// 重点关注的剧集取出全部剧集链接 private static AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog processConcernProgramme(int psId, int siteId) throws Exception { Criteria peCrit = new Criteria(); peCrit.add(ProgrammeEpisodePeer.FK_PROGRAMME_SITE_ID, psId); List<ProgrammeEpisode> peList = ProgrammeEpisodePeer.doSelect(peCrit); List<EpisodeLog> logList = new ArrayList<EpisodeLog>(); log.info("peList size" + peList.size()); if (peList != null && !peList.isEmpty()) { for (ProgrammeEpisode pe : peList) { EpisodeLog el = new EpisodeLog(); el.setTitle(pe.getTitle()); el.setHd(pe.getHd()); el.setOrderId(pe.getOrderId()); el.setUrl(pe.getUrl()); el.setSeconds(pe.getSeconds()); el.setId(-1); logList.add(el); } } AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog siteLog = new AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog(); siteLog.setSiteId(siteId); siteLog.setSiteName(SiteService.getSiteName(siteId)); log.info("siteName" + siteLog.getSiteName()); siteLog.setEpisodeLogList(logList); return siteLog; }
public DBOutputWriter(Scenario scenario) { super(scenario); try { db_scenario = ScenariosPeer.retrieveByPK(str2id(scenario.getId())); } catch (NoRowsException exc) { logger.error("Scenario " + str2id(scenario.getId()) + " was not found in the database"); } catch (TooManyRowsException exc) { logger.error("Data integrity violation", exc); } catch (TorqueException exc) { logger.error("Could not load scenario " + str2id(scenario.getId()), exc); } db_vehicle_type = new VehicleTypes[scenario.getNumVehicleTypes()]; if (null != db_scenario) { logger.info("Loading vehicle types"); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addJoin(VehicleTypesPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID, VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID); crit.add(VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_SET_ID, db_scenario.getVehicleTypeSetId()); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VehicleTypes> db_vt_l = VehicleTypesPeer.doSelect(crit); for (VehicleTypes db_vt : db_vt_l) for (int i = 0; i < scenario.getNumVehicleTypes(); ++i) if (db_vt.getName().equals(scenario.getVehicleTypeNames()[i])) db_vehicle_type[i] = db_vt; } catch (TorqueException exc) { logger.error("Failed to load vehicle types for scenario " + db_scenario.getId(), exc); } } }
/** * Loads filterCategoryBeans by repository * * @param repository * @param personID * @return */ @Override public List<TReportCategoryBean> loadByRepositoryPersonProjects( Integer repository, Integer personID, List<Integer> projects) { List<TReportCategory> categories = new ArrayList<TReportCategory>(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(REPOSITORY, repository); if (personID != null) { criteria.add(CREATEDBY, personID); } if (projects != null && !projects.isEmpty()) { criteria.addIn(PROJECT, projects); } criteria.addAscendingOrderByColumn(LABEL); try { categories.addAll(doSelect(criteria)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Getting filter categories by repository " + repository + " personID " + personID + " projects " + projects + " failed with " + e.getMessage(), e); } return convertTorqueListToBeanList(categories); }
/** * Loads a filterCategoryBeans by parentIDs * * @param parentIDs * @return */ @Override public List<TReportCategoryBean> loadByParents(List<Integer> parentIDs) { List<TReportCategory> categories = new ArrayList<TReportCategory>(); if (parentIDs == null || parentIDs.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<TReportCategoryBean>(); } List<int[]> parentIDChunksList = GeneralUtils.getListOfChunks(parentIDs); if (parentIDChunksList != null && !parentIDChunksList.isEmpty()) { Iterator<int[]> iterator = parentIDChunksList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int[] parentIDsChunk = iterator.next(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addIn(PARENTID, parentIDsChunk); criteria.addAscendingOrderByColumn(LABEL); try { categories.addAll(doSelect(criteria)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Getting the report categories by parents " + parentIDsChunk.length + " failed with " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } return convertTorqueListToBeanList(categories); }
