  public void forceSave() {
    // config.load -- Configurations are loaded on Construction.
    config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat", "Chatconfigs");

    Property prop =
            "%groupPrefix%playerPrefix<%username>%playerSuffix%groupSuffix %reset%message");
    prop.comment = "This String formats the Chat.";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nIf you want both a color and special formatcodes, the color needs to be first before the special code";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nExamples: '%red%username' '%red%bold%username'\nNot OK:'%bold%gold%underline%username' In this example you would get the username in gold and underline but without bold";
    prop.comment += "\nList of possible variables:";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nFor the username: %username The health of the player can be used with %health. The variable, you need for the message:%message ";
    prop.comment += "\nFor the players prefix and suffix use %playerPrefix and %playerSuffix";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nColors:%black,%darkblue,%darkgreen,%darkaqua,%darkred,%purple,%gold,%grey,%darkgrey,%indigo,\n       %green,%aqua,%red,%pink,%yellow,%white";
    prop.comment += "\nSpecial formatcodes: %random,%bold,%strike,%underline,%italics";
    prop.comment += "\nTo reset all formatcodes, you can use %reset";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nUse %rank to display a users rank as defined in the config below., %zone to specify there current zone";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nUse %groupPrefix and groupSuffix to display the prefix and suffix of groups as defined in the config";
    prop.value = chatFormat;

    config.get("BannedWords", "censor", true, "censor the words in the censorList").value =
        "" + Chat.censor;
    config.get("BannedWords", "censorList", new String[] {}, "List of words to be censored")
            .valueList =
        Chat.bannedWords.toArray(new String[Chat.bannedWords.size()]);

        "You may put enything here that you want displaed as part of the group prefixes, suffixes, or ranks."
            + "\n {ladderName<:>Zone} will display the data for the highest priority group that the player is in that is part of the specified ladder and specified zone."
            + "\n {...} will display the data of each group the player is in in order of priority"
            + "\n you may put contsraints with ladders or zones with {...<:>zoneName} or {ladderName<:>...}"
            + "\n you may also use the color and MCFormat codes above.");

    config.get("Chat.groups", "groupPrefix", "").value = groupPrefixFormat;
    config.get("Chat.groups", "groupSuffix", "").value = groupSuffixFormat;
    config.get("Chat.groups", "rank", "").value = groupRankFormat;

Пример #2
  public void registerConfig(Configuration config, String category) {
    String[] potionEffects = {"9:5:0"};

        "For more information, go to http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potion_effects#Parameters");
    potionEffects =
                "Format like this: 'ID:duration:amplifier'")

    for (String poisonEffect : potionEffects) {
      String[] split = poisonEffect.split(":");
          new PotionEffect(
              Integer.parseInt(split[1]) * 20,
  public void init() {
    config = new Configuration(file, true);

    config.addCustomCategoryComment("general", "General Commands configuration.");
  public void forceSave() {
    // TODO: may have problems..
    String path = CommandRules.rulesFile.getPath();
    path = path.replace(ModuleCommands.cmddir.getPath(), "");

    config.addCustomCategoryComment("general", "General Commands configuration.");
Пример #5
  private void loadPerms() {
        "Configure ForgeEssentials Permissions. Only implemented if Permissions module is enabled.");

    Property prop = config.get("Permissions", "verbose", false);
    prop.comment =
        "Specify if Verbose mode for Permissions module is enabled. If enabled, every permission registered is printed to the console. Only useful in debugging.";
    ModulePermissions.permsVerbose = prop.getBoolean(false);
Пример #6
  private void loadCore() {
    config.addCustomCategoryComment("Core", "Configure ForgeEssentials Core.");

    Property prop = config.get("Core", "versionCheck", true);
    prop.comment = "Check for newer versions of ForgeEssentials on load?";
    ForgeEssentials.verCheck = prop.getBoolean(true);

    prop = config.get("Core", "modlistLocation", "modlist.txt");
    prop.comment =
        "Specify the file where the modlist will be written to. This path is relative to the ForgeEssentials folder.";
    ForgeEssentials.modlistLocation = prop.value;
Пример #7
  public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent ev) {
    bukkitLogger = ev.getModLog();

    // ServerGUI.logger = bukkitLogger;
    if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.CLIENT) {

          .warning("Bukkit For Vanilla is currently only a server-side mod.");
    } else if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.BUKKIT) {
          .severe("The bukkit API as a forge mod on bukkit? *mind blown*");
    this.bukkitLogger.info("Initializing configuration...");
    myConfigurationFile = ev.getSuggestedConfigurationFile();

    Configuration config = new Configuration(myConfigurationFile);
    config.addCustomCategoryComment("consoleConfig", "Configuration for the server console");
    config.addCustomCategoryComment("dontTouchThis", "Things which are best left untouched");

    Property colour =
            DedicatedServer.getServer().getGuiEnabled() ? false : true);
    colour.comment = "Enable coloured ANSI console output";
    this.allowAnsi = colour.getBoolean(false);

