@Override public Map<String, Object> saveMap(Map<String, Object> object, Class clazz) throws Exception { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); EntityInfo entityInfo = ClassUtils.getEntityInfoByClazz(clazz); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(entityInfo.getTableName()); sql.append("("); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<String, String> ptcMap = ClassUtils.propToColumnMap.get(entityInfo.getClazzName()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : object.entrySet()) { columns.add(ptcMap.get(entry.getKey())); values.add(entry.getValue()); } sql.append(StringUtils.join(columns, ",")); sql.append(") VALUES("); String[] params = new String[values.size()]; Arrays.fill(params, "?"); sql.append(StringUtils.join(params, ",")); sql.append(")"); if (entityInfo.getStrategy().equals(GenerationType.IDENTITY)) { Long id = addReutrnId(sql.toString(), values); if (id != null) { object.put(entityInfo.getPkName(), id); } } else { add(sql.toString(), values); } return object; }
@Override public void validate(final MavenEnvironment env) throws ValidationException { if (!env.outdir().exists() || "pom".equals(env.project().getPackaging()) || env.exclude("dependencies", "")) { Logger.info(this, "No dependency analysis in this project"); return; } final Collection<String> unused = DependenciesValidator.unused(env); if (!unused.isEmpty()) { Logger.warn( this, "Unused declared dependencies found:%s%s", DependenciesValidator.SEP, StringUtils.join(unused, DependenciesValidator.SEP)); } final Collection<String> used = DependenciesValidator.used(env); if (!used.isEmpty()) { Logger.warn( this, "Used undeclared dependencies found:%s%s", DependenciesValidator.SEP, StringUtils.join(used, DependenciesValidator.SEP)); } final Integer failures = used.size() + unused.size(); if (failures > 0) { throw new ValidationException("%d dependency problem(s) found", failures); } Logger.info(this, "No dependency problems found"); }
/** * Tests that spacing is correct. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void spacing_no_constructor() throws IOException { // Class structure JClass c = new JClass("sido.test", "Test"); c.addImport(List.class); c.addImport(ArrayList.class); c.addField("String", "name"); c.addField("List<String>", "otherNames").setInitialisation("new ArrayList<String>()"); c.addMethod("getName", "String").addContent("return name;"); c.addMethod("setName").addParam("String", "value").addContent("this.name = value;"); // Output StringWriter s = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(s); // Generation c.write(writer); // Output List<String> actual = readLines(s.toString()); // Gets the expected content List<String> expected = readReference("/jclass/SpacingNoConstructor.java"); // Difference between the two sets Patch diff = DiffUtils.diff(expected, actual); List<Delta> deltas = diff.getDeltas(); if (!deltas.isEmpty()) { // Creates the diff String original = StringUtils.join(expected, "\n"); String revised = StringUtils.join(actual, "\n"); List<String> unifiedDiff = DiffUtils.generateUnifiedDiff(original, revised, expected, diff, 3); String diffDisplay = StringUtils.join(unifiedDiff, "\n"); System.err.println(diffDisplay); fail("spacing-no-constructor"); } }
public void assertJClass(JClass c, String referenceResourcePath, String testId) throws IOException { // Output StringWriter s = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(s); // Generation c.write(writer); // Output List<String> actual = readLines(s.toString()); // Gets the expected content List<String> expected = readReference(referenceResourcePath); // Difference between the two sets Patch diff = DiffUtils.diff(expected, actual); List<Delta> deltas = diff.getDeltas(); if (!deltas.isEmpty()) { // Creates the diff String original = StringUtils.join(expected, "\n"); String revised = StringUtils.join(actual, "\n"); List<String> unifiedDiff = DiffUtils.generateUnifiedDiff(original, revised, expected, diff, 3); String diffDisplay = StringUtils.join(unifiedDiff, "\n"); System.err.println(diffDisplay); fail(testId); } }
