private File getHfdsFileToTmpFile(String hdfsPath, HdfsConfiguration configuration) { try { String fname = hdfsPath.substring(hdfsPath.lastIndexOf('/')); File outputDest = File.createTempFile(fname, ".hdfs"); if (outputDest.exists()) { outputDest.delete(); } HdfsInfo hdfsInfo = HdfsInfoFactory.newHdfsInfo(hdfsPath); FileSystem fileSystem = hdfsInfo.getFileSystem(); FileUtil.copy(fileSystem, new Path(hdfsPath), outputDest, false, fileSystem.getConf()); try { FileUtil.copyMerge( fileSystem, // src new Path(hdfsPath), FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()), // dest new Path(outputDest.toURI()), false, fileSystem.getConf(), null); } catch (IOException e) { return outputDest; } return new File(outputDest, fname); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeCamelException(ex); } }
/** * Generate random data, compress it, index and md5 hash the data. Then read it all back and md5 * that too, to verify that it all went ok. * * @param testWithIndex Should we index or not? * @param charsToOutput How many characters of random data should we output. * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void runTest(boolean testWithIndex, int charsToOutput) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setLong("fs.local.block.size", charsToOutput / 2); // reducing block size to force a split of the tiny file conf.set("io.compression.codecs", LzopCodec.class.getName()); Assume.assumeTrue(CoreTestUtil.okToRunLzoTests(conf)); FileSystem.getLocal(conf).close(); // remove cached filesystem (if any) FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); localFs.delete(outputDir_, true); localFs.mkdirs(outputDir_); Job job = new Job(conf); TextOutputFormat.setCompressOutput(job, true); TextOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(job, LzopCodec.class); TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir_); TaskAttemptContext attemptContext = new TaskAttemptContext(job.getConfiguration(), new TaskAttemptID("123", 0, false, 1, 2)); // create some input data byte[] expectedMd5 = createTestInput(outputDir_, localFs, attemptContext, charsToOutput); if (testWithIndex) { Path lzoFile = new Path(outputDir_, lzoFileName_); LzoIndex.createIndex(localFs, lzoFile); } LzoTextInputFormat inputFormat = new LzoTextInputFormat(); TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, outputDir_); List<InputSplit> is = inputFormat.getSplits(job); // verify we have the right number of lzo chunks if (testWithIndex && OUTPUT_BIG == charsToOutput) { assertEquals(3, is.size()); } else { assertEquals(1, is.size()); } // let's read it all and calculate the md5 hash for (InputSplit inputSplit : is) { RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> rr = inputFormat.createRecordReader(inputSplit, attemptContext); rr.initialize(inputSplit, attemptContext); while (rr.nextKeyValue()) { Text value = rr.getCurrentValue(); md5_.update(value.getBytes(), 0, value.getLength()); } rr.close(); } localFs.close(); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expectedMd5, md5_.digest())); }
/** Test deleteOnExit */ public void testDeleteOnExit() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); if (simulatedStorage) { conf.setBoolean(SimulatedFSDataset.CONFIG_PROPERTY_SIMULATED, true); } MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 1, true, null); FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); FileSystem localfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); try { // Creates files in HDFS and local file system. // Path file1 = new Path("filestatus.dat"); Path file2 = new Path("filestatus2.dat"); Path file3 = new Path("filestatus3.dat"); FSDataOutputStream stm1 = createFile(fs, file1, 1); FSDataOutputStream stm2 = createFile(fs, file2, 1); FSDataOutputStream stm3 = createFile(localfs, file3, 1); System.out.println("DeleteOnExit: Created files."); // write to files and close. Purposely, do not close file2. writeFile(stm1); writeFile(stm3); stm1.close(); stm2.close(); stm3.close(); // set delete on exit flag on files. fs.deleteOnExit(file1); fs.deleteOnExit(file2); localfs.deleteOnExit(file3); // close the file system. This should make the above files // disappear. fs.close(); localfs.close(); fs = null; localfs = null; // reopen file system and verify that file does not exist. fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); localfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); assertTrue(file1 + " still exists inspite of deletOnExit set.", !fs.exists(file1)); assertTrue(file2 + " still exists inspite of deletOnExit set.", !fs.exists(file2)); assertTrue(file3 + " still exists inspite of deletOnExit set.", !localfs.exists(file3)); System.out.println("DeleteOnExit successful."); } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(fs); IOUtils.closeStream(localfs); cluster.shutdown(); } }