    Property plugins = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "pluginDir", "plugins");
    plugins.comment = "The folder to look for plugins in.";
    this.pluginFolder = plugins.value;

    Property suuid = config.get("dontTouchThis", "serverUUID", this.genUUID());
    bukkitLogger.info("Set UUID to " + suuid.value);
    suuid.comment = "The UUID of the server. Don't touch this or it might break your plugins.";
    this.serverUUID = suuid.value;

    /*Property showAllLogs = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "printForgeLogToGui", false);
    showAllLogs.comment = "Print stuff that's outputted to the logs to the GUI as it happens.";
    this.showAllLogs = showAllLogs.getBoolean(false);*/

Пример #8
  private void loadCmd() {
        "Configure ForgeEssentials Commands. Only implemented if Commands module is on.");

    Property prop = config.get("Commands", "motd", "Welcome to a server running ForgeEssentials");
    prop.comment = "Specify the message that greets players when they log in to your server.";
    CommandMotd.motd = prop.value;

    prop = config.get("Commands", "RulesFile", "rules.txt");
    prop.comment =
        "Specify the file where the rules will read from and written to. This path is relative to the ForgeEssentials folder.";
    CommandRules.rulesFile = new File(ForgeEssentials.FEDIR, prop.value);

    prop = config.get("Commands", "backupName", "%world_%month-%day_%hourh%min");
    prop.comment =
        "The name config for the backup zip. You can use the following variables: %day, %month, %year, %hour, %min, %world";
    CommandBackup.backupName = prop.value;
Пример #9
  private void loadModules() {
        "Toggles Forge Essentials modules on or off. Set to true to turn on, false to turn off.");

    Property prop = config.get("Modules", "Commands_Enabled", true);
    prop.comment =
        "Disabling this will remove non-essential commands. ie: /home, /motd, /rules, etc...";
    ModuleLauncher.cmdEnabled = prop.getBoolean(true);

    prop = config.get("Modules", "WorldControl_Enabled", true);
    prop.comment =
        "Disabling this will remove Selections and selection editing commands such as //set, //copy, etc... Note that this is force disabled if WEIntegration is loaded.";
    ModuleLauncher.wcEnabled = prop.getBoolean(true);

    prop = config.get("Modules", "Permissions_Enabled", true);
    prop.comment =
        "Disabling this will remove any and all permissions integration. Other mods that use this may be affected.";
    ModuleLauncher.permsEnabled = prop.getBoolean(true);
  public void init() {
    OutputHandler.finer("Loading chatconfigs");
    config = new Configuration(file, true);

    // config.load -- Configurations are loaded on Construction.
    config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat", "Chat Configs");

    Property prop =
            "%playerPrefix%groupPrefix<%username>%groupSuffix%playerSuffix %reset%message");
    prop.comment = "This String formats the Chat.";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nIf you want both a color and special formatcodes, the color needs to be first before the special code";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nExamples: '%red%username' '%red%bold%username'\nNot OK:'%bold%gold%underline%username' In this example you would get the username in gold and underline but without bold";
    prop.comment += "\nList of possible variables:";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nFor the username: %username The health of the player can be used with %health. The variable, you need for the message:%message ";
    prop.comment += "\nFor the player prefix and sufix use %playerPrefix and %playerSuffix";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nColors:%black,%darkblue,%darkgreen,%darkaqua,%darkred,%purple,%gold,%grey,%darkgrey,%indigo,\n       %green,%aqua,%red,%pink,%yellow,%white";
    prop.comment += "\nSpecial formatcodes: %random,%bold,%strike,%underline,%italics";
    prop.comment += "\nTo reset all formatcodes, you can use %reset";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nUse %rank to display a users rank as specified, %zone to specify there current zone";
    prop.comment +=
        "\nUse %groupPrefix and %groupSuffix to display the group prefixes and suffixes as specified";
    chatFormat = prop.value;

    Chat.censor =
            .get("BannedWords", "censor", true, "censor the words in the censorList")
    Chat.bannedWords =
                    new String[] {"f**k", "ass", "bitch", "shit"},
                    "List of words to be censored")
    Chat.censorSymbol =
                "Character to replace censored words with (Use only one character in this config)")

        "You may put enything here that you want displaed as part of the group prefixes, suffixes, or ranks."
            + "\n {ladderName<:>Zone} will display the data for the highest priority group that the player is in that is part of the specified ladder and specified zone."
            + "\n {...<:>...} will display the data of each group the player is in in order of priority"
            + "\n you may put contsraints with ladders or zones with {...<:>zoneName} or {ladderName<:>...}"
            + "\n you may also use the color and MCFormat codes above.");
    groupPrefixFormat =
                "{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}")
    groupSuffixFormat =
                "{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}")
    groupRankFormat =
        config.get("Chat.groups", "rank", "[{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}]")
