public void loadProperty() { try { File file = new File(confFileName); log.debug("file=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); confProperties = new Properties(); confProperties.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(file)); bonitaApiHost = confProperties.getProperty(""); bonitaApiUsername = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.username"); bonitaApiPassword = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.password"); bonitaApiHttpUsername = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.http.username"); bonitaApiHttpPassword = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.http.password"); bonitaApiPath = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.path"); rallyApiHost = confProperties.getProperty(""); rallyApiHttpUsername = confProperties.getProperty("rally.api.http.username"); rallyApiHttpPassword = confProperties.getProperty("rally.api.http.password"); rallyProjectIds = confProperties.getProperty("rally.project.ids"); // bonitaProcessId=properties.getProperty(""); workflowServiceUrl = confProperties.getProperty("service.url"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } }
// When already existing adapted project is created , need to move to new adapted project private boolean deleteCIJobFile(ApplicationInfo appInfo) throws PhrescoException { S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method ProjectAdministratorImpl.deleteCI()"); try { File ciJobInfo = new File(getCIJobPath(appInfo)); return ciJobInfo.delete(); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into catch block of ProjectAdministratorImpl.deleteCI()" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new PhrescoException(ex); } }
public void getFilesFromFolder(List filesAndFolders, String savePath) { // create a File object for the parent directory File downloadsDirectory = new File(savePath); // create the folder if needed. downloadsDirectory.mkdir(); for (int i = 0; i < filesAndFolders.size(); i++) { Object links = filesAndFolders.get(i); List linksArray = (ArrayList) links; if (i == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < linksArray.size(); j += 2) { // We've got an array of file urls so download each one to a directory with the folder // name String fileURL = linksArray.get(j).toString(); String fileName = linksArray.get(j + 1).toString(); downloadFile(fileURL, savePath, fileName); progress++; Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg1 = progress; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } else if (i == 1) { // we've got an array of folders so recurse down the levels, extracting subfolders and files // until we've downloaded everything. for (int j = 0; j < linksArray.size(); j += 2) { String folderURL = linksArray.get(j).toString(); String folderName = linksArray.get(j + 1).toString(); String page = getData(folderURL); List newFilesAndFolders = parsePage(page); String dlDirPath = savePath + folderName + "/"; getFilesFromFolder(newFilesAndFolders, dlDirPath); } } } }