public void testInputFormat() { try { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); String TMP_DIR = System.getProperty("", "/tmp"); Path filename = new Path("file:///" + TMP_DIR + "/tmpSeqFile"); SequenceFile.Writer sfw = SequenceFile.createWriter( FileSystem.getLocal(conf), conf, filename, ChukwaArchiveKey.class, ChunkImpl.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE, Reporter.NULL); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int offsets[] = new int[lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { buf.append(lines[i]); buf.append("\n"); offsets[i] = buf.length() - 1; } ChukwaArchiveKey key = new ChukwaArchiveKey(0, "datatype", "sname", 0); ChunkImpl val = new ChunkImpl("datatype", "sname", 0, buf.toString().getBytes(), null); val.setRecordOffsets(offsets); sfw.append(key, val); sfw.append(key, val); // write it twice sfw.close(); long len = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getFileStatus(filename).getLen(); InputSplit split = new FileSplit(filename, 0, len, (String[]) null); ChukwaInputFormat in = new ChukwaInputFormat(); RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> r = in.getRecordReader(split, conf, Reporter.NULL); LongWritable l = r.createKey(); Text line = r.createValue(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length * 2; ++i) { boolean succeeded =, line); assertTrue(succeeded); assertEquals(i, l.get()); assertEquals(lines[i % lines.length], line.toString()); System.out.println("read line: " + l.get() + " " + line); } boolean succeeded =, line); assertFalse(succeeded); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("IO exception " + e); } }
private void verifyJobOutput() throws IOException { final String _SUCCESS = "_SUCCESS"; final String REDUCER_OUTPUT = "part-r-"; boolean wasSuccessful = false; boolean reducerOutputExists = false; FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> iterator = fs.listFiles(new Path(OUTPUT_PATH), false); LocatedFileStatus fileStatus = null; String fileName = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { fileStatus =; fileName = fileStatus.getPath().getName(); if (fileName.contains(_SUCCESS)) { wasSuccessful = true; } if (fileName.contains(REDUCER_OUTPUT)) { reducerOutputExists = true; } } // verify presence of _SUCCESS file Assert.assertEquals(wasSuccessful, true); // verify presence of Reducer output Assert.assertEquals(reducerOutputExists, true); }
@Test public final void testCreateAndPurgeExternalTableByExecuteQuery() throws IOException, ServiceException { TajoConf conf = cluster.getConfiguration(); final String tableName = "testCreateAndPurgeExternalTableByExecuteQuery"; Path tablePath = writeTmpTable(tableName); assertFalse(client.existTable(tableName)); String sql = "create external table " + tableName + " (deptname text, score int4) " + "using csv location '" + tablePath + "'"; client.executeQueryAndGetResult(sql); assertTrue(client.existTable(tableName)); client.updateQuery("drop table " + tableName + " purge"); assertFalse(client.existTable(tableName)); FileSystem localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); assertFalse(localFS.exists(tablePath)); }
/** Test that we can generate a file containing the DDL and not import. */ @Test public void testGenerateOnly() throws IOException { final String TABLE_NAME = "GenerateOnly"; setCurTableName(TABLE_NAME); setNumCols(1); // Figure out where our target generated .q file is going to be. SqoopOptions options = getSqoopOptions(getArgv(false, null), new ImportTool()); Path ddlFile = new Path(new Path(options.getCodeOutputDir()), TABLE_NAME + ".q"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); // If it's already there, remove it before running the test to ensure // that it's the current test that generated the file. if (fs.exists(ddlFile)) { if (!fs.delete(ddlFile, false)) { LOG.warn("Could not delete previous ddl file: " + ddlFile); } } // Run a basic import, but specify that we're just generating definitions. String[] types = {"INTEGER"}; String[] vals = {"42"}; runImportTest(TABLE_NAME, types, vals, null, getCodeGenArgs(), new CodeGenTool()); // Test that the generated definition file exists. assertTrue("Couldn't find expected ddl file", fs.exists(ddlFile)); Path hiveImportPath = new Path(new Path(options.getWarehouseDir()), TABLE_NAME); assertFalse("Import actually happened!", fs.exists(hiveImportPath)); }
