/** * The test main * * @param args ignored */ public static void main(String[] args) { int[] copies = new int[NUM_ITEMS]; Arrays.fill(copies, COPIES_EACH); double[] weights = { 14.006873891334399, 0.9388306474803154, 26.119866173905713, 20.546411641966962, 12.456703411391896, 32.322455327605255, 38.750240535343956, 23.859794102127896, 45.011525134982286, 10.776070365757933, 46.065756634733006, 7.828572903429926, 24.743263676002634, 33.20916476805507, 16.51246534149665, 23.443925006858134, 18.57022530279454, 5.706896488446161, 23.44607697986756, 1.5545804205003566, 27.0302859936824, 21.097619402619628, 43.60173756385764, 49.44832347485482, 25.910156034801474, 27.91751206001118, 36.658173210220255, 40.881378221999206, 48.83228771437947, 35.49885544313467, 16.247757455771072, 25.53223124143824, 2.400993598957707, 12.408533226752189, 35.26405639169894, 46.35644830194322, 18.009317731328604, 47.96332151014204, 20.81843428091102, 15.819063866703608 }; double[] volumes = { 44.57809711968351, 1.988378753951514, 47.593739208727456, 36.569659867427994, 1.5845284028427165, 41.7861748607473, 24.69594875244368, 43.03123587633294, 7.248980459072457, 23.327415667901835, 36.105898702916086, 24.87957120462097, 36.910177249731724, 27.30395021307583, 37.74427091808214, 21.681239410167937, 8.318371979533667, 16.88207551035857, 34.91767868192272, 9.456202413374893, 47.184521478105424, 35.65391669513947, 7.1158444301557155, 44.53433689634305, 49.16774307587011, 13.564617532166368, 38.36035512523829, 2.3636140632733618, 38.08282614908438, 49.310535335495906, 42.75495808871727, 28.422383043559908, 31.486561856652965, 7.283678338886252, 5.795560154240054, 38.749456539160306, 37.74109110751328, 0.7802313639065139, 19.468811616414722, 17.029576884574187 }; int[] ranges = new int[NUM_ITEMS]; Arrays.fill(ranges, COPIES_EACH + 1); EvaluationFunction ef = new KnapsackEvaluationFunction(weights, volumes, KNAPSACK_VOLUME, copies); System.out.println("Trial;Fitness;RunningTime"); for (int x = 10; x <= 1000; x = x + 10) { Distribution odd = new DiscreteUniformDistribution(ranges); NeighborFunction nf = new DiscreteChangeOneNeighbor(ranges); MutationFunction mf = new DiscreteChangeOneMutation(ranges); CrossoverFunction cf = new UniformCrossOver(); Distribution df = new DiscreteDependencyTree(.1, ranges); HillClimbingProblem hcp = new GenericHillClimbingProblem(ef, odd, nf); GeneticAlgorithmProblem gap = new GenericGeneticAlgorithmProblem(ef, odd, mf, cf); ProbabilisticOptimizationProblem pop = new GenericProbabilisticOptimizationProblem(ef, odd, df); MIMIC mimic = new MIMIC(x, x / 5, pop); FixedIterationTrainer fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(mimic, 500); fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(mimic, 500); double MIMIC_start = System.nanoTime(); fit.train(); double MIMIC_end = System.nanoTime(); double MIMIC_trainingTime = MIMIC_end - MIMIC_start; MIMIC_trainingTime /= Math.pow(10, 9); /** Print out the values for each trial */ System.out.println(x + ";" + ef.value(mimic.getOptimal()) + ";" + MIMIC_trainingTime); } }
/** * The test main * * @param args ignored */ public static void main(String[] args) { int[] copies = new int[NUM_ITEMS]; Arrays.fill(copies, COPIES_EACH); double[] weights = new double[NUM_ITEMS]; double[] volumes = new double[NUM_ITEMS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; i++) { weights[i] = random.nextDouble() * MAX_WEIGHT; volumes[i] = random.nextDouble() * MAX_VOLUME; } int[] ranges = new int[NUM_ITEMS]; Arrays.fill(ranges, COPIES_EACH + 1); EvaluationFunction ef = new KnapsackEvaluationFunction(weights, volumes, KNAPSACK_VOLUME, copies); Distribution odd = new DiscreteUniformDistribution(ranges); NeighborFunction nf = new DiscreteChangeOneNeighbor(ranges); MutationFunction mf = new DiscreteChangeOneMutation(ranges); CrossoverFunction cf = new UniformCrossOver(); Distribution df = new DiscreteDependencyTree(.1, ranges); HillClimbingProblem hcp = new GenericHillClimbingProblem(ef, odd, nf); GeneticAlgorithmProblem gap = new GenericGeneticAlgorithmProblem(ef, odd, mf, cf); ProbabilisticOptimizationProblem pop = new GenericProbabilisticOptimizationProblem(ef, odd, df); for (int baseIteration : new int[] {1000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 200000}) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); RandomizedHillClimbing rhc = new RandomizedHillClimbing(hcp); FixedIterationTrainer fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(rhc, baseIteration); fit.train(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "RHC\t" + baseIteration + "\t" + (endTime - startTime) + "\t" + ef.value(rhc.getOptimal())); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SimulatedAnnealing sa = new SimulatedAnnealing(100, .95, hcp); fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(sa, baseIteration); fit.train(); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "SA\t" + baseIteration + "\t" + (endTime - startTime) + "\t" + ef.value(sa.getOptimal())); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); StandardGeneticAlgorithm ga = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(100, 75, 12, gap); fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(ga, baseIteration / 100); fit.train(); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "GA\t" + baseIteration + "\t" + (endTime - startTime) + "\t" + ef.value(ga.getOptimal())); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); MIMIC mimic = new MIMIC(100, 50, pop); fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(mimic, baseIteration / 100); fit.train(); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "MIMIC\t" + baseIteration + "\t" + (endTime - startTime) + "\t" + ef.value(mimic.getOptimal())); } }