Пример #1
 public void mapClass(
     OWLIndividual bpInstance,
     BioPAXFactory bpFactory,
     XMLFileAdaptor fileAdaptor,
     Map<OWLIndividual, GKInstance> bpToRInstancesMap)
     throws Exception {
   RDFSClass cls = bpInstance.getRDFType();
   if (cls != bpFactory.getpathwayClass()) return; // this method will work for pathway only
   GKInstance instance = fileAdaptor.createNewInstance(ReactomeJavaConstants.Pathway);
   bpToRInstancesMap.put(bpInstance, instance);
Пример #2
 private void getPathwayComponents(
     OWLIndividual bpInstance,
     BioPAXFactory bpFactory,
     GKInstance rPathway,
     Map<OWLIndividual, GKInstance> bpToRInstanceMap)
     throws Exception {
   OWLProperty prop = bpFactory.getOWLProperty(BioPAXJavaConstants.PATHWAY_COMPONENTS);
   Collection bpComponents = bpInstance.getPropertyValues(prop);
   if (bpComponents == null || bpComponents.size() == 0) return;
   OWLIndividual bpComp;
   RDFSClass bpCompType;
   GKInstance rComp;
   // Used to check value
   // Try to make it work for the new schema (6/13/07 - wgm)
   SchemaAttribute hasComponentAtt = null;
   if (rPathway.getSchemClass().isValidAttribute(ReactomeJavaConstants.hasComponent))
     hasComponentAtt = rPathway.getSchemClass().getAttribute(ReactomeJavaConstants.hasComponent);
   else if (rPathway.getSchemClass().isValidAttribute(ReactomeJavaConstants.hasEvent))
     hasComponentAtt = rPathway.getSchemClass().getAttribute(ReactomeJavaConstants.hasEvent);
   if (hasComponentAtt == null) return;
   // Do a sort based on NEXT_STEP
   for (Iterator it = bpComponents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     Object obj = it.next();
     if (!(obj instanceof OWLIndividual)) {
       System.out.println(obj + " is not an OWLIndividual object!");
       throw new IllegalStateException(
           "Object in the pathway component list is not an OWLIndividual object: " + obj);
     bpComp = (OWLIndividual) obj;
     bpCompType = bpComp.getRDFType();
     if (bpCompType == bpFactory.getpathwayStepClass()) {
       // Grep the wrapped interaction or pathway instances
       prop = bpFactory.getOWLProperty(BioPAXJavaConstants.STEP_INTERACTIONS);
       Collection stepInteractions = bpComp.getPropertyValues(prop);
       if (stepInteractions == null || stepInteractions.size() == 0) continue;
       for (Iterator it1 = stepInteractions.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); ) {
         OWLIndividual stepInteraction = (OWLIndividual) it1.next();
         if (stepInteraction.getRDFType() != bpFactory.getcontrolClass()) {
           rComp = bpToRInstanceMap.get(stepInteraction);
           // Some control Individuals are listed under PATHWAY_COMPONENT. However,
           // they should not be a value in hasComponent
           if (rComp != null && hasComponentAtt.isValidValue(rComp))
             rPathway.addAttributeValue(hasComponentAtt, rComp);
     } else if (bpCompType != bpFactory.getcontrolClass()
         && !bpCompType.isSubclassOf(bpFactory.getcontrolClass())) {
       // Another two types should be: Interaction and Pathway. But should exclude
       // control class. Control class is attached to Reaction in Reactome
       rComp = bpToRInstanceMap.get(bpComp);
       if (rComp != null) rPathway.addAttributeValue(hasComponentAtt, rComp);