/** * diff commit message로 pull request의 title과 body를 채운다.<br> * <br> * case 1 : commit이 한개이고 message가 한줄일 경우 title에 추가한다.<br> * case 2 : commit이 한개이고 message가 여러줄일 경우 첫번째줄 mesage는 title 나머지 message는 body에 추가<br> * case 3 : commit이 여러개일 경우 각 commit의 첫번째줄 message들을 모아서 body에 추가 <br> * * @param commits * @return */ private Map<String, String> suggestTitleAndBodyFromDiffCommit(List<GitCommit> commits) { Map<String, String> messageMap = new HashMap<>(); String message; if (commits.isEmpty()) { return messageMap; } else if (commits.size() == 1) { message = commits.get(0).getMessage(); String[] messages = message.split(Constants.NEW_LINE_DELIMETER); if (messages.length > 1) { String[] msgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(messages, 1, messages.length); messageMap.put("title", messages[0]); messageMap.put("body", StringUtils.join(msgs, Constants.NEW_LINE_DELIMETER)); } else { messageMap.put("title", messages[0]); messageMap.put("body", StringUtils.EMPTY); } } else { String[] firstMessages = new String[commits.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < commits.size(); i++) { String[] messages = commits.get(i).getMessage().split(Constants.NEW_LINE_DELIMETER); firstMessages[i] = messages[0]; } messageMap.put("body", StringUtils.join(firstMessages, Constants.NEW_LINE_DELIMETER)); } return messageMap; }
/** * Get user ratings from gcvote.com * * @param guids * @param geocodes * @return */ @NonNull private static Map<String, GCVoteRating> getRating( final List<String> guids, final List<String> geocodes) { if (guids == null && geocodes == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final Parameters params = new Parameters("version", "cgeo"); final ImmutablePair<String, String> login = Settings.getGCvoteLogin(); if (login != null) { params.put("userName", login.left, "password", login.right); } // use guid or gccode for lookup final boolean requestByGuids = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(guids); if (requestByGuids) { params.put("cacheIds", StringUtils.join(guids, ',')); } else { params.put("waypoints", StringUtils.join(geocodes, ',')); } final InputStream response = Network.getResponseStream(Network.getRequest("http://gcvote.com/getVotes.php", params)); if (response == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } try { return getRatingsFromXMLResponse(response, requestByGuids); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); } }
private void updateCollaboratorsRights(Map<String, BaseObject> rightsObjects, XWikiDocument doc) { for (Map.Entry<AccessLevel, List<DocumentReference>> entry : getCollaborators(doc).entrySet()) { BaseObject right; if ("manage".equals(entry.getKey().getName()) || "owner".equals(entry.getKey().getName())) { right = rightsObjects.get("view,edit,delete"); } else if ("edit".equals(entry.getKey().getName())) { right = rightsObjects.get("view,edit"); } else if ("view".equals(entry.getKey().getName())) { right = rightsObjects.get("view"); } else { return; } List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> groups = new LinkedList<String>(); for (DocumentReference userOrGroup : entry.getValue()) { if (isUser(userOrGroup)) { users.add(userOrGroup.toString()); } else if (isGroup(userOrGroup)) { groups.add(userOrGroup.toString()); } } setRights(right, "users", StringUtils.join(users, ",")); setRights(right, "groups", StringUtils.join(groups, ",")); } }
private static JSONObject runCmd(List<String> cmd) throws Exception { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); Process process = builder.start(); int exitCode = process.waitFor(); stopWatch.stop(); String stdout = streamToString(process.getInputStream()); String stderr = streamToString(process.getErrorStream()); log.warn(String.format("stdout:%n%s", stdout)); log.warn(String.format("stderr:%n%s", stderr)); String message = createOutputMessage(stdout, stderr); if (exitCode == 0) { log.info( String.format( "Command succeeded in %dms: %s", stopWatch.getTime(), StringUtils.join(cmd, " "))); } else { log.warn( String.format( "Command failed with code=%d in %dms: %s", exitCode, stopWatch.getTime(), StringUtils.join(cmd, " "))); log.warn(String.format("stdout:\n%s", stdout)); log.warn(String.format("stderr:\n%s", stderr)); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("message", message); return obj; }
