/** * Creates new node ids and recreates updatable index structures. * * @param data data * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild */ public static void ids(final Data data) throws IOException { final MetaData md = data.meta; final int size = md.size; for (int pre = 0; pre < size; ++pre) data.id(pre, pre); md.lastid = size - 1; md.dirty = true; if (data.meta.updindex) { data.idmap = new IdPreMap(md.lastid); if (data.meta.textindex) optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, true, true, true, null); if (data.meta.attrindex) optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, true, true, true, null); } }
@Override protected boolean run() { final Data data = context.data(); final MetaData meta = data.meta; size = meta.size; if (!startUpdate()) return false; boolean ok = true; try { // reassign autooptimize flag final boolean autoopt = options.get(MainOptions.AUTOOPTIMIZE); if (autoopt != data.meta.autoopt) { data.meta.autoopt = autoopt; data.meta.dirty = true; } optimize(data, this); ok = info(DB_OPTIMIZED_X, meta.name, perf); } catch (final IOException ex) { ok = error(Util.message(ex)); } finally { ok &= finishUpdate(); } return ok; }
/** * Optimizes the structures of a database. * * @param data data * @param enforceText enforce creation or deletion of text index * @param enforceAttr enforce creation or deletion of attribute index * @param enforceToken enforce creation or deletion of token index * @param enforceFt enforce creation or deletion of full-text index * @param cmd calling command instance (may be {@code null}) * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild */ public static void optimize( final Data data, final boolean enforceText, final boolean enforceAttr, final boolean enforceToken, final boolean enforceFt, final Optimize cmd) throws IOException { // initialize structural indexes final MetaData md = data.meta; if (!md.uptodate) { data.paths.init(); data.elemNames.init(); data.attrNames.init(); md.dirty = true; final IntList pars = new IntList(), elms = new IntList(); int n = 0; for (int pre = 0; pre < md.size; ++pre) { final byte kind = (byte) data.kind(pre); final int par = data.parent(pre, kind); while (!pars.isEmpty() && pars.peek() > par) { pars.pop(); elms.pop(); } final int level = pars.size(); if (kind == Data.DOC) { data.paths.put(0, Data.DOC, level); pars.push(pre); elms.push(0); ++n; } else if (kind == Data.ELEM) { final int id = data.nameId(pre); data.elemNames.index(data.elemNames.key(id), null, true); data.paths.put(id, Data.ELEM, level); pars.push(pre); elms.push(id); } else if (kind == Data.ATTR) { final int id = data.nameId(pre); final byte[] val = data.text(pre, false); data.attrNames.index(data.attrNames.key(id), val, true); data.paths.put(id, Data.ATTR, level, val, md); } else { final byte[] val = data.text(pre, true); if (kind == Data.TEXT && level > 1) data.elemNames.index(elms.peek(), val); data.paths.put(0, kind, level, val, md); } if (cmd != null) cmd.pre = pre; } md.ndocs = n; md.uptodate = true; } // rebuild value indexes optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, md.createtext, md.textindex, enforceText, cmd); optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, md.createattr, md.attrindex, enforceAttr, cmd); optimize(IndexType.TOKEN, data, md.createtoken, md.tokenindex, enforceToken, cmd); optimize(IndexType.FULLTEXT, data, md.createft, md.ftindex, enforceFt, cmd); }