public String update(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVO = null; WxyWjGcVO vo = new WxyWjGcVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); vo.setValueFromJson((JSONObject) list.get(0)); // 设置主键 /* * vo.setId(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 主键 */ /* vo.setId("20FC7EF9-696D-6398-15C8-A77F2C4DFC02"); */ JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) list.get(0); String ywid = obj.getString("ywid"); if (ywid != null && !"".equals(ywid)) { FileUploadOldService.updateFjztOrYwidByYwid( ywid, vo.getWxy_wj_gc_uid(), Constants.FS_FILEUPLOAD_FJLB_WXY_WJGC); } // 修改 wxyWjGcDao.update(vo); resultVO = vo.getRowJson(); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("危险源网架构过程管理{}", e.getMessage()); SystemException.handleMessageException("危险源网架构过程管理修改失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVO; }
public void setVip() { String context = new Run().ReadFile("C:\\Users\\hp\\IdeaProjects\\Pos\\user.json"); JSONArray u1 = JSONArray.fromObject(context); JSONObject vip = (JSONObject) user.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < user.size(); i++) { JSONObject user = (JSONObject) u1.get(i); if (vip.getString("user").equals(user.getString("user"))) = user.getBoolean("isvip"); } }
public JSONObject removeNode(String id) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONObject targetElement = this.elementCache.get(id); JSONObject parent = this.parentCache.get(id); JSONArray children = parent.getJSONArray("children"); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { int targetIndex = -1; int targetCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { JSONObject child = (JSONObject) children.get(i); if (child.getString("id").equals(id)) { targetIndex = i; } } if (targetIndex >= 0) { children.remove(targetIndex); this.elementCache.remove(id); this.parentCache.remove(id); } result = result.element("id", id); } else { result = result.element("error", "could not find target element"); } this.saveMappings(); return result; }
/** * Parses the raw response from Google * * @param rawResponse The raw, unparsed response from Google * @return Returns the parsed response. */ void parseResponse(String rawResponse, GoogleResponse googleResponse) { try { JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(rawResponse); int status = json.getInt("status"); if (status == 0) { JSONArray hypotheses = json.getJSONArray("hypotheses"); for (int index = 0; index < hypotheses.size(); index++) { JSONObject hypothese = (JSONObject) hypotheses.get(index); if (hypothese.containsKey(CONFIDENCE)) { googleResponse.setResponse(hypothese.getString("utterance")); googleResponse.setConfidence(hypothese.getDouble(CONFIDENCE) + ""); } else { googleResponse.getOtherPossibleResponses().add(hypothese.getString("utterance")); } } } else { Logger.getLogger(Recognizer.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "status: {0}", status); } } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.getLogger(Recognizer.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } }
private static JSONArray[] getJSONArrayCache( JSONConvert jsonConvert, HttpServletRequest req, FindListHandler handler, List jsonAwareList) { int start = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameter(req, "start", 0); int limit = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameter(req, "limit", NUM_PER_PAGE); String sessionName = getPrefixPrivate(); JSONArray jsonArray = null; if (start > 0) { jsonArray = (JSONArray) req.getSession().getAttribute(sessionName); } if (jsonArray == null) {"取数据库数据"); // //////////////// jsonArray = jsonConvert.modelCollect2JSONArray(handler.findList(), jsonAwareList); req.getSession().setAttribute(sessionName, jsonArray); } else {"命中缓存"); // //////////////// } if (start < 0) { start = 0; } JSONArray pageJSONArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = start; i <= start + limit - 1 && i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { pageJSONArray.add(jsonArray.get(i)); } return new JSONArray[] {jsonArray, pageJSONArray}; }
