public static void insertPost(Post post, String type) { try { String postId = post.getId(); IdNameEntity idNameEntity = post.getFrom(); String userId = idNameEntity.getId(); String userName = idNameEntity.getName(); String commentsCount = post.getComments() == null ? "0" : post.getComments().size() + ""; String likeCount = post.getLikes() == null ? "0" : post.getLikes().size() + ""; String columnFamily = COLUMN_FAMILY_FACEBOOK_POST; String rowKey = type; String superColumn = postId + "-" + userId + "-" + userName; Clock clock = new Clock(System.nanoTime()); Column column = new Column(); String columnName = commentsCount + "-" + likeCount; column.setName(columnName.getBytes(UTF8)); String columnValue = post.getMessage(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(columnValue)) { column.setValue(columnValue.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { column.setValue("".getBytes(UTF8)); } column.setTimestamp(clock.timestamp); cassandra.insertSuperColumn(columnFamily, rowKey, superColumn, column); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("[Info: encoding invalid] - [Error: {}]", e.toString()); } }
/** Test insertion of a supercolumn using insert */ @Test public void testInsertSuper() throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException, HNotFoundException, Exception { // insert value ColumnParent columnParent = new ColumnParent("Super1"); columnParent.setSuper_column(StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_super")); Column column = new Column( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_column"), StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_value"), connectionManager.createClock()); keyspace.insert( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_key"), columnParent, column); column.setName(StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_column2")); keyspace.insert( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertSuper_key"), columnParent, column); // get value and assert ColumnPath cp2 = new ColumnPath("Super1"); cp2.setSuper_column(bytes("testInsertSuper_super")); SuperColumn sc = keyspace.getSuperColumn("testInsertSuper_key", cp2); assertNotNull(sc); assertEquals("testInsertSuper_super", string(sc.getName())); assertEquals(2, sc.getColumns().size()); assertEquals("testInsertSuper_value", string(sc.getColumns().get(0).getValue())); // remove value keyspace.remove("testInsertSuper_super", cp2); }
@PooledConnection public void setColumn( String keyspace, String column_family, String key, JSONObject json, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level, boolean index, long timestamp) throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException, TException, HttpException, IOException { List<Mutation> slice = new ArrayList<Mutation>(); for (Object field : json.keySet()) { String name = (String) field; String value = (String) json.get(name); Column c = new Column(); c.setName(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(name)); c.setValue(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(value)); c.setTimestamp(timestamp); Mutation m = new Mutation(); ColumnOrSuperColumn cc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); cc.setColumn(c); m.setColumn_or_supercolumn(cc); slice.add(m); } Map<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>> mutationMap = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>(); Map<String, List<Mutation>> cfMutations = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>(); cfMutations.put(column_family, slice); mutationMap.put(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key), cfMutations); getConnection(keyspace).batch_mutate(mutationMap, consistency_level); if (config.isIndexingEnabled() && index) indexer.index(column_family, key, json); }
public List<NotificationEntry> getNotifications(String username, String startId) { try { byte[] timeUUIDAsBytes = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; if (startId != null && startId.length() > 0) { UUID uuid = UUIDUtil.fromString(startId); final byte[] idAsBytes = UUIDUtil.toBytes(uuid); timeUUIDAsBytes = getTimeUUIDFromID(username, idAsBytes); if (timeUUIDAsBytes == null) { timeUUIDAsBytes = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } } Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(TRENDOCEAN_POOL, TRENDOCEAN_KEYSPACE); SlicePredicate columnPredicate = Selector.newColumnsPredicate(timeUUIDAsBytes, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, true, PAGE_SIZE); List<SuperColumn> columns = selector.getSuperColumnsFromRow(username, WALL_CF, columnPredicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); List<NotificationEntry> notificationList = new ArrayList<NotificationEntry>(columns.size()); for (SuperColumn superColumn : columns) { List<Column> wallEntryColumns = superColumn.getColumns(); String notificationId = null; NotificationType notificationType = null; String questionId = null; String relatedUser = null; long answerCount = -1L; long time = 0; for (Column notificationColumn : wallEntryColumns) { String notificationColumnName = toString(notificationColumn.getName()); if (notificationColumnName.equals("_id")) { notificationId = UUIDUtil.toUUID(notificationColumn.getValue()).toString(); long timeInMicroSeconds = notificationColumn.getTimestamp(); time = timeInMicroSeconds / 1000L; } else if (notificationColumnName.equals("_type")) { notificationType = NotificationType.fromId(toByte(notificationColumn)); } else if (notificationColumnName.equals("questionId")) { questionId = toString(notificationColumn); } else if (notificationColumnName.equals("relatedUser")) { relatedUser = toString(notificationColumn); } else if (notificationColumnName.equals("answerCount")) { answerCount = toLong(notificationColumn); } else { logger.warn("Invalid notification column:{}", notificationColumnName); } } NotificationEntry notificationEntry = new NotificationEntry(); notificationEntry.setId(notificationId); notificationEntry.setTime(time); notificationEntry.setNotificationType(notificationType); notificationEntry.setQuestionId(questionId); notificationList.add(notificationEntry); notificationEntry.setUsername(relatedUser); notificationEntry.setAnswerCount(answerCount); } return notificationList; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can not get time uuid", ex); throw new TrendOceanException(ex); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs() { log.debug("Getting list with all active verb"); try { List<GatewayVerb> verbs = new ArrayList<GatewayVerb>(); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); LinkedHashMap<Bytes, List<Column>> rows = selector.getColumnsFromRows( "verbs", Selector.newKeyRange("", "", 10000), // 10000 mixers limit, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (Map.Entry<Bytes, List<Column>> row : rows.entrySet()) { if (row.getValue().size() > 0) { for (Column column : row.getValue()) { GatewayVerb verb = new GatewayVerb( row.getKey().toUTF8(), Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()), Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); verbs.add(verb); } } } return verbs; } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws HectorException { CassandraClientPool pool = CassandraClientPoolFactory.INSTANCE.get(); CassandraClient client = pool.borrowClient("tush", 9160); // A load balanced version would look like this: // CassandraClient client = pool.borrowClient(new String[] {"cas1:9160", "cas2:9160", // "cas3:9160"}); try { Keyspace keyspace = client.getKeyspace("Keyspace1"); ColumnPath columnPath = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); ColumnParent columnParent = new ColumnParent("Standard1"); columnPath.setColumn(bytes("column-name")); // insert keyspace.insert( bytes("key"), columnParent, new Column(bytes("column-name"), bytes("value"), keyspace.createClock())); // read Column col = keyspace.getColumn(bytes("key"), columnPath); System.out.println("Read from cassandra: " + string(col.getValue())); // This line makes sure that even if the client had failures and recovered, a correct // releaseClient is called, on the up to date client. client = keyspace.getClient(); } finally { // return client to pool. do it in a finally block to make sure it's executed pool.releaseClient(client); } }
@Test public void testBatchMutateBatchMutation() throws HectorException { BatchMutation<String> batchMutation = new BatchMutation<String>(StringSerializer.get()); List<String> columnFamilies = Arrays.asList("Standard1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { Column col = new Column( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j), StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testBatchMutateColumn_value_" + j), connectionManager.createClock()); batchMutation.addInsertion("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, columnFamilies, col); } } keyspace.batchMutate(batchMutation); // get value for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); cp.setColumn(bytes("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j)); Column col = keyspace.getColumn("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, cp); assertNotNull(col); String value = string(col.getValue()); assertEquals("testBatchMutateColumn_value_" + j, value); } } batchMutation = new BatchMutation<String>(StringSerializer.get()); // batch_mutate delete by key for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { SlicePredicate slicePredicate = new SlicePredicate(); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { slicePredicate.addToColumn_names( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j)); } Deletion deletion = new Deletion(connectionManager.createClock()); deletion.setPredicate(slicePredicate); batchMutation.addDeletion("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, columnFamilies, deletion); } keyspace.batchMutate(batchMutation); // make sure the values are gone for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); cp.setColumn(bytes("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j)); try { keyspace.getColumn("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, cp); fail(); } catch (HNotFoundException e) { // good, we want this to throw. } } } }
/** * Insert a record in the database. Any field/value pairs in the specified values HashMap will be * written into the record with the specified record key. * * @param table The name of the table * @param key The record key of the record to insert. * @param values A HashMap of field/value pairs to insert in the record * @return Zero on success, a non-zero error code on error */ public int insert(String table, String key, HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values) { if (!_table.equals(table)) { try { client.set_keyspace(table); _table = table; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; } } for (int i = 0; i < OperationRetries; i++) { if (_debug) { System.out.println("Inserting key: " + key); } try { ByteBuffer wrappedKey = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8")); ColumnOrSuperColumn column; for (Map.Entry<String, ByteIterator> entry : values.entrySet()) { column = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); Column subColumn = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(entry.getKey().getBytes("UTF-8"))); subColumn.setValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(entry.getValue().toArray())); subColumn.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); column.setColumn(subColumn); mutations.add(new Mutation().setColumn_or_supercolumn(column)); } mutationMap.put(column_family, mutations); record.put(wrappedKey, mutationMap); client.batch_mutate(record, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); mutations.clear(); mutationMap.clear(); record.clear(); return Ok; } catch (Exception e) { errorexception = e; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } errorexception.printStackTrace(); errorexception.printStackTrace(System.out); return Error; }
