@Override public void b(PacketDataSerializer packetdataserializer) throws IOException { // CraftBukkit - added throws packetdataserializer.b(a); UUID uuid = b.getId(); // Spigot start - protocol patch if (packetdataserializer.version < 20) { packetdataserializer.a( uuid == null ? "" : packetdataserializer.version >= 5 ? uuid.toString() : uuid.toString().replaceAll("-", "")); // Spigot packetdataserializer.a( b.getName().length() > 16 ? b.getName().substring(0, 16) : b.getName()); // CraftBukkit - Limit name length to 16 characters if (packetdataserializer.version >= 5) { // Spigot packetdataserializer.b(b.getProperties().size()); Iterator iterator = b.getProperties().values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Property property = (Property) iterator.next(); packetdataserializer.a(property.getName()); packetdataserializer.a(property.getValue()); packetdataserializer.a(property.getSignature()); } } } else { packetdataserializer.writeUUID(uuid); } // Spigot end packetdataserializer.writeInt(c); packetdataserializer.writeInt(d); packetdataserializer.writeInt(e); packetdataserializer.writeByte(f); packetdataserializer.writeByte(g); // Spigot start - protocol patch if (packetdataserializer.version >= 47) { packetdataserializer.writeShort(org.spigotmc.SpigotDebreakifier.getItemId(h)); } else { packetdataserializer.writeShort(h); } i.a(packetdataserializer); }
public Map<String, Object> serialize() { Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("UUID", profile.getId().toString()); return result; }
@Override public void a(PacketDataSerializer packetdataserializer) throws IOException { // CraftBukkit - added throws a = packetdataserializer.a(); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(packetdataserializer.c(36)); b = new GameProfile(uuid, packetdataserializer.c(16)); int i = packetdataserializer.a(); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { String s = packetdataserializer.c(32767); String s1 = packetdataserializer.c(32767); String s2 = packetdataserializer.c(32767); b.getProperties().put(s, new Property(s, s1, s2)); } c = packetdataserializer.readInt(); d = packetdataserializer.readInt(); e = packetdataserializer.readInt(); f = packetdataserializer.readByte(); g = packetdataserializer.readByte(); h = packetdataserializer.readShort(); j = DataWatcher.b(packetdataserializer); }
private void d() { if (this.j != null && !UtilColor.b(this.j.getName())) { if (!this.j.isComplete() || !this.j.getProperties().containsKey("textures")) { GameProfile gameprofile = MinecraftServer.getServer().getUserCache().a(this.j.getName()); if (gameprofile != null) { Property property = (Property) Iterables.getFirst(gameprofile.getProperties().get("textures"), null); if (property == null) { gameprofile = MinecraftServer.getServer().av().fillProfileProperties(gameprofile, true); } this.j = gameprofile; this.update(); } } } }
public static NpcPlayer valueOf(Player player) { MinecraftServer minecraftServer = MinecraftServer.getServer(); WorldServer worldServer = minecraftServer.getWorldServer(0); PlayerInteractManager playerInteractManager = new PlayerInteractManager(worldServer); GameProfile gameProfile = new GameProfile( UUID.randomUUID(), NpcNameGeneratorFactory.getNameGenerator().generate(player)); for (Map.Entry<String, Property> entry : ((CraftPlayer) player).getProfile().getProperties().entries()) { gameProfile.getProperties().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } NpcPlayer npcPlayer = new NpcPlayer(minecraftServer, worldServer, gameProfile, playerInteractManager); npcPlayer.identity = new NpcIdentity(player); new NpcPlayerConnection(npcPlayer); return npcPlayer; }
public String getName() { Player player = getPlayer(); if (player != null) { return player.getName(); } // This might not match lastKnownName but if not it should be more correct if (profile.getName() != null) { return profile.getName(); } NBTTagCompound data = getBukkitData(); if (data != null) { if (data.hasKey("lastKnownName")) { return data.getString("lastKnownName"); } } return null; }
public UUID getUniqueId() { return profile.getId(); }
@Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[UUID=" + profile.getId() + "]"; }
protected GameProfile a(GameProfile gameprofile) { UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + gameprofile.getName()).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); return new GameProfile(uuid, gameprofile.getName()); }