Пример #1
   * Parses a string as XML and adds the resulting nodes to the specified parent.
   * @param value string to parse
   * @param elem element
  public static void add(final byte[] value, final FElem elem) {

    try {
      final Parser parser = new XMLParser(new IOContent(value), MainOptions.get(), true);
      for (final ANode node : new DBNode(parser).children()) elem.add(node.copy());
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      // fallback: add string representation
Пример #2
   * Returns the value of the requested attribute, or an error.
   * @param pref error prefix
   * @param node node
   * @param name attribute name
   * @return value
   * @throws BaseXException database exception
  public static byte[] attribute(final String pref, final ANode node, final byte[] name)
      throws BaseXException {

    final byte[] value = node.attribute(name);
    if (value != null) return value;
    throw new BaseXException("%: Missing \"%\" attribute.", pref, name);
Пример #3
   * Returns the number of interior rings in a polygon.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @return integer number of interior rings
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public Int numInteriorRing(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_POLYGON);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Polygon");

    return Int.get(((Polygon) geo).getNumInteriorRing());
Пример #4
   * Return a boolean value that shows weather the line is a ring or not. A line is a ring if it is
   * closed and simple.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @return boolean value
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public Bln isRing(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_LINEARRING, Q_GML_LINESTRING);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Line");

    return Bln.get(((LineString) geo).isRing());
Пример #5
   * Returns the start point of a line.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @return start point geometry as a gml element
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public ANode startPoint(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_LINEARRING, Q_GML_LINESTRING);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Line");

    return gmlWriter(((LineString) geo).getStartPoint());
Пример #6
   * Returns the z-coordinate value for point.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @return z double value
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public Dbl z(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_POINT);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Line");

    return Dbl.get(geo.getCoordinate().z);
Пример #7
   * Reads an element as a gml node. Returns a geometry element or {@code null} if the element does
   * not match one of the specified types.
   * @param node xml node containing gml object(s)
   * @param names allowed geometry types
   * @return geometry, or {@code null}
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private static Geometry geo(final ANode node, final QNm... names) throws QueryException {
    if (node.type != NodeType.ELM) throw EXPTYPE_X_X_X.get(null, NodeType.ELM, node.type, node);

    final QNm qname = node.qname();
    for (final QNm geo : names) {
      if (!qname.eq(geo)) continue;
      // type found... create reader and geometry element
      try {
        final String input = node.serialize().toString();
        final GMLReader gmlReader = new GMLReader();
        final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory();
        return gmlReader.read(input, geoFactory);
      } catch (final Throwable ex) {
        throw GeoErrors.gmlReaderErr(ex);
    return null;
Пример #8
   * Adds the specified entry to the output stream.
   * @param entry entry descriptor
   * @param con contents
   * @param out output archive
   * @param level default compression level
   * @throws QueryException query exception
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private void add(final Item entry, final Item con, final ArchiveOut out, final int level)
      throws QueryException, IOException {

    // create new zip entry
    final String name = string(entry.string(info));
    if (name.isEmpty()) ARCH_EMPTY.thrw(info);
    final ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(name);
    String en = null;

    // compression level
    byte[] lvl = null;
    if (entry instanceof ANode) {
      final ANode el = (ANode) entry;
      lvl = el.attribute(Q_LEVEL);

      // last modified
      final byte[] mod = el.attribute(Q_LAST_MOD);
      if (mod != null) {
        try {
          ze.setTime(new Int(new Dtm(mod, info)).itr());
        } catch (final QueryException qe) {
          ARCH_DATETIME.thrw(info, mod);

      // encoding
      final byte[] enc = el.attribute(Q_ENCODING);
      if (enc != null) {
        en = string(enc);
        if (!Charset.isSupported(en)) ARCH_ENCODING.thrw(info, enc);

    // data to be compressed
    byte[] val = checkStrBin(con);
    if (con instanceof AStr && en != null && en != Token.UTF8) val = encode(val, en);

    try {
      out.level(lvl == null ? level : toInt(lvl));
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      ARCH_LEVEL.thrw(info, lvl);
    out.write(ze, val);
Пример #9
   * Returns the nth geometry of a geometry collection.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @param number index of i-th interior ring
   * @return n-th interior ring geometry (LineString) as a gml element
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public ANode interiorRingN(final ANode node, final Int number) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_POLYGON);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Polygon");

    final long n = number.itr();
    final int max = ((Polygon) geo).getNumInteriorRing();
    if (n < 1 || n > max) throw GeoErrors.outOfRangeIdx(number);
    return gmlWriter(((Polygon) geo).getInteriorRingN((int) n - 1));
Пример #10
   * Checks if the line is closed loop. That is, if the start Point is same with end Point.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @return boolean value
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public Bln isClosed(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Line");

