public String processDelete() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } gradebookManager.deleteGradebook(currentGradebook); gradebooks = null; currentGradebook = null; csv = null; newTemplate = null; students = null; return "main"; }
public String processInstructorView() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } Long currentGbId = ((Gradebook) gradebookTable.getRowData()).getId(); currentGradebook = gradebookManager.getGradebookByIdWithHeadingsAndStudents(currentGbId); students = new ArrayList(currentGradebook.getStudents()); return "view_gradebook"; }
public String processCreateNew() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } this.userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); this.siteId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); this.currentGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook(this.userId, this.siteId); this.oldGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook(this.userId, this.siteId); this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; this.delimiter = COMMA_DELIM_STR; return "create_gradebook"; }
public String processGradebookUpdate() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); this.currentGradebook = null; this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; return "permission_error"; } this.userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); this.siteId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); Long currentGbId = ((Gradebook) gradebookTable.getRowData()).getId(); currentGradebook = gradebookManager.getGradebookByIdWithHeadingsAndStudents(currentGbId); oldGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook( currentGradebook.getCreator(), currentGradebook.getContext()); oldGradebook.setId(currentGradebook.getId()); oldGradebook.setStudents(currentGradebook.getStudents()); gradebooks = null; /* * if(new Boolean(true).equals(currentGradebook.getReleased())) { * this.release = "Yes"; } else { this.release = "No"; } */ if (currentGradebook.getFileReference() != null) { attachment = EntityManager.newReference( contentHostingService.getReference(currentGradebook.getFileReference())); } this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; this.delimiter = COMMA_DELIM_STR; return "create_gradebook"; }
public String processCsvDownload() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } Long currentGbId = ((Gradebook) gradebookTable.getRowData()).getId(); currentGradebook = gradebookManager.getGradebookByIdWithHeadingsAndStudents(currentGbId); List csvContents = new ArrayList(); if (currentGradebook.getHeadings().size() > 0) { csvContents.add(currentGradebook.getHeadings()); } Iterator si = currentGradebook.getStudents().iterator(); while (si.hasNext()) { List sgl = new ArrayList(); StudentGrades sg = (StudentGrades); sgl.add(sg.getUsername()); sgl.addAll(sg.getGrades()); csvContents.add(sgl); } CSV newCsv = new CSV(csvContents, currentGradebook.getHeadings().size() > 0); this.csv = newCsv.getCsv(); return "download_csv"; }
public String processTemplateDownload() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } currentGradebook = (Gradebook) gradebookTable.getRowData(); return "download_template"; }
public String processCreate() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); this.currentGradebook = null; this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; // this.release = null; return "permission_error"; } if (currentGradebook.getId() == null) { ArrayList gb = getGradebooks(); Iterator gi = gb.iterator(); while (gi.hasNext()) { if (((Gradebook) { // To stay consistent, remove current messages when adding a new message // so as to only display one error message before returning PostemTool.clearMessages(); PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "duplicate_title", new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } } } if (currentGradebook.getTitle() == null || currentGradebook.getTitle().equals("")) { // To stay consistent, remove current messages when adding a new message // so as to only display one error message before returning PostemTool.clearMessages(); PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "missing_title", new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } else if (currentGradebook.getTitle().trim().length() > TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) { PostemTool.clearMessages(); PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "title_too_long", new Object[] { new Integer(currentGradebook.getTitle().trim().length()), new Integer(TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) }); return "create_gradebook"; } Reference attachment = getAttachmentReference(); if (attachment == null) { return "create_gradebook"; } if (!this.delimiter.equals(COMMA_DELIM_STR) && !this.delimiter.equals(TAB_DELIM_STR)) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "invalid_delim", new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } if (attachment != null) { //"*** Non-Empty CSV!"); try { char csv_delim = CSV.COMMA_DELIM; if (this.delimiter.equals(TAB_DELIM_STR)) { csv_delim = CSV.TAB_DELIM; } // Read the data ContentResource cr = contentHostingService.getResource(attachment.getId()); // Check the type if (ResourceProperties.TYPE_URL.equalsIgnoreCase(cr.getContentType())) { // Going to need to read from a stream String csvURL = new String(cr.getContent()); // Load the URL csv = URLConnectionReader.getText(csvURL); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(csv); } } else { csv = new String(cr.getContent()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(csv); } } CSV grades = new CSV(csv, withHeader, csv_delim); if (withHeader == true) { if (grades.getHeaders() != null) { List headingList = grades.getHeaders(); for (int col = 0; col < headingList.size(); col++) { String heading = (String) headingList.get(col).toString().trim(); // Make sure there are no blank headings if (heading == null || heading.equals("")) { PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "blank_headings", new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } // Make sure the headings don't exceed max limit if (heading.length() > HEADING_MAX_LENGTH) { PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "heading_too_long", new Object[] {new Integer(HEADING_MAX_LENGTH)}); return "create_gradebook"; } } } } if (grades.getStudents() != null) { if (!usernamesValid(grades)) { return "create_gradebook"; } if (hasADuplicateUsername(grades)) { return "create_gradebook"; } } if (this.newTemplate != null && this.newTemplate.trim().length() > 0) { if (this.newTemplate.trim().length() > TEMPLATE_MAX_LENGTH) { PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "template_too_long", new Object[] { new Integer(this.newTemplate.trim().length()), new Integer(TEMPLATE_MAX_LENGTH) }); return "create_gradebook"; } } if (withHeader == true) { if (grades.getHeaders() != null) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "has_headers", new Object[] {}); } } if (grades.getStudents() != null) { PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "has_students", new Object[] {new Integer(grades.getStudents().size())}); } if (withHeader == true) { currentGradebook.setHeadings(grades.getHeaders()); } List slist = grades.getStudents(); if (oldGradebook.getId() != null && !this.userPressedBack) { Set oldStudents = currentGradebook.getStudents(); oldGradebook.setStudents(oldStudents); } currentGradebook.setStudents(new TreeSet()); // gradebookManager.saveGradebook(currentGradebook); Iterator si = slist.iterator(); while (si.hasNext()) { List ss = (List); String uname = ((String) ss.remove(0)).trim(); //"[POSTEM] processCreate -- adding student " + // uname); gradebookManager.createStudentGradesInGradebook(uname, ss, currentGradebook); if (currentGradebook.getStudents().size() == 1) { currentGradebook.setFirstUploadedUsername( uname); // otherwise, the verify screen shows first in ABC order } } } catch (DataFormatException exception) { /* * TODO: properly subclass exception in order to allow for localized * messages (add getRowNumber/setRowNumber). Set exception message to be * key in .properties file */ PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, exception.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } catch (IdUnusedException e) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } catch (TypeException e) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } catch (PermissionException e) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } catch (ServerOverloadException e) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } catch (IOException e) { PostemTool.populateMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new Object[] {}); return "create_gradebook"; } } else if (this.csv != null) { //"**** Non Null Empty CSV!"); PostemTool.populateMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "has_students", new Object[] {new Integer(0)}); currentGradebook.setHeadings(new ArrayList()); if (oldGradebook.getId() != null) { Set oldStudents = currentGradebook.getStudents(); oldGradebook.setStudents(oldStudents); } currentGradebook.setStudents(new TreeSet()); } if (this.newTemplate != null && this.newTemplate.trim().length() > 0) { currentGradebook.setTemplate(gradebookManager.createTemplate(newTemplate.trim())); } else if (this.newTemplate != null) { //"*** Non Null Empty Template!"); currentGradebook.setTemplate(null); } /* * if("No".equals(this.release)) { currentGradebook.setReleased(new * Boolean(false)); //"Set to No, " + * currentGradebook.getReleased()); } else { * currentGradebook.setReleased(new Boolean(true)); //"Set to * Yes, " + currentGradebook.getReleased()); } */ // gradebookManager.saveGradebook(currentGradebook); //; // currentGradebook = null; if ((this.csv != null && this.csv.trim().length() > 0) || (this.newTemplate != null && this.newTemplate.trim().length() > 0)) { this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; return "verify"; } Iterator oi = oldGradebook.getStudents().iterator(); while (oi.hasNext()) { gradebookManager.deleteStudentGrades((StudentGrades); } this.userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); currentGradebook.setLastUpdated(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); currentGradebook.setLastUpdater(this.userId); gradebookManager.saveGradebook(currentGradebook); this.currentGradebook = null; this.oldGradebook = null; this.withHeader = true; // this.gradebooks = null; return "main"; }