public DateTime getLatestTime(String walletName) { MultivaluedMapImpl queryParams = getWalletExplorerQueryParams(walletName, 0l); JSONObject latestQueryJsonObject = tryToGetQueryResponseOrThrowRuntimeException(queryParams, walletName); JSONArray subWalletTransactions = getSubWalletTransactionsFromResponse(latestQueryJsonObject); JSONObject firstSubWalletTransaction = (JSONObject) subWalletTransactions.get(0); DateTime latestTime = getTimeOfSubWalletTransaction(firstSubWalletTransaction); return latestTime; }
/** * @param jsonArray * @param foundFields * @param pathStack */ public void visit( JSONArray jsonArray, HashMap<String, CandidateField> foundFields, Stack<Object> pathStack) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { Object jsonArrayObj = jsonArray.get(i); pathStack.push(i); visitAny(jsonArrayObj, foundFields, pathStack); pathStack.pop(); } }
private void clearAllMappings(JSONObject object) { JSONArray mappings = object.getJSONArray("mappings"); mappings.clear(); if (object.has("attributes")) { JSONArray attributes = object.getJSONArray("attributes"); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { JSONObject a = (JSONObject) attributes.get(i); clearAllMappings(a); } } if (object.has("children")) { JSONArray children = object.getJSONArray("children"); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { JSONObject a = (JSONObject) children.get(i); clearAllMappings(a); } } }
@Override public List<Object> getCities(Map<String, Object> params) { String d = ClutterConstant.getProperty("cities"); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); JSONArray j = JSONArray.fromObject(d); for (int i = 0; i < j.size(); i++) { Object jo = j.get(i); list.add(jo); } return list; }
public DateTime getEarliestTime(String walletName) { long latestFromCount = getTxsCount(walletName); MultivaluedMapImpl queryParams = getWalletExplorerQueryParams(walletName, latestFromCount); JSONObject latestQueryJsonObject = tryToGetQueryResponseOrThrowRuntimeException(queryParams, walletName); JSONArray subWalletTransactions = getSubWalletTransactionsFromResponse(latestQueryJsonObject); int lastValueIndex = subWalletTransactions.size() - 1; JSONObject firstSubWalletTransaction = (JSONObject) subWalletTransactions.get(lastValueIndex); DateTime earliestTime = getTimeOfSubWalletTransaction(firstSubWalletTransaction); return earliestTime; }
public String insert(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVO = null; BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO vo = new BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); vo.setValueFromJson((JSONObject) list.get(0)); // 设置主键 // vo.setId(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 主键 vo.setCspsxkzsq_uid(DBUtil.getSequenceValue("CSPSXKZSQ_UID")); vo.setCreated_uid(user.getUserSN()); vo.setCreated_name(user.getName()); vo.setEvent_uid(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 插入; resultVO = vo.getRowJson(); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_INSERT, LogManager.RESULT_SUCCESS, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请新增成功", user, "", ""); // String jsona="{querycondition: {conditions: // [{\"value\":\""+vo.getId()+"\",\"fieldname\":\"\",\"operation\":\"=\",\"logic\":\"and\"} ]}}"; // return queryCondition(jsona, user); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("排水许可证申请{}", e.getMessage()); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_INSERT, LogManager.RESULT_FAILURE, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请新增失败", user, "", ""); SystemException.handleMessageException("排水许可证申请新增失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVO; }
int add(String number, Double balance) { if (isExist(number)) return -1; Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("carnumber", number); map.put("balance", balance); JSONArray json = JSONArray.fromObject(map); String jstr = json.get(0).toString(); String url = Values.DOMAIN + "Balance/"; String resultXML = HttpHelper.SendHttpRequest("post", url, jstr); System.out.println(resultXML); return 0; }