/** * Whether a system option from list appears as custom attribute The reflection does not work * because an additional condition should be satisfied (no direct foreign key relationship exists) * * @param objectIDs * @param fieldID */ @Override public boolean isSystemOptionAttribute(List<Integer> objectIDs, Integer fieldID) { if (objectIDs == null || objectIDs.isEmpty()) { return false; } List attributes = null; Criteria selectCriteria; List<int[]> chunkList = GeneralUtils.getListOfChunks(objectIDs); Iterator<int[]> iterator = chunkList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int[] idChunk = iterator.next(); selectCriteria = new Criteria(); selectCriteria.addIn(SYSTEMOPTIONID, idChunk); selectCriteria.add(SYSTEMOPTIONTYPE, fieldID); selectCriteria.setDistinct(); try { attributes = doSelect(selectCriteria); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Verifiying the dependent " + "oldPersonIDs " + objectIDs.size() + " for the user picker failed with " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sf.iquiver.service.BaseService#doStart() */ protected void doStart() { String indexDirectory = IQuiver.getConfiguration().getString("lucene.index.path"); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); try { List sources = ContentSourcePeer.doSelectAll(); for (Iterator iter = sources.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ContentSource source = (ContentSource) iter.next(); crit.clear(); crit.add(ContentPeer.CONTENT_TO_DELETE, true); crit.add(ContentPeer.CONTENT_SOURCE_ID, source.getContentSourceId()); List docs = ContentPeer.doSelect(crit); if (docs != null) { for (Iterator it = docs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Content content = (Content) it.next(); content.setRemoved(true); } IndexScheduler scheduler = IndexScheduler.getInstance( indexDirectory + File.separator + String.valueOf(source.getContentSourceId())); scheduler.scheduleForIndexing(docs); } ContentPeer.doDelete(crit); } } catch (TorqueException e) { logger.error("Error occured while deleting all marked contents from database!", e); } }
/** * Loads a list of attributeValueBeans from the TAttributeValue table by an array of workItemIDs * * @param workItemIDs * @return */ @Override public List<TAttributeValueBean> loadByWorkItemKeys(int[] workItemIDs) { List<TAttributeValueBean> attributeValueBeansList = new ArrayList<TAttributeValueBean>(); List<TAttributeValue> tav = new ArrayList<TAttributeValue>(); if (workItemIDs == null || workItemIDs.length == 0) { return attributeValueBeansList; } Criteria criteria; List<int[]> workItemIDChunksList = GeneralUtils.getListOfChunks(workItemIDs); if (workItemIDChunksList == null) { return attributeValueBeansList; } Iterator<int[]> iterator = workItemIDChunksList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int[] workItemIDChunk = iterator.next(); criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addIn(WORKITEM, workItemIDChunk); try { tav.addAll(doSelect(criteria)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Loading the attributeValueBeans by workItemIDs failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } return convertTorqueListToBeanList(tav); }
private com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.NetworkConnections restoreNetworkConnections( NetworkConnectionSets db_ncs) throws TorqueException { if (null == db_ncs) return null; com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.NetworkConnections nc = factory.createNetworkConnections(); nc.setId(id2str(db_ncs.getId())); nc.setName(db_ncs.getName()); nc.setDescription(db_ncs.getDescription()); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(NetworkConnectionsPeer.FROM_NETWORK_ID); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(NetworkConnectionsPeer.TO_NETWORK_ID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworkConnections> db_nc_l = db_ncs.getNetworkConnectionss(crit); com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Networkpair np = null; for (NetworkConnections db_nc : db_nc_l) { if (null != np && (!np.getNetworkA().equals(id2str(db_nc.getFromNetworkId())) || !np.getNetworkB().equals(id2str(db_nc.getToNetworkId())))) { nc.getNetworkpair().add(np); np = null; } if (null == np) { np = factory.createNetworkpair(); np.setNetworkA(id2str(db_nc.getFromNetworkId())); np.setNetworkB(id2str(db_nc.getToNetworkId())); } com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Linkpair lp = factory.createLinkpair(); lp.setLinkA(id2str(db_nc.getFromLinkId())); lp.setLinkB(id2str(db_nc.getToLinkId())); np.getLinkpair().add(lp); } if (null != np) nc.getNetworkpair().add(np); return nc; }