/** * Devuelve la lista de objetos que satisfacen todas las condiciones del array pasado como * parámetro * * @param conditions Objetos de la clase QueryCondition que especifican las condiciones de los * objetos a buscar * @return Lista de objetos de la tabla que cumplen las condiciones dadas. Si ninguno de ellos las * cumple, se devuelve una lista vacía. */ protected List<T> findByConditions(QueryCondition[] conditions) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<T> resul = new LinkedList<T>(); try { con = ds.getConnection(); String[] columnNames = getColumnNames(); String columnNamesWithCommas = StringUtils.join(columnNames, ", "); String sql = "SELECT " + columnNamesWithCommas + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + StringUtils.join(getWhereConditions(conditions), " AND "); pst = con.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pst.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { resul.add(buildObject(rs)); } return resul; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pst != null) pst.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return null; }
/** * Convert to String from the result of execute(). * * @param <T> the type of result object. * @param result the result of execute(). * @return converted string. */ public static <T> String convertToString(T result) { if (result == null) return ""; else if (result instanceof Object[]) return StringUtils.join((Object[]) result, ','); else if (result instanceof Iterable) return StringUtils.join((Iterable<?>) result, ','); else if (result instanceof Iterator) return StringUtils.join((Iterator<?>) result, ','); else return result.toString(); }
/** * Return a string representing how this function is translated into SQL in the given dialect * * @param dialect * @param args * @return */ @Override public String getNative(KiWiDialect dialect, String... args) { if (dialect instanceof PostgreSQLDialect) { return String.format("(%s)", StringUtils.join(args, "||")); } else if (dialect instanceof H2Dialect || dialect instanceof MySQLDialect) { return String.format("CONCAT(%s)", StringUtils.join(args, ",")); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CONCAT not supported by " + dialect); }
public boolean update(T old, T newObjeto) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; T objetos = findById(getIdFromObject(old)); if (objetos == null) return false; try { con = ds.getConnection(); String[] columnNames = getColumnNames(); String[] keyColumnNames = getKeyColumnName(); String[] assignaments = new String[columnNames.length]; String[] keyValues = new String[keyColumnNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < assignaments.length; i++) { assignaments[i] = columnNames[i] + " = ?"; } for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i++) { keyValues[i] = keyColumnNames[i] + " = ?"; } pst = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + getTableName() + " SET " + StringUtils.join(assignaments, ", ") + " WHERE " + StringUtils.join(keyValues, " AND ")); Object[] objectFields = serializableObject(newObjeto); int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < objectFields.length; i++) { pst.setObject(j, objectFields[i]); j++; } String[] key = getValuesKeyFromObject(old); for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i++) { pst.setObject(j, key[i]); j++; } pst.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pst != null) pst.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return true; }
public int update(T object) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; int resul = 0; try { con = ds.getConnection(); String[] columnName = getColumnNames(); String[] assignments = new String[columnName.length - 1]; String[] keyColumns = getKeyColumnNames(); String[] conditions = new String[keyColumns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { assignments[i] = columnName[i + 1] + "=?"; } for (int i = 0; i < keyColumns.length; i++) { conditions[i] = keyColumns[i] + "=?"; } String sql = "UPDATE " + getTableName() + " SET " + StringUtils.join(assignments, ",") + " WHERE " + StringUtils.join(conditions, " AND "); pst = con.prepareStatement(sql); Object[] objectField = serializeObject(object); int pos = 1; for (int j = 1; j < columnName.length; j++) { pst.setObject(j, objectField[j]); pos = j; } // Condiciones del where Object[] primaryKeys = serializeKey(getKey(object)); pos++; for (int j = 0; j < primaryKeys.length; j++) { pst.setObject(pos, primaryKeys[j]); pos++; } resul = pst.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pst != null) pst.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return resul; }
