Пример #1
  public IndexIterator iter(final IndexToken token) {
    final int id = values.id(token.get());
    if (id == 0) return IndexIterator.EMPTY;

    final int len = lenList.get(id);
    final int[] ids = idsList.get(id), pres;
    if (data.meta.updindex) {
      final IntList tmp = new IntList();
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) tmp.add(data.pre(ids[i]));
      pres = tmp.sort().finish();
    } else {
      pres = ids;

    return new IndexIterator() {
      int p;

      public boolean more() {
        return p < len;

      public int pre() {
        return pres[p++];

      public int size() {
        return len;
Пример #2
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final DialogExport dialog = new DialogExport(gui);
      if (!dialog.ok()) return;

      final IOFile root = new IOFile(dialog.path());

      // check if existing files will be overwritten
      if (root.exists()) {
        IO file = null;
        boolean overwrite = false;
        final Data d = gui.context.data();
        final IntList il = d.resources.docs();
        final int is = il.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) {
          file = root.merge(Token.string(d.text(il.get(i), true)));
          if (file.exists()) {
            if (overwrite) {
              // more than one file will be overwritten; check remaining tests
              file = null;
            overwrite = true;
        if (overwrite) {
          // show message for overwriting files or directories
          final String msg = file == null ? FILES_REPLACE_X : FILE_EXISTS_X;
          if (file == null) file = root;
          if (!BaseXDialog.confirm(gui, Util.info(msg, file))) return;
      DialogProgress.execute(gui, new Export(root.path()));
Пример #3
   * Performs a wildcard search for the specified token.
   * @param token token to look for
   * @return iterator
  private synchronized IndexIterator wc(final byte[] token) {
    final FTIndexIterator it = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY;
    final FTWildcard wc = new FTWildcard(token);
    if (!wc.parse()) return it;

    final IntList pr = new IntList();
    final IntList ps = new IntList();
    final byte[] pref = wc.prefix();
    final int pl = pref.length, tl = tp.length;
    final int l = Math.min(tl - 1, wc.max());
    for (int ti = pl; ti <= l; ti++) {
      int i = tp[ti];
      if (i == -1) continue;
      int c = ti + 1;
      int e = -1;
      while (c < tl && e == -1) e = tp[c++];
      i = find(pref, i, e, ti);

      while (i < e) {
        final byte[] t = inY.readBytes(i, ti);
        if (!startsWith(t, pref)) break;
        if (wc.match(t)) {
          inZ.cursor(pointer(i, ti));
          final int s = size(i, ti);
          for (int d = 0; d < s; d++) {
        i += ti + ENTRY;
    return iter(new FTCache(pr, ps), token);
Пример #4
  * Constructor.
  * @param pr pre values
  * @param ps positions
 private FTCache(final IntList pr, final IntList ps) {
   final int s = pr.size();
   final double[] v = new double[s];
   for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) v[i] = (long) pr.get(i) << 32 | ps.get(i);
   order = Array.createOrder(v, true);
   pre = pr;
   pos = ps;
Пример #5
 public void add(final ValueCache cache) {
   for (final byte[] key : cache) {
     final IntList vals = cache.ids(key);
     if (!vals.isEmpty()) add(key, vals.sort().finish());
Пример #6
  * Removes values from the index.
  * @param key key
  * @param vals sorted values
 void delete(final byte[] key, final int... vals) {
   final int id = values.id(key), vl = vals.length, l = lenList.get(id), s = l - vl;
   final int[] ids = idsList.get(id);
   for (int i = 0, n = 0, v = 0; i < l; i++) {
     if (v == vl || ids[i] != vals[v]) ids[n++] = ids[i];
     else v++;
   lenList.set(id, s);
   if (s == 0) idsList.set(id, null);
Пример #7
  * Returns an iterator for an index entry.
  * @param off offset on entries
  * @param size number of id/pos entries
  * @param da data source
  * @param token index token
  * @return iterator
 private static FTIndexIterator iter(
     final long off, final int size, final DataAccess da, final byte[] token) {
   final IntList pr = new IntList(size);
   final IntList ps = new IntList(size);
   for (int c = 0; c < size; c++) {
   return iter(new FTCache(pr, ps), token);
Пример #8
 /** Finishes the index creation. */
 void finish() {
   if (reorder == null) return;
   for (int i = 1; i < reorder.size(); i++) {
     if (reorder.get(i)) Arrays.sort(idsList.get(i), 0, lenList.get(i));
   reorder = null;
Пример #9
 public int size() {
   // returns the actual number of indexed entries
   int s = 0;
   for (int c = 1; c < s; c++) if (lenList.get(c) > 0) s++;
   return s;
Пример #10
 public boolean eq(final ANode node) {
   // no database node
   if (!(node instanceof DBNode)) return false;
   // ensure that the pre value is contained in the target documents
   final DBNode db = (DBNode) node;
   return data == db.data() && pres.contains(db.pre());
Пример #11
   * Returns a document test. This test will be called by {@link AxisPath#index} if the context
   * value only consists of database nodes.
   * @param rt root value
   * @return document test
  static Test get(final Value rt) {
    // use simple test if database contains only one document
    final Data data = rt.data();
    if (data.meta.ndocs == 1) return Test.DOC;

