public void setShowMouseSpy(final boolean showDeveloperStatus) { if (spy.isVisible()) { spy.close(); } else {; } }
public void init() { if (updateNotifier == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No update notifier set for " + this); } if (rootView == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No root view set for " + this); } insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); spy = new InteractionSpy(new SpyWindow()); keyboardManager = new KeyboardManager(this); final InteractionHandler interactionHandler = new InteractionHandler(this, feedbackManager, keyboardManager, spy); renderingArea.addMouseMotionListener(interactionHandler); renderingArea.addMouseListener(interactionHandler); renderingArea.addKeyListener(interactionHandler); if (IsisContext.getConfiguration() .getBoolean(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "show-mouse-spy", false)) {; } setKeyboardFocus(rootView); APPLICATION_OPTIONS = new ApplicationOptions(listener); }
/* * public void clearStatus() { setStatus(""); } */ public void quit() { if (spy != null) { spy.close(); } DebugFrame.disposeAll(); if (listener != null) { listener.quit(); } close(); }
@Override public void markDamaged(final Bounds bounds) { if (spy != null) { spy.addDamagedArea(bounds); } synchronized (redrawArea) { if (redrawArea.equals(NO_REDRAW)) { redrawArea.setBounds(bounds); UI_LOG.debug("damage - new area " + redrawArea); } else { if (!bounds.getSize().equals(NO_SIZE)) { redrawArea.union(bounds); UI_LOG.debug("damage - extend area " + redrawArea + " - to include " + bounds); } } } }
public void showSpy() {; }
public void paint(final Graphics graphic) { redrawCount++; graphic.translate(insets.left,; final Rectangle paintArea = graphic.getClipBounds(); final Rectangle layoutArea = layoutViews(); if (layoutArea != null) { paintArea.union(layoutArea); } if (spy != null) { spy.redraw(paintArea.toString(), redrawCount); } if (UI_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { UI_LOG.debug( "------ repaint viewer #" + redrawCount + " " + paintArea.x + "," + paintArea.y + " " + paintArea.width + "x" + paintArea.height); } final Canvas c = createCanvas(graphic, paintArea); if (background != null) { background.draw(c.createSubcanvas(), rootView.getSize()); } // paint views if (rootView != null) { rootView.draw(c.createSubcanvas()); } // paint overlay final Bounds bounds = overlayView.getBounds(); if (paintArea.intersects( new Rectangle(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()))) { overlayView.draw(c.createSubcanvas(bounds)); } /* * for (int i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) { * panes[i].draw(c.createSubcanvas()); } */ // paint status // paintUserStatus(bufferGraphics); // blat to screen if (doubleBuffering) { graphic.drawImage(doubleBuffer, 0, 0, null); } if (showRepaintArea) { graphic.setColor( ((AwtColor) Toolkit.getColor(ColorsAndFonts.COLOR_DEBUG_BOUNDS_REPAINT)).getAwtColor()); graphic.drawRect(paintArea.x, paintArea.y, paintArea.width - 1, paintArea.height - 1); graphic.drawString("#" + redrawCount, paintArea.x + 3, paintArea.y + 15); } // paint status paintStatus(graphic); }
public boolean isShowingMouseSpy() { return spy.isVisible(); }
public void addSpyAction(final String actionMessage) { if (spy != null) { spy.addAction(actionMessage); } }