/** Tests for nil "fromDateTime" element */ public boolean isNilFromDateTime() { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime target = null; target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime) get_store().find_element_user(FROMDATETIME$8, 0); if (target == null) return false; return target.isNil(); } }
/** Nils the "fromDateTime" element */ public void setNilFromDateTime() { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime target = null; target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime) get_store().find_element_user(FROMDATETIME$8, 0); if (target == null) { target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime) get_store().add_element_user(FROMDATETIME$8); } target.setNil(); } }
/** Sets (as xml) the "toDateTime" element */ public void xsetToDateTime(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime toDateTime) { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime target = null; target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime) get_store().find_element_user(TODATETIME$22, 0); if (target == null) { target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDateTime) get_store().add_element_user(TODATETIME$22); } target.set(toDateTime); } }
private String formatDate(SchemaType sType) { GDateBuilder gdateb = new GDateBuilder( new Date( 1000L * pick(365 * 24 * 60 * 60) + (30L + pick(20)) * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); GDate min = null, max = null; // Find the min and the max according to the type switch (sType.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode()) { case SchemaType.BTC_DATE_TIME: { XmlDateTime x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_TIME: { XmlTime x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_DATE: { XmlDate x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR_MONTH: { XmlGYearMonth x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR: { XmlGYear x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH_DAY: { XmlGMonthDay x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_G_DAY: { XmlGDay x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH: { XmlGMonth x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0) min = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE); if (x != null) max = x.getGDateValue(); x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE); if (x != null) if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0) max = x.getGDateValue(); break; } } if (min != null && max == null) { if (min.compareToGDate(gdateb) >= 0) { // Reset the date to min + (1-8) hours Calendar c = gdateb.getCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, pick(8)); gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c); } } else if (min == null && max != null) { if (max.compareToGDate(gdateb) <= 0) { // Reset the date to max - (1-8) hours Calendar c = gdateb.getCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0 - pick(8)); gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c); } } else if (min != null && max != null) { if (min.compareToGDate(gdateb) >= 0 || max.compareToGDate(gdateb) <= 0) { // Find a date between the two Calendar c = min.getCalendar(); Calendar cmax = max.getCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1); if (c.after(cmax)) { c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -1); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); if (c.after(cmax)) { c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1); c.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); if (c.after(cmax)) { c.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1); c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1); if (c.after(cmax)) c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); } } } gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c); } } gdateb.setBuiltinTypeCode(sType.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode()); if (pick(2) == 0) gdateb.clearTimeZone(); return gdateb.toString(); }