place the sign. */ Block b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(1, 2, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.WALL_SIGN); ItemManager.setData(b, CivData.DATA_SIGN_EAST); Sign s = (Sign) b.getState(); s.setLine(0, good.getInfo().name); s.update(); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); // CivGlobal.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), false); /* Place the itemframe. */ b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(1, 1, 0); this.addStructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), false); Block b2 = b.getRelative(0, 0, 0); Entity entity = CivGlobal.getEntityAtLocation(b2.getLocation()); this.addStructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b2), false); if (entity == null || (!(entity instanceof ItemFrame))) { this.frameStore = new ItemFrameStorage(b.getLocation(), BlockFace.EAST); } else { this.frameStore = new ItemFrameStorage((ItemFrame) entity, b.getLocation()); } this.frameStore.setBuildable(this); }
public boolean stock() { if (offset.getBlock().getState() instanceof InventoryHolder) { Chest c = (Chest) offset.getBlock().getState(); if (c.getInventory().addItem(item.clone()).isEmpty()) { c.update(); return true; } } return false; }
public static void checkSecond() { for (Item i : Bukkit.getWorld("PrisonMap").getEntitiesByClass(Item.class)) { if (tnts.contains(i.getUniqueId())) { ParticleEffect.SMOKE_NORMAL.display( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.0001f, 5, i.getLocation().clone().add(0, 0.5, 0), 100); if (i.getTicksLived() > 30) { ParticleEffect.EXPLOSION_HUGE.display( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 5, i.getLocation().clone().add(0, 1, 0), 100); for (Entity e : i.getNearbyEntities(3.5, 3.5, 3.5)) { if (e instanceof Player) { Location midPoint = i.getLocation(); Vector direction = e.getLocation().toVector().subtract(midPoint.toVector()).normalize(); direction.multiply(1.1).setY(0.7); e.setVelocity(direction); ((Player) e).damage(0.0); } } final List<Location> blocks = new ArrayList<Location>(); int radius = 3; int bX = i.getLocation().getBlockX(); int bY = i.getLocation().getBlockY(); int bZ = i.getLocation().getBlockZ(); for (int x = bX - radius; x <= bX + radius; x++) { for (int y = bY - radius; y <= bY + radius; y++) { for (int z = bZ - radius; z <= bZ + radius; z++) { double distance = ((bX - x) * (bX - x) + ((bZ - z) * (bZ - z)) + ((bY - y) * (bY - y))); if (distance < radius * radius) { Location loc = new Location(i.getWorld(), x, y, z); if (loc.getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR) { blocks.add(loc); } } } } } for (Location loc : blocks) { Random r = new Random(); int i1 = r.nextInt(3) + 1; if (Game.isBreakable(loc.getBlock().getType()) && (i1 == 1 || i1 == 2)) { loc.getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); } } Game.playSound(Sound.EXPLODE, i.getLocation(), 1f, 1f); tnts.remove(i.getUniqueId()); i.teleport(i.getLocation().subtract(0, 500, 0)); } } } }
/* * updates sign at location */ public void refreshSign(Location loc) { if (loc.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.SIGN) || loc.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.SIGN_POST) || loc.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.WALL_SIGN)) { Sign sign = (Sign) loc.getBlock().getState(); if (sign.getLine(0) != null && sign.getLine(1) != null && sign.getLine(0).contains("[TAX]")) { Taxes taxes = TaxCollector.getTaxes(); sign.setLine(2, Double.toString(taxes.getTaxesByAlias(sign.getLine(1)))); sign.update(true); } } else { // this.removeLocation(loc); } }
/** * Gets the shop a sign is attached to * * @param loc The location of the sign * @return The shop */ private Shop getShopNextTo(Location loc) { Block[] blocks = new Block[4]; blocks[0] = loc.getBlock().getRelative(1, 0, 0); blocks[1] = loc.getBlock().getRelative(-1, 0, 0); blocks[2] = loc.getBlock().getRelative(0, 0, 1); blocks[3] = loc.getBlock().getRelative(0, 0, -1); for (Block b : blocks) { if (b.getType() != Material.CHEST) continue; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null && shop.isAttached(loc.getBlock())) return shop; } return null; }
public static void smartLogFallables(Consumer consumer, String playerName, Block origin) { WorldConfig wcfg = getWorldConfig(origin.getWorld()); if (wcfg == null) return; // Handle falling blocks Block checkBlock = origin.getRelative(BlockFace.UP); int up = 0; final int highestBlock = checkBlock.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(checkBlock.getLocation()); while (BukkitUtils.getRelativeTopFallables().contains(checkBlock.getType())) { // Record this block as falling consumer.queueBlockBreak(playerName, checkBlock.getState()); // Guess where the block is going (This could be thrown of by explosions, but it is better // than nothing) Location loc = origin.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(); int y = loc.getBlockY(); int z = loc.getBlockZ(); while (y > 0 && BukkitUtils.canFall(loc.getWorld(), x, (y - 1), z)) { y--; } // If y is 0 then the sand block fell out of the world :( if (y != 0) { Location finalLoc = new Location(loc.getWorld(), x, y, z); // Run this check to avoid false positives if (!BukkitUtils.getFallingEntityKillers().contains(finalLoc.getBlock().getType())) { finalLoc.add(0, up, 0); // Add this here after checking for block breakers if (finalLoc.getBlock().getType() == Material.AIR || BukkitUtils.getRelativeTopFallables().contains(finalLoc.getBlock().getType())) { consumer.queueBlockPlace( playerName, finalLoc, checkBlock.getTypeId(), checkBlock.getData()); } else { consumer.queueBlockReplace( playerName, finalLoc, finalLoc.getBlock().getTypeId(), finalLoc.getBlock().getData(), checkBlock.getTypeId(), checkBlock.getData()); } up++; } } if (checkBlock.getY() >= highestBlock) break; checkBlock = checkBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP); } }
