Пример #1
  private Point getUpperLeftCornerOfCenterMapTileInScreen(
      final int[] centerMapTileCoords, final int tileSizePx, final Point reuse) {
    if (OpenStreetMapViewConstants.DEBUGMODE)
      Log.d("RMAPS-Me", "YandexTrafficOverlay getUpperLeftCornerOfCenterMapTileInScreen is Called");
    final Point out = (reuse != null) ? reuse : new Point();

    final int viewWidth = mMapView.getWidth();
    final int viewWidth_2 = viewWidth / 2;
    final int viewHeight = mMapView.getHeight();
    final int viewHeight_2 = viewHeight / 2;

     * Calculate the Latitude/Longitude on the left-upper ScreenCoords of the center MapTile. So in the end we can
     * determine which MapTiles we additionally need next to the centerMapTile.
    final BoundingBoxE6 bb =
            centerMapTileCoords, mMapView.getZoomLevel(), mRendererInfo.PROJECTION);
    final float[] relativePositionInCenterMapTile =
            mMapView.getMapCenterLatitudeE6(), mMapView.getMapCenterLongitudeE6(), null);

    final int centerMapTileScreenLeft =
        viewWidth_2 - (int) (0.5f + (relativePositionInCenterMapTile[1] * tileSizePx));
    final int centerMapTileScreenTop =
        viewHeight_2 - (int) (0.5f + (relativePositionInCenterMapTile[0] * tileSizePx));

    out.set(centerMapTileScreenLeft, centerMapTileScreenTop);
    return out;