// Hello World example using a custom <hello> action
  public void testCustomActionHelloWorld() throws Exception {
    // (1) Form a list of custom actions defined in the SCXML
    //     document (and any included documents via "src" attributes)
    CustomAction ca1 =
        new CustomAction("http://my.custom-actions.domain/CUSTOM1", "hello", Hello.class);
    // Register the same action under a different name, just to test
    // multiple custom actions
    CustomAction ca2 =
        new CustomAction("http://my.custom-actions.domain/CUSTOM2", "bar", Hello.class);
    List<CustomAction> customActions = new ArrayList<CustomAction>();
    // (2) Parse the document
    SCXML scxml =
        SCXMLTestHelper.parse("org/apache/commons/scxml2/custom-hello-world-01.xml", customActions);
    // (3) Get a SCXMLExecutor
    SCXMLExecutor exec = SCXMLTestHelper.getExecutor(scxml);
    // (4) Single, final state
    Assert.assertEquals("custom", (exec.getStatus().getStates().iterator().next()).getId());

    // The custom action defined by Hello.class should be called
    // to execute() exactly twice at this point (one by <my:hello/> and the other by <foo:bar/>).
    Assert.assertEquals(2, Hello.callbacks);
 // Hello World example using the SCXML <log> action
 public void testHelloWorld() throws Exception {
   // (1) Get a SCXMLExecutor
   SCXMLExecutor exec = SCXMLTestHelper.getExecutor("org/apache/commons/scxml2/hello-world.xml");
   // (2) Single, final state
   Assert.assertEquals("hello", (exec.getStatus().getStates().iterator().next()).getId());
  // Hello World example using custom <my:hello> action that generates an
  // event which has the payload examined with JEXL expressions
  public void testCustomActionEventPayloadHelloWorldJexl() throws Exception {
    // (1) Form a list of custom actions defined in the SCXML
    //     document (and any included documents via "src" attributes)
    CustomAction ca =
        new CustomAction("http://my.custom-actions.domain/CUSTOM", "hello", Hello.class);
    List<CustomAction> customActions = new ArrayList<CustomAction>();
    // (2) Parse the document
    SCXML scxml =
            "org/apache/commons/scxml2/custom-hello-world-04-jexl.xml", customActions);
    // (3) Get a SCXMLExecutor
    SCXMLExecutor exec = SCXMLTestHelper.getExecutor(scxml);
    // (4) Single, final state
        "Invalid intermediate state",
    // (5) Verify datamodel variable is correct
        "Missing helloName1 in root context",

    // The custom action defined by Hello.class should be called
    // to execute() exactly once at this point (by onentry in init state).
    Assert.assertEquals(1, Hello.callbacks);

    // (6) Check use of payload in non-initial state
    SCXMLTestHelper.fireEvent(exec, "custom.next");
    // (7) Verify correct end state
        "Missing helloName1 in root context",
        "Invalid final state", "end", (exec.getStatus().getStates().iterator().next()).getId());

    // The custom action defined by Hello.class should be called
    // to execute() exactly two times at this point (by onentry in custom2 state).
    Assert.assertEquals(2, Hello.callbacks);
  // Hello World example using custom <my:send> action
  // (overriding SCXML local name "send")
  public void testCustomActionOverrideLocalName() throws Exception {
    // (1) List of custom actions, use same local name as SCXML action
    CustomAction ca =
        new CustomAction("http://my.custom-actions.domain/CUSTOM", "send", Hello.class);
    List<CustomAction> customActions = new ArrayList<CustomAction>();
    // (2) Parse the document
    SCXML scxml =
        SCXMLTestHelper.parse("org/apache/commons/scxml2/custom-hello-world-03.xml", customActions);
    // (3) Get a SCXMLExecutor
    SCXMLExecutor exec = SCXMLTestHelper.getExecutor(scxml);
    // (4) Single, final state
    Assert.assertEquals("custom", (exec.getStatus().getStates().iterator().next()).getId());

    // The custom action defined by Hello.class should be called
    // to execute() exactly once at this point (by <my:send/>).
    Assert.assertEquals(1, Hello.callbacks);
  // Hello World example using custom <my:hello> action
  // as part of an external state source (src attribute)
  public void testCustomActionExternalSrcHelloWorld() throws Exception {
    // (1) Form a list of custom actions defined in the SCXML
    //     document (and any included documents via "src" attributes)
    CustomAction ca =
        new CustomAction("http://my.custom-actions.domain/CUSTOM", "hello", Hello.class);
    List<CustomAction> customActions = new ArrayList<CustomAction>();
    // (2) Parse the document
    SCXML scxml =
        SCXMLTestHelper.parse("org/apache/commons/scxml2/external-hello-world.xml", customActions);
    // (3) Get a SCXMLExecutor
    SCXMLExecutor exec = SCXMLTestHelper.getExecutor(scxml);
    // (4) Single, final state
    Assert.assertEquals("custom", (exec.getStatus().getStates().iterator().next()).getId());

    // The custom action defined by Hello.class should be called
    // to execute() exactly twice at this point (one by <my:hello/> and the other by <my:hello/> in
    // external).
    Assert.assertEquals(2, Hello.callbacks);