String getLogDir(Configuration conf) { String logDir = conf.get("hive.log.dir"); if (logDir == null) { logDir = System.getProperty("hive.log.dir"); } if (logDir != null) { return logDir; } LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false); for (Logger logger : context.getLoggers()) { for (Appender appender : logger.getAppenders().values()) { if (appender instanceof AbstractOutputStreamAppender) { OutputStreamManager manager = ((AbstractOutputStreamAppender<?>) appender).getManager(); if (manager instanceof FileManager) { String fileName = ((FileManager) manager).getFileName(); if (fileName != null) { return fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('/')); } } } } } return null; }
public final Category getParent() { final org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger parent = logger.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return null; } final ConcurrentMap<String, Logger> loggers = getLoggersMap(logger.getContext()); final Logger l = loggers.get(parent.getName()); return l == null ? new Category(parent) : l; }
private void maybeLog( final String fqcn, final org.apache.logging.log4j.Level level, final Object message, final Throwable throwable) { if (logger.isEnabled(level, null, message, throwable)) { logger.logMessage(FQCN, level, null, new ObjectMessage(message), throwable); } }
@EventHandler public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { RegistrationManager.INSTANCE.registerAll(this, "PostInit"); try { Class.forName("ic2.core.IC2"); try { Class.forName("").getMethod("init").invoke(this); ic2SupportPresent = true; } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Failed to initialize IC2 support", e); } } catch (Throwable e) { } try { Class.forName("cofh.thermalexpansion.ThermalExpansion"); try { Class.forName("").getMethod("init").invoke(this); teSupportPresent = true; } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Failed to initialize TE support", e); } } catch (Throwable e) { } recipes.addRecipeFromResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation("academy:recipes/default.recipe")); if (DEBUG_MODE) { System.out.printf("|-------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.printf("| AC Recipe Name Mappings\n"); System.out.printf("|--------------------------|----------------------------\n"); System.out.printf(String.format("| %-25s| Object Name\n", "Recipe Name")); System.out.printf("|--------------------------|----------------------------\n"); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : recipes.nameMapping.entrySet()) { Object obj = entry.getValue(); String str1 = entry.getKey(), str2; if (obj instanceof Item) { str2 = StatCollector.translateToLocal(((Item) obj).getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"); } else if (obj instanceof Block) { str2 = StatCollector.translateToLocal(((Block) obj).getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"); } else { str2 = obj.toString(); } System.out.printf(String.format("| %-25s| %s\n", str1, str2)); } System.out.printf("|-------------------------------------------------------\n"); } recipes = null; // Doesn't need it after loading }
public void forcedLog( final String fqcn, final Priority level, final Object message, final Throwable t) { final org.apache.logging.log4j.Level lvl = org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.toLevel(level.toString()); final Message msg = message instanceof Message ? (Message) message : new ObjectMessage(message); logger.logMessage(fqcn, lvl, null, msg, t); }
public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() { if (bundle != null) { return bundle; } String name = logger.getName(); final ConcurrentMap<String, Logger> loggers = getLoggersMap(logger.getContext()); while ((name = NameUtil.getSubName(name)) != null) { if (loggers.containsKey(name)) { final ResourceBundle rb = loggers.get(name).bundle; if (rb != null) { return rb; } } } return null; }
@EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {"Starting AcademyCraft");"Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015");""); config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); script = new ScriptProgram(); for (String s : scripts) { ResourceLocation res = new ResourceLocation("academy:scripts/" + s + ".r"); ResourceCheck.add(res); script.loadScript(res); } ResourceCheck.add(new ResourceLocation("academy:recipes/default.recipe")); RegistrationManager.INSTANCE.registerAll(this, "PreInit"); }
public final Level getEffectiveLevel() { switch (logger.getLevel().getStandardLevel()) { case ALL: return Level.ALL; case TRACE: return Level.TRACE; case DEBUG: return Level.DEBUG; case INFO: return Level.INFO; case WARN: return Level.WARN; case ERROR: return Level.ERROR; case FATAL: return Level.FATAL; case OFF: return Level.OFF; default: // TODO Should this be an IllegalStateException? return Level.OFF; } }
public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return logger.isTraceEnabled(); }
public boolean isInfoEnabled() { return logger.isInfoEnabled(); }
public boolean isFatalEnabled() { return logger.isFatalEnabled(); }
public boolean isWarnEnabled() { return logger.isWarnEnabled(); }