@Test public void testBatchUpdateInsertAndDelOnSame() throws HectorException { ColumnPath sta1 = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); sta1.setColumn(bytes("deleteThroughInserBatch_col")); keyspace.insert( "deleteThroughInserBatch_key", sta1, StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("deleteThroughInserBatch_val")); Column found = keyspace.getColumn("deleteThroughInserBatch_key", sta1); assertNotNull(found); BatchMutation<String> batchMutation = new BatchMutation<String>(StringSerializer.get()); List<String> columnFamilies = Arrays.asList("Standard1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { Column col = new Column( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j), StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testBatchMutateColumn_value_" + j), connectionManager.createClock()); batchMutation.addInsertion("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, columnFamilies, col); } } SlicePredicate slicePredicate = new SlicePredicate(); slicePredicate.addToColumn_names( StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("deleteThroughInserBatch_col")); Deletion deletion = new Deletion(connectionManager.createClock()); deletion.setPredicate(slicePredicate); batchMutation.addDeletion("deleteThroughInserBatch_key", columnFamilies, deletion); keyspace.batchMutate(batchMutation); try { keyspace.getColumn("deleteThroughInserBatch_key", sta1); fail("Should not have found a value here"); } catch (Exception e) { } // get value for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); cp.setColumn(bytes("testBatchMutateColumn_" + j)); Column col = keyspace.getColumn("testBatchMutateColumn_" + i, cp); assertNotNull(col); String value = string(col.getValue()); assertEquals("testBatchMutateColumn_value_" + j, value); } } }
private static Mutation getMutation(String colName, String value) { Column c = new Column(); c.setName(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(colName)); c.setValue(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(value)); c.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); Mutation m = new Mutation(); m.setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn()); m.column_or_supercolumn.setColumn(c); return m; }
private RayoNode buildNode(List<Column> columns) { if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { RayoNode node = new RayoNode(); for (Column column : columns) { String name = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (name.equals("ip")) { node.setIpAddress(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } if (name.equals("weight")) { node.setWeight(Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("priority")) { node.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("consecutive-errors")) { node.setConsecutiveErrors(Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("blacklisted")) { node.setBlackListed(Boolean.valueOf(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("platforms")) { node.setPlatforms( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()), ",")))); } } return node; } return null; }
private byte[] getTimeUUIDFromID(String username, byte[] idAsBytes) { try { Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(TRENDOCEAN_POOL, TRENDOCEAN_KEYSPACE); Column column = selector.getColumnFromRow(username, ID_TO_TIMEUUID_CF, idAsBytes, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); byte[] timeUUIDAsBytes = column.getValue(); return timeUUIDAsBytes; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { return null; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can not get time uuid", ex); throw new TrendOceanException(ex); } }
@Override public Application getApplicationForAddress(String address) { log.debug("Finding application for address: [%s]", address); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); List<Column> columns = selector.getColumnsFromRow("addresses", address, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { Column column = columns.get(0); return getApplication(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } log.debug("No application found for address: [%s]", address); return null; }
/** * Purge expired entries. Expiration entries are stored in a single key (expirationKey) within a * specific ColumnFamily (set by configuration). The entries are grouped by expiration timestamp * in SuperColumns within which each entry's key is mapped to a column */ @Override protected void purgeInternal() throws CacheLoaderException { if (trace) log.trace("purgeInternal"); Cassandra.Client cassandraClient = null; try { cassandraClient = dataSource.getConnection(); // We need to get all supercolumns from the beginning of time until // now, in SLICE_SIZE chunks SlicePredicate predicate = new SlicePredicate(); predicate.setSlice_range( new SliceRange( ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(System.currentTimeMillis()), false, SLICE_SIZE)); Map<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>> mutationMap = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>(); for (boolean complete = false; !complete; ) { // Get all columns List<ColumnOrSuperColumn> slice = cassandraClient.get_slice( expirationKey, expirationColumnParent, predicate, readConsistencyLevel); complete = slice.size() < SLICE_SIZE; // Delete all keys returned by the slice for (ColumnOrSuperColumn crumb : slice) { SuperColumn scol = crumb.getSuper_column(); for (Iterator<Column> i = scol.getColumnsIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Column col =; // Remove the entry row remove0(ByteBuffer.wrap(col.getName()), mutationMap); } // Remove the expiration supercolumn addMutation( mutationMap, expirationKey, config.expirationColumnFamily, ByteBuffer.wrap(scol.getName()), null, null); } } cassandraClient.batch_mutate(mutationMap, writeConsistencyLevel); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CacheLoaderException(e); } finally { dataSource.releaseConnection(cassandraClient); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Collection<String> getCalls(String jid, String type) { try { Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); List<Column> columns = selector.getSubColumnsFromRow("jids", type, jid, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); List<String> calls = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column column : columns) { calls.add(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } return calls; } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
@Override public List<String> getFilteredApplications(String id) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Getting the list of filtered jids for id [%s]", id); List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); try { List<Column> columns = selector.getColumnsFromRow("filters", id, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (Column column : columns) { ids.add(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName())); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return ids; }
@Override public GatewayVerb getVerb(String mixerName, String id) { log.debug("Getting the verb [%s] from mixer [%s]", id, mixerName); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); try { List<Column> columns = selector.getColumnsFromRow("verbs", mixerName, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (Column column : columns) { if (Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()).equals(id)) { return new GatewayVerb(mixerName, id, Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; }
@Override public String getNodeForIpAddress(String ip) { try { log.debug("Finding node for IP address: [%s]", ip); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); Column column = selector.getColumnFromRow("ips", ip, "node", ConsistencyLevel.ONE); if (column != null) { return Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { log.debug("No node found for ip address: [%s]", ip); return null; } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); } return null; }
private GatewayCall buildCall(List<Column> columns, String id) { if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { GatewayCall call = new GatewayCall(); call.setCallId(id); for (Column column : columns) { String name = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (name.equals("node")) { call.setNodeJid(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } if (name.equals("jid")) { call.setClientJid(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } } return call; } return null; }
private GatewayMixer buildMixer(List<Column> columns, String name) { String nodeJid = null; List<String> participants = new ArrayList<String>(); if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { for (Column column : columns) { String columnName = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (columnName.equals("node")) { nodeJid = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue()); } else { participants.add(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName())); } } if (nodeJid != null) { GatewayMixer mixer = new GatewayMixer(name, nodeJid); mixer.addCalls(participants); return mixer; } } return null; }
@Override public Collection<String> getCalls() { log.debug("Getting list with all active calls"); try { Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); List<String> calls = new ArrayList<String>(); List<SuperColumn> cols = selector.getSuperColumnsFromRow("jids", "nodes", false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (SuperColumn col : cols) { List<Column> columns = col.getColumns(); for (Column column : columns) { calls.add(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); } } return calls; } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<String> getClientResources(String bareJid) { try { log.debug("Finding resources for clients with jid: [%s]", bareJid); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); List<Column> resourceColumn = selector.getColumnsFromRow("clients", bareJid, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); List<String> resources = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column column : resourceColumn) { String name = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (!name.equals("appId")) { resources.add(Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName())); } } return resources; } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs(String mixerName) { log.debug("Getting the list of active verbs for mixer [%s]", mixerName); List<GatewayVerb> ids = new ArrayList<GatewayVerb>(); Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); try { List<Column> columns = selector.getColumnsFromRow("verbs", mixerName, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (Column column : columns) { GatewayVerb verb = new GatewayVerb( mixerName, Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()), Bytes.toUTF8(column.getValue())); ids.add(verb); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return ids; }
