Пример #1
 /** Load the premises or conclusions for the test. */
 public Model getDoc(Resource test, Property docType) throws IOException {
   Model result = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
   StmtIterator si = test.listProperties(docType);
   while (si.hasNext()) {
     String fname = si.nextStatement().getObject().toString() + ".rdf";
     loadFile(fname, result);
   return result;
Пример #2
  public static void main(String args[]) {

    OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
    OntDocumentManager dm = m.getDocumentManager();
        "file:" + JENA + "src/examples/resources/eswc-2006-09-21.rdf");

    // create an empty model
    Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

    // create the resource
    Resource johnSmith = model.createResource(personURI);

    // add the property
    johnSmith.addProperty(VCARD.FN, fullName);

        model.createResource().addProperty(VCARD.Given, "jon").addProperty(VCARD.Family, "Smit"));

    // list the statements in the Model
    StmtIterator iter = model.listStatements();

    // print out the predicate, subject and object of each statement
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Statement stmt = iter.nextStatement(); // get next statement
      Resource subject = stmt.getSubject(); // get the subject
      Property predicate = stmt.getPredicate(); // get the predicate
      RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); // get the object

      System.out.print(" " + predicate.toString() + " ");
      if (object instanceof Resource) {
      } else {
        // object is a literal
        System.out.print(" \"" + object.toString() + "\"");

      System.out.println(" .");
Пример #3
 /** Run a single test of any sort, return true if the test succeeds. */
 public boolean doRunTest(Resource test) throws IOException {
   if (test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.PositiveEntailmentTest)
       || test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.NegativeEntailmentTest)
       || test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.OWLforOWLTest)
       || test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.ImportEntailmentTest)
       || test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.TrueTest)) {
     // Entailment tests
     boolean processImports = test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.ImportEntailmentTest);
     Model premises = getDoc(test, RDFTest.premiseDocument, processImports);
     Model conclusions = getDoc(test, RDFTest.conclusionDocument);
     comprehensionAxioms(premises, conclusions);
     long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     InfGraph graph = reasoner.bind(premises.getGraph());
     if (printProfile) {
       ((FBRuleInfGraph) graph).resetLPProfile(true);
     Model result = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(graph);
     boolean correct = WGReasonerTester.testConclusions(conclusions.getGraph(), result.getGraph());
     long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     lastTestDuration = t2 - t1;
     if (printProfile) {
       ((FBRuleInfGraph) graph).printLPProfile();
     if (test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.NegativeEntailmentTest)) {
       correct = !correct;
     return correct;
   } else if (test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.InconsistencyTest)) {
     //            System.out.println("Starting: " + test);
     Model input = getDoc(test, RDFTest.inputDocument);
     long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     InfGraph graph = reasoner.bind(input.getGraph());
     boolean correct = !graph.validate().isValid();
     long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     lastTestDuration = t2 - t1;
     return correct;
   } else if (test.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWLTest.ConsistencyTest)) {
     // Not used normally becase we are not complete enough to prove consistency
     //            System.out.println("Starting: " + test);
     Model input = getDoc(test, RDFTest.inputDocument);
     long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     InfGraph graph = reasoner.bind(input.getGraph());
     boolean correct = graph.validate().isValid();
     long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     lastTestDuration = t2 - t1;
     return correct;
   } else {
     for (StmtIterator i = test.listProperties(RDF.type); i.hasNext(); ) {
       System.out.println("Test type = " + i.nextStatement().getObject());
     throw new ReasonerException("Unknown test type");
Пример #4
 /** Load the premises or conclusions for the test, optional performing import processing. */
 public Model getDoc(Resource test, Property docType, boolean processImports) throws IOException {
   if (processImports) {
     Model result = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, null);
     StmtIterator si = test.listProperties(docType);
     while (si.hasNext()) {
       String fname = si.nextStatement().getObject().toString() + ".rdf";
       loadFile(fname, result);
     return result;
   } else {
     return getDoc(test, docType);
Пример #5
 /** Initialize the result model. */
 public void initResults() {
   testResults = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
   jena2 = testResults.createResource(BASE_RESULTS_URI + "#jena2");
           "<a xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" href=\"http://jena.sourceforce.net/\">Jena2</a> includes a rule-based inference engine for RDF processing, "
               + "supporting both forward and backward chaining rules. Its OWL rule set is designed to provide sound "
               + "but not complete instance resasoning for that fragment of OWL/Full limited to the OWL/lite vocabulary. In"
               + "particular it does not support unionOf/complementOf.",
   jena2.addProperty(RDFS.label, "Jena2");
   testResults.setNsPrefix("results", OWLResults.NS);
Пример #6
 /** Load all of the known manifest files into a single model */
 public static Model loadAllTestDefinitions() {
   System.out.print("Loading manifests ");
   Model testDefs = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
   int count = 0;
   for (String TEST_DIR : TEST_DIRS) {
     File dir = new File(BASE_TESTDIR + TEST_DIR);
     String[] manifests =
             new FilenameFilter() {
               public boolean accept(File df, String name) {
                 if (name.startsWith("Manifest") && name.endsWith(".rdf")) {
                   return includeModified || !name.endsWith("-mod.rdf");
                 } else {
                   return false;
     for (String manifest : manifests) {
       File mf = new File(dir, manifest);
       try {
         testDefs.read(new FileInputStream(mf), "file:" + mf);
         if (count % 8 == 0) {
       } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
         System.out.println("File not readable - " + e);
   return testDefs;