  public void handleMessage(SoapMessage soapMessage) throws Fault {

    String headerSecret = parseSecret(soapMessage);
    if (headerSecret == null || !headerSecret.equals(secret)) {
      logger.info("Unable to verify header secret " + headerSecret + ", expected " + secret);

      Fault fault = new Fault(new SecurityException("Unable to verify header"));
      fault.setStatusCode(401); // access denied
      throw fault;
  public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
    handleMessageCalled = true;
    Exception ex = message.getContent(Exception.class);
    if (ex == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Exception is expected");
    Fault fault = (Fault) ex;
    final Throwable t = fault.getCause();

    final int status = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
    String requestId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    final ErrorMessage error = new ErrorMessage(ERROR_TEXT, requestId);

    logger.error("Caught unhandled exception! This may be a bug. " + "RequestID: " + requestId, t);

    HttpServletResponse response =

    this.responseUtil.sendServletError(response, error, status);

  private void runInterceptorAndValidate(
      String document, Map<String, String> prefixes, List<XPathExpression> xpaths, boolean pass)
      throws Exception {

    final Document doc = this.readDocument(document);
    final SoapMessage msg = this.getSoapMessageForDom(doc);
    final CryptoCoverageChecker checker = new CryptoCoverageChecker(prefixes, xpaths);
    final PhaseInterceptor<SoapMessage> wss4jInInterceptor = this.getWss4jInInterceptor();


    try {
      if (!pass) {
        fail("Passed interceptor erroneously.");
    } catch (Fault e) {
      if (pass) {
        fail("Failed interceptor erroneously.");

      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("element found matching XPath"));