public String expandBody(MssCFGenContext genContext) {
    final String S_ProcName = "CFAccMssCFBindVendorUnitTenantId.expandBody() ";

    if (genContext == null) {
      throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
          .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), "expandBody", 1, "genContext");

    ICFLibAnyObj genDef = genContext.getGenDef();
    if (genDef == null) {
      throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
          .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), "expandBody", 1, "genContext.getGenDef()");

    String ret;

    if (genDef instanceof ICFAccVendorUnitObj) {
      long tenantId = ((ICFAccVendorUnitObj) genDef).getRequiredTenantId();
      ret = Long.toString(tenantId);
    } else {
      throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
              getClass(), "expandBody", "genContext.getGenDef()", genDef, "ICFAccVendorUnitObj");

    return (ret);
 public CFSecurityCursor openFeeDetailCursorByFeeIdx(
     CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, long TenantId, long FeeId) {
   String sql =
           + "WHERE "
           + "fedt.tenantid = "
           + Long.toString(TenantId)
           + " "
           + "AND "
           + "fedt.feeid = "
           + Long.toString(FeeId)
           + " "
           + "ORDER BY "
           + "fedt.TenantId ASC"
           + ", "
           + "fedt.FeeDetailId ASC";
   CFAccCursor cursor = new CFAccSybaseCursor(Authorization, schema, sql);
   return (cursor);
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      // Primary Key Attributes for Constant Enum support
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrAddressId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstAddressLock");

      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFCrmAddressPKey pkey =
          ((ICFAccSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryAddress().newPKey();

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AddressId")) {
          if (attrAddressId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAddressId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrAddressId == null) || (attrAddressId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "AddressId");

      // Get current context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natAddressId;
      natAddressId = Long.parseLong(attrAddressId);

      // Lock the object
      ICFAccAddressObj locked =
          ((ICFAccAddressObj) schemaObj.getAddressTableObj().lockAddress(pkey));
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgAddressMessageFormatter.formatAddressRspnLocked(
                  "\n\t\t\t", locked.getAddressBuff())
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // FeeDetail Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrFeeDetailId = null;
      String attrFeeId = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrAmountCharged = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstFeeDetailUpdate");

      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FeeId")) {
          if (attrFeeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFeeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FeeDetailId")) {
          if (attrFeeDetailId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFeeDetailId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AmountCharged")) {
          if (attrAmountCharged != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAmountCharged = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrFeeId == null) || (attrFeeId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FeeId");
      if ((attrFeeDetailId == null) || (attrFeeDetailId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FeeDetailId");
      if (attrDescription == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Description");
      if ((attrAmountCharged == null) || (attrAmountCharged.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "AmountCharged");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");
      if ((attrCreatedAt == null) || (attrCreatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedAt");
      if ((attrCreatedBy == null) || (attrCreatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedBy");
      if ((attrUpdatedAt == null) || (attrUpdatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedAt");
      if ((attrUpdatedBy == null) || (attrUpdatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedBy");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFAccFeeDetailPKey pkey =
          ((ICFAccSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryFeeDetail().newPKey();

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);
      long natFeeDetailId;
      natFeeDetailId = Long.parseLong(attrFeeDetailId);
      // Read the instance
      ICFAccFeeDetailObj origBuff =
          ((ICFAccFeeDetailObj) schemaObj.getFeeDetailTableObj().readFeeDetail(pkey));
      if (origBuff == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getFeeDetailTableObj().readFeeDetail()");
      } else {
        // Edit the instance
        ICFAccFeeDetailEditObj editBuff = (ICFAccFeeDetailEditObj) origBuff.beginEdit();
        CFAccFeeDetailBuff dataBuff = editBuff.getFeeDetailBuff();
        // Convert string attributes to native Java types
        // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.
        long natFeeId = Long.parseLong(attrFeeId);


        String natDescription = attrDescription;