private com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.DemandProfile restoreDemandProfile(DemandProfiles db_dp) throws TorqueException { com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.DemandProfile dp = factory.createDemandProfile(); dp.setKnob(db_dp.getKnob()); dp.setStartTime(db_dp.getStartTime()); dp.setDt(db_dp.getDt()); dp.setLinkIdOrigin(id2str(db_dp.getOriginLinkId())); if (null != db_dp.getDestinationLinkId()) dp.setDestinationLinkId(id2str(db_dp.getDestinationLinkId())); dp.setStdDevAdd(db_dp.getStdDeviationAdditive()); dp.setStdDevMult(db_dp.getStdDeviationMultiplicative()); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(DemandsPeer.NUMBER); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(DemandsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Demands> db_demand_l = db_dp.getDemandss(crit); StringBuilder sb = null; Integer number = null; for (Demands db_demand : db_demand_l) { if (null == sb) sb = new StringBuilder(); else sb.append(db_demand.getNumber().equals(number) ? ':' : ','); number = db_demand.getNumber(); sb.append(db_demand.getDemand().toPlainString()); } if (null != sb) dp.setContent(sb.toString()); return dp; }
/** * Get the custom option type attributeValueBeans for an array of workItemIDs * * @param workItemIDs * @return */ @Override public List<TAttributeValueBean> loadLuceneCustomOptionAttributeValues(int[] workItemIDs) { List<TAttributeValueBean> attributeValueBeansList = new ArrayList<TAttributeValueBean>(); if (workItemIDs == null || workItemIDs.length == 0) { return attributeValueBeansList; } Criteria criteria; List<int[]> workItemIDChunksList = GeneralUtils.getListOfChunks(workItemIDs); if (workItemIDChunksList == null) { return attributeValueBeansList; } Iterator<int[]> iterator = workItemIDChunksList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int[] workItemIDChunk = iterator.next(); criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addIn(WORKITEM, workItemIDChunk); try { attributeValueBeansList.addAll(getReportCustomOptionAttributeValues(criteria)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Loading the custom option type attributeValueBeans by workItemIDs failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } return attributeValueBeansList; }
private static AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog getSiteEpisodeLog(int psId, int siteId) throws Exception { Criteria logCrit = new Criteria(); logCrit.add(EpisodeLogPeer.FK_PROGRAMME_SITE_ID, psId); logCrit.add(EpisodeLogPeer.STATUS, Constants.EPISODE_LOG_NOTHANDLED); logCrit.add(EpisodeLogPeer.SOURCE, (Object) "", Criteria.NOT_EQUAL); // logCrit.add(EpisodeLogPeer.OPERATOR, (Object) "Spider", Criteria.NOT_EQUAL); // log.info(logCrit); List<EpisodeLog> logList = EpisodeLogPeer.doSelect(logCrit); AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog siteLog = new AuditEpisodeLogBo.SiteEpisodeLog(); siteLog.setSiteId(siteId); siteLog.setSiteName(SiteService.getSiteName(siteId)); // log.info("siteName" + siteLog.getSiteName()); List<EpisodeLog> noSpiderLogList = new ArrayList<EpisodeLog>(); for (EpisodeLog l : logList) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(l.getOperator())) { noSpiderLogList.add(l); } } siteLog.setEpisodeLogList(noSpiderLogList); return siteLog; }
/** Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer */ public static Criteria buildCriteria(TRoleListType obj) { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME); if (!obj.isNew()) criteria.add(OBJECTID, obj.getObjectID()); criteria.add(PROLE, obj.getRole()); criteria.add(LISTTYPE, obj.getListType()); criteria.add(TPUUID, obj.getUuid()); return criteria; }
/** Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer */ public static Criteria buildCriteria(TDomain obj) { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME); if (!obj.isNew()) criteria.add(OBJECTID, obj.getObjectID()); criteria.add(LABEL, obj.getLabel()); criteria.add(DESCRIPTION, obj.getDescription()); criteria.add(TPUUID, obj.getUuid()); return criteria; }
/** * Find hot words on index page * * @param conn * @return * @throws TorqueException */ public static List<Hotword> findIndexVideo() throws TorqueException { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(HotwordPeer.INDEX_TYPE, Constants.INDEX_DISPLAY); crit.addDescendingOrderByColumn(HotwordPeer.SORT); List<Hotword> hotwordList = HotwordPeer.doSelect(crit); return hotwordList; }
