public void put(KvSource kv, int keyHashCode) throws SerDeException {
    if (resizeThreshold <= keysAssigned) {

    // Reserve 4 bytes for the hash (don't just reserve, there may be junk there)

    // Write key to buffer to compute hashcode and compare; if it's a new key, it will
    // become part of the record; otherwise, we will just write over it later.
    long keyOffset = writeBuffers.getWritePoint();

    int keyLength = (int) (writeBuffers.getWritePoint() - keyOffset);
    int hashCode = (keyHashCode == -1) ? writeBuffers.hashCode(keyOffset, keyLength) : keyHashCode;

    int slot = findKeySlotToWrite(keyOffset, keyLength, hashCode);
    //"Write hash code is " + Integer.toBinaryString(hashCode) + " - " + slot);

    long ref = refs[slot];
    if (ref == 0) {
      // This is a new key, keep writing the first record.
      long tailOffset = writeFirstValueRecord(kv, keyOffset, keyLength, hashCode);
      byte stateByte = kv.updateStateByte(null);
      refs[slot] = Ref.makeFirstRef(tailOffset, stateByte, hashCode, startingHashBitCount);
    } else {
      // This is not a new key; we'll overwrite the key and hash bytes - not needed anymore.
      writeBuffers.setWritePoint(keyOffset - 4);
      long lrPtrOffset = createOrGetListRecord(ref);
      long tailOffset = writeValueAndLength(kv);
      addRecordToList(lrPtrOffset, tailOffset);
      byte oldStateByte = Ref.getStateByte(ref);
      byte stateByte = kv.updateStateByte(oldStateByte);
      if (oldStateByte != stateByte) {
        ref = Ref.setStateByte(ref, stateByte);
      refs[slot] = Ref.setListFlag(ref);