Пример #1
  public final Expr compile(final QueryContext qc, final VarScope scp) throws QueryException {
    if (root != null) root = root.compile(qc, scp);
    // no steps
    if (steps.length == 0) return root == null ? new Context(info) : root;

    final Value init = qc.value, cv = initial(qc);
    final boolean doc = cv != null && cv.type == NodeType.DOC;
    qc.value = cv;
    try {
      final int sl = steps.length;
      for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) {
        Expr e = steps[s];

        // axis step: if input is a document, its type is temporarily generalized
        final boolean as = e instanceof Step;
        if (as && s == 0 && doc) cv.type = NodeType.NOD;

        e = e.compile(qc, scp);
        if (e.isEmpty()) return optPre(qc);
        steps[s] = e;

        // no axis step: invalidate context value
        if (!as) qc.value = null;
    } finally {
      if (doc) cv.type = NodeType.DOC;
      qc.value = init;
    // optimize path
    return optimize(qc, scp);
Пример #2
  public final Expr optimize(final QueryContext qc, final VarScope scp) throws QueryException {
    final Value v = initial(qc);
    if (v != null && v.isEmpty() || emptyPath(v)) return optPre(qc);

    // merge descendant steps
    Expr e = mergeSteps(qc);
    if (e == this && v != null && v.type == NodeType.DOC) {
      // check index access
      e = index(qc, v);
      // rewrite descendant to child steps
      if (e == this) e = children(qc, v);
    // recompile path if it has changed
    if (e != this) return e.compile(qc, scp);

    // set atomic type for single attribute steps to speed up predicate tests
    if (root == null && steps.length == 1 && steps[0] instanceof Step) {
      final Step curr = (Step) steps[0];
      if (curr.axis == ATTR && curr.test.kind == Kind.URI_NAME) curr.seqType(SeqType.NOD_ZO);

    // choose best path implementation and set type information
    final Path path = get(info, root, steps);
    path.size = path.size(qc);
    path.seqType = SeqType.get(steps[steps.length - 1].seqType().type, size);
    return path;
Пример #3
 public final boolean has(final Flag flag) {
   // first step or root expression will be used as context
   if (flag == Flag.CTX) return root == null || root.has(flag);
   for (final Expr s : steps) if (s.has(flag)) return true;
   return root != null && root.has(flag);
Пример #4
  public Expr optimize(final QueryContext ctx, final VarScope scp) throws QueryException {
    if (root instanceof Context) {
      root = null;

    for (final Expr e : steps) {
      // check for empty steps
      if (e.isEmpty()) return optPre(null, ctx);

    return this;
Пример #5
  * Returns the initial context value of a path or {@code null}.
  * @param qc query context (may be @code null)
  * @return root
 private Value initial(final QueryContext qc) {
   // current context value
   final Value v = qc != null ? qc.value : null;
   // no root or context expression: return context
   if (root == null || root instanceof Context) return v;
   // root reference
   if (root instanceof Root) return v != null && v instanceof Item ? Root.root(v) : v;
   // root is value: return root
   if (root.isValue()) return (Value) root;
   // data reference
   final Data d = root.data();
   if (d != null) return new DBNode(d, 0, Data.ELEM);
   // otherwise, return null
   return null;
Пример #6
  public final Expr inline(final QueryContext ctx, final VarScope scp, final Var v, final Expr e)
      throws QueryException {

    final Value oldVal = ctx.value;
    try {
      ctx.value = root(ctx);
      final Expr rt = root == null ? null : root.inline(ctx, scp, v, e);
      if (rt != null) {
        setRoot(ctx, rt);
        ctx.value = oldVal;
        ctx.value = root(ctx);

      boolean change = rt != null;
      for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
        final Expr nw = steps[i].inline(ctx, scp, v, e);
        if (nw != null) {
          steps[i] = nw;
          change = true;
      return change ? optimize(ctx, scp) : null;
    } finally {
      ctx.value = oldVal;
Пример #7
   * Checks if the path can be rewritten for iterative evaluation.
   * @param root root expression; can be a {@code null} reference
   * @param steps path steps
   * @return result of check
  private static boolean iterative(final Expr root, final Expr... steps) {
    if (root == null || !root.iterable()) return false;

