private static void configureTransportFactory( ITransportFactory transportFactory, LoaderOptions opts) { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); // If the supplied factory supports the same set of options as our SSL impl, set those if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE, opts.encOptions.truststore); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, opts.encOptions.truststore_password); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.PROTOCOL)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.PROTOCOL, opts.encOptions.protocol); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.CIPHER_SUITES)) options.put( SSLTransportFactory.CIPHER_SUITES, Joiner.on(',').join(opts.encOptions.cipher_suites)); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE) && opts.encOptions.require_client_auth) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE, opts.encOptions.keystore); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD) && opts.encOptions.require_client_auth) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, opts.encOptions.keystore_password); // Now check if any of the factory's supported options are set as system properties for (String optionKey : transportFactory.supportedOptions()) if (System.getProperty(optionKey) != null) options.put(optionKey, System.getProperty(optionKey)); transportFactory.setOptions(options); }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { LoaderOptions options = LoaderOptions.parseArgs(args); try { SSTableLoader loader = new SSTableLoader(, new ExternalClient(options), options); SSTableLoader.LoaderFuture future =; if (options.noProgress) { future.get(); } else { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicator(future.getPendingFiles()); indicator.start(); System.out.println(""); while (!future.isDone()) { if (indicator.printProgress()) { // We're done with streaming System.out.println("\nWaiting for targets to rebuild indexes ..."); future.get(); assert future.isDone(); } else { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } System.exit(0); // We need that to stop non daemonized threads } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } }
public static LoaderOptions parseArgs(String cmdArgs[]) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CmdLineOptions options = getCmdLineOptions(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, cmdArgs, false); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printUsage(options); System.exit(0); } String[] args = cmd.getArgs(); if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Missing sstable directory argument"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (args.length > 1) { System.err.println("Too many arguments"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } String dirname = args[0]; File dir = new File(dirname); if (!dir.exists()) errorMsg("Unknown directory: " + dirname, options); if (!dir.isDirectory()) errorMsg(dirname + " is not a directory", options); LoaderOptions opts = new LoaderOptions(dir); opts.debug = cmd.hasOption(DEBUG_OPTION); opts.verbose = cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION); opts.noProgress = cmd.hasOption(NOPROGRESS_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.ignores.add(InetAddress.getByName(node)); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); } } return opts; } catch (ParseException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); return null; } }
public static void printUsage(Options options) { String usage = String.format("%s [options] <dir_path>", TOOL_NAME); String header = System.lineSeparator() + "Bulk load the sstables found in the directory <dir_path> to the configured cluster." + "The parent directories of <dir_path> are used as the target keyspace/table name. " + "So for instance, to load an sstable named Standard1-g-1-Data.db into Keyspace1/Standard1, " + "you will need to have the files Standard1-g-1-Data.db and Standard1-g-1-Index.db into a directory /path/to/Keyspace1/Standard1/."; String footer = System.lineSeparator() + "You can provide cassandra.yaml file with -f command line option to set up streaming throughput, client and server encryption options. " + "Only stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec, server_encryption_options and client_encryption_options are read from yaml. " + "You can override options read from cassandra.yaml with corresponding command line options."; new HelpFormatter().printHelp(usage, header, options, footer); }
public static void main(String args[]) { Config.setClientMode(true); LoaderOptions options = LoaderOptions.parseArgs(args); OutputHandler handler = new OutputHandler.SystemOutput(options.verbose, options.debug); SSTableLoader loader = new SSTableLoader(, new ExternalClient( options.hosts, options.rpcPort, options.user, options.passwd, options.transportFactory, options.storagePort, options.sslStoragePort, options.serverEncOptions), handler); DatabaseDescriptor.setStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec(options.throttle); StreamResultFuture future = null; try { if (options.noProgress) future =; else future =, new ProgressIndicator()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); if (e.getCause() != null) System.err.println(e.getCause()); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); else System.err.println("Run with --debug to get full stack trace or --help to get help."); System.exit(1); } handler.output(String.format("Streaming session ID: %s", future.planId)); try { future.get(); System.exit(0); // We need that to stop non daemonized threads } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Streaming to the following hosts failed:"); System.err.println(loader.getFailedHosts()); System.err.println(e); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } }
/** * Insert a record in the database. Any field/value pairs in the specified values HashMap will be * written into the record with the specified record key. * * @param table The name of the table * @param key The record key of the record to insert. * @param values A HashMap of field/value pairs to insert in the record * @return Zero on success, a non-zero error code on error */ public int insert(String table, String key, HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values) { if (!_table.equals(table)) { try { client.set_keyspace(table); _table = table; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; } } for (int i = 0; i < OperationRetries; i++) { if (_debug) { System.out.println("Inserting key: " + key); } try { ByteBuffer wrappedKey = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8")); ColumnOrSuperColumn column; for (Map.Entry<String, ByteIterator> entry : values.entrySet()) { column = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); Column subColumn = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(entry.getKey().getBytes("UTF-8"))); subColumn.setValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(entry.getValue().toArray())); subColumn.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); column.setColumn(subColumn); mutations.add(new Mutation().setColumn_or_supercolumn(column)); } mutationMap.put(column_family, mutations); record.put(wrappedKey, mutationMap); client.batch_mutate(record, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); mutations.clear(); mutationMap.clear(); record.clear(); return Ok; } catch (Exception e) { errorexception = e; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } errorexception.printStackTrace(); errorexception.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; }
public void handleStreamEvent(StreamEvent event) { if (event.eventType == StreamEvent.Type.STREAM_PREPARED) { SessionInfo session = ((StreamEvent.SessionPreparedEvent) event).session; sessionsByHost.put(session.peer, session); } else if (event.eventType == StreamEvent.Type.FILE_PROGRESS) { ProgressInfo progressInfo = ((StreamEvent.ProgressEvent) event).progress; // update progress Set<ProgressInfo> progresses = progressByHost.get(progressInfo.peer); if (progresses == null) { progresses = Sets.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ProgressInfo, Boolean>()); progressByHost.put(progressInfo.peer, progresses); } if (progresses.contains(progressInfo)) progresses.remove(progressInfo); progresses.add(progressInfo); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\rprogress: "); long totalProgress = 0; long totalSize = 0; for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Set<ProgressInfo>> entry : progressByHost.entrySet()) { SessionInfo session = sessionsByHost.get(entry.getKey()); long size = session.getTotalSizeToSend(); long current = 0; int completed = 0; for (ProgressInfo progress : entry.getValue()) { if (progress.currentBytes == progress.totalBytes) completed++; current += progress.currentBytes; } totalProgress += current; totalSize += size; sb.append("[").append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(" ").append(completed).append("/").append(session.getTotalFilesToSend()); sb.append(" (").append(size == 0 ? 100L : current * 100L / size).append("%)] "); } long time = System.nanoTime(); long deltaTime = Math.max(1L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time - lastTime)); lastTime = time; long deltaProgress = totalProgress - lastProgress; lastProgress = totalProgress; sb.append("[total: ") .append(totalSize == 0 ? 100L : totalProgress * 100L / totalSize) .append("% - "); sb.append(mbPerSec(deltaProgress, deltaTime)).append("MB/s"); sb.append(" (avg: ") .append(mbPerSec(totalProgress, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time - start))) .append("MB/s)]"); System.out.print(sb.toString()); } }
/** test get_count() to work correctly with 'count' settings around page size. (CASSANDRA-4833) */ @Test public void test_get_count() throws Exception { Schema.instance.clear(); // Schema are now written on disk and will be reloaded new EmbeddedCassandraService().start(); ThriftSessionManager.instance.setCurrentSocket(new InetSocketAddress(9160)); DecoratedKey key ="testkey"); for (int i = 0; i < 3050; i++) { RowMutation rm = new RowMutation("Keyspace1", key.key); rm.add( new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(String.valueOf(i))), ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, System.currentTimeMillis()); rm.apply(); } CassandraServer server = new CassandraServer(); server.set_keyspace("Keyspace1"); // same as page size int count = server.get_count( key.key, new ColumnParent("Standard1"), predicateWithCount(1024), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); assert count == 1024 : "expected 1024 but was " + count; // 1 above page size count = server.get_count( key.key, new ColumnParent("Standard1"), predicateWithCount(1025), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); assert count == 1025 : "expected 1025 but was " + count; // above number of columns count = server.get_count( key.key, new ColumnParent("Standard1"), predicateWithCount(4000), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); assert count == 3050 : "expected 3050 but was " + count; // same as number of columns count = server.get_count( key.key, new ColumnParent("Standard1"), predicateWithCount(3050), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); assert count == 3050 : "expected 3050 but was " + count; // 1 above number of columns count = server.get_count( key.key, new ColumnParent("Standard1"), predicateWithCount(3051), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); assert count == 3050 : "expected 3050 but was " + count; }
public boolean printProgress() { boolean done = true; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\rprogress: "); long totalProgress = 0; long totalSize = 0; for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Collection<PendingFile>> entry : filesByHost.entrySet()) { long progress = 0; long size = 0; int completed = 0; Collection<PendingFile> pendings = entry.getValue(); for (PendingFile f : pendings) { progress += f.progress; size += f.size; if (f.progress == f.size) completed++; } totalProgress += progress; totalSize += size; if (completed != pendings.size()) done = false; sb.append("[").append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(" ").append(completed).append("/").append(pendings.size()); sb.append(" (").append(size == 0 ? 100L : progress * 100L / size).append(")] "); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long deltaTime = time - lastTime; lastTime = time; long deltaProgress = totalProgress - lastProgress; lastProgress = totalProgress; sb.append("[total: ") .append(totalSize == 0 ? 100L : totalProgress * 100L / totalSize) .append(" - "); sb.append(mbPerSec(deltaProgress, deltaTime)).append("MB/s"); sb.append(" (avg: ").append(mbPerSec(totalProgress, time - startTime)).append("MB/s)]"); ; System.out.print(sb.toString()); return done; }