public int pay(String number, Double fee) { Balance b = get(number); if (b == null) return -1; Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("carnumber", number); map.put("balance", b.getBalance() - fee); JSONArray json = JSONArray.fromObject(map); String jstr = json.get(0).toString(); String url = Values.DOMAIN + "Balance/" + b.getId(); String resultXML = HttpHelper.SendHttpRequest("put", url, jstr); System.out.println(resultXML); return 0; }
public String update(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVO = null; BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO vo = new BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); vo.setValueFromJson((JSONObject) list.get(0)); // 设置主键 /* * vo.setId(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 主键 */ /* vo.setId("20FC7EF9-696D-6398-15C8-A77F2C4DFC02"); */ vo.setEvent_uid(new RandomGUID().toString()); vo.setCreated_uid(user.getUserSN()); vo.setCreated_name(user.getName()); // 修改 buSpywCspsxkzsqDao.update(vo); resultVO = vo.getRowJson(); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_UPDATE, LogManager.RESULT_SUCCESS, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请修改成功", user, "", ""); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("排水许可证申请{}", e.getMessage()); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_UPDATE, LogManager.RESULT_FAILURE, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请修改失败", user, "", ""); SystemException.handleMessageException("排水许可证申请修改失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVO; }
private void cacheElements(JSONObject object) { String id = this.generateUniqueId(); object.put("id", id); this.elementCache.put(id, object); if (object.has("attributes")) { JSONArray attributes = object.getJSONArray("attributes"); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { JSONObject a = (JSONObject) attributes.get(i); this.cacheElements(a); this.parentCache.put(a.getString("id"), object); } } if (object.has("children")) { JSONArray children = object.getJSONArray("children"); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { JSONObject a = (JSONObject) children.get(i); this.cacheElements(a); this.parentCache.put(a.getString("id"), object); } } }
@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/commit", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelMap commit(HttpServletRequest req) { ModelMap resMap = new ModelMap(); System.out.println("Order = " + req.getParameter("order")); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(req.getParameter("order")); double amount = jsonObject.getDouble("amount"); String salemanid = jsonObject.getString("salemanid"); SalemanInfo saleman = salemanService.getSalemanById(salemanid); if (saleman == null) { resMap.addAttribute("code", 1); resMap.addAttribute("desc", "编号为" + salemanid + "的业务员不存在"); return resMap; } long guid = CustomGUIDUtil.getMyGUId(); Date curTime = new Date(); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("goodlist"); int typeCount = jsonArray.size(); Order order = new Order(); order.setOrderid(guid); order.setOrdertime(curTime); order.setSalemanid(salemanid); order.setOrderstatus(0); order.setAmount(amount); order.setGoodtypecount(typeCount); order.setStat(1); order.setUpdatetime(curTime); orderService.create(order); for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) { JSONObject itemObj = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail(); orderDetail.setOrderid(guid); orderDetail.setGoodid(itemObj.getLong("goodid")); orderDetail.setCount(itemObj.getInt("count")); orderDetail.setPrice(itemObj.getDouble("price")); orderDetailService.create(orderDetail); } return null; }