    final int sl = steps.length;
    for (int s = 0; s < sl; ++s) {
      switch (((Step) steps[s]).axis) {
          // reverse axes - don't iterate
        case ANC:
        case ANCORSELF:
        case PREC:
        case PRECSIBL:
          return false;
          // multiple, unsorted results - only iterate at last step,
          // or if last step uses attribute axis
        case DESC:
        case DESCORSELF:
        case FOLL:
        case FOLLSIBL:
          return s + 1 == sl || s + 2 == sl && ((Step) steps[s + 1]).axis == Axis.ATTR;
          // allow iteration for CHILD, ATTR, PARENT and SELF axes
    return true;
Пример #8
   * Merges expensive descendant-or-self::node() steps.
   * @param qc query context
   * @return original or new expression
  private Expr mergeSteps(final QueryContext qc) {
    boolean opt = false;
    final int sl = steps.length;
    final ExprList stps = new ExprList(sl);
    for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) {
      final Expr step = steps[s];
      // check for simple descendants-or-self step with succeeding step
      if (s < sl - 1 && step instanceof Step) {
        final Step curr = (Step) step;
        if (curr.simple(DESCORSELF, false)) {
          // check succeeding step
          final Expr next = steps[s + 1];
          // descendant-or-self::node()/child::X -> descendant::X
          if (simpleChild(next)) {
            ((Step) next).axis = DESC;
            opt = true;
          // descendant-or-self::node()/(X, Y) -> (descendant::X | descendant::Y)
          Expr e = mergeList(next);
          if (e != null) {
            steps[s + 1] = e;
            opt = true;
          // //(X, Y)[text()] -> (/descendant::X | /descendant::Y)[text()]
          if (next instanceof Filter && !next.has(Flag.FCS)) {
            final Filter f = (Filter) next;
            e = mergeList(f.root);
            if (e != null) {
              f.root = e;
              opt = true;

    if (opt) {
      return get(info, root, stps.finish());
    return this;
Пример #9
  public final Expr compile(final QueryContext ctx, final VarScope scp) throws QueryException {
    if (root != null) setRoot(ctx, root.compile(ctx, scp));

    final Value v = ctx.value;
    try {
      ctx.value = root(ctx);
      return compilePath(ctx, scp);
    } finally {
      ctx.value = v;
Пример #10
  * Returns the root of the current context or {@code null}.
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return root
 final Value root(final QueryContext ctx) {
   final Value v = ctx != null ? ctx.value : null;
   // no root specified: return context, if it does not reference a document
   // as e.g. happens in //a(b|c)
   if (root == null) return v == null || v.type != NodeType.DOC ? v : null;
   // root is value: return root
   if (root.isValue()) return (Value) root;
   // no root reference, no context: return null
   if (!(root instanceof Root) || v == null) return null;
   // return context sequence or root of current context
   return v.size() == 1 ? Root.root(v) : v;
Пример #11
 public boolean accept(final ASTVisitor visitor) {
   if (root == null) {
     if (!visitor.lock(DBLocking.CTX)) return false;
   } else if (!root.accept(visitor)) {
     return false;
   if (!visitAll(visitor, steps)) return false;
   return true;
Пример #12
 public Data data() {
   if (root != null) {
     // data reference
     final Data data = root.data();
     if (data != null) {
       final int sl = steps.length;
       for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) {
         if (axisStep(s) == null) return null;
       return data;
   return null;
Пример #13
  public final Expr inline(final QueryContext qc, final VarScope scp, final Var var, final Expr ex)
      throws QueryException {

    boolean changed = false;
    if (root != null) {
      final Expr rt = root.inline(qc, scp, var, ex);
      if (rt != null) {
        root = rt;
        changed = true;

    final int sl = steps.length;
    for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) {
      final Expr nw = steps[s].inline(qc, scp, var, ex);
      if (nw != null) {
        steps[s] = nw;
        changed = true;
    return changed ? optimize(qc, scp) : null;
Пример #14
 public final int exprSize() {
   int sz = 1;
   for (final Expr e : steps) sz += e.exprSize();
   return root == null ? sz : sz + root.exprSize();
Пример #15
 public VarUsage count(final Var var) {
   final VarUsage inRoot = root == null ? VarUsage.NEVER : root.count(var);
   return VarUsage.sum(var, steps) == VarUsage.NEVER ? inRoot : VarUsage.MORE_THAN_ONCE;
Пример #16
 public final boolean removable(final Var var) {
   for (final Expr step : steps) if (step.uses(var)) return false;
   return root == null || root.removable(var);
Пример #17
 public boolean removable(final Var v) {
   return root == null || root.removable(v);