static void shell(CTX ctx) { kwb_t wb; kwb_init((ctx.stack.cwb), wb); kline_t uline/* = FILEID_("(shell)") | 1*/; while(true) { kline_t inc = 0; kstatus_t status = readstmt(ctx, wb, inc); if(status == K_CONTINUE && kwb_bytesize(wb) > 0) { status = konoha_eval(ctx, kwb_top(wb, 1), uline); uline += inc; kwb_free(wb); if(status != K_FAILED) { dumpEval(ctx, wb); kwb_free(wb); } } if(status == K_BREAK) { break; } } kwb_free(wb); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(stdout); fw.write(stdout + "\n"); return; }
public void deployElement(Element e, String fileName, boolean encrypt, boolean isTransient) throws ISOException, IOException, GeneralSecurityException { e = ((Element) e.clone()); XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); Document doc = new Document(); doc.setRootElement(e); File qbean = new File(deployDir, fileName); if (isTransient) { e.setAttribute("instance", getInstanceId().toString()); qbean.deleteOnExit(); } FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(qbean); if (encrypt) doc = encrypt(doc); out.output(doc, writer); writer.close(); }
private long persist(File f, ObjectName name) { long deployed = f.lastModified(); try { Element e = (Element) server.getAttribute(name, "Persist"); if (e != null) { XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); Document doc = new Document(); e.detach(); doc.setRootElement(e); File tmp = new File(f.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(tmp); out.output(doc, writer); writer.close(); f.delete(); tmp.renameTo(f); deployed = f.lastModified(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("persist", ex); } return deployed; }
public static int builtinTest(String name) {//TODO How to do #ifdef, #else, #endif /* #ifdef USE_BUILTINTEST Ftest f = lookupTestFunc(KonohaTestSet, name); if(f != NULL) { konoha_t konoha = konoha_open(); int ret = f((CTX_t)konoha); konoha_close(konoha); return ret; } fprintf(stderr, "Built-in test is not found: '%s'\n", name); #else fprintf(stderr, "Built-in tests are not built; rebuild with -DUSE_BUILTINTEST\n"); #endif return 1; */ try { FileWriter stderr = new FileWriter("./stderr"); stderr.write("Built-in tests are not built; rebuild with -DUSE_BUILTINTEST" + name); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e + "Exception occured"); } return 1; }
static void show_version(CTX ctx) { int i; FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(stdout); fw.write("Konoha 2.0-alpha (Miyajima) (" + K_REVISION + "," + __DATE__ + ")\n"); fw.write("[gcc " + __VERSxION__ + "]\n"); fw.write("options:"); for(i = 0; i < MOD_MAX; i++) { if(ctx.modshare[i] != null) { fw.write(ctx.modshare[i].name); } } fw.write("\n"); fw.close(); }