public void find(String binFile, List<SourceFileResult> results) { File bin = new File(binFile); String url = null; String fileDownloaded = null; try { if (canceled) return; InputStream is2 = null; String md5; try { md5 = new String(Hex.encodeHex(Files.getDigest(bin, MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")))); String serviceUrl = SERVICE + "/rest/libraries?md5=" + md5; is2 = new URL(serviceUrl).openStream(); String str = IOUtils.toString(is2); JSONArray json = JSONArray.fromObject(str); for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) { if (canceled) return; JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) json.get(i); JSONObject source = obj.getJSONObject("source"); if (source != null && !source.isNullObject()) { JSONArray ar = source.getJSONArray("urls"); if (ar != null && !ar.isEmpty()) { String url1 = ar.getString(0); String tmpFile = new UrlDownloader().download(url1); if (tmpFile != null && isSourceCodeFor(tmpFile, bin.getAbsolutePath())) { fileDownloaded = tmpFile; url = url1; break; } } } } if (url != null && fileDownloaded != null) { String name = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); SourceFileResult object = new SourceFileResult(binFile, fileDownloaded, name, 90); Logger.debug(this.toString() + " FOUND: " + object, null); results.add(object); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is2); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public String insert(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVO = null; WxyWjGcVO vo = new WxyWjGcVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); vo.setValueFromJson((JSONObject) list.get(0)); // 设置主键 // vo.setId(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 主键 vo.setWxy_wj_gc_uid(DBUtil.getSequenceValue("WXY_WJ_GC_UID")); // 设置主键 // vo.setId(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 主键 JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) list.get(0); String ywid = obj.getString("ywid"); if (ywid != null && !"".equals(ywid)) { FileUploadOldService.updateFjztOrYwidByYwid( ywid, vo.getWxy_wj_gc_uid(), Constants.FS_FILEUPLOAD_FJLB_WXY_WJGC); } // 插入; resultVO = vo.getRowJson(); // String jsona="{querycondition: {conditions: // [{\"value\":\""+vo.getId()+"\",\"fieldname\":\"\",\"operation\":\"=\",\"logic\":\"and\"} ]}}"; // return queryCondition(jsona, user); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("危险源网架构过程管理{}", e.getMessage()); SystemException.handleMessageException("危险源网架构过程管理新增失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVO; }
public static Map<String, Object> parseXml(String xml) { try { xml = xml.replaceAll(">\\s+<", "><"); JSON json1 = (new XMLSerializer()).read(xml); Map<String, Object> map = null; if (json1.isArray()) { JSONArray jsonarray = (JSONArray) json1; map = (Map<String, Object>) jsonarray.get(0); } else { map = (Map<String, Object>) json1; } return map; } catch (Exception e) { } return null; }
public static List<BattleQueue> parse(String response) { JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(response); if (json == null || json.get("battle_queue") == null) return null; JSONArray arrays = json.getJSONArray("battle_queue"); if (arrays != null) { List<BattleQueue> battleQueues = new Vector<BattleQueue>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { JSONObject array = (JSONObject) arrays.get(i); BattleQueue battleQueue = new BattleQueue(); battleQueue.setToLevel(array.get("to_level") != null ? array.getLong("to_level") : null); battleQueue.setToX(array.get("to_x") != null ? array.getLong("to_x") : null); battleQueue.setActionOwnerTownId( array.get("action_owner_town_id") != null ? array.getLong("action_owner_town_id") : null); battleQueue.setTotalTime( array.get("total_time") != null ? array.getLong("total_time") : null); battleQueue.setArriveTime( array.get("arrive_time") != null ? DateTime.getTime(array.getLong("arrive_time")) : null); battleQueue.setToY(array.get("to_y") != null ? array.getLong("to_y") : null); battleQueue.setFromLevel( array.get("from_level") != null ? array.getLong("from_level") : null); battleQueue.setFromX(array.get("from_x") != null ? array.getLong("from_x") : null); battleQueue.setFromTownName( array.get("from_town_name") != null ? array.getString("from_town_name") : null); battleQueue.setFromY(array.get("from_y") != null ? array.getLong("from_y") : null); battleQueue.setMission( array.get("mission_type") != null ? array.getLong("mission_type") : null); battleQueue.setToTownId( array.get("to_town_id") != null ? array.getLong("to_town_id") : null); battleQueue.setBattleInfoLevel( array.get("battleInfoLevel") != null ? array.getLong("battleInfoLevel") : null); battleQueue.setToTownName( array.get("to_town_name") != null ? array.getString("to_town_name") : null); battleQueue.setId(array.get("queue_id") != null ? array.getLong("queue_id") : null); battleQueue.setFromTownId( array.get("from_town_id") != null ? array.getLong("from_town_id") : null); battleQueues.add(battleQueue); } return battleQueues; } else return null; }