/** Obtain the owner of the log dir. This is determined by checking the job's log directory. */ static String obtainLogDirOwner(TaskAttemptID taskid) throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem raw = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw(); Path jobLogDir = new Path(getJobDir(taskid.getJobID()).getAbsolutePath()); FileStatus jobStat = raw.getFileStatus(jobLogDir); return jobStat.getOwner(); }
/* * public void printPrefixSetContent(){ prefixSet.printCompressedKeys(); * prefixSet.printKeys(); } */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // String indexPath = "/umd-lin/telsayed/indexes/medline04"; String indexPath = "c:/Research/ivory-workspace"; Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); RetrievalEnvironment env = new RetrievalEnvironment(indexPath, fileSys); Path termsFilePath = new Path(env.getIndexTermsData()); Path dfByTermFilePath = new Path(env.getDfByTermData()); Path cfByTermFilePath = new Path(env.getCfByTermData()); Path idToTermFilePath = new Path(env.getIndexTermIdMappingData()); System.out.println("PrefixEncodedGlobalStats"); PrefixEncodedGlobalStatsWithIndex globalStatsMap = new PrefixEncodedGlobalStatsWithIndex(termsFilePath); System.out.println("PrefixEncodedGlobalStats1"); globalStatsMap.loadDFStats(dfByTermFilePath, idToTermFilePath, 0.2f, true); System.out.println("PrefixEncodedGlobalStats2"); globalStatsMap.loadCFStats(cfByTermFilePath, idToTermFilePath, 0.2f, false); System.out.println("PrefixEncodedGlobalStats3"); // String[] firstKeys = termIDMap.getDictionary().getFirstKeys(100); int nTerms = globalStatsMap.length(); System.out.println("nTerms: " + nTerms); /*for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){ PairOfIntLong p = globalStatsMap.getStats(i); System.out.println(i+"\t"+p.getLeftElement() +"\t"+ p.getRightElement()); //if(i%10000 == 0) System.out.println(i+" terms so far ("+p+")."); }*/ String term; term = "0046"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "00565"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "01338"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "01hz"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "03x"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "0278x"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "0081"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "0183"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "0244"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); term = "032"; System.out.println(term + "\t" + globalStatsMap.getDF(term)); // for(int i = 1; i<=200; i++){ // term = termIDMap.getTerm(i); // System.out.println(i+"\t"+term+"\t"+termIDMap.getID(term)); // } }
static { try { localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); } catch (IOException io) { throw new RuntimeException("problem getting local fs", io); } }
@Test public void testRead_SpecificReader() throws IOException { GenericRecord savedRecord = new GenericData.Record(schema); savedRecord.put("name", "John Doe"); savedRecord.put("age", 42); savedRecord.put("siblingnames", Lists.newArrayList("Jimmy", "Jane")); populateGenericFile(Lists.newArrayList(savedRecord)); AvroFileReaderFactory<Person> genericReader = new AvroFileReaderFactory<Person>(Avros.records(Person.class), new Configuration()); Iterator<Person> recordIterator = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()), new Path(this.avroFile.getAbsolutePath())); Person expectedPerson = new Person(); expectedPerson.setAge(42); expectedPerson.setName("John Doe"); List<CharSequence> siblingNames = Lists.newArrayList(); siblingNames.add("Jimmy"); siblingNames.add("Jane"); expectedPerson.setSiblingnames(siblingNames); Person person =; assertEquals(expectedPerson, person); assertFalse(recordIterator.hasNext()); }
@Test public void runRegression() throws Exception { String[] params = new String[] { "data/gov2/run.gov2.basic.xml", "data/gov2/gov2.title.701-775", "data/gov2/gov2.title.776-850" }; FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); BatchQueryRunner qr = new BatchQueryRunner(params, fs); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); qr.runQueries(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Total query time: " + (end - start) + "ms"); verifyAllResults( qr.getModels(), qr.getAllResults(), qr.getDocnoMapping(), new Qrels("data/gov2/qrels.gov2.all")); }
