public Assertion build(OMElement element, AssertionBuilderFactory factory) throws IllegalArgumentException { TransportBinding transportBinding = new TransportBinding(SPConstants.SP_V12); Policy policy = PolicyEngine.getPolicy(element.getFirstElement()); policy = (Policy) policy.normalize(false); for (List<PolicyComponent> alts : policy.getAlternatives()) { processAlternative(alts, transportBinding, factory); break; } return transportBinding; }
public PolicyAssertion build(Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException { SPConstants consts = SP11Constants.SP_NS.equals(element.getNamespaceURI()) ? SP11Constants.INSTANCE : SP12Constants.INSTANCE; SymmetricBinding symmetricBinding = new SymmetricBinding(consts); Policy policy = builder.getPolicy(DOMUtils.getFirstElement(element)); policy = (Policy) policy.normalize(false); for (Iterator iterator = policy.getAlternatives(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { processAlternatives((List), symmetricBinding, consts); /* * since there should be only one alternative .. */ break; } return symmetricBinding; }
public Assertion build(Element element, AssertionBuilderFactory factory) throws IllegalArgumentException { SPConstants consts = SP11Constants.SP_NS.equals(element.getNamespaceURI()) ? SP11Constants.INSTANCE : SP12Constants.INSTANCE; RecipientSignatureToken recipientSignatureToken = new RecipientSignatureToken(consts, builder); recipientSignatureToken.setOptional(PolicyConstants.isOptional(element)); recipientSignatureToken.setIgnorable(PolicyConstants.isIgnorable(element)); Policy policy = builder.getPolicy(DOMUtils.getFirstElement(element)); policy = policy.normalize(builder.getPolicyRegistry(), false); for (Iterator<List<Assertion>> iterator = policy.getAlternatives(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { processAlternative(, recipientSignatureToken); break; // TODO process all the token that must be set .. } return recipientSignatureToken; }
public PolicyAssertion build(Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException { SPConstants consts = SP11Constants.SP_NS.equals(element.getNamespaceURI()) ? SP11Constants.INSTANCE : SP12Constants.INSTANCE; RecipientToken recipientToken = new RecipientToken(consts); Policy policy = builder.getPolicy(DOMUtils.getFirstElement(element)); policy = (Policy) policy.normalize(false); for (Iterator iterator = policy.getAlternatives(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { processAlternative((List), recipientToken); /* * for the moment we will pick the first token specified in the policy */ break; } return recipientToken; }
public Policy loadPolicy(String xmlPath, String clientKey) throws Exception { StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(xmlPath); Policy policy = PolicyEngine.getPolicy(builder.getDocumentElement()); RampartConfig rc = new RampartConfig(); rc.setUser("admin"); rc.setUserCertAlias("wso2carbon"); rc.setEncryptionUser("wso2carbon"); rc.setPwCbClass(SecurityClient.class.getName()); CryptoConfig sigCryptoConfig = new CryptoConfig(); sigCryptoConfig.setProvider(""); Properties prop1 = new Properties(); prop1.put("", "JKS"); prop1.put("", clientKey); prop1.put("", "wso2carbon"); sigCryptoConfig.setProp(prop1); CryptoConfig encrCryptoConfig = new CryptoConfig(); encrCryptoConfig.setProvider(""); Properties prop2 = new Properties(); prop2.put("", "JKS"); prop2.put("", clientKey); prop2.put("", "wso2carbon"); encrCryptoConfig.setProp(prop2); rc.setSigCryptoConfig(sigCryptoConfig); rc.setEncrCryptoConfig(encrCryptoConfig); policy.addAssertion(rc); return policy; }
private void run() { try { loadConfigurations(); // set the trust store as a system property for communication over // TLS. System.setProperty("", keystorePath); System.setProperty("", keystorePwd); // create configuration context ConfigurationContext configCtx = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(repoPath); // create STS client STSClient stsClient = new STSClient(configCtx); stsClient.setRstTemplate(getRSTTemplate()); String action = null; String responseTokenID = null; action = TrustUtil.getActionValue(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, RahasConstants.RST_ACTION_ISSUE); stsClient.setAction(action); // request the security token from STS. Token responseToken; Policy stsPolicy = loadPolicy(stsPolicyPath); // add rampart config assertion to the ws-sec policies RampartConfig rampartConfig = buildRampartConfig(); stsPolicy.addAssertion(rampartConfig); responseToken = stsClient.requestSecurityToken(null, stsEPR, stsPolicy, relyingPartyEPR); // store the obtained token in token store to be used in future // communication. TokenStorage store = TrustUtil.getTokenStore(configCtx); responseTokenID = responseToken.getId(); store.add(responseToken); // print token System.out.println(responseToken.getToken().toString()); // sending token renew request String renewedTokenID = null; if (enableRenewing) { System.out.println("Renewing " + tokenType); String TokenProfile = null; if (tokenType.equals(ClientConstants.SAML_TOKEN_TYPE_11)) { TokenProfile = RahasConstants.TOK_TYPE_SAML_10; } else if (tokenType.equals(ClientConstants.SAML_TOKEN_TYPE_20)) { TokenProfile = RahasConstants.TOK_TYPE_SAML_20; } stsClient.setRstTemplate(getRSTTemplate()); boolean tokenRenewed = stsClient.renewToken(responseTokenID, TokenProfile, stsEPR, stsPolicy, store); System.out.println("tokenRenewed : " + tokenRenewed); Token renewedToken = store.getRenewedTokens()[0]; renewedTokenID = renewedToken.getId(); System.out.println("Renewed Token : \n" + renewedToken.getToken().toString()); } // Validate the token if (enableValidateBinding) { // validating the token. stsClient = new STSClient(configCtx); action = TrustUtil.getActionValue( RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, RahasConstants.RST_ACTION_VALIDATE); stsClient.setAction(action); String tokenID = null; if (renewedTokenID != null) { tokenID = renewedTokenID; } else { tokenID = responseTokenID; } boolean isValid = stsClient.validateToken(tokenID, stsEPR, stsPolicy); if (isValid) { if (enableRenewing) { System.out.println("Renewed SAML " + tokenType + " Token is valid"); } else { System.out.println("Response SAML " + tokenType + " Token is valid"); } } else { if (enableRenewing) { System.out.println("Renewed SAML " + tokenType + " Token is invalid"); } else { System.out.println("Response SAML " + tokenType + " Token is invalid"); } } } // Send the token to relying party if (enableRelyingParty) { /* Invoke secured service using the obtained token */ OMElement responseElem = null; // create service client ServiceClient serClient = new ServiceClient(configCtx, null); // engage modules serClient.engageModule("addressing"); serClient.engageModule("rampart"); // load policy of secured service Policy sec_policy = loadPolicy(relyingPartyPolicyPath); // add rampart config to the ws-sec policies sec_policy.addAssertion(rampartConfig); // set in/out security policies in client opts serClient.getOptions().setProperty(RampartMessageData.KEY_RAMPART_POLICY, sec_policy); // Set the token id as a property in the Axis2 client scope, so // that this will be picked up when creating the secure message to // invoke // the endpoint. serClient .getOptions() .setProperty(RampartMessageData.KEY_CUSTOM_ISSUED_TOKEN, renewedTokenID); // set action of the Hello Service to be invoked. serClient.getOptions().setAction("urn:echoString"); serClient.getOptions().setTo(new EndpointReference(relyingPartyEPR)); // invoke the service // System.out.println(serClient.sendReceive(getPayload(echoRequestMsg)).toString()); responseElem = serClient.sendReceive(getPayload(echoRequestMsg)); // cleanup transports serClient.getOptions().setCallTransportCleanup(true); System.out.println(responseElem.toString()); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.exit(0); } }
public void processListService(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { String url; try { url = req.getRequestURL().toString(); } catch (Throwable t) {"Old Servlet API (Fallback to HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI) :" + t); url = req.getRequestURI(); } String serviceName = extractServiceName(url); HashMap services = configContext.getAxisConfiguration().getServices(); String query = req.getQueryString(); int wsdl2 = query.indexOf("wsdl2"); int wsdl = query.indexOf("wsdl"); int xsd = query.indexOf("xsd"); int policy = query.indexOf("policy"); if ((services != null) && !services.isEmpty()) { Object serviceObj = services.get(serviceName); if (serviceObj != null) { boolean isHttp = "http".equals(req.getScheme()); if (wsdl2 >= 0) { res.setContentType("text/xml"); String ip = extractHostAndPort(url, isHttp); String wsdlName = req.getParameter("wsdl2"); if (wsdlName != null && wsdlName.length() > 0) { InputStream in = ((AxisService) serviceObj) .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(DeploymentConstants.META_INF + "/" + wsdlName); if (in != null) { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); out.write(IOUtils.getStreamAsByteArray(in)); out.flush(); out.close(); } else { res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } else { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); ((AxisService) serviceObj).printWSDL2(out, ip); out.flush(); out.close(); } return; } else if (wsdl >= 0) { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); res.setContentType("text/xml"); String ip = extractHostAndPort(url, isHttp); String wsdlName = req.getParameter("wsdl"); if (wsdlName != null && wsdlName.length() > 0) { AxisService axisServce = (AxisService) serviceObj; axisServce.printUserWSDL(out, wsdlName); out.flush(); out.close(); } else { ((AxisService) serviceObj).printWSDL(out, ip); out.flush(); out.close(); } return; } else if (xsd >= 0) { res.setContentType("text/xml"); int ret = ((AxisService) serviceObj).printXSD(res.getOutputStream(), req.getParameter("xsd")); if (ret == 0) { // multiple schemas are present and the user specified // no name - in this case we cannot possibly pump