public String delete(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVo = null; BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO vo = new BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) list.get(0); vo.setValueFromJson(jsonObj); vo.setEvent_uid(new RandomGUID().toString()); // 删除 根据据主键 buSpywCspsxkzsqDao.delete(BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO.class, vo.getCspsxkzsq_uid()); resultVo = vo.getRowJson(); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE, LogManager.RESULT_SUCCESS, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请删除成功", user, "", ""); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("排水许可证申请{}", e.getMessage()); LogManager.writeUserLog( vo.getEvent_uid(), ywlx, Globals.OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE, LogManager.RESULT_FAILURE, user.getName() + "排水许可证申请删除失败", user, "", ""); SystemException.handleMessageException("排水许可证申请删除失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVo; }
public void testReadArray() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.registerModule(new JsonLibModule()); JSONArray array = mapper.readValue("[null, 13, false, 1.25, \"abc\", {\"a\":13}, [ ] ]", JSONArray.class); assertEquals(7, array.size()); assertTrue(JSONUtils.isNull(array.get(0))); assertEquals(13, array.getInt(1)); assertFalse(array.getBoolean(2)); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(1.25), array.getDouble(3)); assertEquals("abc", array.getString(4)); JSONObject ob = array.getJSONObject(5); assertEquals(1, ob.size()); assertEquals(13, ob.getInt("a")); JSONArray array2 = array.getJSONArray(6); assertEquals(0, array2.size()); }
public JSONObject duplicateNode(String id) { JSONObject targetElement = this.elementCache.get(id); JSONObject parent = this.parentCache.get(id); JSONObject duplicate = duplicateJSONObject(targetElement); JSONArray children = parent.getJSONArray("children"); if (children != null) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { JSONObject child = (JSONObject) children.get(i); if (child.getString("id").equals(id)) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) { children.add(index, duplicate); duplicate = children.getJSONObject(index); } } else { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.add(duplicate); parent.put("children", array); children = parent.getJSONArray("children"); duplicate = children.getJSONObject(0); } this.cacheElements(duplicate); String duplicateId = duplicate.getString("id"); this.parentCache.put(duplicateId, parent); this.saveMappings(); return new JSONObject() .element("parent", parent.getString("id")) .element("original", id) .element("duplicate", duplicate); }
private static String[] parseYouku(String url) { String[] result = new String[2]; String id = ""; if (url.indexOf("sid/") != -1) { id = url.substring(url.indexOf("sid/") + 4, url.indexOf("/v.swf")); } else { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=id_)(.*)(?=.html)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(url); if (m.find()) { id =; } else { return null; } } net.sf.json.JSONArray arr = new net.sf.json.JSONArray(); try { URL myurl = new URL( "" + id + "/timezone/+08/version/5/source/out?password=&ran=2513&n=3"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(myurl.openStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String urls = br.readLine(); br.close(); net.sf.json.JSONObject json = net.sf.json.JSONObject.fromObject(urls); arr = json.getJSONArray("data"); if (arr.size() == 0) { return null; } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } result[0] = "" + id + "/v.swf"; result[1] = net.sf.json.JSONObject.fromObject(arr.get(0)).get("logo").toString(); return result; }
