Пример #1
  static boolean allGenotypesAreUnfilteredAndCalled(VariantContext vc) {
    for (final Genotype gt : vc.getGenotypes()) {
      if (gt.isNoCall() || gt.isFiltered()) return false;

    return true;
Пример #2
  private Map<String, Object> calculateIC(final VariantContext vc) {
    final GenotypesContext genotypes =
        (founderIds == null || founderIds.isEmpty())
            ? vc.getGenotypes()
            : vc.getGenotypes(founderIds);
    if (genotypes == null || genotypes.size() < MIN_SAMPLES) return null;

    int idxAA = 0, idxAB = 1, idxBB = 2;

    if (!vc.isBiallelic()) {
      // for non-bliallelic case, do test with most common alt allele.
      // Get then corresponding indeces in GL vectors to retrieve GL of AA,AB and BB.
      int[] idxVector = vc.getGLIndecesOfAlternateAllele(vc.getAltAlleleWithHighestAlleleCount());
      idxAA = idxVector[0];
      idxAB = idxVector[1];
      idxBB = idxVector[2];

    double refCount = 0.0;
    double hetCount = 0.0;
    double homCount = 0.0;
    int N = 0; // number of samples that have likelihoods
    for (final Genotype g : genotypes) {
      if (g.isNoCall() || !g.hasLikelihoods()) continue;

      if (g.getPloidy() != 2) // only work for diploid samples

      final double[] normalizedLikelihoods =
      refCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAA];
      hetCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAB];
      homCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxBB];

    if (N < MIN_SAMPLES) {
      return null;

    final double p =
        (2.0 * refCount + hetCount)
            / (2.0 * (refCount + hetCount + homCount)); // expected reference allele frequency
    final double q = 1.0 - p; // expected alternative allele frequency
    final double F = 1.0 - (hetCount / (2.0 * p * q * (double) N)); // inbreeding coefficient

    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    map.put(getKeyNames().get(0), String.format("%.4f", F));
    return map;
Пример #3
  public void update2(
      VariantContext eval,
      VariantContext comp,
      RefMetaDataTracker tracker,
      ReferenceContext ref,
      AlignmentContext context) {
    if (eval == null || (getWalker().ignoreAC0Sites() && eval.isMonomorphicInSamples())) return;

    final Type type = getType(eval);
    if (type == null) return;

    TypeSampleMap titvTable = null;

    // update DP, if possible
    if (eval.hasAttribute(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY)) depthPerSample.inc(type, ALL);

    // update counts
    allVariantCounts.inc(type, ALL);

    // type specific calculations
    if (type == Type.SNP && eval.isBiallelic()) {
      titvTable =
          VariantContextUtils.isTransition(eval) ? transitionsPerSample : transversionsPerSample;
      titvTable.inc(type, ALL);

    // novelty calculation
    if (comp != null || (type == Type.CNV && overlapsKnownCNV(eval)))
      knownVariantCounts.inc(type, ALL);

    // per sample metrics
    for (final Genotype g : eval.getGenotypes()) {
      if (!g.isNoCall() && !g.isHomRef()) {
        countsPerSample.inc(type, g.getSampleName());

        // update transition / transversion ratio
        if (titvTable != null) titvTable.inc(type, g.getSampleName());

        if (g.hasDP()) depthPerSample.inc(type, g.getSampleName());