@Override public String toQueryString() { System.out.println("TokenCountFromDocumentsQueryTemplate.toQueryString"); List<String> cypher = new ArrayList<String>(); String group = query.getGroup().split("_")[0]; String key = query.getGroup().replaceFirst(group + "_", ""); if (hasEmptyFilter) cypher.add( "MATCH (:Metadatum{group:'" + group + "',key:'" + key + "'})<-[r:HAS_METADATUM]-(document:Document) " + "WITH DISTINCT r.value AS " + query.getGroup() + ", document " + "RETURN " + query.getGroup() + ", SUM(document.token_count) AS hit_count;"); else { if (startNodes.size() > 0) { List<String> start = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String nodeId : startNodes.keySet()) { start.add(nodeId + "=" + startNodes.get(nodeId)); } cypher.add("START " + StringUtils.join(start.toArray(), ", ")); } cypher.add(metadataFilter); // if (group.equals("Corpus") || group.equals("Collection")) // cypher.add(" RETURN DISTINCT "+group.toLowerCase()+"."+key+" AS "+query.getGroup()+", // "+group.toLowerCase()+".token_count AS hit_count;"); // else cypher.add( "MATCH (:Metadatum{group:'" + group + "',key:'" + key + "'})<-[r:HAS_METADATUM]-(document) " + "WITH DISTINCT r.value AS " + query.getGroup() + ", document " + "RETURN " + query.getGroup() + ", SUM(document.token_count) AS hit_count;"); } return StringUtils.join(cypher.toArray(), " "); }
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { return false; } if (!(sender instanceof Player)) { sender.sendMessage("This can only be used in-game."); return true; } Player player = (Player) sender; String nick = StringUtils.join(args, " "); int standard = 0; for (char Char : nick.toCharArray()) { if (standard >= 3) { continue; } else if (Char >= 'a' && Char <= 'z') { standard++; } else if (Char >= 'A' && Char <= 'Z') { standard++; } else if (Char >= '0' && Char <= '9') { standard++; } else { standard = 0; } } if (standard < 3) { sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "Your nick must have at least 3 alphanumeric characters consecutively."); return true; } player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "Setting nick to " + CUtils_Methods.colour(StringUtils.join(args, " ")) + ChatColor.GREEN + "."); try { Connection c = FOPMR_DatabaseInterface.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE PLAYERS SET NICK = ? WHERE UUID = ?"); statement.setString(1, nick + "&r"); statement.setString(2, player.getUniqueId().toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); FOPMR_Rank.nicks.put(player.getName(), nick + "&r"); c.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreedomOpModRemastered.plugin.handleException(ex); } return true; }
/** * Get the DDL for a table. Only works with tables created with TableHelper.quickTable(..) above. */ public static String ddlForTable(VoltTable table) { assert (table.m_originalColumnInfos != null); // for each column, one line String[] colLines = new String[table.m_originalColumnInfos.length]; for (int i = 0; i < table.m_originalColumnInfos.length; i++) { VoltTable.ColumnInfo colInfo = table.m_originalColumnInfos[i]; String col = colInfo.name + " " + colInfo.type.toSQLString().toUpperCase(); if ((colInfo.type == VoltType.STRING) || (colInfo.type == VoltType.VARBINARY)) { col += String.format("(%d)", colInfo.size); } if (colInfo.defaultValue != VoltTable.ColumnInfo.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE) { col += " DEFAULT "; if (colInfo.defaultValue == null) { col += "NULL"; } else if (colInfo.type.isNumber()) { col += colInfo.defaultValue; } else { col += "'" + colInfo.defaultValue + "'"; } } if (colInfo.nullable == false) { col += " NOT NULL"; } if (colInfo.unique == true) { col += " UNIQUE"; } colLines[i] = col; } String s = "CREATE TABLE " + table.m_name + " (\n "; s += StringUtils.join(colLines, ",\n "); // pkey line int[] pkeyIndexes = table.getPkeyColumnIndexes(); if (pkeyIndexes.length > 0) { s += ",\n PRIMARY KEY ("; String[] pkeyColNames = new String[pkeyIndexes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pkeyColNames.length; i++) { pkeyColNames[i] = table.getColumnName(pkeyIndexes[i]); } s += StringUtils.join(pkeyColNames, ","); s += ")"; } s += "\n);"; return s; }