@Override public void deleteLightSource(Location fromPlayerLocation, Player player) { CraftWorld cWorld = (CraftWorld) fromPlayerLocation.getWorld(); int xPrevious = fromPlayerLocation.getBlockX(); int yPrevious = fromPlayerLocation.getBlockY() + 2; int zPrevious = fromPlayerLocation.getBlockZ(); Location previousSource = new Location(cWorld, xPrevious, yPrevious, zPrevious); Material blockMaterial = previousSource.getBlock().getType(); byte blockData = previousSource.getBlock().getData(); previousSource.getBlock().setType(blockMaterial); previousSource.getBlock().setData(blockData); Chunks.sendClientChanges(); }
@EventHandler public void onMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); double x = p.getLocation().getX(); double y = p.getLocation().getY() - 1; double z = p.getLocation().getZ(); Location loc = new Location(p.getWorld(), x, y, z); Block b1 = loc.getBlock(); Block b2 = p.getLocation().getBlock(); if (b1.getType().equals(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK) && b2.getType().equals(Material.WOOD_PLATE)) { // p.sendMessage("ON " + b1.getType().toString() + " + " + b2.getType().toString()); p.setVelocity(p.getLocation().getDirection().multiply(2).setY(p.getVelocity().getY() + 1)); p.setFallDistance(0f); for (Player all : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { all.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.WITHER_SHOOT, 0.1f, 0.1f); } } p.setSaturation(100f); p.setFoodLevel(20); p.setHealth(20f); if (p.getLocation().getY() <= 80) { p.teleport(p.getWorld().getSpawnLocation()); p.setGameMode(GameMode.ADVENTURE); p.setAllowFlight(true); p.setFlying(false); } }
private boolean isCloseDoor(Location actual) { BlockFace[] blockFaces = {BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.SOUTH}; actual.setY(actual.getY()); Block base = actual.getBlock(); for (BlockFace bf : blockFaces) { Block bu = base.getRelative(bf); if ((bu.getType() == Material.WOODEN_DOOR)) { byte openData = 0x4; byte doorData = (byte) (bu.getData()); if ((doorData & 0x4) == 0x4) { doorData = (byte) (doorData & 0x3); } else { doorData = (byte) (doorData | 0x7); } bu.setData(doorData); if ((bu.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType() == Material.WOODEN_DOOR)) { doorData = (byte) (bu.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getData()); if ((doorData & 0x1) == 1) { doorData = 0x9; } else { doorData = 0x8; } bu.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).setData(doorData); } return true; } } return false; }
@Override public SpellResult perform(CastContext context) { Entity entity = context.getEntity(); if (entity == null) { return SpellResult.ENTITY_REQUIRED; } Location targetLocation = context.getLocation(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!context.allowPassThrough(targetLocation.getBlock().getType())) return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; targetLocation.setY(targetLocation.getY() + 1); } Location location = context.findPlaceToStand(targetLocation, verticalSearchDistance, true); if (location == null && !safe) { location = context.getTargetLocation(); location.setPitch(targetLocation.getPitch()); location.setYaw(targetLocation.getYaw()); verticalSearchDistance = 0; } if (location != null) { teleport(context, entity, location); return SpellResult.CAST; } return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; }
public boolean progress() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - time >= interval) { location = location.clone().add(direction); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (location.distance(origin) > range) { remove(); return false; } Block block = location.getBlock(); if (isIgnitable(player, block)) { ignite(block); return true; } else if (isIgnitable(player, block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN))) { ignite(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN)); location = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation(); return true; } else if (isIgnitable(player, block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP))) { ignite(block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP)); location = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getLocation(); return true; } else { remove(); return false; } } return false; }
public static void createItemContainers( MinecartManiaStorageCart minecart, HashSet<ComparableLocation> available) { ArrayList<ItemContainer> containers = new ArrayList<ItemContainer>(); for (Location loc : available) { Sign sign = (Sign) loc.getBlock().getState(); if (isItemCollectionSign(sign)) { MinecartManiaLogger.getInstance().debug("Found Collect Item Sign"); bracketizeSign(sign); containers.addAll( getItemContainers(sign.getBlock().getLocation(), minecart.getDirection(), true)); } else if (isItemDepositSign(sign)) { MinecartManiaLogger.getInstance().debug("Found Deposit Item Sign"); bracketizeSign(sign); containers.addAll( getItemContainers(sign.getBlock().getLocation(), minecart.getDirection(), false)); } else if (isTrashItemSign(sign)) { MinecartManiaLogger.getInstance().debug("Found Trash Item Sign"); bracketizeSign(sign); containers.addAll( getTrashItemContainers(sign.getBlock().getLocation(), minecart.getDirection())); } containers.addAll( getFurnaceContainers(sign.getBlock().getLocation(), minecart.getDirection())); } minecart.setDataValue("ItemContainerList", containers); }
public static boolean hasBed(Player player) { Location bedlocation = player.getBedSpawnLocation(); if ((bedlocation != null) && (bedlocation.getBlock().getType() == Material.BED_BLOCK)) { return true; } return false; }