    // adopt nodes from existing sequence
    if (rt instanceof DBNodeSeq) {
      final DBNodeSeq seq = (DBNodeSeq) rt;
      return seq.all() ? Test.DOC : new InvDocTest(new IntList(seq.pres()), data);

    // loop through all documents and add pre values of documents
    // not more than 2^31 documents supported
    final IntList il = new IntList((int) rt.size());
    for (final Item it : rt) il.add(((DBNode) it).pre());
    return new InvDocTest(il, data);
Пример #12
   * Lists resources of the specified database.
   * @return success flag
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private boolean listDB() throws IOException {
    final String db = args[0];
    final String path = args[1] != null ? args[1] : "";
    if (!Databases.validName(db)) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, db);

    final Table table = new Table();
    table.description = RESOURCES;

    try {
      // add xml documents
      final Data data = Open.open(db, context);
      final Resources res = data.resources;
      final IntList il = res.docs(path);
      final int ds = il.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < ds; i++) {
        final int pre = il.get(i);
        final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3);
        final byte[] file = data.text(pre, true);
        tl.add(data.size(pre, Data.DOC));
      // add binary resources
      for (final byte[] file : res.binaries(path)) {
        final String f = string(file);
        final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3);
      Close.close(data, context);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      return error(Util.message(ex));
    return true;
Пример #13
  public Item item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
    final Data data = checkData(qc);
    final String path = path(1, qc);
    final Item item = toItem(exprs[2], qc);
    final Options opts = toOptions(3, Q_OPTIONS, new Options(), qc);

    final Updates updates = qc.resources.updates();
    final IntList docs = data.resources.docs(path);
    int d = 0;

    // delete binary resources
    final IOFile bin = data.meta.binary(path);
    if (bin == null || bin.isDir()) throw BXDB_REPLACE_X.get(info, path);

    if (item instanceof Bin) {
      updates.add(new DBStore(data, path, item, info), qc);
    } else {
      if (bin.exists()) updates.add(new DBDelete(data, path, info), qc);
      final NewInput input = checkInput(item, token(path));
      if (docs.isEmpty() || docs.get(0) == 0) {
        // no replacement of first document (because of TableDiskAccess#insert, used > 0, pre = 0)
        updates.add(new DBAdd(data, input, opts, qc, info), qc);
      } else {
        updates.add(new ReplaceDoc(docs.get(0), data, input, opts, qc, info), qc);
        d = 1;