public static List<Hotword> findHotwordByName(String hotwordName) throws TorqueException { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(HotwordPeer.NAME, hotwordName); List<Hotword> hotwordList = HotwordPeer.doSelect(crit); return hotwordList; }
/** Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer */ public static Criteria buildCriteria(AttendenceSeet obj) { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME); if (!obj.isNew()) criteria.add(ID, obj.getId()); criteria.add(USER_ID, obj.getUserId()); criteria.add(LOGIN_DATE, obj.getLoginDate()); criteria.add(IPADDRESS, obj.getIpaddress()); return criteria; }
public static List<Hotword> findHotwordByItemId(int itemId) throws TorqueException { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(HotwordPeer.ITEM_ID, itemId); List<Hotword> hotwordList = HotwordPeer.doSelect(crit); return hotwordList; }
private static void setDbName(Criteria crit) { // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // crit.getDbName will return the same object if not set to // another value so == check is okay and faster if (crit.getDbName() == Torque.getDefaultDB()) { crit.setDbName(DATABASE_NAME); } }
private com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Outputs restoreOutputs(Nodes db_node) throws TorqueException { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(LinksPeer.NETWORK_ID, db_node.getNetworkId()); crit.add(LinksPeer.BEG_NODE_ID, db_node.getId()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Links> db_link_l = LinksPeer.doSelect(crit); com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Outputs outputs = factory.createOutputs(); for (Links db_link : db_link_l) outputs.getOutput().add(restoreOutput(db_link)); return outputs; }
/** * Deletes an attributeValueBean from the TAttributeValue table by ID * * @param objectID */ @Override public void deleteByObjectID(Integer objectID) { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(OBJECTID, objectID); try { doDelete(crit); } catch (TorqueException e) { LOGGER.error("Deleting an attribute value by ID " + objectID + " failed with: " + e); } }
/** * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk * * @param pks List of primary keys * @param dbcon the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks, Connection dbcon) throws TorqueException { List objs = null; if (pks == null || pks.size() == 0) { objs = new LinkedList(); } else { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addIn(EXAM_ID, pks); objs = doSelect(criteria, dbcon); } return objs; }
private Criteria ordenacion(Criteria c, String CampoOrdenacion, String OrdenOrdenacion) { if ((OrdenOrdenacion != null) && (OrdenOrdenacion.compareTo("ASC") == 0)) if ((CampoOrdenacion != null)) { c.addAscendingOrderByColumn(CampoOrdenacion.toString()); } if ((OrdenOrdenacion != null) && (OrdenOrdenacion.compareTo("DESC") == 0)) if ((CampoOrdenacion != null)) { c.addDescendingOrderByColumn(CampoOrdenacion.toString()); } return c; }
/** * Delete all private report categories of a person * * @param personID */ @Override public void deletePrivateReportCategories(Integer personID) { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(CREATEDBY, personID); criteria.add(REPOSITORY, TQueryRepositoryBean.REPOSITORY_TYPE.PRIVATE); try { doDelete(criteria); } catch (TorqueException e) { LOGGER.error("Deleting the private filter categories failed with " + e.getMessage()); } }
private List<com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Table> restoreTables(com.relteq.sirius.db.BaseObject db_obj) throws TorqueException { Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(TablesPeer.PARENT_ELEMENT_ID, db_obj.getId()); crit.add(TablesPeer.PARENT_ELEMENT_TYPE, db_obj.getElementType()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Tables> db_table_l = TablesPeer.doSelect(crit); List<com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Table> table_l = new java.util.ArrayList<com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Table>(db_table_l.size()); for (Tables db_table : db_table_l) table_l.add(restoreTable(db_table)); return table_l; }
