/** * @param cursor * @return the inserted table */ public XWPFTable insertNewTbl(XmlCursor cursor) { if (isCursorInHdrF(cursor)) { String uri = CTTbl.type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); String localPart = "tbl"; cursor.beginElement(localPart, uri); cursor.toParent(); CTTbl t = (CTTbl) cursor.getObject(); XWPFTable newT = new XWPFTable(t, this); cursor.removeXmlContents(); XmlObject o = null; while (!(o instanceof CTTbl) && (cursor.toPrevSibling())) { o = cursor.getObject(); } if (!(o instanceof CTTbl)) { tables.add(0, newT); } else { int pos = tables.indexOf(getTable((CTTbl) o)) + 1; tables.add(pos, newT); } int i = 0; cursor = t.newCursor(); while (cursor.toPrevSibling()) { o = cursor.getObject(); if (o instanceof CTP || o instanceof CTTbl) i++; } bodyElements.add(i, newT); cursor = t.newCursor(); cursor.toEndToken(); return newT; } return null; }
/** * add a new paragraph at position of the cursor * * @param cursor * @return the inserted paragraph */ public XWPFParagraph insertNewParagraph(XmlCursor cursor) { if (isCursorInHdrF(cursor)) { String uri = CTP.type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); String localPart = "p"; cursor.beginElement(localPart, uri); cursor.toParent(); CTP p = (CTP) cursor.getObject(); XWPFParagraph newP = new XWPFParagraph(p, this); XmlObject o = null; while (!(o instanceof CTP) && (cursor.toPrevSibling())) { o = cursor.getObject(); } if ((!(o instanceof CTP)) || (CTP) o == p) { paragraphs.add(0, newP); } else { int pos = paragraphs.indexOf(getParagraph((CTP) o)) + 1; paragraphs.add(pos, newP); } int i = 0; cursor.toCursor(p.newCursor()); while (cursor.toPrevSibling()) { o = cursor.getObject(); if (o instanceof CTP || o instanceof CTTbl) i++; } bodyElements.add(i, newP); cursor.toCursor(p.newCursor()); cursor.toEndToken(); return newP; } return null; }
/** * Creates the administrative metadata section of a mets document. * * @param id the id of this amdSec * @param owner the rights owner of the item * @param logo the logo of the organization * @param url the url of the organization * @param reference the items url */ public void createAmdSec(String id, String owner, String logo, String url, String reference) { this.amdSec = this.mets.addNewAmdSec(); this.amdSec.setID(id); // DVRights MdSecType rightsMD = this.amdSec.addNewRightsMD(); rightsMD.setID("rights" + id); MdWrap wrap = rightsMD.addNewMdWrap(); wrap.setMIMETYPE("text/xml"); wrap.setMDTYPE(MdWrap.MDTYPE.OTHER); wrap.setOTHERMDTYPE("DVRIGHTS"); XmlData xml = wrap.addNewXmlData(); XmlObject dvrights = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); XmlCursor cur = dvrights.newCursor(); cur.toNextToken(); cur.beginElement("rights", "http://dfg-viewer.de/"); cur.insertElementWithText("owner", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", owner); cur.insertElementWithText("ownerLogo", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", logo); cur.insertElementWithText("ownerSiteURL", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", url); cur.insertElementWithText("contact", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", "*****@*****.**"); cur.dispose(); xml.set(dvrights); wrap.setXmlData(xml); rightsMD.setMdWrap(wrap); this.amdSec.setRightsMDArray(0, rightsMD); // DVLinks MdSecType digiprovMD = this.amdSec.addNewDigiprovMD(); digiprovMD.setID("digiprov" + id); MdWrap dpWrap = digiprovMD.addNewMdWrap(); dpWrap.setMIMETYPE("text/xml"); dpWrap.setMDTYPE(MdWrap.MDTYPE.OTHER); dpWrap.setOTHERMDTYPE("DVLINKS"); XmlData dpXml = dpWrap.addNewXmlData(); XmlObject dvdigiprov = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); XmlCursor dpCur = dvdigiprov.newCursor(); dpCur.toNextToken(); dpCur.beginElement("links", "http://dfg-viewer.de/"); dpCur.insertElementWithText("reference", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", reference); dpCur.insertElementWithText( "presentation", "http://dfg-viewer.de/", "http://vm38.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/dlib-journals/"); dpCur.dispose(); dpXml.set(dvdigiprov); dpWrap.setXmlData(dpXml); digiprovMD.setMdWrap(dpWrap); this.amdSec.setDigiprovMDArray(0, digiprovMD); }
