// todo: for api/v1/hosts we also end up here so we need to ensure proper 400 response
  // todo: since a user shouldn't be posing to that endpoint
  private RequestStatusResponse submitHostRequests(Request request) throws SystemException {
    ScaleClusterRequest requestRequest;
    try {
      requestRequest = new ScaleClusterRequest(request.getProperties());
    } catch (InvalidTopologyTemplateException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Add Hosts Template: " + e, e);

    try {
      return topologyManager.scaleHosts(requestRequest);
    } catch (InvalidTopologyException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topology validation failed: " + e, e);
    } catch (AmbariException e) {
      // todo: handle non-system exceptions
      // todo: for now just throw SystemException
      throw new SystemException("Unable to add hosts", e);
Пример #2
   * Register information about the host (Internal API to be used for Ambari Agent)
   * @response.representation.200.doc This API is invoked by Ambari agent running on a cluster to
   *     register with the server.
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/json
   * @response.representation.406.doc Error in register message format
   * @response.representation.408.doc Request Timed out
   * @param message Register message
   * @throws InvalidStateTransitionException
   * @throws AmbariException
   * @throws Exception
  public RegistrationResponse register(Register message, @Context HttpServletRequest req)
      throws WebApplicationException, InvalidStateTransitionException {
    /* Call into the heartbeat handler */

    RegistrationResponse response = null;
    try {
      response = hh.handleRegistration(message);
      LOG.debug("Sending registration response " + response);
    } catch (AmbariException ex) {
      response = new RegistrationResponse();
      return response;
    return response;