private static String getErrorMessage(BaseRecognizer recognizer, RecognitionException e) { String[] tokenNames = recognizer.getTokenNames(); String hdr = "Line " + e.line + ":" + e.charPositionInLine; String msg = recognizer.getErrorMessage(e, tokenNames); return hdr + " " + msg; }
public void recover(BaseRecognizer br, IntStream input, RecognitionException re) { br.recover(input, re); }
private static InvalidExpressionException generateException( String exp, BaseRecognizer antlr, RecognitionException re, Location l) { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); String[] names = antlr.getTokenNames(); if (re.token != null && re.token.getType() == ExpressionParser.EOF) { errorMsg.append("unexpected end of expression"); } else if (re instanceof MismatchedTokenException) { MismatchedTokenException mte = (MismatchedTokenException) re; String txt; String expecting; // bleh same exception class has different fields set depending on // where it occurred if (antlr instanceof Lexer) { Lexer lexer = (Lexer) antlr; txt = lexer.getCharErrorDisplay(re.c); expecting = lexer.getCharErrorDisplay(mte.expecting); } else { if (mte.token.getText() != null) { txt = "'" + mte.token.getText() + "'"; } else { txt = names[mte.token.getType()]; } if (mte.expecting < names.length && mte.expecting >= 0) { expecting = ExpressionParser.FRIENDLY_NAMES[mte.expecting]; } else { expecting = null; } } if (expecting != null) { errorMsg.append("expecting ").append(expecting).append(", found ").append(txt); } else { errorMsg.append("unexpected token: ").append(txt); } } else if (re instanceof NoViableAltException) { Token token = re.token; if (token == null) { char ch = exp.charAt(re.charPositionInLine); if (re.charPositionInLine == 0 && ch == '{') { errorMsg.append("unclosed brace"); } else { errorMsg.append("unexpected token: ").append("'").append(ch).append("'"); } } else { errorMsg .append("unexpected token: ") .append(ExpressionParser.FRIENDLY_NAMES[token.getType()]); } } else { errorMsg.append(antlr.getErrorMessage(re, names)); } if (re.line > 1) { errorMsg .append(" at line ") .append(re.line) .append(", column ") .append(re.charPositionInLine + 1); } else { errorMsg.append(" at column ").append(re.charPositionInLine + 1); } errorMsg.append(" of expression: "); errorMsg.append(exp); return new InvalidExpressionException(errorMsg.toString(), l); }
public void reportError(BaseRecognizer br, RecognitionException re) { br.reportError(re); }