public void setAdditivity(final boolean additivity) { logger.setAdditive(additivity); }
public void setLevel(final Level level) { logger.setLevel(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.toLevel(level.levelStr)); }
public final String getName() { return logger.getName(); }
public org.slf4j.Logger getLogger(String name) { name = StringUtil2.replace(name.trim(), ' ', "_"); org.slf4j.Logger result = map.get(name); if (result != null) return result; try { String fileName = dir + "/" + name + ".log"; String fileNamePattern = dir + "/" + name + "%i.log"; // create logger in log4j2 // TODO: There are Builders that make this logger creation less awkward. Configuration config = new NullConfiguration(); // LOOK: Why are we using this? Why not DefaultConfiguration? PatternLayout layout = PatternLayout.createLayout( "%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS Z} %-5p - %m%n", // String pattern config, // Configuration config null, // RegexReplacement replace null, // Charset charset true, // boolean alwaysWriteExceptions false, // boolean noConsoleNoAnsi null, // String header null // String footer ); RollingFileAppender app = RollingFileAppender.createAppender( fileName, // String fileName fileNamePattern, // String filePattern "true", // String append name, // String name "true", // String bufferedIO null, // String bufferSizeStr "true", // String immediateFlush SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy.createPolicy( Long.toString(maxSize)), // TriggeringPolicy policy DefaultRolloverStrategy.createStrategy( // RolloverStrategy strategy Integer.toString(maxBackups), // String max "1", // String min "max", // String fileIndex null, // String compressionLevelStr config // Configuration config ), layout, // Layout<? extends Serializable> layout null, // Filter filter "true", // String ignore "false", // String advertise null, // String advertiseURI config); // Configuration config app.start(); /*LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false); Configuration conf = ctx.getConfiguration(); LoggerConfig lconf = conf.getLoggerConfig(name); lconf.setAdditive(false); // otherwise, it also gets sent to root logger (threddsServlet.log) lconf.setLevel(level); lconf.addAppender(app, level, null); ctx.updateLoggers(conf); */ org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger log4j = (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger) LogManager.getLogger(name); log4j.addAppender(app); log4j.setLevel(level); log4j.setAdditive(false); // otherwise, it also gets sent to root logger (threddsServlet.log)"LoggerFactorySpecial add logger= {} file= {}", name, fileName); result = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(name); // get wrapper in slf4j map.put(name, result); return result; } catch (Throwable ioe) { startupLog.error("LoggerFactorySpecial failed on " + name, ioe); // standard slf4j - rely on external configuration return org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(name); } }
public boolean getAdditivity() { return logger.isAdditive(); }
public void setPriority(final Priority priority) { logger.setLevel(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.toLevel(priority.levelStr)); }
public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return logger.isDebugEnabled(); }
public boolean isErrorEnabled() { return logger.isErrorEnabled(); }
private boolean isEnabledFor(final org.apache.logging.log4j.Level level) { return logger.isEnabled(level, null, null); }
protected boolean init() throws { // CraftBukkit - throws UnknownHostException ThreadCommandReader threadcommandreader = new ThreadCommandReader(this, "Server console handler"); threadcommandreader.setDaemon(true); threadcommandreader.start(); // CraftBukkit start - TODO: handle command-line logging arguments java.util.logging.Logger global = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(""); global.setUseParentHandlers(false); for (java.util.logging.Handler handler : global.getHandlers()) { global.removeHandler(handler); } global.addHandler(new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.ForwardLogHandler()); final org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger logger = ((org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger) LogManager.getRootLogger()); for (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Appender appender : logger.getAppenders().values()) { if (appender instanceof org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.ConsoleAppender) { logger.removeAppender(appender); } } new Thread(new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.TerminalConsoleWriterThread(System.out, this.reader)) .start(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(logger, Level.INFO), true)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(logger, Level.WARN), true)); // CraftBukkit end"Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10"); if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024L / 1024L < 512L) { i.warn( "To start the server with more ram, launch it as \"java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar\""); }"Loading properties"); this.propertyManager = new PropertyManager(this.options); // CraftBukkit - CLI argument support this.n = new EULA(new File("eula.txt")); if (!this.n.a()) { "You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula.txt for more info."); this.n.b(); return false; } else { if (this.N()) { this.c(""); } else { this.setOnlineMode(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("online-mode", true)); this.c(this.propertyManager.getString("server-ip", "")); } this.setSpawnAnimals(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("spawn-animals", true)); this.setSpawnNPCs(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("spawn-npcs", true)); this.setPvP(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("pvp", true)); this.setAllowFlight(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("allow-flight", false)); this.setTexturePack(this.propertyManager.getString("resource-pack", "")); this.setMotd(this.propertyManager.getString("motd", "A Minecraft Server")); this.setForceGamemode(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("force-gamemode", false)); this.setIdleTimeout(this.propertyManager.getInt("player-idle-timeout", 0)); if (this.propertyManager.getInt("difficulty", 1) < 0) { this.propertyManager.setProperty("difficulty", Integer.valueOf(0)); } else if (this.propertyManager.getInt("difficulty", 1) > 3) { this.propertyManager.setProperty("difficulty", Integer.valueOf(3)); } this.generateStructures = this.propertyManager.getBoolean("generate-structures", true); int gamemode = this.propertyManager.getInt( "gamemode", EnumGamemode.SURVIVAL .getId()); // CraftBukkit - Unique name to avoid stomping on logger this.p = WorldSettings.a(gamemode); // CraftBukkit - Use new name"Default game type: " + this.p); InetAddress inetaddress = null; if (this.getServerIp().length() > 0) { inetaddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.getServerIp()); } if (this.L() < 0) { this.setPort(this.propertyManager.getInt("server-port", 25565)); }"Generating keypair"); this.a(MinecraftEncryption.b()); "Starting Minecraft server on " + (this.getServerIp().length() == 0 ? "*" : this.getServerIp()) + ":" + this.L()); try {, this.L()); } catch (Throwable ioexception) { // CraftBukkit - IOException -> Throwable i.warn("**** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!"); i.warn("The exception was: {}", new Object[] {ioexception.toString()}); i.warn("Perhaps a server is already running on that port?"); return false; } this.a((PlayerList) (new DedicatedPlayerList(this))); // CraftBukkit if (!this.getOnlineMode()) { i.warn("**** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!"); i.warn("The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware."); i.warn( "While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose."); i.warn("To change this, set \"online-mode\" to \"true\" in the file."); } if (this.aE()) { this.getUserCache().c(); } if (!NameReferencingFileConverter.a(this.propertyManager)) { return false; } else { // this.a((PlayerList) (new DedicatedPlayerList(this))); // CraftBukkit - moved up this.convertable = new WorldLoaderServer( server.getWorldContainer()); // CraftBukkit - moved from MinecraftServer constructor long j = System.nanoTime(); if (this.O() == null) { this.k(this.propertyManager.getString("level-name", "world")); } String s = this.propertyManager.getString("level-seed", ""); String s1 = this.propertyManager.getString("level-type", "DEFAULT"); String s2 = this.propertyManager.getString("generator-settings", ""); long k = (new Random()).nextLong(); if (s.length() > 0) { try { long l = Long.parseLong(s); if (l != 0L) { k = l; } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { k = (long) s.hashCode(); } } WorldType worldtype = WorldType.getType(s1); if (worldtype == null) { worldtype = WorldType.NORMAL; }; this.getEnableCommandBlock(); this.l(); this.getSnooperEnabled(); this.c(this.propertyManager.getInt("max-build-height", 256)); this.c((this.getMaxBuildHeight() + 8) / 16 * 16); this.c(MathHelper.a(this.getMaxBuildHeight(), 64, 256)); this.propertyManager.setProperty( "max-build-height", Integer.valueOf(this.getMaxBuildHeight()));"Preparing level \"" + this.O() + "\""); this.a(this.O(), this.O(), k, worldtype, s2); long i1 = System.nanoTime() - j; String s3 = String.format("%.3fs", new Object[] {Double.valueOf((double) i1 / 1.0E9D)});"Done (" + s3 + ")! For help, type \"help\" or \"?\""); if (this.propertyManager.getBoolean("enable-query", false)) {"Starting GS4 status listener"); this.k = new RemoteStatusListener(this); this.k.a(); } if (this.propertyManager.getBoolean("enable-rcon", false)) {"Starting remote control listener"); this.l = new RemoteControlListener(this); this.l.a(); this.remoteConsole = new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.CraftRemoteConsoleCommandSender(); // CraftBukkit } // CraftBukkit start if (this.server.getBukkitSpawnRadius() > -1) { "'settings.spawn-radius' in bukkit.yml has been moved to 'spawn-protection' in I will move your config for you.");"spawn-protection"); this.propertyManager.getInt("spawn-protection", this.server.getBukkitSpawnRadius()); this.server.removeBukkitSpawnRadius(); this.propertyManager.savePropertiesFile(); } // CraftBukkit end return true; } } }