public void testCloseForErroneousRCFile() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); LocalFileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); // create an empty file (which is not a valid rcfile) Path path = new Path(System.getProperty("", ".") + "/broken.rcfile"); fs.create(path).close(); // try to create RCFile.Reader final TestFSDataInputStream[] openedFile = new TestFSDataInputStream[1]; try { new RCFile.Reader(fs, path, conf) { // this method is called by the RCFile.Reader constructor, overwritten, // so we can access the opened file protected FSDataInputStream openFile(FileSystem fs, Path file, int bufferSize, long length) throws IOException { final InputStream in = super.openFile(fs, file, bufferSize, length); openedFile[0] = new TestFSDataInputStream(in); return openedFile[0]; } }; fail("IOException expected."); } catch (IOException expected) { } assertNotNull(path + " should have been opened.", openedFile[0]); assertTrue("InputStream for " + path + " should have been closed.", openedFile[0].isClosed()); }
public SpillRecord(Path indexFileName, JobConf job, Checksum crc, String expectedIndexOwner) throws IOException { final FileSystem rfs = FileSystem.getLocal(job).getRaw(); final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( SecureIOUtils.openForRead( new File(indexFileName.toUri().getPath()), expectedIndexOwner, null)); try { final long length = rfs.getFileStatus(indexFileName).getLen(); final int partitions = (int) length / MAP_OUTPUT_INDEX_RECORD_LENGTH; final int size = partitions * MAP_OUTPUT_INDEX_RECORD_LENGTH; buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); if (crc != null) { crc.reset(); CheckedInputStream chk = new CheckedInputStream(in, crc); IOUtils.readFully(chk, buf.array(), 0, size); if (chk.getChecksum().getValue() != in.readLong()) { throw new ChecksumException("Checksum error reading spill index: " + indexFileName, -1); } } else { IOUtils.readFully(in, buf.array(), 0, size); } entries = buf.asLongBuffer(); } finally { in.close(); } }
private static <T extends WritableComparable> Path writePartitionFile( String testname, JobConf conf, T[] splits) throws IOException { final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); final Path testdir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp")).makeQualified(fs); Path p = new Path(testdir, testname + "/_partition.lst"); TotalOrderPartitioner.setPartitionFile(conf, p); conf.setNumReduceTasks(splits.length + 1); SequenceFile.Writer w = null; try { NullWritable nw = NullWritable.get(); w = SequenceFile.createWriter( fs, conf, p, splits[0].getClass(), NullWritable.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; ++i) { w.append(splits[i], NullWritable.get()); } } finally { if (null != w) w.close(); } return p; }
/** * Simulate the <code></code> or <code></code> of a populated DFS * filesystem. * * <p>This method creates and populates the directory specified by <code>parent/dirName</code>, * for each parent directory. The contents of the new directories will be appropriate for the * given node type. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. If the directory already * exists, it will first be deleted. * * <p>By default, a singleton master populated storage directory is created for a Namenode * (contains edits, fsimage, version, and time files) and a Datanode (contains version and block * files). These directories are then copied by this method to create new storage directories of * the appropriate type (Namenode or Datanode). * * @return the array of created directories */ public static File[] createStorageDirs(NodeType nodeType, String[] parents, String dirName) throws Exception { File[] retVal = new File[parents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { File newDir = new File(parents[i], dirName); createEmptyDirs(new String[] {newDir.toString()}); LocalFileSystem localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); switch (nodeType) { case NAME_NODE: localFS.copyToLocalFile( new Path(namenodeStorage.toString(), "current"), new Path(newDir.toString()), false); Path newImgDir = new Path(newDir.getParent(), "image"); if (!localFS.exists(newImgDir)) localFS.copyToLocalFile( new Path(namenodeStorage.toString(), "image"), newImgDir, false); break; case DATA_NODE: localFS.copyToLocalFile( new Path(datanodeStorage.toString(), "current"), new Path(newDir.toString()), false); Path newStorageFile = new Path(newDir.getParent(), "storage"); if (!localFS.exists(newStorageFile)) localFS.copyToLocalFile( new Path(datanodeStorage.toString(), "storage"), newStorageFile, false); break; } retVal[i] = newDir; } return retVal; }
