Пример #1
    HistogramGenerator addRead(final GATKRead read) {
      final byte[] quals =
              ? ReadUtils.getOriginalBaseQualities(read)
              : read.getBaseQualities());
      if (quals == null) {
        return this;

      final int length = quals.length;
      final boolean isReverseStrand = read.isReverseStrand();
      ensureArraysBigEnough(length + 1);

      for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        final int cycle = isReverseStrand ? length - i : i + 1;

        if (read.isPaired() && read.isSecondOfPair()) {
          secondReadTotalsByCycle[cycle] += quals[i];
          secondReadCountsByCycle[cycle] += 1;
        } else {
          firstReadTotalsByCycle[cycle] += quals[i];
          firstReadCountsByCycle[cycle] += 1;
      return this;
 public void setRead(final GATKRead read) {
   if (!read.isEmpty()) {
     this.read = read;
     if (!read.isUnmapped())
       loc =
               read.getContig(), ReadUtils.getSoftStart(read), ReadUtils.getSoftEnd(read));
Пример #3
 public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
   String dest = c.element();
   logger.info("Saving to " + dest);
   Iterable<GATKRead> reads = c.sideInput(iterableView);
   OutputStream outputStream = BucketUtils.createFile(dest, c.getPipelineOptions());
   try (SAMFileWriter writer =
       new SAMFileWriterFactory().makeBAMWriter(header, false, outputStream)) {
     for (GATKRead r : reads) {
       final SAMRecord sr = r.convertToSAMRecord(header);
Пример #4
  public void recordValues(
      final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header, final ReadCovariates values) {
    final SAMReadGroupRecord rg = ReadUtils.getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header);
    final String readGroupId = getID(rg);
    final int key = keyForReadGroup(readGroupId);

    final int readLength = read.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) {
      values.addCovariate(key, key, key, i);
   * Add a read to the manager
   * @param read the read to add
  public void addRead(final GATKRead read) {
    if (read == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("read added to manager is null, which is not allowed");

    // if the new read is on a different contig or we have too many reads, then we need to flush the
    // queue and clear the map
    final boolean tooManyReads = getNReadsInQueue() >= MAX_RECORDS_IN_MEMORY;
    final boolean encounteredNewContig =
        getNReadsInQueue() > 0 && !waitingReads.peek().read.getContig().equals(read.getContig());

    if (tooManyReads || encounteredNewContig) {
      if (DEBUG)
            "Flushing queue on "
                + (tooManyReads
                    ? "too many reads"
                    : ("move to new contig: "
                        + read.getContig()
                        + " from "
                        + waitingReads.peek().read.getContig()))
                + " at "
                + read.getStart());

      final int targetQueueSize = encounteredNewContig ? 0 : MAX_RECORDS_IN_MEMORY / 2;

      // write the required number of waiting reads to disk
      while (getNReadsInQueue() > targetQueueSize) writer.addRead(waitingReads.poll().read);

    final SplitRead splitRead = new SplitRead(read);

    // fix overhangs, as needed
    for (final Splice splice : splices) fixSplit(splitRead, splice);

    // add the new read to the queue
Пример #6
  public void testPerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap() {
    final PerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap map = new PerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap();

    final Allele alleleA = Allele.create("A");
    final double lik = -1.0; // ignored

    final int[] MQs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, QualityUtils.MAPPING_QUALITY_UNAVAILABLE};
    final List<Integer> MQsList = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(MQs));

    // MQ 255 are excluded from the calculations, we test it here.
    final List<Integer> MQsListOK = new ArrayList<>(MQsList);
    // NOTE: if we just call remove(i), Java thinks i is an index.
    // A workaround for this overloading bogosity to to call removeAll and pass a collection
    // (casting i to (Object) would work too but it's more error prone)

    final int n1A = MQs.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n1A; i++) {
      final GATKRead read = ArtificialReadUtils.createArtificialRead(TextCigarCodec.decode("10M"));
      map.add(read, alleleA, lik);

    final Map<String, PerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap> perReadAlleleLikelihoodMap =
        Collections.singletonMap("sample1", map);
    final VariantContext vc = makeVC();
    final ReferenceContext referenceContext = null;
    final Map<String, Object> annotate =
        new RMSMappingQuality().annotate(referenceContext, vc, perReadAlleleLikelihoodMap);
    Assert.assertEquals(annotate.size(), 1, "size");
        annotate.keySet(), Collections.singleton(VCFConstants.RMS_MAPPING_QUALITY_KEY), "annots");
    final double rms = MathUtils.rms(MQsListOK); // only those are MQ0
        annotate.get(VCFConstants.RMS_MAPPING_QUALITY_KEY), String.format("%.2f", rms));