/** * Returns the database path (i.e., all path entries except for the first). * * @return path depth */ public String dbpath() { final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder(); final int ps = segments.length; for (int p = 1; p < ps; p++) { if (!tb.isEmpty()) tb.add('/'); tb.add(segments[p]); } return tb.toString(); }
/** * Converts the path to a string array, containing the single segments. * * @param path path, or {@code null} * @return path depth */ public static String[] toSegments(final String path) { final StringList sl = new StringList(); if (path != null) { final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder(); for (int s = 0; s < path.length(); s++) { final char ch = path.charAt(s); if (ch == '/') { if (tb.isEmpty()) continue; sl.add(tb.toString()); tb.reset(); } else { tb.add(ch); } } if (!tb.isEmpty()) sl.add(tb.toString()); } return sl.toArray(); }