// Mostly for setting up the symlinks. Note that when we setup the distributed // cache, we didn't create the symlinks. This is done on a per task basis // by the currently executing task. public static void setupWorkDir(JobConf conf) throws IOException { File workDir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(workDir); if (DistributedCache.getSymlink(conf)) { URI[] archives = DistributedCache.getCacheArchives(conf); URI[] files = DistributedCache.getCacheFiles(conf); Path[] localArchives = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheArchives(conf); Path[] localFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf); if (archives != null) { for (int i = 0; i < archives.length; i++) { String link = archives[i].getFragment(); if (link != null) { link = workDir.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + link; File flink = new File(link); if (!flink.exists()) { FileUtil.symLink(localArchives[i].toString(), link); } } } } if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String link = files[i].getFragment(); if (link != null) { link = workDir.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + link; File flink = new File(link); if (!flink.exists()) { FileUtil.symLink(localFiles[i].toString(), link); } } } } } File jobCacheDir = null; if (conf.getJar() != null) { jobCacheDir = new File(new Path(conf.getJar()).getParent().toString()); } // create symlinks for all the files in job cache dir in current // workingdir for streaming try { DistributedCache.createAllSymlink(conf, jobCacheDir, workDir); } catch (IOException ie) { // Do not exit even if symlinks have not been created. LOG.warn(StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); } // add given by mapred.child.tmp String tmp = conf.get("mapred.child.tmp", "./tmp"); Path tmpDir = new Path(tmp); // if temp directory path is not absolute // prepend it with workDir. if (!tmpDir.isAbsolute()) { tmpDir = new Path(workDir.toString(), tmp); FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); if (!localFs.mkdirs(tmpDir) && !localFs.getFileStatus(tmpDir).isDir()) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + tmpDir.toString()); } } }
private ArrayList<String> init(File newFile, List<String> uuids, List<Integer> dataVersions) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { String base = newFile.toURI().toString(); LocalFileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); ArrayList<String> accumuloPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < uuids.size(); i++) { String volume = "v" + i; String accumuloPath = base + "/" + volume + "/accumulo"; accumuloPaths.add(accumuloPath); if (uuids.get(i) != null) { fs.mkdirs(new Path(accumuloPath + "/" + ServerConstants.INSTANCE_ID_DIR)); fs.createNewFile( new Path(accumuloPath + "/" + ServerConstants.INSTANCE_ID_DIR + "/" + uuids.get(i))); } if (dataVersions.get(i) != null) { fs.mkdirs(new Path(accumuloPath + "/" + ServerConstants.VERSION_DIR)); fs.createNewFile( new Path(accumuloPath + "/" + ServerConstants.VERSION_DIR + "/" + dataVersions.get(i))); } } return accumuloPaths; }
protected void setupCluster(boolean simulated, long minFileSize, String[] racks, String[] hosts) throws IOException { conf = new Configuration(); localFileSys = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); conf.setLong("dfs.blockreport.intervalMsec", 1000L); conf.set("dfs.replication.pending.timeout.sec", "2"); conf.setLong("dfs.block.size", 1L); conf.set( "dfs.block.replicator.classname", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.BlockPlacementPolicyRaid"); conf.setLong("", minFileSize); Utils.loadTestCodecs(conf, 5, 5, 1, 3, "/raid", "/raidrs", false, true); conf.setInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 1); excludeFile = new Path(TEST_DIR, "exclude" + System.currentTimeMillis()); cleanFile(excludeFile); conf.set("dfs.hosts.exclude", excludeFile.toUri().getPath()); writeConfigFile(excludeFile, null); if (!simulated) { cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, hosts.length, true, racks, hosts); } else { long[] capacities = new long[] {CAPACITY, CAPACITY, CAPACITY}; cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(0, conf, hosts.length, true, true, null, racks, capacities); } cluster.waitActive(); namesystem = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem(); Assert.assertTrue( "BlockPlacementPolicy type is not correct.", namesystem.replicator instanceof BlockPlacementPolicyRaid); policy = (BlockPlacementPolicyRaid) namesystem.replicator; fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) fs; TestDirectoryRaidDfs.setupStripeStore(conf, fs); }
