public ArrayList<Double> mapPDScoresToAlignment( ArrayList<Double> pdScores, Sequence seq, ArrayList<Integer> indicesOfRowsWithSumZero) { ArrayList<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>(); int seqLength = seq.length(); int nonGapPosition = 0; Symbol gap = seq.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol(); for (int i = 0; i < seqLength; i++) { double oneScore = Double.MIN_VALUE; boolean isSumZero = false; isSumZero = (indicesOfRowsWithSumZero.contains(i)); boolean isGap = false; isGap = (seq.symbolAt(i + 1) == gap); // note: these +1 in indices are because seq starts from one and not zero! if (isSumZero) { oneScore = 0.0; } else { oneScore = pdScores.get(nonGapPosition); nonGapPosition++; } result.add(oneScore); } return result; } /*mapPDScoresToAlignment*/
/** @throws BioException */ private void init() throws BioException { similars = 0; identicals = 0; nGapsQ = 0; nGapsS = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(queryEnd - queryStart, subjectEnd - subjectStart); i++) { Symbol a = query.symbolAt(i + queryStart); Symbol b = subject.symbolAt(i + subjectStart); boolean gap = false; if (a.equals(b)) { identicals++; } // get score for this pair. if it is positive, they are similar... if (a.equals(query.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol())) { nGapsQ++; gap = true; } if (b.equals(subject.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol())) { nGapsS++; gap = true; } if (!gap && subMatrix != null && subMatrix.getValueAt(a, b) > 0) { similars++; } } }
public static String toFasta(Sequence... sequences) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Sequence sequence : sequences) sb.append('>' + sequence.getName() + '\n' + sequence.seqString() + '\n'); return sb.toString(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Organism getOrganism(Sequence bioJavaSequence) throws ObjectStoreException { Annotation anno = bioJavaSequence.getAnnotation(); // description_line=sp|Q9V8R9-2|41_DROME Isoform 2 of Protein 4.1 homolog OS=Drosophila // melanogaster GN=cora, String header = anno.getProperty("description_line").toString(); final String regexp = "OS\\=\\w+\\s\\w+"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp); Matcher m = p.matcher(header); if (m.find()) { header =; String[] bits = header.split("="); if (bits.length != 2) { return null; } Integer taxonId = getTaxonId(bits[1]); if (taxonId == null) { return null; } Organism org = organisms.get(taxonId); if (org == null) { org = getDirectDataLoader().createObject(Organism.class); org.setTaxonId(taxonId); getDirectDataLoader().store(org); organisms.put(taxonId, org); } return org; } return null; }
public ArrayList<Double> mapViterbiPathToAlignment( ArrayList<String> viterbiPath, Sequence seq, ArrayList<Integer> indicesOfRowsWithSumZero) { ArrayList<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>(); int seqLength = seq.length(); int nonGapPosition = 0; Symbol gap = seq.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol(); for (int i = 0; i < seqLength; i++) { double oneScore = Double.MIN_VALUE; boolean isSumZero = false; isSumZero = (indicesOfRowsWithSumZero.contains(i)); boolean isGap = false; isGap = (seq.symbolAt(i + 1) == gap); // note: these +1 in indices are because seq and viterbi path start from one // and not zero! if (isSumZero) { oneScore = 0.0; } else { if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("M")) { oneScore = 0.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("R")) { oneScore = 2.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("r")) { oneScore = 2.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("G")) { oneScore = 2.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("g")) { oneScore = 2.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("E")) { oneScore = 1.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("e")) { oneScore = 1.0; } else if (viterbiPath.get(nonGapPosition).equals("J")) { oneScore = 1.5; } else { System.err.println("Unknown charecter detected as a state name!"); } nonGapPosition++; } result.add(oneScore); } return result; } /*mapViterbiPathToAlignment*/
/** @return */ public float getPercentGapsQuery() { return nGapsQ / (float) query.length() * 100; }
/** @return */ public float getPercentGapsTarget() { return nGapsS / (float) subject.length() * 100; }
