Пример #1
   * check whether the workerheartbeat is allowed in the assignedTasks
   * @param whb : WorkerHeartbeat
   * @param assignedTasks
   * @return boolean if true, the assignments(LS-LOCAL-ASSIGNMENTS) is match with workerheart if
   *     fasle, is not matched
  public boolean matchesAssignment(
      WorkerHeartbeat whb, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> assignedTasks) {

    boolean isMatch = true;
    LocalAssignment localAssignment = assignedTasks.get(whb.getPort());

    if (localAssignment == null) {
      isMatch = false;
    } else if (!whb.getTopologyId().equals(localAssignment.getTopologyId())) {
      // topology id not equal
          "topology id not equal whb="
              + whb.getTopologyId()
              + ",localAssignment="
              + localAssignment.getTopologyId());
      isMatch = false;
    } else if (!(whb.getTaskIds().equals(localAssignment.getTaskIds()))) {
      // task-id isn't equal
          "task-id isn't equal whb="
              + whb.getTaskIds()
              + ",localAssignment="
              + localAssignment.getTaskIds());
      isMatch = false;

    return isMatch;
Пример #2
   * get localstat approved workerId's map
   * @return Map<workerid [workerheart, state]> [workerheart, state] is also a map, key is
   *     "workheartbeat" and "state"
   * @param conf
   * @param localState
   * @param assignedTasks
   * @throws IOException
   * @pdOid 11c9bebb-d082-4c51-b323-dd3d5522a649
  public Map<String, StateHeartbeat> getLocalWorkerStats(
      Map conf, LocalState localState, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> assignedTasks)
      throws Exception {

    Map<String, StateHeartbeat> workeridHbstate = new HashMap<String, StateHeartbeat>();

    int now = TimeUtils.current_time_secs();

    /** Get Map<workerId, WorkerHeartbeat> from local_dir/worker/ids/heartbeat */
    Map<String, WorkerHeartbeat> idToHeartbeat = readWorkerHeartbeats(conf);
    for (Map.Entry<String, WorkerHeartbeat> entry : idToHeartbeat.entrySet()) {

      String workerid = entry.getKey().toString();

      WorkerHeartbeat whb = entry.getValue();

      State state = null;

      if (whb == null) {

        state = State.notStarted;

      } else if (matchesAssignment(whb, assignedTasks) == false) {

        // workerId isn't approved or
        // isn't assigned task
        state = State.disallowed;

      } else if ((now - whb.getTimeSecs())
          > JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS))) { //

        state = State.timedOut;
      } else {
        state = State.valid;

      if (state != State.valid) {
                + workerid
                + " state:"
                + state
                + " WorkerHeartbeat: "
                + whb
                + " at supervisor time-secs "
                + now);
      } else {
                + workerid
                + " state:"
                + state
                + " WorkerHeartbeat: "
                + whb
                + " at supervisor time-secs "
                + now);

      workeridHbstate.put(workerid, new StateHeartbeat(state, whb));

    return workeridHbstate;