static List<Feature> computeGeneLevelExpression( Map<String, FeatureCount> featureCounts, Map<String, Feature> geneInfos, double numberOfReads) { List<Feature> geneFeatures = new LinkedList<Feature>(); HashMap<String, List<FeatureCount>> geneFeaturesMap = new HashMap<>(); // Organize exons by gene Collection<FeatureCount> exons = featureCounts.values(); for (FeatureCount fc : exons) { String geneId = fc.getFeature().getAttribute("gene_id"); if (geneFeaturesMap.containsKey(geneId)) { geneFeaturesMap.get(geneId).add(fc); } else { LinkedList<FeatureCount> fcs = new LinkedList<>(); fcs.add(fc); geneFeaturesMap.put(geneId, fcs); } } // compute total counts and total length for (Map.Entry<String, List<FeatureCount>> entry : geneFeaturesMap.entrySet()) { List<FeatureCount> fcsForGene = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(fcsForGene); Feature geneInfo = geneInfos.get(entry.getKey()); if (geneInfo == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(entry.getKey() + " has no entry in geneInfos"); } if (!geneInfo.type().equals("gene")) { throw new IllegalStateException(geneInfo + " is not a gene"); } // get total length and counts double count = 0.0; int length = 0; List<String> exonIds = new LinkedList<>(); for (FeatureCount fc : fcsForGene) { count += fc.getCount(); length += fc.getFeature().location().length(); exonIds.add(fc.getId()); } // comput rpkm double rpkm = count / length / numberOfReads * Math.pow(10, 9); HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap<>(); info.put("reads", Double.toString(count)); info.put("RPKM", Double.toString(rpkm)); info.put("length", Integer.toString(length)); info.put("exons", StringUtils.join(exonIds, ",")); Feature newGeneInfo = GTFFeatureBuilder.addAttributesToFeature(geneInfo, info); geneFeatures.add(newGeneInfo); } return geneFeatures; }
public MrrrMethodCall(String classAndArgs) { String classPartString = classAndArgs.substring(0, classAndArgs.indexOf("(")); List<String> classParts = Arrays.asList(classPartString.split("\\.")); packagePart = classParts.subList(0, classParts.size() - 1).toArray(new String[classParts.size() - 1]); methodPart = classParts.get(classParts.size() - 1); packagePartString = StringUtils.join(packagePart, "."); String replace = "<<.<!!~~ESCAPED_COMMA~~!!>.>>"; String args = classAndArgs .substring(classAndArgs.indexOf("(") + 1, classAndArgs.lastIndexOf(")")) .replace("\\,", replace); List<MrrrArgument> arguments = new ArrayList<MrrrArgument>(); for (String arg : args.split(",")) { arg = arg.replace(replace, ",").trim(); if (arg.length() > 0) { MrrrArgument mrrrArgument = new MrrrArgument(arg); arguments.add(mrrrArgument); } } this.arguments = arguments; // get return variable name if (classAndArgs.contains("->")) { returnVariable = classAndArgs.substring(classAndArgs.indexOf("->") + 2).trim(); } }
public AttributionModel(AuthorAttribution authorAttribution) { this.offerAttributionList = authorAttribution.offerAttributionList(); this.authors = (this.offerAttributionList) ? StringUtils.join(authorAttribution.getAuthorList(), ", ") : ""; }
@Override public String renderQueryFilter( QueryFilter<JsonPointer> filter, Map<String, Object> replacementTokens, Map<String, Object> params) { final int offsetParam = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get(PAGED_RESULTS_OFFSET)); final int pageSizeParam = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get(PAGE_SIZE)); String filterString = getFilterString(filter, replacementTokens); String keysClause = ""; // JsonValue-cheat to avoid an unchecked cast final List<SortKey> sortKeys = new JsonValue(params).get(SORT_KEYS).asList(SortKey.class); // Check for sort keys and build up order-by syntax if (sortKeys != null && sortKeys.size() > 0) { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); prepareSortKeyStatements(sortKeys, keys, replacementTokens); keysClause = StringUtils.join(keys, ", "); } else { keysClause = "objectid DESC"; } return "WITH results AS ( SELECT rowNo = ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY " + keysClause + " ), ${_dbSchema}.${_mainTable}.* FROM ${_dbSchema}.${_mainTable} " + filterString + ") SELECT * FROM results WHERE rowNo BETWEEN " + (offsetParam + 1) + " AND " + (offsetParam + pageSizeParam); }