/** * This method provides a BLAST-like formated alignment from the given <code>String</code>s, in * which the sequence coordinates and the information "Query" or "Sbjct", respectively is added to * each line. Each line contains <code>width</code> sequence characters including the gap symbols * plus the meta information. There is one white line between two pairs of sequences. * * @param width the number of symbols to be displayed per line. * @return formated String. * @throws BioException */ public String formatOutput(int width) throws BioException { int i, j; /* * Highlights equal symbols within the alignment, String match/missmatch * representation */ StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); for (i = 0; i < Math.min(queryEnd - queryStart, subjectEnd - subjectStart) + 1; i++) { Symbol a = query.symbolAt(i + queryStart); Symbol b = subject.symbolAt(i + subjectStart); if (!a.equals(query.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol()) && !b.equals(subject.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol()) && ((subMatrix.getValueAt(a, b) >= 0) || a.equals(b))) { path.append('|'); } else { path.append(' '); } } int maxLength = path.length(); /* * Math.max(queryEnd - queryStart, subjectEnd - subjectStart) + 1; */ Formatter output = new Formatter(); output.format("%n Time (ms): %s%n", time); output.format(" Length: %d%n", maxLength); output.format(" Score: %d%n", getScore()); output.format(" Query: %s, Length: %d%n", query.getName(), query.length() - nGapsQ); output.format(" Sbjct: %s, Length: %d%n", subject.getName(), subject.length() - nGapsS); output.format( " Identities: %d/%d, i.e., %d %% (query) and %d %% (sbjct)%n", identicals, maxLength, Math.round(getPercentIdentityQuery()), Math.round(getPercentIdentitySubject())); output.format( " Similars: %d/%d, i.e., %d %% (query) and %d %% (sbjct)%n", similars, maxLength, Math.round(getPercentSimilarityQuery()), Math.round(getPercentSimilaritySubject())); output.format( " No. gaps: %d (%d %%) in query and %d (%d %%) in sbjct%n", nGapsQ, Math.round(getPercentGapsQuery()), nGapsS, Math.round(getPercentGapsTarget())); int queryLPos = queryStart, queryRPos, pathLPos = 0, pathRPos; int subjectLPos = subjectStart, subjectRPos; int ql = queryLPos - 1, qr = queryLPos - 1, qgaps; int sl = subjectLPos - 1, sr = subjectLPos - 1, sgaps; int widthLeft = String.valueOf(Math.max(queryStart, queryEnd)).length(); int widthRight = String.valueOf(Math.max(queryEnd, subjectEnd)).length() + 1; // Take width of the meta information into account. width = Math.max(width - widthLeft - widthRight - 12, 2); for (i = 1; i <= Math.ceil((double) maxLength / width); i++) { // Query queryRPos = Math.min( queryStart + i * width - 1, Math.min(queryEnd, subjectEnd - subjectStart + queryStart)); qgaps = 0; for (j = queryLPos; j <= queryRPos; j++) { if (!query.symbolAt(j).equals(query.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol())) { qr++; } else { qgaps++; } } if (qgaps <= queryRPos - queryLPos) { ql++; } output.format("%nQuery: %" + widthLeft + "d ", ql); output.format("%s ", query.subStr(queryLPos, queryRPos)); output.format("%-" + widthRight + "d%n", qr); queryLPos = queryRPos + 1; ql = qr; // Path pathRPos = Math.min(i * width, path.length()); output.format( "%-" + (widthLeft + 10) + "c%s", Character.valueOf(' '), path.substring(pathLPos, pathRPos)); pathLPos = pathRPos; // Sbjct subjectRPos = Math.min( subjectStart + i * width - 1, Math.min(queryEnd - queryStart + subjectStart, subjectEnd)); sgaps = 0; for (j = subjectLPos; j <= subjectRPos; j++) { if (!subject.symbolAt(j).equals(subject.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol())) { sr++; } else { sgaps++; } } if (sgaps <= subjectRPos - subjectLPos) { sl++; } output.format("%nSbjct: %" + widthLeft + "d ", sl); output.format("%s ", subject.subStr(subjectLPos, subjectRPos)); output.format("%-" + widthRight + "d%n", sr); subjectLPos = subjectRPos + 1; sl = sr; } return output.toString(); }
/** @return */ public int getSubjectLength() { return subject.length(); }
/** @return */ public int getQueryLength() { return query.length(); }
/** @return */ public float getPercentIdentitySubject() { return identicals / (float) (subject.length() - nGapsS) * 100; }
/** @return */ public float getPercentIdentityQuery() { return identicals / (float) (query.length() - nGapsQ) * 100; }