@Test public void testInsertAndGetAndRemove() throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException, HNotFoundException, Exception { // insert value ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath("Standard1"); cp.setColumn(bytes("testInsertAndGetAndRemove")); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { keyspace.insert( "testInsertAndGetAndRemove_" + i, cp, StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("testInsertAndGetAndRemove_value_" + i)); } // get value for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Column col = keyspace.getColumn("testInsertAndGetAndRemove_" + i, cp); assertNotNull(col); String value = string(col.getValue()); assertEquals("testInsertAndGetAndRemove_value_" + i, value); } // remove value for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { keyspace.remove("testInsertAndGetAndRemove_" + i, cp); } // get already removed value for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { keyspace.getColumn("testInsertAndGetAndRemove_" + i, cp); fail("the value should already being deleted"); } catch (HNotFoundException e) { // good } } }
public static Column createCol(String name, String value) { Column result = new Column(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { result = new Column(toByteBuffer(name)); if ((name.equals(Status.colname_createdate) || name.equals(Tag.name_col_cdate) || name.equals(Status.colname_modifydate) || name.equals(Tag.name_col_mdate)) && "".equals(value)) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss"); result.setValue(toByteBuffer(sdf.format(cal.getTime()))); } else result.setValue(toByteBuffer(value)); result.setTimestamp(time); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GeneralHandling.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return result; }
public static void insertPostPopular(Post post, String type, Integer position) { try { String postId = post.getId(); IdNameEntity idNameEntity = post.getFrom(); String userId = idNameEntity.getId(); String userName = idNameEntity.getName(); String columnFamily = COLUMN_FAMILY_FACEBOOK_POST_POPULAR; String rowKey = (type + "-" + position); Clock clock = new Clock(System.nanoTime()); Column column = new Column(); String columnName = (postId + "-" + userId + "-" + userName); column.setName(columnName.getBytes(UTF8)); String columnValue = post.getMessage(); column.setValue(columnValue.getBytes(UTF8)); column.setTimestamp(clock.timestamp); cassandra.insertColumn(columnFamily, rowKey, column); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("[Info: encoding invalid] - [Error: {}]", e.toString()); } }
@Override public GatewayClient getClient(String jid) { log.debug("Finding client with jid: [%s]", jid); GatewayClient client = null; try { String bareJid = JIDUtils.getBareJid(jid); String resource = JIDUtils.getResource(jid); boolean resourceFound = false; Selector selector = Pelops.createSelector(schemaName); List<Column> columns = selector.getColumnsFromRow("clients", bareJid, false, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { for (Column column : columns) { String name = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (name.equals(resource)) { resourceFound = true; } } } if (resourceFound) { Application application = getApplication(JIDUtils.getBareJid(jid)); if (application != null) { client = new GatewayClient(); client.setJid(jid); client.setPlatform(application.getPlatform()); } } } catch (PelopsException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); } return client; }
@Override public ColumnListMutation<C> putEmptyColumn(C columnName, Integer ttl) { Column column = new Column(); column.setName(columnSerializer.toByteBuffer(columnName)); column.setValue(ThriftUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER); column.setTimestamp(timestamp); if (ttl != null) column.setTtl(ttl); else if (defaultTtl != null) column.setTtl(defaultTtl); // 2. Create a mutation and append to the mutation list. Mutation mutation = new Mutation(); mutation.setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn().setColumn(column)); mutationList.add(mutation); return this; }
private void populateApplicationData(Application application, List<Column> columns) { for (Column column : columns) { String name = Bytes.toUTF8(column.getName()); if (name.equals("appId")) { application.setAppId(Bytes.toUTF8((column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("platformId")) { application.setPlatform(Bytes.toUTF8((column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("name")) { application.setName(Bytes.toUTF8((column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("accountId")) { application.setAccountId(Bytes.toUTF8((column.getValue()))); } if (name.equals("permissions")) { application.setPermissions(Bytes.toUTF8((column.getValue()))); } } }
@Override public <V> ColumnListMutation<C> putColumn( C columnName, V value, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, Integer ttl) { // 1. Set up the column with all the data Column column = new Column(); column.setName(columnSerializer.toByteBuffer(columnName)); column.setValue(valueSerializer.toByteBuffer(value)); column.setTimestamp(timestamp); if (ttl != null) column.setTtl(ttl); else if (defaultTtl != null) column.setTtl(defaultTtl); // 2. Create a mutation and append to the mutation list. Mutation mutation = new Mutation(); mutation.setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn().setColumn(column)); mutationList.add(mutation); return this; }