public double[] computeReadHaplotypeLikelihoods(
      ReadBackedPileup pileup, HashMap<Allele, Haplotype> haplotypesInVC) {
    double[][] haplotypeLikehoodMatrix = new double[haplotypesInVC.size()][haplotypesInVC.size()];
    double readLikelihoods[][] = new double[pileup.getReads().size()][haplotypesInVC.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (GATKSAMRecord read : pileup.getReads()) {
      if (ReadUtils.is454Read(read)) {
      // for each read/haplotype combination, compute likelihoods, ie -10*log10(Pr(R | Hi))
      // = sum_j(-10*log10(Pr(R_j | Hi) since reads are assumed to be independent
      int j = 0;
      for (Map.Entry<Allele, Haplotype> a : haplotypesInVC.entrySet()) {
        readLikelihoods[i][j] = computeReadLikelihoodGivenHaplotype(a.getValue(), read);
        if (DEBUG) {
          System.out.print(read.getReadName() + " ");

              "%d %d S:%d US:%d E:%d UE:%d C:%s %3.4f\n",

    for (i = 0; i < haplotypesInVC.size(); i++) {
      for (int j = i; j < haplotypesInVC.size(); j++) {
        // combine likelihoods of haplotypeLikelihoods[i], haplotypeLikelihoods[j]
        // L(Hi, Hj) = sum_reads ( Pr(R|Hi)/2 + Pr(R|Hj)/2)
        // readLikelihoods[k][j] has log10(Pr(R_k) | H[j] )
        double[] readLikelihood = new double[2]; // diploid sample
        for (int readIdx = 0; readIdx < pileup.getReads().size(); readIdx++) {
          readLikelihood[0] = -readLikelihoods[readIdx][i] / 10;
          readLikelihood[1] = -readLikelihoods[readIdx][j] / 10;

          // Compute log10(10^x1/2 + 10^x2/2) = log10(10^x1+x0^x2)-log10(2)
          // First term is approximated by Jacobian log with table lookup.
          // Second term is a constant added to both likelihoods so will be ignored
          haplotypeLikehoodMatrix[i][j] +=
              MathUtils.approximateLog10SumLog10(readLikelihood[0], readLikelihood[1]);

    return getHaplotypeLikelihoods(haplotypeLikehoodMatrix);
   * Get the most likely alleles estimated across all reads in this object
   * <p>Takes the most likely two alleles according to their diploid genotype likelihoods. That is,
   * for each allele i and j we compute p(D | i,j) where D is the read likelihoods. We track the
   * maximum i,j likelihood and return an object that contains the alleles i and j as well as the
   * max likelihood.
   * <p>Note that the second most likely diploid genotype is not tracked so the resulting
   * MostLikelyAllele doesn't have a meaningful get best likelihood.
   * @return a MostLikelyAllele object, or null if this map is empty
  public MostLikelyAllele getMostLikelyDiploidAlleles() {
    if (isEmpty()) return null;

    int hap1 = 0;
    int hap2 = 0;
    double maxElement = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int iii = 0; iii < alleles.size(); iii++) {
      final Allele iii_allele = alleles.get(iii);
      for (int jjj = 0; jjj <= iii; jjj++) {
        final Allele jjj_allele = alleles.get(jjj);

        double haplotypeLikelihood = 0.0;
        for (final Map.Entry<GATKSAMRecord, Map<Allele, Double>> entry :
            likelihoodReadMap.entrySet()) {
          // Compute log10(10^x1/2 + 10^x2/2) = log10(10^x1+10^x2)-log10(2)
          final double likelihood_iii = entry.getValue().get(iii_allele);
          final double likelihood_jjj = entry.getValue().get(jjj_allele);
          haplotypeLikelihood +=
              MathUtils.approximateLog10SumLog10(likelihood_iii, likelihood_jjj)
                  + MathUtils.LOG_ONE_HALF;

          // fast exit.  If this diploid pair is already worse than the max, just stop and look at
          // the next pair
          if (haplotypeLikelihood < maxElement) break;

        // keep track of the max element and associated indices
        if (haplotypeLikelihood > maxElement) {
          hap1 = iii;
          hap2 = jjj;
          maxElement = haplotypeLikelihood;

    if (maxElement == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "max likelihood is " + maxElement + " indicating something has gone wrong");

    return new MostLikelyAllele(alleles.get(hap1), alleles.get(hap2), maxElement, maxElement);