    return Bln.get(
        geo instanceof LineString
            ? ((LineString) geo).isClosed()
            : ((MultiLineString) geo).isClosed());
Пример #11
   * Returns the nth point of a line.
   * @param node xml element containing gml object(s)
   * @param number index of i-th point
   * @return n-th point as a gml element
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public ANode pointN(final ANode node, final Int number) throws QueryException {
    final Geometry geo = geo(node, Q_GML_LINEARRING, Q_GML_LINESTRING);
    if (geo == null && checkGeo(node) != null)
      throw GeoErrors.geoType(node.qname().local(), "Line");

    final int max = geo.getNumPoints();
    final long n = number.itr();
    if (n < 1 || n > max) throw GeoErrors.outOfRangeIdx(number);

    return gmlWriter(((LineString) geo).getPointN((int) n - 1));
Пример #12
  * Returns child elements.
  * @param node node
  * @param name name
  * @return iterator
 public static BasicNodeIter children(final ANode node, final byte[] name) {
   final BasicNodeIter children = node.children();
   return new BasicNodeIter() {
     public ANode next() {
       for (ANode child; (child = children.next()) != null; ) {
         if (child.type == NodeType.ELM && (name == null || eq(child.qname().id(), name)))
           return child;
       return null;
Пример #13
   * Parses a jar descriptor.
   * @param io XML input
   * @return jar descriptor container
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public JarDesc parse(final IO io) throws QueryException {
    final JarDesc desc = new JarDesc();
    try {
      final ANode node = new DBNode(io).children().next();
      for (final ANode next : node.children()) {
        if (next.type != NodeType.ELM) continue;

        final QNm name = next.qname();
        // ignore namespace to improve compatibility
        if (eq(JAR, name.local())) desc.jars.add(next.string());
        else if (eq(CLASS, name.local())) desc.classes.add(next.string());
        // [CG] Packaging: add warning if unknown elements are encountered
      if (desc.jars.isEmpty()) throw BXRE_JARDESC_X.get(info, NOJARS);
      else if (desc.classes.isEmpty()) throw BXRE_JARDESC_X.get(info, NOCLASSES);
      return desc;
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      throw BXRE_JARFAIL_X.get(info, ex);
Пример #14
   * Evaluates the specified function and creates a response.
   * @throws Exception exception (including unexpected ones)
  void create() throws Exception {
    // bind variables
    final StaticFunc sf = function.function;
    final Expr[] args = new Expr[sf.args.length];
    function.bind(http, args, error);

    // wrap function with a function call
    final MainModule mm = new MainModule(sf, args);

    // assign main module and http context and register process

    String redirect = null, forward = null;
    RestXqRespBuilder resp = null;
    try {
      // compile and evaluate query
      final Iter iter = query.iter();
      Item item = iter.next();

      // handle response element
      if (item != null && item instanceof ANode) {
        final ANode node = (ANode) item;
        // send redirect to browser
        if (REST_REDIRECT.eq(node)) {
          final ANode ch = node.children().next();
          if (ch == null || ch.type != NodeType.TXT) throw function.error(NO_VALUE, node.name());
          redirect = string(ch.string()).trim();
        // server-side forwarding
        if (REST_FORWARD.eq(node)) {
          final ANode ch = node.children().next();
          if (ch == null || ch.type != NodeType.TXT) throw function.error(NO_VALUE, node.name());
          forward = string(ch.string()).trim();
        if (REST_RESPONSE.eq(node)) {
          resp = new RestXqRespBuilder();
          resp.build(node, function, iter, http);

      // HEAD method must return a single response element
      if (function.methods.size() == 1 && function.methods.contains(HTTPMethod.HEAD.name()))
        throw function.error(HEAD_METHOD);

      // serialize result
      final SerializerOptions sp = function.output;
      final Serializer ser = Serializer.get(http.res.getOutputStream(), sp);
      for (; item != null; item = iter.next()) ser.serialize(item);

    } finally {

      if (redirect != null) {
      } else if (forward != null) {
        http.req.getRequestDispatcher(forward).forward(http.req, http.res);
      } else if (resp != null) {
        if (resp.status != 0) http.status(resp.status, resp.message, resp.error);
Пример #15
  * Reads an element as a gml node. Returns a geometry element or throws an exception if the
  * element is of the wrong type.
  * @param node xml node containing gml object(s)
  * @return geometry
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Geometry checkGeo(final ANode node) throws QueryException {
   final Geometry geo = geo(node, QNAMES);
   if (geo == null) throw GeoErrors.unrecognizedGeo(node.qname().local());
   return geo;