public class ETIntegrationSessionBean implements SessionBean { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private SessionContext sessionContext = null; private Log logger = LogFactoryImpl.getLog(this.getClass()); private DataSource dataSource = null; public void processECustomsStatusXml(ECustomsStatus statusXml, long transId) throws RemoteException, EJBException { ETECustStatusDAO dao = null; try { dao = new ETECustStatusDAO(); dao.processECustomsStatusXml(statusXml, transId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in processECustomsStatusXml..", e); throw new EJBException(e); } finally { dao = null; } } public void ejbCreate() {} public void ejbActivate() {} public void ejbPassivate() {} public void ejbRemove() {} public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionCtx) { this.sessionContext = sessionCtx; try { dataSource = LookUpBean.getDataSource(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable To LookUp the DataSource"); } } public String[] createUpdateETBooking(ETBookingServiceVO objETBookingServiceVO) {"createUpdateETBooking Entered"); Connection connection = null; String intBookingHeaderId = null; String intPackDtlId = null; String intPoAndInvDtlId = null; String intContainerDtlId = null; String intcontStuffDtlId = null; String[] bookingStatus = new String[3]; JournalEntryDAO objJournalEntryDAO = null; ArrayList<String> journalIdArrayList = null; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); intBookingHeaderId = ETIntegrationDAO.insertETBookingHeaderDetails(connection, objETBookingServiceVO); if (intBookingHeaderId != null) { objETBookingServiceVO.setIntBookingHeaderId(intBookingHeaderId); intPackDtlId = ETIntegrationDAO.insertETPackDetails(connection, objETBookingServiceVO); intPoAndInvDtlId = ETIntegrationDAO.insertETPoAndInvDetails(connection, objETBookingServiceVO); intContainerDtlId = ETIntegrationDAO.insertETSContainerDtl(connection, objETBookingServiceVO); intcontStuffDtlId = ETIntegrationDAO.insertETSContStuffDtl(connection, objETBookingServiceVO); if (!"".equals(StringUtility.noNull(objETBookingServiceVO.getShipmentMode()))) bookingStatus = ETIntegrationDAO.validateAndCreateETBooking( connection, intBookingHeaderId, objETBookingServiceVO.getShipmentMode()); if (bookingStatus != null && bookingStatus.length > 0)"Booking Status.." + bookingStatus[0]); if (bookingStatus != null && bookingStatus.length > 1)"Booking Id.." + bookingStatus[1]); if (bookingStatus != null && bookingStatus.length > 2)"Booking Status from DB.." + bookingStatus[2]); /*if(bookingStatus != null && bookingStatus.length > 1){ try{ objJournalEntryDAO=new JournalEntryDAO(); journalIdArrayList=objJournalEntryDAO.getJournalId(bookingStatus[1]); objJournalEntryDAO.pushJournalsToQueue(journalIdArrayList); }catch(Exception ex){ logger.error("Exception in createUpdateETBooking While Pushing Jounal Entries to Queue..",ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } }*/ }"createUpdateETBooking Exit"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); sessionContext.setRollbackOnly(); throw new EJBException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection); } return bookingStatus; } }
public class RPCServerThread extends Thread { DatagramSocket serverSocket; public final Log log = LogFactoryImpl.getLog(RPCServerThread.class); @Override public void run() { startServer(); } public void startServer() { try { serverSocket = MyUtil.getSocket();;; byte[] receiveData = new byte[1024]; byte[] sendData = new byte[1024]; while (true) {"RPCServer.main() Running"); DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length); serverSocket.receive(receivePacket); InetAddress IPAddress = receivePacket.getAddress(); int port = receivePacket.getPort(); "============================================Packet Received from :" + IPAddress.getHostAddress());"=============================================Packet Recieved from Port:" + port); sendData = proccessRequest(receiveData); "=============================================Sending Response :" + new String(sendData)); DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, IPAddress, port); serverSocket.send(sendPacket); } } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param request * @return */ private byte[] RequestToResponse(RPCRequest request) { RPCResponse response = getResponse(request); return ResponseToBytes(response, request); } /** * @param request * @return */ private RPCResponse getResponse(RPCRequest request) {"Request call id :" + request.getCallID());"Request Opcode :" + request.getOpCode()); RPCResponse response = null; if (request.getOpCode() == RPCRequest.READ) { SessionData sessionData = ServerContext.getInstance().getSessionStateTable().getSession(request.getSessionID()); if (sessionData != null) { response = new RPCResponse(RPCResponse.READ_SUCCESS, sessionData); } } else if (request.getOpCode() == RPCRequest.WRITE) { ServerContext.getInstance() .getSessionStateTable() .addSession(request.getSessionID(), request.getSessionData()); response = new RPCResponse(RPCResponse.WRITE_SUCCESS); } else if (request.getOpCode() == RPCRequest.NOOP) { response = new RPCResponse(RPCResponse.ALIVE); response.setCallID(request.getCallID()); } else if (request.getOpCode() == RPCRequest.DEL) { SessionData data = ServerContext.getInstance().getSessionStateTable().getSession(request.getSessionID()); if (data.getSessionVersion().getChangeCount() <= request.getChangeCount()) { ServerContext.getInstance().getSessionStateTable().removeSession(request.getSessionID()); } } return response; } /** * @param response * @return */ private byte[] ResponseToBytes(RPCResponse response, RPCRequest request) { byte[] retVal = new byte[1024]; int opCode = request.getOpCode(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(request.getCallID()).append("_"); sb.append(response.getOpCode()); if (opCode == RPCRequest.READ) { sb.append("_"); sb.append(request.getSessionID().toString()); sb.append(request.getSessionData().toString()); } retVal = sb.toString().getBytes(); return retVal; } /** * @param req * @return */ private byte[] proccessRequest(byte[] req) { RPCRequest rpcReq = ByteToRequest(req); return RequestToResponse(rpcReq); } /** * @param req * @return */ private RPCRequest ByteToRequest(byte[] req) { RPCRequest request = new RPCRequest(); String reqStr = new String(req).trim();"Request String : " + reqStr); String[] reqArr = reqStr.split("_");"0->" + reqArr[0]);"1->" + reqArr[1]); request.setCallID(Integer.parseInt(reqArr[0])); int opCode = Integer.parseInt(reqArr[1]); request.setOpCode(opCode); if (opCode == RPCRequest.WRITE) { try { IPP newIPP = new IPP(reqArr[3], reqArr[4]); request.setSessionID(new SessionID(reqArr[2], newIPP)); IPP pIPP = new IPP(reqArr[6], reqArr[7]); IPP bIPP = new IPP(reqArr[8], reqArr[9]); SessionVersion svn = new SessionVersion(Integer.parseInt(reqArr[5]), pIPP, bIPP); SessionData data = new SessionData(svn, reqArr[10], reqArr[11]); request.setSessionData(data); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (opCode == RPCRequest.READ || opCode == RPCRequest.DEL) { IPP newIPP = new IPP(reqArr[3], reqArr[4]); request.setSessionID(new SessionID(reqArr[2], newIPP)); request.setChangeCount(Integer.parseInt(reqArr[5])); } else if (opCode == RPCRequest.NOOP) { // TODO } return request; } }