a schema // so redirect to the service root res.sendRedirect(""); } else if (ret == -1) { res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } return; } else if (policy >= 0) { ExternalPolicySerializer serializer = new ExternalPolicySerializer(); serializer.setAssertionsToFilter( configContext.getAxisConfiguration().getLocalPolicyAssertions()); // check whether Id is set String idParam = req.getParameter("id"); if (idParam != null) { // Id is set Policy targetPolicy = findPolicy(idParam, (AxisService) serviceObj); if (targetPolicy != null) { XMLStreamWriter writer; try { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(out); res.setContentType("application/wspolicy+xml"); targetPolicy.serialize(writer); writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new ServletException("Error occured when serializing the Policy", e); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { throw new ServletException("Error occured when serializing the Policy", e); } } else { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); res.setContentType("text/html"); String outStr = "<b>No policy found for id=" + idParam + "</b>"; out.write(outStr.getBytes()); } } else { PolicyInclude policyInclude = ((AxisService) serviceObj).getPolicyInclude(); Policy effecPolicy = policyInclude.getEffectivePolicy(); if (effecPolicy != null) { XMLStreamWriter writer; try { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(out); res.setContentType("application/wspolicy+xml"); effecPolicy.serialize(writer); writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new ServletException("Error occured when serializing the Policy", e); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { throw new ServletException("Error occured when serializing the Policy", e); } } else { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); res.setContentType("text/html"); String outStr = "<b>No effective policy for " + serviceName + " servcie</b>"; out.write(outStr.getBytes()); } } return; } else { try { req.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.SINGLE_SERVICE, serviceObj); } catch (Throwable t) {"Old Servlet API :" + t); } } } else { try { req.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.SINGLE_SERVICE, null); } catch (Throwable t) {"Old Servlet API :" + t); } res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, url); } } renderView(LIST_SINGLE_SERVICE_JSP_NAME, req, res); }
public void serialize(XMLStreamWriter writer) throws XMLStreamException { String localname = getRealName().getLocalPart(); String namespaceURI = getRealName().getNamespaceURI(); String prefix; String writerPrefix = writer.getPrefix(namespaceURI); if (writerPrefix == null) { prefix = getRealName().getPrefix(); writer.setPrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } else { prefix = writerPrefix; } // <sp:SecureConversationToken> writer.writeStartElement(prefix, localname, namespaceURI); if (writerPrefix == null) { // xmlns:sp=".." writer.writeNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI); } String inclusion; inclusion = constants.getAttributeValueFromInclusion(getInclusion()); if (inclusion != null) { writer.writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, SPConstants.ATTR_INCLUDE_TOKEN, inclusion); } if (issuerEpr != null) { // <sp:Issuer> writer.writeStartElement(prefix, SPConstants.ISSUER, namespaceURI); StaxUtils.copy(issuerEpr, writer); writer.writeEndElement(); } if (isDerivedKeys() || isRequireExternalUriRef() || isSc10SecurityContextToken() || bootstrapPolicy != null) { String wspNamespaceURI = SPConstants.POLICY.getNamespaceURI(); String wspPrefix; String wspWriterPrefix = writer.getPrefix(wspNamespaceURI); if (wspWriterPrefix == null) { wspPrefix = SPConstants.POLICY.getPrefix(); writer.setPrefix(wspPrefix, wspNamespaceURI); } else { wspPrefix = wspWriterPrefix; } // <wsp:Policy> writer.writeStartElement(wspPrefix, SPConstants.POLICY.getLocalPart(), wspNamespaceURI); if (wspWriterPrefix == null) { // xmlns:wsp=".." writer.writeNamespace(wspPrefix, wspNamespaceURI); } if (isDerivedKeys()) { // <sp:RequireDerivedKeys /> writer.writeEmptyElement(prefix, SPConstants.REQUIRE_DERIVED_KEYS, namespaceURI); } if (isRequireExternalUriRef()) { // <sp:RequireExternalUriReference /> writer.writeEmptyElement(prefix, SPConstants.REQUIRE_EXTERNAL_URI_REFERENCE, namespaceURI); } if (isSc10SecurityContextToken()) { // <sp:SC10SecurityContextToken /> writer.writeEmptyElement(prefix, SPConstants.SC10_SECURITY_CONTEXT_TOKEN, namespaceURI); } if (bootstrapPolicy != null) { // <sp:BootstrapPolicy ..> writer.writeStartElement(prefix, SPConstants.BOOTSTRAP_POLICY, namespaceURI); bootstrapPolicy.serialize(writer); writer.writeEndElement(); } // </wsp:Policy> writer.writeEndElement(); } // </sp:SecureConversationToken> writer.writeEndElement(); }
public void applyPolicy(Policy policy, AxisDescription axisDescription) throws AxisFault { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("UnifiedEndpointModule applying policy: " + policy.getName()); } }