/** * @param query * @param subject * @param subMatrix * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws BioException */ public AlignmentPair(Sequence query, Sequence subject, SubstitutionMatrix subMatrix) throws IllegalArgumentException, BioException { this(query, subject, 1, query.length(), 1, subject.length(), subMatrix); }
private void dnaCommand(HttpServletRequest req, DazzleResponse resp, DazzleDataSource dds) throws IOException, DataSourceException, ServletException, DazzleException { DazzleReferenceSource drs = (DazzleReferenceSource) dds; List segments = DazzleTools.getSegments(dds, req, resp); if (segments.size() == 0) { throw new DazzleException( DASStatus.STATUS_BAD_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS, "No segments specified for dna command"); } // Fetch and validate the requests. Map segmentResults = new HashMap(); for (Iterator i = segments.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Segment seg = (Segment); try { Sequence seq = drs.getSequence(seg.getReference()); if (seq.getAlphabet() != DNATools.getDNA()) { throw new DazzleException( DASStatus.STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Sequence " + seg.toString() + " is not in the DNA alphabet"); } if (seg.isBounded()) { if (seg.getMin() < 1 || seg.getMax() > seq.length()) { throw new DazzleException( DASStatus.STATUS_BAD_COORDS, "Segment " + seg.toString() + " doesn't fit sequence of length " + seq.length()); } } segmentResults.put(seg, seq); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { throw new DazzleException(DASStatus.STATUS_BAD_REFERENCE, ex); } catch (DataSourceException ex) { throw new DazzleException(DASStatus.STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, ex); } } // // Looks okay -- generate the response document // XMLWriter xw = resp.startDasXML("DASDNA", "dasdna.dtd"); try { xw.openTag("DASDNA"); for (Iterator i = segmentResults.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); Segment seg = (Segment) me.getKey(); Sequence seq = (Sequence) me.getValue(); xw.openTag("SEQUENCE"); xw.attribute("id", seg.getReference()); xw.attribute("version", drs.getLandmarkVersion(seg.getReference())); if (seg.isBounded()) { xw.attribute("start", "" + seg.getStart()); xw.attribute("stop", "" + seg.getStop()); } else { xw.attribute("start", "" + 1); xw.attribute("stop", "" + seq.length()); } SymbolList syms = seq; if (seg.isBounded()) { syms = syms.subList(seg.getMin(), seg.getMax()); } if (seg.isInverted()) { syms = DNATools.reverseComplement(syms); } xw.openTag("DNA"); xw.attribute("length", "" + syms.length()); for (int pos = 1; pos <= syms.length(); pos += 60) { int maxPos = Math.min(syms.length(), pos + 59); xw.println(syms.subStr(pos, maxPos)); } xw.closeTag("DNA"); xw.closeTag("SEQUENCE"); } xw.closeTag("DASDNA"); xw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DazzleException(ex, "Error writing DNA document"); } }
public void main(String[] args) throws BioException, IOException { if (count.length != args.length) { System.err.println("The number of counts and output file arguments does not match!"); System.exit(1); } OutputStream[] outputStreams; if ((args != null) && (args.length > 0)) { outputStreams = new OutputStream[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { outputStreams[i] = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[i])); } } else { outputStreams = new OutputStream[] {System.out}; } RichSequenceIterator seqIterator = RichSequence.IOTools.readFastaDNA(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(seqFile)), null); List<Sequence> seqs = new ArrayList<Sequence>(); while (seqIterator.hasNext()) { seqs.add(seqIterator.nextSequence()); } List<List<Sequence>> chosenSeqs = new ArrayList<List<Sequence>>(); if (!sampleWithReplacement) { for (int c : count) { List<Sequence> cseqs = new ArrayList<Sequence>(); chosenSeqs.add(cseqs); while (c > 0) { int randSeqIndex = random.nextInt(seqs.size()); cseqs.add(seqs.remove(randSeqIndex)); c--; } } } else if (sampleWithReplacement || (length > 0)) { /* * if you want to sample from sequences with replacement * or if the wanted length is specified */ for (int c : count) { int i = 0; List<Sequence> cseqs = new ArrayList<Sequence>(); chosenSeqs.add(cseqs); while (c > 0) { Sequence randomSeq = seqs.get(random.nextInt(seqs.size())); if (length > 0) { int startPos = random.nextInt(1 + randomSeq.length() - length); cseqs.add( new SimpleSequence( randomSeq.subList(startPos, startPos + length), null, randomSeq.getName() + "_" + i++, Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION)); } else { cseqs.add(randomSeq); } c--; } } } int i = 0; for (List<Sequence> seqList : chosenSeqs) { for (Sequence seq : seqList) { Sequence s; if (uniqueNames) { s = new SimpleSequence( seq.subList(1, seq.length()), null, seq.getName() + "_" + i, Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION); } else { s = seq; } RichSequence.IOTools.writeFasta(outputStreams[i], s, null); outputStreams[i].flush(); } i++; } seqs = null; }
/** * Creates the Map required by the super class. * * @param s1 * @param s2 * @return */ private static Map<String, SymbolList> createHashMap(Sequence s1, Sequence s2) { Map<String, SymbolList> m = new HashMap<String, SymbolList>(); m.put(s1.getName(), s1); m.put(s2.getName(), s2); return m; }
public LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList> getAlphabetAndSimpleSymbolList( Matrix2D m, Sequence sequence) throws IllegalSymbolException { LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList> alphabetAndSymbolList = new LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList>(); SimpleAlphabet alphabet = new SimpleAlphabet(); List<AtomicSymbol> listOfSymbols = new ArrayList<AtomicSymbol>(); alphabet.setName("ObservedSequenceAlphabet"); int numberofRows = m.rows(); int seqLength = sequence.length(); if (numberofRows != seqLength) { System.err.print( "It was assumed your sequence has a length equal to the number of rows of the matrix, but found a case that is not true!"); } Symbol gap = sequence.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol(); for (int i = 0; i < numberofRows; i++) { List<Symbol> oneListOfSymbol = new ArrayList<Symbol>(3); // red is match, green is flanking and blue is background double redValue = m.get(i, 0); double greenValue = m.get(i, 1); double blueValue = m.get(i, 2); double onesum = redValue + greenValue + blueValue; boolean isGap = false; isGap = (sequence.symbolAt(i + 1) == gap); if (onesum == 0) { // sum of this value is supposed to be one, but for some rows it sums up to // zero, this is to ignore those up to time we found out why these naouthy rows // sums up to zero! // continue; // note these three lines is only a dummy solution for positions where red, green and blue // are summed up to zero! redValue = 0.3333; greenValue = 0.3333; blueValue = 1 - (redValue + greenValue); } // make one triplet symbol from three symbols Symbol redSymbol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(redValue)); Symbol greenSymol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(greenValue)); Symbol blueSymbol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(blueValue)); oneListOfSymbol.add(redSymbol); oneListOfSymbol.add(greenSymol); oneListOfSymbol.add(blueSymbol); // now create symbol and add it to alphabet AtomicSymbol oneSym = (AtomicSymbol) AlphabetManager.createSymbol( Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION, oneListOfSymbol, alphabet); alphabet.addSymbol(oneSym); listOfSymbols.add(oneSym); } SimpleSymbolList ssl = new SimpleSymbolList(alphabet, listOfSymbols); alphabetAndSymbolList.put(alphabet, ssl); return alphabetAndSymbolList; } /*getAlphabetAndSimpleSymbolList*/
/** @return */ public float getPercentSimilarityQuery() { return similars / (float) query.length() * 100; }
/** @return */ public float getPercentSimilaritySubject() { return similars / (float) subject.length() * 100; }
public void doMain(String[] args) throws Exception { CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(this); // if you have a wider console, you could increase the value; // here 80 is also the default parser.setUsageWidth(80); try { parser.parseArgument(args); if ((arguments.size() != 0)) { System.err.println(C_USAGE); parser.printUsage(System.err); System.exit(1); } if ((outPrefix == null)) { System.err.println("Must specify outPrefix and at least one mnasePrefix"); parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(C_USAGE); System.exit(1); } } catch (CmdLineException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println(C_USAGE); // print the list