public void Json2java(String str) { try { JSONObject jar = JSONObject.fromObject(str); JSONArray array = jar.getJSONArray("books"); json_length = array.size(); System.out.println(json_length); bklist = new ArrayList<DouBan_Book>(); for (int i = 0; i < json_length; i++) { System.out.print(i + "¡¢"); System.out.println(array.get(i)); jsonobj = array.getJSONObject(i); DouBan_Book bk = new DouBan_Book(); bk.setId(jsonobj.getString("id")); bk.setTitle(jsonobj.getString("title")); bk.setIsbn10(jsonobj.getString("isbn10")); // bk.setIsbn13(jsonobj.getString("isbn13")); bk.setImagePath(jsonobj.getString("image")); bk.setUrl(jsonobj.getString("url")); bk.setAuthor(jsonobj.getString("author")); bk.setBinding(jsonobj.getString("binding")); bk.setPages(jsonobj.getString("pages")); bk.setPrice(jsonobj.getString("price")); bk.setPubdate(jsonobj.getString("pubdate")); bk.setPublisher(jsonobj.getString("publisher")); bk.setSummary(jsonobj.getString("summary")); // bklist=new ArrayList<DouBan_Book>(); bklist.add(bk); } } catch (Exception r) { r.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(bklist.size()); }
public String delete(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVo = null; WxyWjGcVO vo = new WxyWjGcVO(); try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) list.get(0); vo.setValueFromJson(jsonObj); // 删除 根据据主键 wxyWjGcDao.delete(WxyWjGcVO.class, vo.getWxy_wj_gc_uid()); resultVo = vo.getRowJson(); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("危险源网架构过程管理{}", e.getMessage()); SystemException.handleMessageException("危险源网架构过程管理删除失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVo; }
/** * 支付宝返回的数据顺序与格式确定,因此直接写成固定的 * * @param jsonArray * @return */ private AlipayBizPo getAlipayBizPoFromJsonArray(JSONArray jsonArray) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { if (Float.parseFloat(jsonArray.get(i).toString()) == 0) { return null; } } AlipayBizPo alipayBizDo = new AlipayBizPo(); alipayBizDo.setCreateSuccess(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(0).toString())); alipayBizDo.setCreateTotal(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(1).toString())); alipayBizDo.setCreateTime(Float.parseFloat(jsonArray.get(2).toString())); alipayBizDo.setPaySuccess(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(3).toString())); alipayBizDo.setPayTotal(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(4).toString())); alipayBizDo.setPayTime(Float.parseFloat(jsonArray.get(5).toString())); alipayBizDo.setSendSuccess(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(6).toString())); alipayBizDo.setSendTotal(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(7).toString())); alipayBizDo.setSendTime(Float.parseFloat(jsonArray.get(8).toString())); alipayBizDo.setConfirmSuccess(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(9).toString())); alipayBizDo.setConfirmTotal(Integer.parseInt(jsonArray.get(10).toString())); alipayBizDo.setConfirmTime(Float.parseFloat(jsonArray.get(11).toString())); return alipayBizDo; }
@Override public <T> SocialUserWeibo convertThirdToWeiboEntity(SocialUserWeibo weibo, T thirdInfo) { JSONObject jsonInfo = (JSONObject) thirdInfo; if (weibo == null) { weibo = new SocialUserWeibo(); weibo.setCreateAt(new Date()); } String weiboId = jsonInfo.getString("id"); System.out.println(" weibId " + weiboId); weibo.setWeiboId(weiboId); // 微博唯一id weibo.setCreateAt(new Date(jsonInfo.getLong("timestamp") * 1000)); weibo.setSource(jsonInfo.getString("from")); // 来源 weibo.setSourceUrl(jsonInfo.getString("fromurl")); weibo.setUserDomain(jsonInfo.getString("fromurl")); // 来源 // 微博内容 weibo.setText(jsonInfo.getString("origtext")); // System.out.println(jsonInfo.getString("text") + "&&*&&&&"); // System.out.println(jsonInfo.getString("origtext")); weibo.setUserVerified(jsonInfo.getInt("isvip")); /* System.out.println(jsonInfo.getInt("type") + "--source---" + jsonInfo.getString("origtext")); if(jsonInfo.getString("source") != null){ System.out.println("&&&& 99999----" + jsonInfo.getString("source")); }*/ // 转发数 weibo.setRepostsCount(jsonInfo.getInt("count")); // 评论数 