Query createCandidateQuery(IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException {
      List<Term> extractedTerms = new ArrayList<>();
      // include extractionResultField:failed, because docs with this term have no
      // extractedTermsField
      // and otherwise we would fail to return these docs. Docs that failed query term extraction
      // always need to be verified by MemoryIndex:
      extractedTerms.add(new Term(extractionResultField.name(), EXTRACTION_FAILED));

      LeafReader reader = indexReader.leaves().get(0).reader();
      Fields fields = reader.fields();
      for (String field : fields) {
        Terms terms = fields.terms(field);
        if (terms == null) {

        BytesRef fieldBr = new BytesRef(field);
        TermsEnum tenum = terms.iterator();
        for (BytesRef term = tenum.next(); term != null; term = tenum.next()) {
          BytesRefBuilder builder = new BytesRefBuilder();
          extractedTerms.add(new Term(queryTermsField.name(), builder.toBytesRef()));
      return new TermsQuery(extractedTerms);
   * Returns total in-heap bytes used by all suggesters. This method has CPU cost <code>
   * O(numIndexedFields)</code>.
   * @param fieldNamePatterns if non-null, any completion field name matching any of these patterns
   *     will break out its in-heap bytes separately in the returned {@link CompletionStats}
  public CompletionStats completionStats(IndexReader indexReader, String... fieldNamePatterns) {
    CompletionStats completionStats = new CompletionStats();
    for (LeafReaderContext atomicReaderContext : indexReader.leaves()) {
      LeafReader atomicReader = atomicReaderContext.reader();
      try {
        Fields fields = atomicReader.fields();
        for (String fieldName : fields) {
          Terms terms = fields.terms(fieldName);
          if (terms instanceof CompletionTerms) {
            CompletionTerms completionTerms = (CompletionTerms) terms;
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.error("Could not get completion stats", ioe);

    return completionStats;
Пример #3
  public static DocSet createDocSet(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, Term term) throws IOException {
    DirectoryReader reader = searcher.getRawReader(); // raw reader to avoid extra wrapping overhead
    int maxDoc = searcher.getIndexReader().maxDoc();
    int smallSetSize = smallSetSize(maxDoc);

    String field = term.field();
    BytesRef termVal = term.bytes();

    int maxCount = 0;
    int firstReader = -1;
    List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = reader.leaves();
    PostingsEnum[] postList =
        new PostingsEnum
                .size()]; // use array for slightly higher scanning cost, but fewer memory
                          // allocations
    for (LeafReaderContext ctx : leaves) {
      assert leaves.get(ctx.ord) == ctx;
      LeafReader r = ctx.reader();
      Fields f = r.fields();
      Terms t = f.terms(field);
      if (t == null) continue; // field is missing
      TermsEnum te = t.iterator();
      if (te.seekExact(termVal)) {
        maxCount += te.docFreq();
        postList[ctx.ord] = te.postings(null, PostingsEnum.NONE);
        if (firstReader < 0) firstReader = ctx.ord;

    if (maxCount == 0) {
      return DocSet.EMPTY;

    if (maxCount <= smallSetSize) {
      return createSmallSet(leaves, postList, maxCount, firstReader);

    return createBigSet(leaves, postList, maxDoc, firstReader);
Пример #4
 public OrdWrappedTermsEnum(LeafReader reader) throws IOException {
   assert indexedTermsArray != null;
   assert 0 != indexedTermsArray.length;
   termsEnum = reader.fields().terms(field).iterator();
Пример #5
   * Returns a list of terms in the specified field along with the corresponding count of documents
   * in the set that match that constraint. This method uses the FilterCache to get the intersection
   * count between <code>docs</code> and the DocSet for each term in the filter.
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_LIMIT
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_ZEROS
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_MISSING
  public NamedList<Integer> getFacetTermEnumCounts(
      SolrIndexSearcher searcher,
      DocSet docs,
      String field,
      int offset,
      int limit,
      int mincount,
      boolean missing,
      String sort,
      String prefix,
      String contains,
      boolean ignoreCase,
      SolrParams params)
      throws IOException {

    /* :TODO: potential optimization...
     * cache the Terms with the highest docFreq and try them first
     * don't enum if we get our max from them

    // Minimum term docFreq in order to use the filterCache for that term.
    int minDfFilterCache = global.getFieldInt(field, FacetParams.FACET_ENUM_CACHE_MINDF, 0);

    // make sure we have a set that is fast for random access, if we will use it for that
    DocSet fastForRandomSet = docs;
    if (minDfFilterCache > 0 && docs instanceof SortedIntDocSet) {
      SortedIntDocSet sset = (SortedIntDocSet) docs;
      fastForRandomSet = new HashDocSet(sset.getDocs(), 0, sset.size());

    IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema();
    LeafReader r = searcher.getLeafReader();
    FieldType ft = schema.getFieldType(field);

    boolean sortByCount = sort.equals("count") || sort.equals("true");
    final int maxsize = limit >= 0 ? offset + limit : Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
    final BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>> queue =
        sortByCount ? new BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>>(maxsize) : null;
    final NamedList<Integer> res = new NamedList<>();

    int min = mincount - 1; // the smallest value in the top 'N' values
    int off = offset;
    int lim = limit >= 0 ? limit : Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    BytesRef prefixTermBytes = null;
    if (prefix != null) {
      String indexedPrefix = ft.toInternal(prefix);
      prefixTermBytes = new BytesRef(indexedPrefix);

    Fields fields = r.fields();
    Terms terms = fields == null ? null : fields.terms(field);
    TermsEnum termsEnum = null;
    SolrIndexSearcher.DocsEnumState deState = null;
    BytesRef term = null;
    if (terms != null) {
      termsEnum = terms.iterator();