    // delete old documents
    final int ds = docs.size();
    for (; d < ds; d++) updates.add(new DeleteNode(docs.get(d), data, info), qc);
    return null;
Пример #14
   * Adds values to the index.
   * @param key key to be indexed
   * @param vals sorted values
  void add(final byte[] key, final int... vals) {
    // token index: add values. otherwise, reference existing values
    final int id = type == IndexType.TOKEN ? values.put(key) : values.id(key), vl = vals.length;
    // updatable index: if required, resize existing arrays
    while (idsList.size() < id + 1) idsList.add(null);
    if (lenList.size() < id + 1) lenList.set(id, 0);

    final int len = lenList.get(id), size = len + vl;
    int[] ids = idsList.get(id);
    if (ids == null) {
      ids = vals;
    } else {
      if (ids.length < size) ids = Arrays.copyOf(ids, Array.newSize(size));
      System.arraycopy(vals, 0, ids, len, vl);
      if (ids[len - 1] > vals[0]) {
        if (reorder == null) reorder = new BoolList(values.size());
        reorder.set(id, true);
    idsList.set(id, ids);
    lenList.set(id, size);
Пример #15
  * Returns a string representation of the index structure.
  * @param all include database contents in the representation. During updates, database lookups
  *     must be avoided, as the data structures will be inconsistent.
  * @return string
 public String toString(final boolean all) {
   final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder();
   tb.addExt(type).add(" INDEX, '").add(data.meta.name).add("':\n");
   final int s = lenList.size();
   for (int m = 1; m < s; m++) {
     final int len = lenList.get(m);
     if (len == 0) continue;
     final int[] ids = idsList.get(m);
     tb.add("  ").addInt(m);
     if (all)
       tb.add(", key: \"").add(data.text(data.pre(ids[0]), type == IndexType.TEXT)).add('"');
     tb.add(", ids");
     if (all) tb.add("/pres");
     tb.add(": ");
     for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
       if (n != 0) tb.add(",");
       if (all) tb.add('/').addInt(data.pre(ids[n]));
   return tb.toString();
Пример #16
  public byte[] info(final MainOptions options) {
    final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder();

    final IndexStats stats = new IndexStats(options.get(MainOptions.MAXSTAT));
    final int s = values.size();
    for (int p = 1; p <= s; p++) {
      final int oc = lenList.get(p);
      if (oc > 0 && stats.adding(oc)) stats.add(values.key(p), oc);
    return tb.finish();
Пример #17
   * Optimizes the structures of a database.
   * @param data data
   * @param enforceText enforce creation or deletion of text index
   * @param enforceAttr enforce creation or deletion of attribute index
   * @param enforceToken enforce creation or deletion of token index
   * @param enforceFt enforce creation or deletion of full-text index
   * @param cmd calling command instance (may be {@code null})
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild
  public static void optimize(
      final Data data,
      final boolean enforceText,
      final boolean enforceAttr,
      final boolean enforceToken,
      final boolean enforceFt,
      final Optimize cmd)
      throws IOException {

    // initialize structural indexes
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    if (!md.uptodate) {
      md.dirty = true;

      final IntList pars = new IntList(), elms = new IntList();
      int n = 0;

      for (int pre = 0; pre < md.size; ++pre) {
        final byte kind = (byte) data.kind(pre);
        final int par = data.parent(pre, kind);
        while (!pars.isEmpty() && pars.peek() > par) {

        final int level = pars.size();
        if (kind == Data.DOC) {
          data.paths.put(0, Data.DOC, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ELEM) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          data.elemNames.index(data.elemNames.key(id), null, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ELEM, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ATTR) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, false);
          data.attrNames.index(data.attrNames.key(id), val, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ATTR, level, val, md);
        } else {
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, true);
          if (kind == Data.TEXT && level > 1) data.elemNames.index(elms.peek(), val);
          data.paths.put(0, kind, level, val, md);
        if (cmd != null) cmd.pre = pre;
      md.ndocs = n;
      md.uptodate = true;

    // rebuild value indexes
    optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, md.createtext, md.textindex, enforceText, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, md.createattr, md.attrindex, enforceAttr, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.TOKEN, data, md.createtoken, md.tokenindex, enforceToken, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.FULLTEXT, data, md.createft, md.ftindex, enforceFt, cmd);
Пример #18
 public int costs(final IndexToken it) {
   return lenList.get(values.id(it.get()));