@Test public void testBracketedCounters() throws Exception { final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); final FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); final Path rootInputDir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "")).makeQualified(lfs); final Path rootTempDir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp")).makeQualified(lfs); final Path rootInputPath = new Path(rootInputDir, "rumen/small-trace-test"); final Path tempDir = new Path(rootTempDir, "TestBracketedCounters"); lfs.delete(tempDir, true); final Path topologyPath = new Path(tempDir, "dispatch-topology.json"); final Path tracePath = new Path(tempDir, "dispatch-trace.json"); final Path inputPath = new Path(rootInputPath, "counters-format-test-logs"); System.out.println("topology result file = " + topologyPath); System.out.println("testBracketedCounters() trace result file = " + tracePath); final Path goldPath = new Path(rootInputPath, "counters-test-trace.json.gz"); String[] args = {tracePath.toString(), topologyPath.toString(), inputPath.toString()}; Tool analyzer = new TraceBuilder(); int result =, args); assertEquals("Non-zero exit", 0, result); TestRumenJobTraces.<LoggedJob>jsonFileMatchesGold( conf, tracePath, goldPath, LoggedJob.class, "trace"); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("args: [path] [max-num-of-records-per-file]"); System.exit(-1); } String f = args[0]; int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (args.length >= 2) { max = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } boolean useLocal = args.length >= 3 && args[2].equals("local") ? true : false; if (useLocal) { System.out.println("Reading from local filesystem"); } FileSystem fs = useLocal ? FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()) : FileSystem.get(new Configuration()); Path p = new Path(f); if (fs.getFileStatus(p).isDir()) { readSequenceFilesInDir(p, fs, max); } else { readSequenceFile(p, fs, max); } }
private static final FileFragment getFileFragment(String fileName) throws IOException { TajoConf conf = new TajoConf(); Path tablePath = new Path(getResourcePath("dataset", "TestDelimitedTextFile"), fileName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath); return new FileFragment("table", tablePath, 0, status.getLen()); }
public void testAbort() throws IOException { JobConf job = new JobConf(); setConfForFileOutputCommitter(job); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(job, taskID.getJobID()); TaskAttemptContext tContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job, taskID); FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(); FileOutputFormat.setWorkOutputPath(job, committer.getTempTaskOutputPath(tContext)); // do setup committer.setupJob(jContext); committer.setupTask(tContext); String file = "test.txt"; // A reporter that does nothing Reporter reporter = Reporter.NULL; // write output FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(job); TextOutputFormat theOutputFormat = new TextOutputFormat(); RecordWriter theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(localFs, job, file, reporter); writeOutput(theRecordWriter, reporter); // do abort committer.abortTask(tContext); File expectedFile = new File(new Path(committer.getTempTaskOutputPath(tContext), file).toString()); assertFalse("task temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); committer.abortJob(jContext, JobStatus.State.FAILED); expectedFile = new File(new Path(outDir, FileOutputCommitter.TEMP_DIR_NAME).toString()); assertFalse("job temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); assertEquals("Output directory not empty", 0, new File(outDir.toString()).listFiles().length); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(outDir.toString())); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void deleteLocalFiles(String subdir) throws IOException { String[] localDirs = getLocalDirs(); for (int i = 0; i < localDirs.length; i++) { FileSystem.getLocal(getConf()).delete(new Path(localDirs[i], subdir)); } }
/** * Create log directory for the given attempt. This involves creating the following and setting * proper permissions for the new directories <br> * {hadoop.log.dir}/userlogs/<jobid> <br> * {hadoop.log.dir}/userlogs/<jobid>/<attempt-id-as-symlink> <br> * {one of the mapred-local-dirs}/userlogs/<jobid> <br> * {one of the mapred-local-dirs}/userlogs/<jobid>/<attempt-id> * * @param taskID attempt-id for which log dir is to be created * @param isCleanup Is this attempt a cleanup attempt ? * @param localDirs mapred local directories * @throws IOException */ public static void createTaskAttemptLogDir( TaskAttemptID taskID, boolean isCleanup, String[] localDirs) throws IOException { String cleanupSuffix = isCleanup ? ".cleanup" : ""; String strAttemptLogDir = getTaskAttemptLogDir(taskID, cleanupSuffix, localDirs); File attemptLogDir = new File(strAttemptLogDir); if (!attemptLogDir.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Creation of " + attemptLogDir + " failed."); } String strLinkAttemptLogDir = getJobDir(taskID.getJobID()).getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + taskID.toString() + cleanupSuffix; if (FileUtil.symLink(strAttemptLogDir, strLinkAttemptLogDir) != 0) { throw new IOException( "Creation of symlink from " + strLinkAttemptLogDir + " to " + strAttemptLogDir + " failed."); } FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); localFs.setPermission(new Path(attemptLogDir.getPath()), new FsPermission((short) 0700)); }