        BigDecimal natAmountCharged = new BigDecimal(attrAmountCharged);


        int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
        UUID createdBy = null;
        if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
          createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
        Calendar createdAt = null;
        if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
          createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
        UUID updatedBy = null;
        if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
          updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
        Calendar updatedAt = null;
        if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
          updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
        if (createdBy != null) {
        if (createdAt != null) {
        if (updatedBy != null) {
        if (updatedAt != null) {
        //	Attempt the update
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFAccXMsgFeeDetailMessageFormatter.formatFeeDetailRspnUpdated(
                    "\n\t\t\t", origBuff.getFeeDetailBuff())
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrClusterId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstSecGroupReadByUNameIdx");

      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ClusterId")) {
          if (attrClusterId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrClusterId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrClusterId == null) || (attrClusterId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ClusterId");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natClusterId;
      natClusterId = Long.parseLong(attrClusterId);

      String natName;
      natName = attrName;

      // Read the object
      ICFAccSecGroupObj read =
              schemaObj.getSecGroupTableObj().readSecGroupByUNameIdx(natClusterId, natName, true));
      if (read != null) {
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFAccXMsgSecGroupMessageFormatter.formatSecGroupRspnSingleOpenTag()
                + CFAccXMsgSecGroupMessageFormatter.formatSecGroupRspnDerivedRec(
                    "\n\t\t", read.getSecGroupBuff())
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFAccXMsgSecGroupMessageFormatter.formatSecGroupRspnSingleCloseTag()
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
      } else {
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnNoDataFound()
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrAccountId = null;
      String attrIdCode = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstPaymentDeleteByPymtIdCdIdx");

      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AccountId")) {
          if (attrAccountId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAccountId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("IdCode")) {
          if (attrIdCode != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrIdCode = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrAccountId == null) || (attrAccountId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "AccountId");
      if (attrIdCode == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "IdCode");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natAccountId;
      natAccountId = Long.parseLong(attrAccountId);

      String natIdCode;
      natIdCode = attrIdCode;

      // Delete the objects
          .deletePaymentByPymtIdCdIdx(natTenantId, natAccountId, natIdCode);
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgPaymentMessageFormatter.formatPaymentRspnDeleted()
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrTenantId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstPaymentDetailReadByTenantIdx");

      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      // Read the objects
      List<ICFAccPaymentDetailObj> list =
      String responseOpening =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgPaymentDetailMessageFormatter.formatPaymentDetailRspnListOpenTag();
      Iterator<ICFAccPaymentDetailObj> iter = list.iterator();
      ICFAccPaymentDetailObj cur;
      String subxml;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        cur =;
        subxml =
                "\n\t\t", cur.getPaymentDetailBuff());
      String responseClosing =
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgPaymentDetailMessageFormatter.formatPaymentDetailRspnListCloseTag()
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAccXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAccXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAccXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // AccountConfig Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrDefaultCurrencyId = null;
      String attrDefaultTimezoneId = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RspnAccountConfigLocked");

      CFAccXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFAccXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFAccSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefaultCurrencyId")) {
          if (attrDefaultCurrencyId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefaultCurrencyId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefaultTimezoneId")) {
          if (attrDefaultTimezoneId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefaultTimezoneId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrDefaultCurrencyId == null) || (attrDefaultCurrencyId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "DefaultCurrencyId");
      if ((attrDefaultTimezoneId == null) || (attrDefaultTimezoneId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "DefaultTimezoneId");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      short natDefaultCurrencyId = Short.parseShort(attrDefaultCurrencyId);

      short natDefaultTimezoneId = Short.parseShort(attrDefaultTimezoneId);

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFAccAccountConfigObj obj =
          (ICFAccAccountConfigObj) schemaObj.getAccountConfigTableObj().newInstance();
      CFAccAccountConfigBuff dataBuff = obj.getAccountConfigBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      ICFAccAccountConfigObj realized = (ICFAccAccountConfigObj) obj.realize();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),