      // TODO: OPT: if seek(ord) is supported for this termsEnum, then we could use it for
      // facet.offset when sorting by index order.

      if (prefixTermBytes != null) {
        if (termsEnum.seekCeil(prefixTermBytes) == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END) {
          termsEnum = null;
        } else {
          term = termsEnum.term();
      } else {
        // position termsEnum on first term
        term = termsEnum.next();

    PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
    CharsRefBuilder charsRef = new CharsRefBuilder();

    if (docs.size() >= mincount) {
      while (term != null) {

        if (prefixTermBytes != null && !StringHelper.startsWith(term, prefixTermBytes)) break;

        if (contains == null || contains(term.utf8ToString(), contains, ignoreCase)) {
          int df = termsEnum.docFreq();

          // If we are sorting, we can use df>min (rather than >=) since we
          // are going in index order.  For certain term distributions this can
          // make a large difference (for example, many terms with df=1).
          if (df > 0 && df > min) {
            int c;

            if (df >= minDfFilterCache) {
              // use the filter cache

              if (deState == null) {
                deState = new SolrIndexSearcher.DocsEnumState();
                deState.fieldName = field;
                deState.liveDocs = r.getLiveDocs();
                deState.termsEnum = termsEnum;
                deState.postingsEnum = postingsEnum;

              c = searcher.numDocs(docs, deState);

              postingsEnum = deState.postingsEnum;
            } else {
              // iterate over TermDocs to calculate the intersection

              // TODO: specialize when base docset is a bitset or hash set (skipDocs)?  or does it
              // matter for this?
              // TODO: do this per-segment for better efficiency (MultiDocsEnum just uses base class
              // impl)
              // TODO: would passing deleted docs lead to better efficiency over checking the
              // fastForRandomSet?
              postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE);
              c = 0;

              if (postingsEnum instanceof MultiPostingsEnum) {
                MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice[] subs =
                    ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getSubs();
                int numSubs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getNumSubs();
                for (int subindex = 0; subindex < numSubs; subindex++) {
                  MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice sub = subs[subindex];
                  if (sub.postingsEnum == null) continue;
                  int base = sub.slice.start;
                  int docid;
                  while ((docid = sub.postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
                    if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid + base)) c++;
              } else {
                int docid;
                while ((docid = postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
                  if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid)) c++;

            if (sortByCount) {
              if (c > min) {
                BytesRef termCopy = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term);
                queue.add(new CountPair<>(termCopy, c));
                if (queue.size() >= maxsize) min = queue.last().val;
            } else {
              if (c >= mincount && --off < 0) {
                if (--lim < 0) break;
                ft.indexedToReadable(term, charsRef);
                res.add(charsRef.toString(), c);
        term = termsEnum.next();

    if (sortByCount) {
      for (CountPair<BytesRef, Integer> p : queue) {
        if (--off >= 0) continue;
        if (--lim < 0) break;
        ft.indexedToReadable(p.key, charsRef);
        res.add(charsRef.toString(), p.val);

    if (missing) {
      res.add(null, getFieldMissingCount(searcher, docs, field));

    return res;
  private void duellReaders(CompositeReader other, LeafReader memIndexReader) throws IOException {
    Fields memFields = memIndexReader.fields();
    for (String field : MultiFields.getFields(other)) {
      Terms memTerms = memFields.terms(field);
      Terms iwTerms = memIndexReader.terms(field);
      if (iwTerms == null) {
      } else {
        NumericDocValues normValues = MultiDocValues.getNormValues(other, field);
        NumericDocValues memNormValues = memIndexReader.getNormValues(field);
        if (normValues != null) {
          // mem idx always computes norms on the fly
          assertEquals(normValues.get(0), memNormValues.get(0));

        assertEquals(iwTerms.getDocCount(), memTerms.getDocCount());
        assertEquals(iwTerms.getSumDocFreq(), memTerms.getSumDocFreq());
        assertEquals(iwTerms.getSumTotalTermFreq(), memTerms.getSumTotalTermFreq());
        TermsEnum iwTermsIter = iwTerms.iterator();
        TermsEnum memTermsIter = memTerms.iterator();
        if (iwTerms.hasPositions()) {
          final boolean offsets = iwTerms.hasOffsets() && memTerms.hasOffsets();

          while (iwTermsIter.next() != null) {
            assertEquals(iwTermsIter.term(), memTermsIter.term());
            PostingsEnum iwDocsAndPos = iwTermsIter.postings(null, PostingsEnum.ALL);
            PostingsEnum memDocsAndPos = memTermsIter.postings(null, PostingsEnum.ALL);
            while (iwDocsAndPos.nextDoc() != PostingsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
              assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.docID(), memDocsAndPos.nextDoc());
              assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.freq(), memDocsAndPos.freq());
              for (int i = 0; i < iwDocsAndPos.freq(); i++) {
                    "term: " + iwTermsIter.term().utf8ToString(),
                if (offsets) {
                  assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.startOffset(), memDocsAndPos.startOffset());
                  assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.endOffset(), memDocsAndPos.endOffset());

                if (iwTerms.hasPayloads()) {
                  assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.getPayload(), memDocsAndPos.getPayload());
        } else {
          while (iwTermsIter.next() != null) {
            assertEquals(iwTermsIter.term(), memTermsIter.term());
            PostingsEnum iwDocsAndPos = iwTermsIter.postings(null);
            PostingsEnum memDocsAndPos = memTermsIter.postings(null);
            while (iwDocsAndPos.nextDoc() != PostingsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
              assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.docID(), memDocsAndPos.nextDoc());
              assertEquals(iwDocsAndPos.freq(), memDocsAndPos.freq());