private void testMouseWheelZooming() { window.pressKey(VK_CONTROL); ImageComponent c = ImageComponents.getActiveIC(); robot.rotateMouseWheel(c, 2); robot.rotateMouseWheel(c, -2); window.releaseKey(VK_CONTROL); }
private @Nullable JList<?> findListIn(@Nonnull Container parent) { List<Component> found = newArrayList(robot.finder().findAll(parent, LIST_MATCHER)); if (found.size() != 1) { return null; } return (JList<?>) found.get(0); }
public static Robot getRobot() { if (robot == null) { robot = BasicRobot.robotWithCurrentAwtHierarchyWithoutScreenLock(); robot.settings().delayBetweenEvents(10); // robot.settings().eventPostingDelay(10); } return robot; }
/** * Finds the {@code JList} in the pop-up raised by a {@code JComboBox}, if the LAF actually uses * one. * * @return the found {@code JList}, or {@code null} if a drop-down list cannot be found. */ @RunsInEDT @Nullable JList<?> findDropDownList() { JPopupMenu popup = robot.findActivePopupMenu(); if (popup == null) { TimeoutWatch watch = startWatchWithTimeoutOf(robot.settings().timeoutToFindPopup()); popup = robot.findActivePopupMenu(); while (popup == null) { if (watch.isTimeOut()) { return null; } pause(); popup = robot.findActivePopupMenu(); } } return findListIn(popup); }
private LayerButtonFixture findLayerButton(String layerName) { return new LayerButtonFixture( robot, robot .finder() .find( new GenericTypeMatcher<LayerButton>(LayerButton.class) { @Override protected boolean isMatching(LayerButton layerButton) { return layerButton.getLayerName().equals(layerName); } })); }
private DialogFixture findDialogByTitle(String title) { return new DialogFixture( robot, robot .finder() .find( new GenericTypeMatcher<JDialog>(JDialog.class) { @Override protected boolean isMatching(JDialog dialog) { return dialog.getTitle().equals(title); } })); }
private JMenuItemFixture findMenuItemByText(String guiName) { return new JMenuItemFixture( robot, robot .finder() .find( new GenericTypeMatcher<JMenuItem>(JMenuItem.class) { @Override protected boolean isMatching(JMenuItem menuItem) { return guiName.equals(menuItem.getText()); } })); }
private void altClick() { robot.pressKey(VK_ALT); robot.pressMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); robot.releaseMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); robot.releaseKey(VK_ALT); }
private void click() { robot.pressMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); robot.releaseMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); }
private void setUpRobot() { robot = BasicRobot.robotWithNewAwtHierarchy(); robot.settings().delayBetweenEvents(ROBOT_DELAY_MILLIS); }
private void drag(int x, int y) { robot.pressMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); robot.moveMouse(x, y); robot.releaseMouse(MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON); }
private void move(int x, int y) { robot.moveMouse(x, y); }