of available options parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); return; } Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME).setLevel(Level.SEVERE); // Setup output files and print domain finders ListUtils.setDelim("-"); String mnasePrefixStr = mnasePrefix; String normString = (this.normalizationWindow == 0) ? "" : String.format(".normalized%dbpWind", this.normalizationWindow); String motifString = (this.motif == null) ? "" : String.format(".motif%s", this.motif.toUpperCase()); String withinStr = (this.withinFeat == null) ? "" : String.format(".withinFeat-%s", this.withinFeat); if (this.filterByMotif != null) motifString += String.format( ".filteredByMotif%s%s%s", this.filterByMotif, (this.filterByMotifInvert) ? "-inverted" : "", (this.filterByMotifOffset != 0) ? String.format("-offset%d", this.filterByMotifOffset) : ""); String fwOnlyStr = (this.fwStrandOnly) ? ".fwStrandOnly" : ""; String name = String.format( "nucleosomeReads.%s%s%s.minReads%.2f%s.nuc%d.assoc%d%s.%s.%s", this.outPrefix, motifString, withinStr, this.minReadsPerBp, fwOnlyStr, this.footprintSize, this.assocSize, normString, mnasePrefixStr, methPrefix); String outFn = String.format( "%s%s%s.minReads%.2f%s.nuc%d.assoc%d%s.%s.%s.csv", this.outPrefix, motifString, withinStr, this.minReadsPerBp, fwOnlyStr, this.footprintSize, this.assocSize, normString, mnasePrefixStr, methPrefix); String outFnWig = outFn.replace(".csv", ".wig"); // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFn)); PrintWriter pwWig = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFnWig)); // pw.printf("%s,%s\n","Meth", "ReadsPerBp"); pwWig.printf("track type=wiggle_0 name=\"%s\" description=\"%s\"\n", name, name); MethylDbQuerier params = new MethylDbQuerier(); params.setMinCTreads(this.minCTreads); params.setUseNonconversionFilter(!this.noNonconvFilter); params.setMaxOppstrandAfrac(this.maxOppStrandAfrac); params.setMaxNextNonGfrac(this.maxNextNonGfrac); if (this.withinFeat != null) params.addFeatFilter(this.withinFeat, this.featFlank); // We use the control table simply to limit the valid Cpg. This is a result of // our incorrect loading of Lister 2009 tables, which contains many Cpgs which // incorrectly yield a meth level of 0 at CpGs not covered in their sequencing data. // This was an artifact of the way they published their data, where they published // a list of methy-C positions without positions containing 0 mC reads, so we had // to add fake positions for all Cs in the genome, and we didn't know which ones // actually had coverage in their data. List<String> methTables = Arrays.asList(methPrefix, controlMethPrefix); // List<String> mnaseTables = Arrays.asList(mnasePrefix); int nSeries = 1; boolean useChipseq[] = new boolean[nSeries]; for (int i = 0; i < nSeries; i++) { // Wow talk about a special case. useChipseq[i] = !mnasePrefix.contains("mnase") && !mnasePrefix.contains("Schones"); } double[] methCounts = new double[METHCOUNTER_LEN]; double[] methTotals = new double[METHCOUNTER_LEN]; int chromNum = 1; for (String chr : Arrays.asList( "chr22")) // MethylDbUtils.CHROMS_MINUS_TWELVE) //MethylDbUtils.SMALL_CHROMS) // // Arrays.asList("chr22")) //,"chr18","chr19","chr20")) // { System.err.printf("On chrom %d (%s)\n", chromNum++, chr); String s = String.format("variableStep\tchrom=%s\n", chr); pwWig.append(s); int chrInt = (new ChromFeatures()).chrom_from_public_str(chr); // Iterator uses DB connection and can use a ton of memory because // it loads all rows at once. This stuff should really be added to iterator // class, but until it is , just iterate here over the chromosome int onCpg = 0; // Get the full array try { { ChromScoresFast counts[] = new ChromScoresFast[2]; ChromScoresFast meths[] = new ChromScoresFast[2]; int offs = 0; // 20000000; //0; int offe = 30000000; // 0; System.err.printf("offs=%d, offe=%d\n", offs, offe); // The mnase counts are the same for both cases counts = MethylDbUtils.chromScoresReadCounts( params, chr, this.mnasePrefix, this.refGenome, offs, offe); // We can filter counts by a particular motif if (this.filterByMotif != null) { ChromScoresFast filterByMotifCounts[] = new ChromScoresFast[2]; filterByMotifCounts = MethylDbUtils.chromScoresMotifCounts( chr, this.refGenome, this.filterByMotif, offs, offe, false); System.err.printf( "%s, filtering + strand for motif %s. Pre-filter count: %.0f\n", chr, this.filterByMotif, counts[0].getScoresTotal(chr)); counts[0].mask(filterByMotifCounts[0], this.filterByMotifInvert); // counts[0].mask(filterByMotifCounts[1],this.filterByMotifInvert); System.err.printf( "%s, filtering + strand for motif %s. Post-filter count: %.0f\n", chr, this.filterByMotif, counts[0].getScoresTotal(chr)); System.err.printf( "%s, filtering - strand for motif %s. Pre-filter count: %.0f\n", chr, this.filterByMotif, counts[1].getScoresTotal(chr)); counts[1].mask(filterByMotifCounts[1], this.filterByMotifInvert); // counts[1].mask(filterByMotifCounts[0],this.filterByMotifInvert); System.err.printf( "%s, filtering - strand for motif %s. Post-filter count: %.0f\n", chr, this.filterByMotif, counts[1].getScoresTotal(chr)); } // The meth differ if it's a motif if (this.autoMnase || this.autoMnaseFw || this.autoMnaseRev) { meths = counts; } else if (this.motif == null) { meths = MethylDbUtils.chromScoresMethLevels( params, chr, this.methPrefix, this.refGenome, offs, offe); } else { char[] seqArr = null; { Sequence seq = GoldAssembly.chromSeq(this.refGenome, chr); String seqStr = seq.seqString(); if (offe > 0) { seqStr = seqStr.substring(offs, offe); } seqArr = seqStr.toUpperCase().toCharArray(); } System.err.println("Seq length=" + seqArr.length); ChromScoresMotifPositions all = new ChromScoresMotifPositions(this.refGenome); System.err.printf( "About to populate both strands for %s for motif %s\n", chr, this.motif); StrandedFeature.Strand motifStrand = (this.fwStrandOnly) ? StrandedFeature.POSITIVE : StrandedFeature.UNKNOWN; all.populate(chr, this.motif, seqArr, offs, motifStrand); meths[0] = all; meths[1] = all; // System.err.printf("Fw score at %d = %d\n",24009253,counts[0].getScore(chr, // 24009253)); // WigOptions wo = new WigOptions(); // wo.f_step = 1; // //counts[0] = counts[0].smooth(50, 30); // counts[0].wigOutput("testFw.wig", wo); // counts[1].wigOutput("testRev.wig", wo); } int minPos = counts[0].chromMinPos(chr); System.err.println("Getting min pos: " + minPos); int maxPos = counts[0].chromMaxPos(chr); System.err.println("Getting max pos: " + maxPos); for (int pos = minPos; pos < maxPos; pos += 1) // this.step) { boolean fwRead = (counts[0].getScore(chr, pos).intValue() >= 1); boolean revRead = (counts[1].getScore(chr, pos).intValue() >= 1); if (this.fwStrandOnly) revRead = false; // fwRead=false; boolean enoughReads = true; MnaseOutput mnaseReads = new MnaseOutput(); mnaseReads.rawCounts = (fwRead) ? 1 : 0; if (this.minReadsPerBp > 0.0) { if (fwRead) { int nucCenter = pos + ((this.PERIODICITY - this.assocSize) / 2); mnaseReads = this.countMnaseReads(chr, nucCenter, counts[0], counts[1], useChipseq[0]); } else if (revRead) { int nucCenter = pos - ((this.PERIODICITY - this.assocSize) / 2); mnaseReads = this.countMnaseReads(chr, nucCenter, counts[0], counts[1], useChipseq[0]); } enoughReads = (mnaseReads.val >= this.minReadsPerBp); } // if (mnaseReads.rawCounts>2) System.err.printf("Raw counts=%d\n", // (int)mnaseReads.rawCounts); // enoughReads = true; if (enoughReads && fwRead) incrementMethCounts(chr, pos, false, methCounts, methTotals, meths, maxPos); if (enoughReads && revRead) incrementMethCounts(chr, pos, true, methCounts, methTotals, meths, maxPos); // if ((pos % 1E6) == 0) System.err.printf("On pos #%d, meth=%d\n", pos, (int) mnaseReads.rawCounts); if (enoughReads) { // pwWig.printf("%d\t%.2f\n",pos, mnaseReads.val); //// pwWig.printf("%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%s\n",pos,mnaseReads.rawCounts, // mnaseReads.val, fwRead?"+":"-"); // //// pw.printf("%d,%d", chrInt, pos); ////// pw.printf(",%.3f", mnaseReads.val); //// pw.printf(",%d", (int)mnaseReads.rawCounts); ////// pw.printf(",%.3f", mnaseReads.normWindCount); //// pw.println(); } } // Try to get rid of objects counts[0] = null; counts[1] = null; meths[0] = null; meths[1] = null; System.gc(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.printf("%s\nCouldn't do region %s\n", e.toString(), chr); e.printStackTrace(); } } // pw.close(); pwWig.close(); outFn = outFn.replace(".csv", ".methAlign.csv"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFn)); ListUtils.setDelim(","); pw.println(ListUtils.excelLine(methCounts)); pw.println(ListUtils.excelLine(methTotals)); pw.close(); } // Main