/** * Delete a record from the database. * * @param table The name of the table * @param key The record key of the record to delete. * @return Zero on success, a non-zero error code on error */ public int delete(String table, String key) { if (!_table.equals(table)) { try { client.set_keyspace(table); _table = table; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; } } for (int i = 0; i < OperationRetries; i++) { try { client.remove( ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8")), new ColumnPath(column_family), System.currentTimeMillis(), ConsistencyLevel.ONE); if (_debug) { System.out.println("Delete key: " + key); } return Ok; } catch (Exception e) { errorexception = e; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } errorexception.printStackTrace(); errorexception.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; }
public static void main(String[] args) { CassandraClient7 cli = new CassandraClient7(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("hosts", args[0]); cli.setProperties(props); try { cli.init(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } HashMap<String, ByteIterator> vals = new HashMap<String, ByteIterator>(); vals.put("age", new StringByteIterator("57")); vals.put("middlename", new StringByteIterator("bradley")); vals.put("favoritecolor", new StringByteIterator("blue")); int res = cli.insert("usertable", "BrianFrankCooper", vals); System.out.println("Result of insert: " + res); HashMap<String, ByteIterator> result = new HashMap<String, ByteIterator>(); HashSet<String> fields = new HashSet<String>(); fields.add("middlename"); fields.add("age"); fields.add("favoritecolor"); res ="usertable", "BrianFrankCooper", null, result); System.out.println("Result of read: " + res); for (String s : result.keySet()) { System.out.println("[" + s + "]=[" + result.get(s) + "]"); } res = cli.delete("usertable", "BrianFrankCooper"); System.out.println("Result of delete: " + res); }
public void start() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
private static void errorMsg(String msg, CmdLineOptions options) { System.err.println(msg); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); }
public static LoaderOptions parseArgs(String cmdArgs[]) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CmdLineOptions options = getCmdLineOptions(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, cmdArgs, false); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printUsage(options); System.exit(0); } String[] args = cmd.getArgs(); if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Missing sstable directory argument"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (args.length > 1) { System.err.println("Too many arguments"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } String dirname = args[0]; File dir = new File(dirname); if (!dir.exists()) errorMsg("Unknown directory: " + dirname, options); if (!dir.isDirectory()) errorMsg(dirname + " is not a directory", options); LoaderOptions opts = new LoaderOptions(dir); opts.debug = cmd.hasOption(DEBUG_OPTION); opts.verbose = cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION); opts.noProgress = cmd.hasOption(NOPROGRESS_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(RPC_PORT_OPTION)) opts.rpcPort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(RPC_PORT_OPTION)); if (cmd.hasOption(USER_OPTION)) opts.user = cmd.getOptionValue(USER_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(PASSWD_OPTION)) opts.passwd = cmd.getOptionValue(PASSWD_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.hosts.add(InetAddress.getByName(node.trim())); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options); } } else { System.err.println("Initial hosts must be specified (-d)"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.ignores.add(InetAddress.getByName(node.trim())); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options); } } // try to load config file first, so that values can be rewritten with other option values. // otherwise use default config. Config config; if (cmd.hasOption(CONFIG_PATH)) { File configFile = new File(cmd.getOptionValue(CONFIG_PATH)); if (!configFile.exists()) { errorMsg("Config file not found", options); } config = new YamlConfigurationLoader().loadConfig(configFile.toURI().toURL()); } else { config = new Config(); } opts.storagePort = config.storage_port; opts.sslStoragePort = config.ssl_storage_port; opts.throttle = config.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec; opts.encOptions = config.client_encryption_options; opts.serverEncOptions = config.server_encryption_options; if (cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MBITS)) { opts.throttle = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(THROTTLE_MBITS)); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE)) { opts.encOptions.truststore = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW)) { opts.encOptions.truststore_password = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE)) { opts.encOptions.keystore = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE); // if a keystore was provided, lets assume we'll need to use it opts.encOptions.require_client_auth = true; } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW)) { opts.encOptions.keystore_password = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_PROTOCOL)) { opts.encOptions.protocol = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_PROTOCOL); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_ALGORITHM)) { opts.encOptions.algorithm = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_ALGORITHM); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_STORE_TYPE)) { opts.encOptions.store_type = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_STORE_TYPE); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES)) { opts.encOptions.cipher_suites = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES).split(","); } if (cmd.hasOption(TRANSPORT_FACTORY)) { ITransportFactory transportFactory = getTransportFactory(cmd.getOptionValue(TRANSPORT_FACTORY)); configureTransportFactory(transportFactory, opts); opts.transportFactory = transportFactory; } return opts; } catch (ParseException | ConfigurationException | MalformedURLException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); return null; } }
public ProgressIndicator() { start = lastTime = System.nanoTime(); }