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class VXQueryXMarkTest extends AbstractXQueryTest { private static String VXQUERY_XMARK_CATALOG = StringUtils.join( new String[] {"src", "test", "resources", "VXQueryXMarkCatalog.xml"}, File.separator); public VXQueryXMarkTest(TestCase tc) throws Exception { super(tc); } @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> tests() throws Exception { JUnitTestCaseFactory jtcf_vxquery = new JUnitTestCaseFactory(getOptions()); Collection<Object[]> tests = jtcf_vxquery.getList(); return tests; } public static XTestOptions getOptions() { XTestOptions options = getDefaultTestOptions(); options.catalog = VXQUERY_XMARK_CATALOG; return options; } @Override protected XTestOptions getTestOptions() { return getOptions(); } }
public static String mergeString(String... strings) { String[] ret = new String[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { ret[i] = strings[i].replace(",", "\\,"); } return StringUtils.join(ret, ","); }
protected void propagateCatalogTableProperties( Output output, CatalogStorage tableStorage, Properties props) { String prefix = "falcon_" + output.getName(); propagateCommonCatalogTableProperties(tableStorage, props, prefix); // pig and java actions require partition expression as "key1=val1, key2=val2" props.put(prefix + "_partitions_pig", "${coord:dataOutPartitions('" + output.getName() + "')}"); props.put( prefix + "_partitions_java", "${coord:dataOutPartitions('" + output.getName() + "')}"); // hive requires partition expression as "key1='val1', key2='val2'" (with quotes around values) // there is no direct EL expression in oozie List<String> partitions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String key : tableStorage.getDatedPartitionKeys()) { StringBuilder expr = new StringBuilder(); expr.append("${coord:dataOutPartitionValue('") .append(output.getName()) .append("', '") .append(key) .append("')}"); props.put(prefix + "_dated_partition_value_" + key, expr.toString()); partitions.add(key + "='" + expr + "'"); } props.put(prefix + "_partitions_hive", StringUtils.join(partitions, ",")); }
/** the pretty printer uses a stack to keep track of the current nodes. */ private class StackItem { private String id = StringUtils.join("i", PrettyPrintVisitor.sequence++); /** name will be used as label for the DOT diagram. */ private final String name; /** * if an item carries a semantic value (like the id of an idToken, etc.) the value will be * stored here. */ private final String value; public StackItem(String name, String value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; } public String getLabel() { return StringUtils.isBlank(value) ? name : StringUtils.join(name, ":", value); } public String getId() { return id; } }
/** 艦隊が出撃中で大破した場合に警告を行います */ private void postFatal(List<ShipDto> badlyDamaged) { if (badlyDamaged.size() > 0) { if (AppConfig.get().isBalloonBybadlyDamage()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(AppConstants.MESSAGE_STOP_SORTIE); sb.append("\n"); for (ShipDto shipDto : badlyDamaged) { sb.append(shipDto.getName()); sb.append("(" + shipDto.getLv() + ")"); sb.append(" : "); List<ItemInfoDto> items = shipDto.getItem(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ItemInfoDto itemDto : items) { if (itemDto != null) { names.add(itemDto.getName()); } } sb.append(StringUtils.join(names, ",")); sb.append("\n"); } ToolTip tip = new ToolTip(this.main.getShell(), SWT.BALLOON | SWT.ICON_ERROR); tip.setText("大破警告"); tip.setMessage(sb.toString()); this.main.getTrayItem().setToolTip(tip); tip.setVisible(true); } // 大破時にサウンドを再生する Sound.randomBadlySoundPlay(); } }
@Override String process(Block block, State state) { List<String> queryLines = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean queryStarted = false; for (String line : block.lines) { if (!queryStarted) { if (line.startsWith(CODE_BLOCK)) { queryStarted = true; } } else { if (line.startsWith(CODE_BLOCK)) { break; } else { queryLines.add(line); } } } String query = StringUtils.join(queryLines, CypherDoc.EOL); try (Transaction tx = state.database.beginTx()) { state.latestResult = new Result(query, state.engine.profile(query)); tx.success(); } String prettifiedQuery = state.engine.prettify(query); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(512); output .append(AsciidocHelper.createCypherSnippetFromPreformattedQuery(prettifiedQuery)) .append(CypherDoc.EOL) .append(CypherDoc.EOL); return output.toString(); }