/** * Method to do updates. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doUpdate(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object containing data that is used to create the UPDATE statement. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { Criteria selectCriteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME, 2); selectCriteria.put(ID, criteria.remove(ID)); setDbName(criteria); if (con == null) { BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria); } else { BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria, con); } }
/** * Add all the columns needed to create a new object. * * @param criteria object containing the columns to add. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void addSelectColumns(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException { criteria.addSelectColumn(ID); criteria.addSelectColumn(FECHA_ENTRADA); criteria.addSelectColumn(FECHA_SALIDA); criteria.addSelectColumn(OBSERVACION); criteria.addSelectColumn(REPARACION_ID); criteria.addSelectColumn(IMPORTE); criteria.addSelectColumn(TIPO); criteria.addSelectColumn(RESPONSABLE_ID); criteria.addSelectColumn(HORAS); criteria.addSelectColumn(DESCRIPCION); }
@Override public void open(int run_id) throws SiriusException { success = false; if (1 != scenario.numEnsemble) logger.warn("scenario.numEnsembles != 1"); if (null == db_scenario) throw new SiriusException("Scenario was not loaded from the database"); logger.info("Initializing simulation run"); Connection conn = null; try { conn = Transaction.begin(); DataSources db_ds = new DataSources(); db_ds.setId(DataSourcesPeer.nextId(DataSourcesPeer.ID, conn)); db_ds.save(conn); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.add(ScenariosPeer.ID, db_scenario.getId()); com.workingdogs.village.Value max_runnum = SimulationRunsPeer.maxColumnValue(SimulationRunsPeer.RUN_NUMBER, crit, conn); final long run_number = null == max_runnum ? 1 : max_runnum.asLong() + 1; logger.info("Run number: " + run_number); db_simulation_run = new com.relteq.sirius.om.SimulationRuns(); db_simulation_run.setDataSources(db_ds); db_simulation_run.setScenarios(db_scenario); db_simulation_run.setRunNumber(run_number); db_simulation_run.setVersion(com.relteq.sirius.Version.get().getEngineVersion()); db_simulation_run.setBuild(""); db_simulation_run.setSimulationStartTime(BigDecimal.valueOf(scenario.getTimeStart())); db_simulation_run.setSimulationDuration( BigDecimal.valueOf(scenario.getTimeEnd() - scenario.getTimeStart())); db_simulation_run.setSimulationDt(BigDecimal.valueOf(scenario.getSimDtInSeconds())); db_simulation_run.setOutputDt(BigDecimal.valueOf(scenario.getOutputDt())); db_simulation_run.setExecutionStartTime(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); db_simulation_run.setStatus(-1); db_simulation_run.save(conn); Transaction.commit(conn); conn = null; success = true; } catch (TorqueException exc) { throw new SiriusException(exc); } catch (DataSetException exc) { throw new SiriusException(exc); } finally { if (null != conn) { Transaction.safeRollback(conn); db_simulation_run = null; } } ts = Calendar.getInstance(); ts.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); }
/** * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk * * @param pks List of primary keys * @param dbcon the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static List<TRoleListType> retrieveByPKs(List<ObjectKey> pks, Connection dbcon) throws TorqueException { List<TRoleListType> objs = null; if (pks == null || pks.size() == 0) { objs = new LinkedList<TRoleListType>(); } else { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addIn(OBJECTID, pks); objs = doSelect(criteria, dbcon); } return objs; }
public boolean removeInteresseVendaHistoricoById(int id) { try { Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.add(BaseInteresseVendaHistoricoPeer.ID, id); BaseInteresseVendaHistoricoPeer.doDelete(c); return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Ocorreu um erro ao remover o interesse de venda historico de id[" + id + "]", e); } return false; }
public InteresseVendaHistorico searchInteresseVendaHistoricoById(int id) { try { Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.add(BaseInteresseVendaHistoricoPeer.ID, id); List<InteresseVendaHistorico> interesses = BaseInteresseVendaHistoricoPeer.doSelect(c); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(interesses)) { return interesses.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Ocorreu um erro ao buscar o interesse de venda historico de id[" + id + "]", e); } return null; }