public static String createSampleForElement(SchemaGlobalElement element) { XmlObject xml = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); XmlCursor c = xml.newCursor(); c.toNextToken(); c.beginElement(element.getName()); new SampleXmlUtil(false).createSampleForType(element.getType(), c); c.dispose(); XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions(); options.put(XmlOptions.SAVE_PRETTY_PRINT); options.put(XmlOptions.SAVE_PRETTY_PRINT_INDENT, 3); options.put(XmlOptions.SAVE_AGGRESSIVE_NAMESPACES); options.setSaveOuter(); String result = xml.xmlText(options); return result; }
@Override protected void checkMessageStructure() throws MessageValidationException { boolean messageStructureFailure = false; try { // Create a pseudo XML message XmlObject pseudoMessage = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); XmlCursor pmCursor = pseudoMessage.newCursor(); pmCursor.toNextToken(); pmCursor.beginElement(profile.getMessageStructureID(), "urn:hl7-org:v2xml"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(message.getMessageAsString())); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.matches("\\s*")) { String fieldSep = ((Er7Message) message).getFieldSeparatorChar(); try { int idx = line.indexOf(fieldSep); if (idx == -1 && line.length() <= 3) { idx = 3; } line = line.substring(0, idx); if (!line.startsWith("Z")) { pmCursor.beginElement(line, "urn:hl7-org:v2xml"); pmCursor.toNextToken(); } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (line.length() > 3) { System.out.println(line); } } } } pmCursor.dispose(); // Create a schema StreamSource xsltStream = new StreamSource( MessageStructureValidationV2Er7.class .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(MessageValidationConstants.XSLT_CHECK_STRUCTURE)); Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(xsltStream); t.setParameter("groups", "false"); t.setParameter("xml", "false"); StreamSource src = new StreamSource(profile.getDocument().newInputStream()); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); t.transform(src, new StreamResult(out)); XmlObject schemaDoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse( new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()), (new XmlOptions()).setLoadLineNumbers()); // pseudoMessage.save(new File("tmp/mu/PseudoMessage.xml")); // schemaDoc.save(new File("tmp/mu/Schema.xsd")); // Load the schema SchemaTypeLoader sLoader = null; Collection<Object> compErrors = new ArrayList<Object>(); XmlOptions schemaOptions = new XmlOptions(); schemaOptions.setErrorListener(compErrors); XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[1]; schemas[0] = schemaDoc; sLoader = XmlBeans.compileXsd(schemas, sLoader, schemaOptions); // Load the Message XmlObject xobj = sLoader.parse(pseudoMessage.toString(), null, (new XmlOptions()).setLoadLineNumbers()); // Validate the Message against the schema Collection<XmlValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<XmlValidationError>(); xobj.validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errors)); Iterator<XmlValidationError> it = errors.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { XmlValidationError xve = it.next(); messageFailures.add(interpretSchemaError(xve)); messageStructureFailure = true; } } catch (XmlException xmle) { // This type of exception is thrown when the generated schema is // ambiguous MessageFailureV2 mf = new MessageFailureV2(message.getEncoding()); mf.setDescription( "The message validation can't be performed because the profile is ambiguous." + " Possible reasons for this problem include an ambiguous message definition" + " specified in the standard or an ambiguous message definition caused by the" + " user changing the Usage settings for segments during profile creation." + " Remember that a segment with the same name MUST be separated by at least one" + " non-optional segment with a different name."); mf.setFailureSeverity(ErrorSeverityConstants.FATAL); mf.setFailureType(AssertionTypeV2Constants.AMBIGUOUS_PROFILE); messageFailures.add(mf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessageValidationException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (!messageStructureFailure) { MessageFailureV2 mf = new MessageFailureV2(message.getEncoding()); mf.setDescription("The message structure at the segment level is correct."); mf.setFailureSeverity(ErrorSeverityConstants.NORMAL); mf.setFailureType(AssertionTypeV2Constants.CHECKED); messageFailures.add(mf); } } }