Пример #1
  public final Expr comp(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    if (!test.comp(ctx)) return Empty.SEQ;

    // leaf flag indicates that a context node can be replaced by a text() step
    final Data data = ctx.data();
    ctx.leaf =
        data != null
            && test.test == Name.NAME
            && test.type != NodeType.ATT
            && axis.down
            && data.meta.uptodate
            && data.nspaces.size() == 0;
    if (ctx.leaf) {
      final Stats s = data.tagindex.stat(data.tagindex.id(((NameTest) test).ln));
      ctx.leaf = s != null && s.leaf;

    // as predicates will not necessarily start from the document node,
    // the context item type is temporarily generalized
    final Type ct = ctx.value != null ? ctx.value.type : null;
    if (ct == NodeType.DOC) ctx.value.type = NodeType.NOD;
    final Expr e = super.comp(ctx);
    if (ct == NodeType.DOC) ctx.value.type = ct;
    ctx.leaf = false;

    // return optimized step / don't re-optimize step
    if (e != this || e instanceof IterStep) return e;

    // no numeric predicates.. use simple iterator
    if (!uses(Use.POS)) return new IterStep(input, axis, test, preds);

    // don't re-optimize step
    if (this instanceof IterPosStep) return this;

    // use iterator for simple numeric predicate
    return useIterator() ? new IterPosStep(this) : this;