weibo.setCommentsCount(jsonInfo.getInt("mcount")); // 微博类型 type : 微博类型,1-原创发表,2-转载,3-私信,4-回复,5-空回,6-提及,7-评论 // weibo.setWeiboType(jsonInfo.getInt("type")); // 用户粉丝说 // weibo.setWeiboUidFollower(weiboUidFollower); // 微博userid weibo.setWeiboUid(jsonInfo.getString("openid")); weibo.setUserName(jsonInfo.getString("name")); // 发表人账号 weibo.setUserScreenName(jsonInfo.getString("nick")); weibo.setUserProfileImageUrl(jsonInfo.getString("head")); // 图片 Object t = jsonInfo.get("image"); if (!judgeNull(t)) { JSONArray arrays = jsonInfo.getJSONArray("image"); for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { // 没一条的微博 Object infoObj = arrays.get(i); // System.out.println(infoObj); String thumbnailPic = infoObj.toString() + "/120"; weibo.setThumbnailPic(thumbnailPic); if (StringTool.judgeBlank(thumbnailPic)) { // 取图片的大小 String sizeStr = ImageUtil.queryURLImageSize(thumbnailPic); weibo.setThumbnailPicSize(sizeStr); } String bmiddlePic = infoObj.toString() + "/2000"; weibo.setBmiddlePic(bmiddlePic); if (StringTool.judgeBlank(bmiddlePic)) { // 取图片的大小 String sizeStr = ImageUtil.queryURLImageSize(bmiddlePic); weibo.setBmiddlePicSize(sizeStr); } String originalPic = infoObj.toString() + "/460"; weibo.setOriginalPic(originalPic); if (StringTool.judgeBlank(originalPic)) { // 取图片的大小 String sizeStr = ImageUtil.queryURLImageSize(originalPic); weibo.setOriginalPicSize(sizeStr); } } } // JSONObject source = jsonInfo.getJSONObject("source"); /* * if (source.toString().equals("null")) { * weibo.setWeiboType(DictDef.dictInt("at_me_status"));//@我的 } else { if * (jsonInfo.getString("text").indexOf("@") > -1) { * weibo.setWeiboType(DictDef.dictInt("at_me_comment")); } else { * weibo.setWeiboType(DictDef.dictInt("comment_to_me")); } * SocialUserWeibo subWeibo = * socialUserWeiboService.newSocialUserWeibo(); * subWeibo.setUserName(source.getString("name")); * subWeibo.setWeiboId(source.getString("id")); * subWeibo.setText(source.getString("text")); * subWeibo.setRetweetedId(weibo.getId()); } */ return weibo; }
public void setIntegral() { String context = new Run().ReadFile("C:\\Users\\hp\\IdeaProjects\\Pos\\integral.json"); JSONArray u = JSONArray.fromObject(context); JSONObject integral = (JSONObject) u.get(0); this.integral = integral.getInt("integral"); }
/** 材料核发调用获取MAP数据 */ public String ywlzclhf(String json) throws Exception { User user = ActionContext.getCurrentUserInThread(); String resultVO = null; BuSpLzhfVO vo = new BuSpLzhfVO(); // obj.YWLZ_UID = data.YWLZ_UID; // obj.YWCL_UID = data.YWCL_UID; // obj.PIJIAN_CODE = codeid; // obj.PIJIAN_NAME = nameid; // obj.LINGJIAN_REN =ljr; // obj.LINGJIAN_PHONE=ljrdh; try { JSONArray list = vo.doInitJson(json); JSONObject object = (JSONObject) list.get(0); String YWLZ_UID = (String) object.get("YWLZ_UID"); // 通过业务流转UID查询企业填报的数据,map类型 String id = buSpywCspsxkzsqDao.getIdByYwlzuid(YWLZ_UID); BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO mapFtl = new BuSpywCspsxkzsqVO(); if (StringUtil.isNotBlankStr(id)) { mapFtl = this.findById(id); } // // //复选框的判断 // String Wszx_gyws=mapFtl.getWszx_gyws(); // String Wsxz_shws=mapFtl.getWsxz_shws(); // String Sfclml=mapFtl.getSfclml(); // if(StringUtils.isBlank(Wszx_gyws)){ // mapFtl.put("WSZX_GYWS", ""); // } // if(StringUtils.isBlank(Wsxz_shws)){ // mapFtl.put("WSXZ_SHWS", ""); // } // if(StringUtils.isBlank(Sfclml)){ // mapFtl.put("SFCLML", ""); // } // // 组装业务流转核发数据 Map mapVo = new HashMap(); mapVo.put("YWLZ_UID", YWLZ_UID); mapVo.put("YWCL_UID", object.get("YWCL_UID")); mapVo.put("PIJIAN_CODE", object.get("PIJIAN_CODE")); mapVo.put("PIJIAN_NAME", object.get("PIJIAN_NAME")); mapVo.put("LINGJIAN_PHONE", object.get("LINGJIAN_PHONE")); mapVo.put("LINGJIAN_REN", object.get("LINGJIAN_REN")); mapVo.put("CLK_UID", object.getString("CLK_UID")); mapVo.put("FZ_DATE", object.getString("FZ_DATE")); mapVo.put("YXQ_DATE", object.getString("YXQ_DATE")); if (mapFtl != null) { buSpLzhfService.saveBuSpLzhfVO(mapFtl, mapVo); } resultVO = vo.getRowJson(); } catch (DaoException e) { logger.error("审批业务材料核发{}", e); SystemException.handleMessageException("审批业务材料核发调用失败,请联系相关人员处理"); } finally { } return resultVO; }