public void testFormat() throws Exception { localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf); localFs.delete(workDir, true); Job job = new Job(new Configuration(defaultConf)); Path file = new Path(workDir, "test.txt"); int seed = new Random().nextInt(); Random random = new Random(seed); // for a variety of lengths for (int length = 0; length < MAX_LENGTH; length += random.nextInt(MAX_LENGTH / 10) + 1) { // create a file with length entries Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(localFs.create(file)); try { MyClass mc = new MyClass(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { mc.s = Integer.toString(i); mc.v = i; byte[] raw = MessagePack.pack(mc); byte[] b64e = base64_.encodeBase64(raw); byte[] b64d = base64_.decode(b64e); MyClass mc2 = MessagePack.unpack(b64d, mc.getClass()); assertEquals(mc.s, mc2.s); assertEquals(mc.v, mc2.v); writer.write(base64_.encodeToString(raw)); } } finally { writer.close(); } checkFormat(job); } }
public Job(JobID jobid, String jobSubmitDir) throws IOException { this.systemJobDir = new Path(jobSubmitDir); this.systemJobFile = new Path(systemJobDir, "job.xml"); = jobid; this.localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); this.localJobDir = localFs.makeQualified(conf.getLocalPath(jobDir)); this.localJobFile = new Path(this.localJobDir, id + ".xml"); // Manage the distributed cache. If there are files to be copied, // this will trigger localFile to be re-written again. this.trackerDistributedCacheManager = new TrackerDistributedCacheManager(conf, taskController); this.taskDistributedCacheManager = trackerDistributedCacheManager.newTaskDistributedCacheManager(jobid, conf); taskDistributedCacheManager.setupCache(conf, "archive", "archive"); if (DistributedCache.getSymlink(conf)) { // This is not supported largely because, // for a Child subprocess, the cwd in LocalJobRunner // is not a fresh slate, but rather the user's working directory. // This is further complicated because the logic in // setupWorkDir only creates symlinks if there's a jarfile // in the configuration. LOG.warn("LocalJobRunner does not support " + "symlinking into current working dir."); } // Setup the symlinks for the distributed cache. TaskRunner.setupWorkDir(conf, new File(localJobDir.toUri()).getAbsoluteFile()); // Write out configuration file. Instead of copying it from // systemJobFile, we re-write it, since setup(), above, may have // updated it. OutputStream out = localFs.create(localJobFile); try { conf.writeXml(out); } finally { out.close(); } this.job = new JobConf(localJobFile); // Job (the current object) is a Thread, so we wrap its class loader. if (!taskDistributedCacheManager.getClassPaths().isEmpty()) { setContextClassLoader(taskDistributedCacheManager.makeClassLoader(getContextClassLoader())); } profile = new JobProfile( job.getUser(), id, systemJobFile.toString(), "http://localhost:8080/", job.getJobName()); status = new JobStatus(id, 0.0f, 0.0f, JobStatus.RUNNING); jobs.put(id, this); this.start(); }
/** * If libjars are set in the conf, parse the libjars. * * @param conf * @return libjar urls * @throws IOException */ public static URL[] getLibJars(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String jars = conf.get("tmpjars"); if (jars == null) { return null; } String[] files = jars.split(","); List<URL> cp = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (String file : files) { Path tmp = new Path(file); if (tmp.getFileSystem(conf).equals(FileSystem.getLocal(conf))) { cp.add(FileSystem.getLocal(conf).pathToFile(tmp).toURI().toURL()); } else { LOG.warn("The libjars file " + tmp + " is not on the local " + "filesystem. Ignoring."); } } return cp.toArray(new URL[0]); }
static { try { defaultConf.set("", "file:///"); localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("init failure", e); } }
// to be used for testing public WikipediaRecordReader(URL fileURL, long start, long end) throws IOException { this.start = start; this.end = end; Path path = new Path("file://", fileURL.getPath()); fsin = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()).open(path);;; }