/** * @param idx Column index. * @param rows Rows. * @return Column as list. */ private static <X> List<X> column(int idx, List<List<?>> rows) { List<X> res = new ArrayList<>(rows.size()); for (List<?> row : rows) res.add((X) row.get(idx)); return res; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public <T extends Extension> void registerExtension(Class<T> extensionItf, T extensionImpl) { List<Object> list = extensionsCollector.get(extensionItf); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); extensionsCollector.put(extensionItf, list); } list.add(extensionImpl); }
/** * Tests offset and limit clauses for query. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testOffsetLimit() throws Exception { IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> c = ignite(0).getOrCreateCache(cacheConfig("ints", true, Integer.class, Integer.class)); try { List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>(); Random rnd = new GridRandom(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int val = rnd.nextInt(100); c.put(i, val); res.add(val); } Collections.sort(res); String qry = "select _val from Integer order by _val "; assertEqualsCollections(res, columnQuery(c, qry)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 0), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ?", 0)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 3), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ?", 3)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 9), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 9, 0)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(3, 7), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 4, 3)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(7, 9), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 2, 7)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(8, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 2, 8)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(9, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 1, 9)); assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(10, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 1, 10)); assertEqualsCollections( res.subList(9, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset abs(-(4 + ?))", 1, 5)); } finally { c.destroy(); } }
/** @return Map extension interface to array of implementation. */ public Map<Class<?>, Object[]> createExtensionMap() { Map<Class<?>, Object[]> extensions = new HashMap<>(extensionsCollector.size() * 2, 0.5f); for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, List<Object>> entry : extensionsCollector.entrySet()) { Class<?> extensionItf = entry.getKey(); List<Object> implementations = entry.getValue(); Object[] implArr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(extensionItf, implementations.size()); implArr = implementations.toArray(implArr); extensions.put(extensionItf, implArr); } return extensions; }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testGroupIndexOperations() throws Exception { IgniteCache<Integer, GroupIndexTestValue> c = ignite(0) .getOrCreateCache(cacheConfig("grp", false, Integer.class, GroupIndexTestValue.class)); try { // Check group index usage. String qry = "select 1 from GroupIndexTestValue "; String plan = columnQuery(c, "explain " + qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").get(0).toString(); info("Plan: " + plan); assertTrue(plan.contains("grpIdx")); // Sorted list List<GroupIndexTestValue> list = F.asList( new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 0), new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 5), new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 1), new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 3), new GroupIndexTestValue(2, -1), new GroupIndexTestValue(2, 2)); // Fill cache. for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) c.put(i, list.get(i)); // Check results. assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b = 1").size()); assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 4").size()); assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b <= 3").size()); assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 3").size()); assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").size()); assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 1").size()); assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b >= 1").size()); assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 0").size()); assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b >= 1").size()); assertEquals(3, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 1").size()); } finally { c.destroy(); } }
/** * Adds component. * * @param c Component to add. * @return Added manager. */ private <C extends HadoopComponent> C add(C c) { components.add(c); return c; }