@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ImmutableMap<String, String> linkDelete(Long[] linkIds, HttpSession session) { try { if (linkIds == null || linkIds.length == 0) { LOGGER.warn("要删除链接的ID为空!"); return ImmutableMap.of("status", "0", "message", getMessage("link.deletefailed.message")); } List<Link> links = linkService.findAll(linkIds); String realPath = session.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); List<File> deleteFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); File deleteFile; for (Link link : links) { if (link.getLinkPic() == null || "".equals(link.getLinkPic())) continue; deleteFile = new File(realPath + link.getLinkPic()); deleteFiles.add(deleteFile); } linkService.deleteInBatch(links); deleteLinkRes(deleteFiles); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("链接信息删除失败,失败原因:{}", e.getMessage()); return ImmutableMap.of("status", "0", "message", getMessage("link.deletefailed.message")); } LOGGER.info("链接信息删除成功,ID为{}", StringUtils.join(linkIds, ",")); return ImmutableMap.of("status", "1", "message", getMessage("link.deletesuccess.message")); }
private void notifyInvitationServiceThatInvitationsSentToFriends( final BigDecimal issuingPlayerId, final String[] recipientIdentifiers, final String currentGame, final String screenSource) { final boolean hasRecipients = recipientIdentifiers != null && recipientIdentifiers.length > 0; if (hasRecipients) { for (final String recipientIdentifier : recipientIdentifiers) { invitationService.invitationSent( issuingPlayerId, recipientIdentifier, InvitationSource.FACEBOOK, new DateTime(), currentGame, screenSource); } LOG.debug( "Invitations sent via Facebook (issuer id = " + issuingPlayerId + ", recipient identifiers = [" + StringUtils.join(recipientIdentifiers, ", ") + "])"); } else { LOG.warn("Invitation sent with 0 recipients (issuer id is " + issuingPlayerId + ")."); } }
private ActionForward doEndDateConfirmation( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String questionId, String yesMethodName) throws Exception { List<ErrorMessage> errors = GlobalVariables.getMessageMap() .getErrorMessagesForProperty(ProposalHierarchyKeyConstants.FIELD_CHILD_NUMBER); List<String> proposalNumbers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ErrorMessage error : errors) { if (error .getErrorKey() .equals(ProposalHierarchyKeyConstants.QUESTION_EXTEND_PROJECT_DATE_CONFIRM)) { proposalNumbers.add(error.getMessageParameters()[0]); } } String proposalNumberList = StringUtils.join(proposalNumbers, ','); StrutsConfirmation question = buildParameterizedConfirmationQuestion( mapping, form, request, response, questionId, ProposalHierarchyKeyConstants.QUESTION_EXTEND_PROJECT_DATE_CONFIRM, proposalNumberList); GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().getErrorMessages().clear(); GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().getWarningMessages().clear(); GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().getInfoMessages().clear(); return confirm(question, yesMethodName, "hierarchyActionCanceled"); }
/** * Check if is form is valid. * * @return true if form is valid, else false. */ private boolean isFormValid() { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(etTitle.getText())) { etTitle.setHintTextColor(color(android.R.color.white)); } else { etTitle.setHintTextColor(color(android.R.color.holo_red_light)); errors.add(getString(R.string.invalid_form_event)); } if (this.isDateValid()) { ViewHelper.setTextViewColor( color(android.R.color.white), btDatePickerStart, btDatePickerEnd, btTimePickerStart, btTimePickerEnd); } else { ViewHelper.setTextViewColor( color(android.R.color.holo_red_light), btDatePickerStart, btDatePickerEnd, btTimePickerStart, btTimePickerEnd); errors.add(getString(R.string.invalid_form_date)); } boolean isValid = errors.isEmpty(); if (!isValid) { Toast.makeText(this, StringUtils.join(errors, "\n"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } return isValid; }