Пример #1
 /** Tests http:send-request((),()). */
 public void sendReqNoParams() {
   final Command cmd = new XQuery(_HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("()"));
   try {
   } catch (final BaseXException ex) {
Пример #2
  /** Saves the displayed text. */
  private void save() {
    final BaseXFileChooser fc =
        new BaseXFileChooser(SAVE_AS, gui.gopts.get(GUIOptions.WORKPATH), gui).suffix(IO.XMLSUFFIX);

    final IO file = fc.select(Mode.FSAVE);
    if (file == null) return;
    gui.gopts.set(GUIOptions.WORKPATH, file.path());

    gui.cursor(CURSORWAIT, true);
    final MainOptions opts = gui.context.options;
    final int mh = opts.get(MainOptions.MAXHITS);
    opts.set(MainOptions.MAXHITS, -1);
    opts.set(MainOptions.CACHEQUERY, false);

    try (final PrintOutput out = new PrintOutput(file.toString())) {
      if (cmd != null) {
        cmd.execute(gui.context, out);
      } else if (ns != null) {
      } else {
        final byte[] txt = text.getText();
        for (final byte t : txt) if (t < 0 || t > ' ' || ws(t)) out.write(t);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      BaseXDialog.error(gui, Util.info(FILE_NOT_SAVED_X, file));
    } finally {
      opts.set(MainOptions.MAXHITS, mh);
      opts.set(MainOptions.CACHEQUERY, true);
      gui.cursor(CURSORARROW, true);
Пример #3
   * Caches the output.
   * @param out cached output
   * @param c command
   * @param r result
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public void cacheText(final ArrayOutput out, final Command c, final Result r)
      throws QueryException {

    // cache command or node set
    cmd = null;
    ns = null;

    final int mh = gui.context.options.get(MainOptions.MAXHITS);
    boolean parse = false;
    if (mh >= 0 && r != null && r.size() >= mh) {
      parse = true;
    } else if (out.finished()) {
      if (r instanceof DBNodes) ns = (DBNodes) r;
      else parse = true;
    // create new command instance
    if (parse) cmd = new CommandParser(c.toString(), gui.context).parseSingle();