Пример #1
   * Looks for the dirs to clean. The folder structure is YYYY/MM/DD/Serial so we can use that to
   * more efficiently find the directories to clean by comparing the cutoff timestamp with the
   * timestamp from the folder structure.
   * @param fc done dir FileContext
   * @param root folder for completed jobs
   * @param cutoff The cutoff for the max history age
   * @return The list of directories for cleaning
   * @throws IOException
  public static List<FileStatus> getHistoryDirsForCleaning(FileContext fc, Path root, long cutoff)
      throws IOException {
    List<FileStatus> fsList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
    Calendar cCal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int cYear = cCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int cMonth = cCal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    int cDate = cCal.get(Calendar.DATE);

    RemoteIterator<FileStatus> yearDirIt = fc.listStatus(root);
    while (yearDirIt.hasNext()) {
      FileStatus yearDir = yearDirIt.next();
      try {
        int year = Integer.parseInt(yearDir.getPath().getName());
        if (year <= cYear) {
          RemoteIterator<FileStatus> monthDirIt = fc.listStatus(yearDir.getPath());
          while (monthDirIt.hasNext()) {
            FileStatus monthDir = monthDirIt.next();
            try {
              int month = Integer.parseInt(monthDir.getPath().getName());
              // If we only checked the month here, then something like 07/2013
              // would incorrectly not pass when the cutoff is 06/2014
              if (year < cYear || month <= cMonth) {
                RemoteIterator<FileStatus> dateDirIt = fc.listStatus(monthDir.getPath());
                while (dateDirIt.hasNext()) {
                  FileStatus dateDir = dateDirIt.next();
                  try {
                    int date = Integer.parseInt(dateDir.getPath().getName());
                    // If we only checked the date here, then something like
                    // 07/21/2013 would incorrectly not pass when the cutoff is
                    // 08/20/2013 or 07/20/2012
                    if (year < cYear || month < cMonth || date <= cDate) {
                  } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    // the directory didn't fit the format we're looking for so
                    // skip the dir
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
              // the directory didn't fit the format we're looking for so skip
              // the dir
      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        // the directory didn't fit the format we're looking for so skip the dir
    return fsList;
Пример #2
  // hasMismatches is just used to return a second value if you want
  // one. I would have used MutableBoxedBoolean if such had been provided.
  public static List<FileStatus> localGlobber(
      FileContext fc, Path root, String tail, PathFilter filter, AtomicBoolean hasFlatFiles)
      throws IOException {
    if (tail.equals("")) {
      return (listFilteredStatus(fc, root, filter));

    if (tail.startsWith("/*")) {
      Path[] subdirs =
          filteredStat2Paths(remoteIterToList(fc.listStatus(root)), true, hasFlatFiles);

      List<List<FileStatus>> subsubdirs = new LinkedList<List<FileStatus>>();

      int subsubdirCount = 0;

      if (subdirs.length == 0) {
        return new LinkedList<FileStatus>();

      String newTail = tail.substring(2);

      for (int i = 0; i < subdirs.length; ++i) {
        subsubdirs.add(localGlobber(fc, subdirs[i], newTail, filter, null));
        // subsubdirs.set(i, localGlobber(fc, subdirs[i], newTail, filter,
        // null));
        subsubdirCount += subsubdirs.get(i).size();

      List<FileStatus> result = new LinkedList<FileStatus>();

      for (int i = 0; i < subsubdirs.size(); ++i) {

      return result;

    if (tail.startsWith("/")) {
      int split = tail.indexOf('/', 1);

      if (split < 0) {
        return listFilteredStatus(fc, new Path(root, tail.substring(1)), filter);
      } else {
        String thisSegment = tail.substring(1, split);
        String newTail = tail.substring(split);
        return localGlobber(fc, new Path(root, thisSegment), newTail, filter, hasFlatFiles);

    IOException e = new IOException("localGlobber: bad tail");

    throw e;
 private static List<FileStatus> scanDirectory(Path path, FileContext fc, PathFilter pathFilter)
     throws IOException {
   path = fc.makeQualified(path);
   List<FileStatus> jhStatusList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
   RemoteIterator<FileStatus> fileStatusIter = fc.listStatus(path);
   while (fileStatusIter.hasNext()) {
     FileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusIter.next();
     Path filePath = fileStatus.getPath();
     if (fileStatus.isFile() && pathFilter.accept(filePath)) {
   return jhStatusList;
Пример #4
 private static List<FileStatus> listFilteredStatus(FileContext fc, Path root, PathFilter filter)
     throws IOException {
   List<FileStatus> fsList = remoteIterToList(fc.listStatus(root));
   if (filter == null) {
     return fsList;
   } else {
     List<FileStatus> filteredList = new LinkedList<FileStatus>();
     for (FileStatus fs : fsList) {
       if (filter.accept(fs.getPath())) {
     return filteredList;