Пример #1
  /** @return A synthetic close tag for this tag */
  public final CharSequence syntheticCloseTagString() {
    AppendingStringBuffer buf = new AppendingStringBuffer();
    if (getNamespace() != null) {

    return buf;
Пример #2
  public void onComponentTagBody(final MarkupStream markupStream, final ComponentTag openTag) {
    // render the hidden field
    AppendingStringBuffer buffer =
        new AppendingStringBuffer("<div  style=\"display:none\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
        .append("\" id=\"")
        .append("\" value=\"")
        .append("\" /></div>");

    super.onComponentTagBody(markupStream, openTag);
Пример #3
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior#onComponentTag(org.apache.wicket.Component,
   * org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag)
  public void onComponentTag(Component component, ComponentTag tag) {
    super.onComponentTag(component, tag);

    if (!Form.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass())) {
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("This behavior is only applicable on a Form component");

    Form<?> form = (Form<?>) component;

    // Retrieve and set form name
    String formName = verifyFormName(form, tag);

    tag.put("onsubmit", "return yav.performCheck('" + formName + "', rules);");

    // Open the Yav script (inlined JavaScript)
    AppendingStringBuffer buffer = new AppendingStringBuffer("<script>\n");
    buffer.append("var rules=new Array();\n");

    // Visit all form components and check for validators (and write the
    // appropriate Yav rules in the current inlined JavaScript)
    form.visitFormComponents(new YavFormComponentVisitor(buffer, form));

    // Build the call to the yav.init with the proper form name
    buffer.append("function yavInit() {\n");
    buffer.append("    yav.init('" + formName + "', rules);\n");

    // Close the Yav script

    // Write the generated script into the response
    Response response = RequestCycle.get().getResponse();
   * Get the client's time zone if that could be detected.
   * @return The client's time zone
  public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
    if (timeZone == null) {
      String utc = getUtcOffset();
      if (utc != null) {
        // apparently it is platform dependent on whether you get the
        // offset in a decimal form or not. This parses the decimal
        // form of the UTC offset, taking into account several
        // possibilities
        // such as getting the format in +2.5 or -1.2

        int dotPos = utc.indexOf('.');
        if (dotPos >= 0) {
          String hours = utc.substring(0, dotPos);
          String hourPart = utc.substring(dotPos + 1);

          if (hours.startsWith("+")) {
            hours = hours.substring(1);
          int offsetHours = Integer.parseInt(hours);
          int offsetMins = (int) (Double.parseDouble(hourPart) * 6);

          // construct a GMT timezone offset string from the retrieved
          // offset which can be parsed by the TimeZone class.

          AppendingStringBuffer sb = new AppendingStringBuffer("GMT");
          sb.append(offsetHours > 0 ? "+" : "-");
          if (offsetMins < 10) {
          timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(sb.toString());
        } else {
          int offset = Integer.parseInt(utc);
          if (offset < 0) {
            utc = utc.substring(1);
          timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + ((offset > 0) ? "+" : "-") + utc);

        String dstOffset = getUtcDSTOffset();
        if (timeZone != null && dstOffset != null) {
          TimeZone dstTimeZone = null;
          dotPos = dstOffset.indexOf('.');
          if (dotPos >= 0) {
            String hours = dstOffset.substring(0, dotPos);
            String hourPart = dstOffset.substring(dotPos + 1);

            if (hours.startsWith("+")) {
              hours = hours.substring(1);
            int offsetHours = Integer.parseInt(hours);
            int offsetMins = (int) (Double.parseDouble(hourPart) * 6);

            // construct a GMT timezone offset string from the
            // retrieved
            // offset which can be parsed by the TimeZone class.

            AppendingStringBuffer sb = new AppendingStringBuffer("GMT");
            sb.append(offsetHours > 0 ? "+" : "-");
            if (offsetMins < 10) {
            dstTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(sb.toString());
          } else {
            int offset = Integer.parseInt(dstOffset);
            if (offset < 0) {
              dstOffset = dstOffset.substring(1);
            dstTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + ((offset > 0) ? "+" : "-") + dstOffset);
          // if the dstTimezone (1 July) has a different offset then
          // the real time zone (1 January) try to combine the 2.
          if (dstTimeZone != null && dstTimeZone.getRawOffset() != timeZone.getRawOffset()) {
            int dstSaving = dstTimeZone.getRawOffset() - timeZone.getRawOffset();
            String[] availableIDs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(timeZone.getRawOffset());
            for (String availableID : availableIDs) {
              TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(availableID);
              if (zone.getDSTSavings() == dstSaving) {
                // this is a best guess... still the start and end of the DST should
                // be needed to know to be completely correct, or better yet
                // not just the GMT offset but the TimeZone ID should be transfered
                // from the browser.
                timeZone = zone;

    return timeZone;
Пример #5
   * @see org.apache.wicket.Component#onComponentTagBody(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream,
   *     org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag)
  protected final void onComponentTagBody(
      final MarkupStream markupStream, final ComponentTag openTag) {
    // Iterate through choices
    final List<? extends T> choices = getChoices();

    // Buffer to hold generated body
    final AppendingStringBuffer buffer = new AppendingStringBuffer(70 * (choices.size() + 1));

    // Value of this choice
    final String selected = getValue();

    // Loop through choices
    for (int index = 0; index < choices.size(); index++) {
      // Get next choice
      final T choice = choices.get(index);

      Object displayValue = getChoiceRenderer().getDisplayValue(choice);
      Class<?> objectClass = displayValue == null ? null : displayValue.getClass();
      // Get label for choice
      String label = "";
      if (objectClass != null && objectClass != String.class) {
        IConverter converter = getConverter(objectClass);
        label = converter.convertToString(displayValue, getLocale());
      } else if (displayValue != null) {
        label = displayValue.toString();

      // If there is a display value for the choice, then we know that the
      // choice is automatic in some way. If label is /null/ then we know
      // that the choice is a manually created checkbox tag at some random
      // location in the page markup!
      if (label != null) {
        // Append option suffix

        String id = getChoiceRenderer().getIdValue(choice, index);
        final String idAttr = getMarkupId() + "-" + getInputName() + "_" + id;

        // Add checkbox element
            .append("<input name=\"")
            .append(" type=\"checkbox\"");

        if (!Strings.isEmpty(getCheckBoxCssClass())) {
          buffer.append(" class=\"").append(getCheckBoxCssClass()).append("\"");

            .append((isSelected(choice, index, selected) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""))
                (isEnabledInHierarchy() && !isDisabled(choice, index, selected)
                    ? ""
                    : " disabled=\"disabled\""))
            .append(" value=\"")
            .append("\" id=\"")

        // Add label for checkbox
        String display = label;
        if (localizeDisplayValues()) {
          display = getLocalizer().getString(label, this, label);

        CharSequence escaped = display;
        if (getEscapeModelStrings()) {
          escaped = Strings.escapeMarkup(display);

        buffer.append("<label for=\"").append(idAttr).append("\"");
        if (!Strings.isEmpty(getCheckBoxLabelCssClass())) {
          buffer.append(" class=\"").append(getCheckBoxLabelCssClass()).append("\"");

        // Append option suffix

    // Replace body
    replaceComponentTagBody(markupStream, openTag, buffer);